"Man, this water feels way too nice!" I laid back and enjoyed the hot springs.
"Honestly, out of all the places to find the onsen event in, this was the last place I would've thought of." Issei once again called the hot springs by a weird name.
"Onsen... That probably means hot springs in your language, right Issei?" Eleanor inquired.
"Yeah, well, not really hot springs per se, but that's basically it." He generalized, "It's another common trope from the media of my world. But well, the fun in this case has been split in half..."
He was obviously talking about the huge ice wall Aru created that separated the male and female side, quite literally "splitting the fun in half" as he put it, and it seems he still can't get over the fact that it happened. He doesn't seem to detest Aru for looking out for everyone's privacy, but judging from the thoughts coming out of his head, he isn't exactly all that pleased either, though he's mostly seething with jealousy over Cene being allowed to stay with the girls.
"Ah, I see not everyone's having fun." Aru could be heard giggling nefariously from the other side, "Then, shall I open up a peephole for the boys' viewing pleasure?"
Immediately, the girls started vocalizing their concerns and objections to the idea. "W-What?!" they shouted, "Aru, don't do that!"
"Don't listen to them, Goddess!" Issei was practically licking the icy wall with how desperate he got, "I'll convert to your religion or whatever it is you want and pray every day even! I'll lick your feet if I need to!"
"Wow, someone's being honest..." I made a disgusted grimace, "I feel this goes without saying, Issei, but Aru was just joking with you."
"Hey now. Don't be so sure, mortal." Aru corrected me as we noticed the foggy ice wall slowly growing more and more see-through, "Whilst it's true that I was joking before, I didn't quite expect him to go so far as to become a believer if I did as he asked. Besides, if all it takes is a flick of the wrist for him to go so far as to lick my feet, I don't mind indulging him for just a moment."
"O-Oi!" I started covering up the hole she was making, "Aru, quit joking, the last thing this pervert needs is an enabler!"
"Aru, stop it!" Othelia started wrestling her into submission.
"Hyah! Don't touch me there, mortal~!" Aru moaned sensually, "Fufu, there. I do believe perverts like you get off on such wording, no?"
"If you're talking about Issei, he's already passed out from over-stimulation." I explained the situation to them from our side of the wall, "Geez, his nosebleed is dirtying up the water. Thanks a lot, Aru..."
"Phah! He really enjoyed that, didn't he!" Aru cackled as the blurry figures of the girls could be seen hitting her, "Man, it's funny to toy with you mortals and your libido! You better pray red is the only color that mixes with the water over there, Edward Saint!"
"Huh? Ew, stop making things disgusting, dammit!" I realized what she was talking about shortly after, "Ugh, now I won't be able to relax over here... I'm going somewhere else, away from this perverted situation."
Finally removing my hand from where the conspicuously placed hole in the wall was located, I noticed that it had already been refrozen. That, or Aru never actually intended on opening it up in the first place, which would only make Issei's embarrassing attempts more awkward. Whatever, that just eliminates the chances of that perverted asshat catching a glimpse at my sister, and that's all I really care about!
"Ooh la la~!" Aru's voice rang out through the room, "It seems we have the entire spectrum on display here! I feel like a gourmet, what with getting this view all to myself!"
"Hold up, wait a minute." Issei immediately sprung up despite being knocked out just a second ago, "What exactly do you mean by that?"
"Well, foreigner morta, if you must know..." She spoke with a soft tone, which was followed by Othelia loudly yelping, "We've got the fair Othelia, who is as flat as me, if not even flatter somehow, but simply put, her round and plump butt more than makes up for it! The silky smooth skin that almost perfectly meshes with her pure white hair showcases just how pure she is as a maiden, but for how long will that last, I wonder? Humu..."
"Q-Quit touching me, Aru!" Othelia squirmed about, "N-No, s-stop, t-the boys will hear me... Hngh...!"
"And then of course we've got the mother, Cecily!" Aru splashed on over to the corner, "She's always serious and menacing, but when her body is laid bare, her youthfulness perfectly compliments the maturity of a new mother ripe for another child! And her mammaries, she was around the same as Othelia before she had Cene, but now look at her!"
"What the hell are you spouting in front of Cene?" Cecily said with a meek tone, "A-And I will not be having another child. Not unless it's with Lune..."
The more I hear, the more I feel like I shouldn't be allowed to hear. Aru is a girl, but this level of perversion is something only an old man could hope to accomplish, so I'm torn between feeling aroused and disgusted. Basically, my little guy is so confused right now that he's somewhere in between hard and soft. Can't say the same for Issei though, everyone knows what state he's in without it even having to be said...
"Hyahn!" Cecily moaned, "A-Aru, touch me there again and I'll...!"
"Where...?" Issei's mind got so loud that I involuntarily read it, "Where did she touch you!?"
"C-Cene, don't join in!" Her moans got even louder this time, "N-No, y-you're too old for milk...!"
Oh God... Prylos, please help me calm down, protect my little guy from rising...! I won't be able to look at myself in the mirror if I forsake Grim and Anna...!
"Haha, that was fun! Kid, you can keep going if you want, but I think it's time for the star of the show!" Aru briefly spoke to Cene before swimming on over to the far left side of the hot spring, "Our dearest Eleanor! The badonkadonk beast herself!"
