Today I had done my first ever mock entrance exam for University. It was done in the local coffee shop, and I was being overseen by Meil and Librarian guy. I did pretty well thanks to their tips and tricks, but even with all that, I still fell short of the minimum amount required to pass. It was a devastating blow, especially because I was under the impression that my time with Meil was to be cut short. The last thing I'd want right now is to come back to my unsupportive family...
"Where are we going now?" I asked.
"Now that I have a better grasp on your level of knowledge, I think our best bet would be to consult with Kiria." He explained, "You seem to be doing well in most areas of math, but your biggest issue lies in trigonometry."
"Yep!" I puffed my chest out as I smugly replied, "The only sinuses I know are the ones in my nose!"
"T-That was a joke."
"Oh." He finally realized, "Sinus, like sine, I see. Ha-ha."
"Don't give me your pity laughs. It's annoying!" I continued walking, "Well, that's one thing, but what does Green girl have to do with my studies?"
"Green girl? Ah, you mean Kiria." He realized, "She is a Trezzion, and she recently did a thesis with quite a lot of trigonometric calculations within it. I believe you will stand to benefit greatly from her lectures."
Whaaaat~? I gotta learn from that girl? But she's so timid, not to mention she's so boring to have to listen to when you rile her up. I disliked the first impression she gave me, but the more we talked the other day, the more I knew for certain that she was just a ditsy nerdy girl and nothing more. Me and her will never get along, and that's final!
"Can't you be the one to teach me?" I suggested, hugging his arm as we walked through the crowded streets, "Come on, you're surely better at explaining things than she is!"
"Nelly, did I not tell you to throw that pride away?" He gave a sidelong glance, "She may look like that, but I assure that she is way different when she leaves her student council state. In reality, she is a hard-working girl who has her quirks, much like anyone else. Just give her a chance."
"But I want you to be my tutor!" I started nagging.
"No, you must learn to socialize properly. Your mother told me you did not make many friends back home."
"Mom did!? I-I mean, what the hell is she talking about? I have plenty of friends, and we hung out all the time!" My eyes darted around the busy streets as I thought up fake-ass names on the spot, "Yeah! My best friend is this... sweet blonde haired girl, and she has a... scholar's hat on! Yeah, she wears it all the time!"
"Uh huh..." He took turns glancing at me, the blonde haired girl and a guy wearing a scholar hat, "Much like those two that we just passed?"
"Y-Yeah, though just a bit different!" I pointed out, "And her name is uhh... gimme a sec."
"Shall we skip this topic? I feel you might embarrass yourself if you go any further." He somehow figured out I was lying, "Sigh, in any case, I would not be able to tutor you today even if I wanted to, as I have some business to take care of."
Business? Oh, I get it! He did say the other day that he would resume his search for any and all proof of his heritage, so that must be what he's talking about. Judging by the path we're taking, we should be nearing the Library anyways, so the three of us might have a bit of a study date in it. Ooh, how exciting~! Well, I'd rather Green girl wasn't there, but hey, I'll take what I can get.
"Alright, here we are." Meil stopped by a building that looked to be a dormitory, "Her room is number 217, have fun."
"Have fun, my ass!" I shouted, "What the hell do you mean have fun!? Isn't this the girls' dormitory?!"
"Indeed it is." He nodded, "I have business near the Library, so until I finish everything up on my end, you will be tasked with studying up on your trigonometry. I will test you when we get back home though, so do not even think about skipping."
"Can I come with? I really wanna see the Library of a Thousand Passages!" I came up with a last ditch effort excuse.
"Nelly, I asked Kiria to take time out of her busy schedule to tutor you." He spoke with a stern tone, "Do not be rude, please. Though, since you seem to be the type to appreciate reward-based learning, how about we continue our little wager from before?"
"Oh? You mean the one I just lost?" A smug smile washed up on my face, "The one where you get to do whatever I say if I pass the mock examination?"
"Indeed. Right now you are studying for a mock exam I will give you tonight. If you pass, I will do any one thing you ask of me, whatever it may be." He said the words I most wanted to hear, "But the inverse applies also. If you fail, you will have to do another favor for me."
"Bet!" I shook his hand firmly before turning around to face the dorm, "Then, see ya! And good luck in your search!"
"Search?" He seemed confused before hastily running off, "Ah, right! I will come pick you up later, so do your best!"
Heh, he was so preoccupied with me on his mind that he totally forgot about the Library search? How cute. Well, at least I have nothing to worry about with Green girl...!
"Oh, hello!" A pair of bazongas the size of Mt Ivrys greeted me at the door, only just barely covered by a white tank top doing its damned best, "Sorry, it gets quite hot in the dorm room at this time of year, so I do hope you'll excuse my leisurely wear."
"Uh huh." I winced as I took my shoes off at the entrance, "Hold on, this place... It IS your room, right Green girl?"
"Is that really how you're gonna call me from now on?" She blushed a bit, "But... yeah. Sigh, this is my room. You see, due to me having to juggle my job as the student council vice president, as well as my studies in becoming a Dein, I seldom have time to clean my room properly, so it ends up becoming a bit untidy."
