"So, in the end, what's our plan?" I asked as I felt the conversation come to a close.
"Well, we know for a fact that this Animal Madness is slowly creeping its way from the dock, so it's still around the very south of Cardina." Elaine nodded, "Not only that, but they're only targeting tourist towns, so that narrows our search down by quite a bit."
"Then it's simple, isn't it?" Anna proposed, "Just send out a ton of your troops to each major tourist town. That way we'd be all good, no?"
"Ehhh..." Adam disliked the idea, "Sending out a bunch of my men, who are all armed to the teeth mind you, would scare both the locals and the visitors. It'd cause massive panic within the people. Simply put, I'd rather we solve the situation as stealthily as possible."
Right, that'd make sense. If your king suddenly sent out a bunch of armed soldiers all across the continent, well, it'd be a double bad idea. That's because not only would he leave himself and his continent way too defenseless, but his people would probably turn on him if they heard he was scared of a couple of animals acting up. I heard somewhere that nobles constantly have to deal with people trying to steal their spot on the throne and such, so I'm sure something like that would happen if word of this got out.
"So then, we're like your special forces?" Issei half-joked, "Hehe, not a bad deal, I'd say! Wealth, fame, riches - All that and more awaits us if we just get this done!"
"Issei, that's not it!" Othelia still told him off, "We're here to help because it's the right thing to do."
"No, no, I don't mind paying if he has a good way to stop this discreetly." Adam explained, "That is of course IF he has a good idea."
"Of course I do, what do you take me for?" Issei sounded offended, "We're gonna go to the dock and ask the locals, gradually following the path the animal attacks took place and in that order. That way we could get into the minds of the animals and make a more educated guess on where the next attack will take place."
"..." We all stared in awe at his surprisingly good idea.
"What? It's basic Scooby-Doo etiquette." He shrugged, "Y'know, like, let's split up and look for clues or, Othelia and I'll search the bedrooms while you guys check the attic. That type of stuff."
"So is this Scooby-Doo some sort of mystery novel?" Cecily at least wanted to hear him out, "You talked before a lot about the books you read in your youth, so I imagine this is something similar to that."
"Well, maybe someone adapted it into a book or something like that, but probably not." Issei still smiled, "At least you understand what I'm saying. Lune really knows how to pick his women."
"Issei!" Othelia smacked him once he said something a tad offensive to the cheated on widow Cecily.
"W-Well, I can tell from the way you said that that you didn't mean anything bad by that..." Cecily kind of awkwardly replied.
"Ah! I meant more like, both you and Marina are really great people! I didn't mean to hurt you by bringing her up or anything! Sorry!"
Geez, that was a poor choice of words. But hey, his idea for the animal problem still stands. If we retrace the animals' steps, starting from the root of the issue, we might get a lead on the next target area. This especially holds true because I can talk to the animals, so if we just found and captured one of the assailants, we could possibly force them into talking. After that, we should be well on our way to solve the case!
"Alright, I'll go book us a transport wagon to Meridia. You guys get ready." Adam got up as he gestured for his family to do the same, "If possible, I'd like for us to depart as soon as possible, so how does tomorrow sound like?"
"Damn, and we just got done with this journey..." I sighed with a tired chuckle, "Well, king's orders, so we really can't say anything about that. But just one more question before you go."
"Yes?" Adam turned around as he opened the front door to leave.
"Who's going?" I inquired, "If we're to be discreet whilst also keeping our travel and lodging expenses to a minimum, I'd like for us to decide this ahead of time. I'd say like four or five people, tops."
"Ooh, ooh! Can I go!?" Allen immediately raised his hand high up, expectantly waving them in front of his father.
"What kind of a father would send his son out to such a dangerous mission?" Adam winced, "Not a chance. Though I'll get you a souvenir if you want."
"Aww...! I don't want that!" Allen stomped off.
"So you're going, then?" Cecily raised an eyebrow, "You're buff, but how do I say this... Are the muscles just hyperinflated or do they have some strength to them?"
"I see you're still skeptical. Wanna touch them and see for yourself?" He gave her a kingly stare as he flexed his bicep, only for his wife to slap him back into reason territory.
"Don't go offering your body to just anyone, idiot!" She yelled, "Sigh, well, if it means anything, I can vouch for his battle ability. If he was all talk, then he wouldn't be the king of Cardina for as long as he has been."
"Fair point." We looked on at this seemingly formidable king as he tearfully rubbed the spot on the back of his head that got struck.
"Issei and I are a must, as well." I immediately locked us in ahead of everyone else, "Since we both know Animal Tongue, it wouldn't be too farfetched to say we're essential to this plan working."