Well, there goes my erection, and any semblance of me ever even getting it. Thank goodness we brought Eleanor with us, she might've just saved me. Hold on, now that I think about it, isn't it kind of weird for me to be saying this in this context?"
"Humu, you may think I'm weak like them, but you won't be able to get a reaction out of me, Aru!" Eleanor's blurry silhouette could be seen proudly showcasing her curves without a care in the world, "H-Hey, that doesn't give you... the right... to try, though!"
"Of course it does!" Aru latched onto her, sending both of them crashing down into the water, "These puppies can't have grown this big without a reason, right? You massaged them everyday during your teen years!"
"S-Stop fiddling with them!" Eleanor whined, "E-Ed, tell her off or something!"
"W-Why the hell are you suddenly bringing me into this!?" I yelled, "The hell do you want me to do, I can't just go to your side, idiot!"
"Looks like your brother wants me to continue, then!" Aru said as soft suckling sounds began to reverberate, "Yeah, you did it just like this! I would know, because I saw it all!"
"Y-You saw!? Noooo!!!" Eleanor let out a cry, "E-Edward...! Please, do something, I'm gonna...!"
"You're gonna...?!" Issei parroted her expectantly.
"Brother~!" She once again called out to me.
"Stoooooop!" I shouted with all my might, frightening everyone in the room, "Aru, if you don't stop with the pranks this FUCKING instant, I'm gonna run over there and tie you up!"
"Oh? Did I perhaps hit a nerve?" She teased from the comfort of her side of the wall, "To think my little appraisal massage special would make the overly-serious Edward Saint break his personal rule of never seeing another naked woman apart from Anna Saint's!"
"Pff, did you seriously make such a vow?" Issei stifled his laughter, only egging me on further.
"But well, I guess I did take things a smidge too far." Aru finally let up, "Apologies to everyone, I just wanted us to have some fun."
"A-Ah, no problem." Eleanor sighed, "J-Just, please keep the pranks in check from now on..."
"Yeah, I don't mind a bit of jokes between girls, but this was getting dangerous. In all sorts of ways..." Othelia agreed.
"I'm not one to get bothered by such childish antics, but you have to understand that showing all this to Cene definitely wasn't a smart idea." Cecily sounded disappointed.
"Ah, that's right, he's in there with you." Issei hollered at him, "Oi kid! How was it, witnessing Heaven on Earth?"
"..." Cene had to take a moment to think of a word that properly described it, "Awesome..."
Yeah, he's Grim's son alright. Not that there was ever any doubt, to my knowledge. Still, hope he doesn't grow up to be a pervert like Issei because of this. Then again, it'd completely be Cecily's fault for insisting on taking him with her. I have nothing to feel bad about, not to mention he got to see something nice, so I doubt he's complaining.
"Man, I gotta thank Aru somehow for all this." Issei said to me in a somewhat quieter tone, "Everyone's super relaxed because of this stunt she pulled. Genuinely thinking of converting to her religion now."
"I don't think converting for such a disgusting reason would be considered chaste in any way." I groaned, "Ah."
"What's the matter?" Issei then jolted as well, "Hey, I think something hit me under the water just now."
"Wait, that wasn't you?" I got scared all of a sudden, "Then what is it...?"
Gulping, we both decided to ready ourselves as we fanned all the steam obscuring our vision. Just then, right between the two of us laid a man face down as he tried to discreetly get past us without being noticed. He, however, failed in his endeavors to not alert us, since we both screamed like little girls once we saw him.
"What's wrong?!" The girls called out to us.
"Some tall buff guy's in the pool with us!" I shouted back.
"I-Is it just me, or is his skin golden!?" Issei noticed his shiny complexion.
"Wait, golden skin!?" Aru snapped her fingers the moment she heard this, melting a giant gaping hole in the wall for her to run to our side, without any regard for the girls whose bodies were now on full display to us.
"H-Hey! W-We can see...!" I covered my Eyes as I slipped on the golden guy still submerged behind me, "Wah!"
"Oh dear, it seems I've been spotted." The guy slowly rose out of the water, towering over us two feeble men as Aru hastily ran over to us.
"You!" She pointed to him, not even bothering to cover her dangerous areas at all.
"...You." The golden guy looked annoyed as he clicked his tongue, "Allucius, I should have known you were here..."
"Hey, Aru! What the hell are you doing!?" Cecily ran over to us as well, though she made sure to cover herself up with a towel, "Who is this guy? And why does he know your name?"
"Hm?" He finally noticed the rest of us staring up at him, "Mortals? Ah, I see. Apologies for seeing this unsightly figure of mine before even getting a name."
Unsightly? This guy's literally the definition of perfection, what with his 2,5 meter tall frame with shoulders as wide as Aru is tall! This is of course without me even mentioning his BODY MADE OUT OF GOLD. Fuck, if he's unsightly, then I'm a mistake, and I'm almost 2 meters tall myself...
"Right, it's introductions you want." He nodded as his deep voice echoed loudly throughout the room, "Fear not, for I am no enemy. I have gone by many names throughout the ages, with some folks calling me the God of Meditation and Mediation."
"Huh? Meditation God!?" I stumbled, "S-So you're...!?"
"I am the God that currently governs over the Heavens with the God of Knowledge." He solemnly announced, "I am Prylos. It is a pleasure to meet you all."