A bit untidy doesn't even begin to properly describe this absolute pigsty. Apart from the entrance, the rest of her dorm room's floor is entirely covered in her clothes, to the point where I can't even tell what color the carpets are. Her blinds are closed tightly shut, most probably so that no one from the outside can notice how messy she is. Now I'm not one to judge a girl based on her outfit, but you're in a top-notch University, lady! The least you could do is put on a decent shirt or something!
"Alright then, take out your pen and paper." She happily clapped her hands, "Meil said he'll be back in a few hours, so we have time to properly..."
"No the hell we don't." I stopped her, "I ain't studying in a place that literally looks like a crime scene. Come on, I'll help you clean."
"W-Wha!? C-Come on, I get it, so stop embarrassing me over this!" She tried stopping me, only to get thrown across the room.
"That's the point, you damned mammary maiden!" I shouted, "Neglect basic hospitality and you get shamed, that's how it fucking works! Now get your lazy ass up and help me clean! Remember, if I fail tonight's mock exam, it's gonna be YOUR fault!"
"Eep, right away!" She finally started being productive.
The room cleaning process actually didn't take all that long. I mean, the dorm room is pretty small, and we had two people cleaning it all up, so time-wise it only took a good half hour. Even still, just because it took so little time doesn't mean it was easy, in fact my fingers started cramping up at one point from all the monotonous clothes folding. Then again, the physical pain was nothing when compared to the emotional damage of seeing so many H-cup bras. Urk...
"Alright, can we start studying finally?" She sighed, wiping the sweat off her brow.
"Right, everything's riding on today's mock exam." I sat down as well, "Meil promised he'd do any one thing for me without question if I passed, after all."
"Hehe, he must really cherish you to put up with your whims, mademoiselle Nelly." She chuckled, "I wonder what you're gonna ask of him."
"Fueh!?" She jolted, "E-Excuse me, my mind still seems to be worn out from the cleaning, ha-ha... I must've misheard you, could you please repeat that?"
"You heard right. I'm gonna ask him to take my first time." I repeated, even more clearly, "As I said, I want my reward from him to be sex. No other reward will suffice."
"O-Oh, t-then you must be really fond of him too, it seems..." She nervously chuckled, looking away as her face grew more and more red by the second, "Phew, is it me or is it getting hot in here all of a sudden?"
"I know we're both girls, but don't you dare take that tank top off." I glared down at her perky pink protrusions, "My chances with him are already small, so you don't have to remind me that he knows more well-endowed women."
"Is that so? Hmm... Pff!" She giggled.
"Making fun of a little girl's chest size just to make yourself feel better, are you?" My favorability of her decreased even more.
"Eh? Ah, no, that's not it! It's just well, this whole topic came out of left field, so it caught me off guard." She explained before donning a more sentimental look, "And when it comes to me and Meil... You shouldn't worry about it."
"Hm? You're not gunning for him?" I furrowed my brows, "You saying you're too good for such a perfect being, huh?"
"Oh come on, that's not what I'm saying!" She shouted, "Sigh, look, I d-did kinda have a crush on him when we first met. Back then, we were investigating the System, and I really liked mystery novels, but I soon realized we just weren't meant to be. Besides..."
"Besides what?"
"Besides, I have my own love troubles to deal with..." She heaved a long sigh before resting her bountiful chest on the table, "I need to find a way to get Kevin to show interest in me again."
"Eh? You like that Muscle guy!?" I jumped.
"Hehe, right, you only know that version of him." She sighed, "It's a long story. He used to love me romantically since we were kids, but I accidentally broke his heart without thinking because I didn't know that at the time, so he got really depressed."
"For an idiot like you, that really doesn't surprise me."
"Mn..." She groaned, "Anyways, Kevin didn't wanna leave his room for ages, so Meil thought to cure his aching heart by replacing me with muscle training. Kevin got really hooked on it, but now that I know he likes me, I'm having a difficult time getting him to look at me."
What. A. Loser!!! Phahahaha, what kind of comedy act is this!? You rejected the guy that was crushing on you, he got depressed and turned to muscle training, and now you wanna go back on your word?! That's fucking hilarious! Serves you right, bitch! Muahahahaha!
"Heh, but still, that's super easy to solve." I leaned on the table, "Just tell him you made a mistake and wanna date. Guys aren't as dramatic as girls are, so he'll surely drop all those dumbbells and run into your arms."
"That's the thing. It WOULD be that simple, but there's another issue tied to it." She explained, "You know Lemmy, right? He seems to fancy me quite a lot, y'know? It's obvious from the way he's been acting lately that he has his eyes set on me."
"You're overreacting." I assured her, "You're just an untidy nerd whose room rotted so much it burned a hole through the building. Believe me, chances are you're way in over your head."
"How rude!" She then tossed me a pen from across the table, "Grr...! That's the end of this conversation! Let's get to studying!"
"Whatever you say, Miss Teen Romantic Comedy." I clicked the pen with a smug grin.
"Don't make that my new nickname!"