"I don't mind. I was planning on staying back with Cene and the others anyways." Cecily replied after noticing me staring at her with guilty Eyes, "You two go ahead, but who else wants to go?"
As she turned to everyone else, she was met with naive whistles and abject disinterest from our housemates. That is, until she got to the Purple haired little girl desperately raising her hand high up to show she wants to go. Well, we all kind of expected her to go anyways, especially since she's a Goddess.
"Then it's the five of us, surely!" She proudly puffed out her chest as she put both hands on her hips, "Rejoice, mortals, for you are once again in the presence of the Goddess and her favor!"
"Actually... Can I sit this one out?" Othelia meekly looked to Issei, "Sorry, I know it's selfish and lazy of me, but we just came back from scaling Mount Ivrys, so immediately going on the next big adventure is kind of, well..."
"Oh, of course." Issei looked a bit surprised, but he was more than understanding, "You've got nothing to feel bad about, it was a difficult trek. Just make sure to rest up and wait for me to come back then, okay? Once we're done with this, we can go to Abyssus Solis and finish everything off easy-peasy!"
"Haha, yeah..." She gave a weak smile.
What's witht that face that's screaming dread? Since we were grouped up together on the mountain, I've come to notice her every facial expression quite well. She... doesn't want their journey to end, does she? It'd be obvious, especially once you take into account that she loves him dearly. If Issei truly does succeed in his plan, he'll leave this place and go back home. It's a success objectively speaking, but subjectively, it's a rather bittersweet note to end off on, and she knows this as well. Reading her mind only confirms my hypothesis, except I also learned why she doesn't want to join us as well.
"Being with him like this, constantly so close, yet just out of reach... It's way too difficult." The cursive scripture popped out of her head, "I can't take it anymore, my heart can't take it. Just one more World Wonder, and it'll all be over... Gods, please. I know it's horrible of me to ask for this, but please don't let him go back..."
And with that, it's settled! We'll be departing for Meridia first thing in the morning! The crew is as such - Issei, Adam, Aru and me. Quite a smaller group than last time, but that may actually help us move around quicker, plus it's cheaper this way. Last time, we were kind of treating mostly untouched land, so we didn't have to deal with a lot of border police and all of the antics they bring with them, but this time is different. Worst case scenario, we might have to travel all across the continent, and if that happens, this trip might take way longer than we expected. Let's just hope it doesn't come to that.
"No." Dad said plainly after he pulled me aside to the other room.
"Huh?" I got a bit pissed when he forbade me from going, "What the fuck do you mean "No"?"
"Watch your language, boy. And to answer your question, it's a "No" because you just came back. It's rude for the man of the house to be absent for so long."
"The man of the house is Grim." I resolutely replied, "Besides, you saying you're that incompetent at watching the house for another week or so?"
"You trying to get on my bad side, son?" He raised his tone, "Dammit, why can't you just understand what I'm telling you? Traditionally, the man of the house..."
"Traditionally you can suck my dick!" I snapped, "You gonna make me disobey the fucking king's orders because of your stupid-ass traditions?! Well news flash, asshole, I'm a full grown adul-!"
Smack! A stinging sensation that dissipated as the heat from the strength of the slap kicked in had left a rather nasty mark on my cheek. Hell, his damned slap even made me bite my tongue, so I actually started bleeding. Fuck, this asshole...!
"Son, please." He then hugged me out of desperation, "Please, I'm begging you, your mother's worried sick! You've been evading us your whole life, but please, just this once, PLEASE just stay with us!"
"Dad?" I was left shocked and confused by this, "What the fuck...?"
"Hold on..." I shoved him away from me, "You're saying I'M the one evading YOU? Phah, give me a fucking break, old man! Are you really so out of touch with reality that even now in your old age do you not realize how shitty of an upbringing you gave me!? Never at home, never played with me, never taught me how to do a single fucking thing in my life! It was always Grim that did those things, and even Eleanor can vouch for that, because she got her love for cartography from a traveling merchant we ran into while we were at the bazaar!"
"H-Huh?" He looked like I was talking to him in a foreign language.
"...I'm going." I turned around, "Don't you dare try bossing me around again. You're not my dad."
"Wha-!? How can you even say such a thing!?" He shouted as I went to my room to finish packing, "Son, get back here! For shame, Edward, for shame!"
Sigh, and I'm supposed to be related to that pathetic excuse of a man? Well, they say you only have one family, so best make the most out of it, but I don't think doing that will get me the life I truly want. Well, now I really gotta do my best on this trip. I wanna ask Adam to gift my parents a house separate from ours, then I could finally return to my peaceful everyday life at home. God, just thinking about it is making me drool...