Aight, here's the situation. Basically, I'm hiding away from Shaid's parents while poor Olya is desperately trying to get them to calm down. Sorry bud, you may think I'm a pussy for not showing myself to them like a man, and I'm afraid you're right... What? Do you see the rage in Shaid's dad's Eyes? Anyone would do the same as me if they were in my shoes!
"What's got ya' so quiet, fatass!" Shaid's dad actually threw a punch at Olya, "I know you're with him, so tell me where Schnell is! I need to have a word with him!"
"Augh! Do you just punch every new person you meet, guy!?" Olya spat out blood before turning to Shaid's mom, "Yo, control your mans! Ack!"
"Don't you dare talk to my wife like that!" Shaid's dad kept wailing at him.
"That's it, honey! Don't stop until he speaks!" Shaid's mom only encouraged him.
Right, I probably should've told Olya this beforehand, but she's actually the one in charge in their household. Shaid's dad just kinda goes with her whims no matter what, which explains their sex life, I guess. Even though you can't hear my thoughts, Olya, I'd still like to say I'm sorry.
"Fuck, okay, I'll speak, I'll speak!" Olya cried out before pointing at where I was crouched, "He went that way! Shiet!"
"Honey, let the fat guy go." Shaid's mom ordered, "Go on, what are you waiting for!? Run and get Schnell!"
"R-Right! On it, honey!" Shaid's dad ran mere inches away from me before continuing further in that direction, "Oooh, when I get that boy, I'm gonna...!"
Phew. Well that made me shit bricks. Literally a breath away from catching me crouching right next to him, I can't believe how lucky I was. Honestly, I thought Olya had just told on me, but I guess he had planned in advance to give them the slip. Good going, man! Now all that's left is to somehow deal with the mom.
"Damn, shiet..." Olya fixed up his clothes before turning to her, "Yain't gonna follow after him?"
"No, I have a feeling I should stay here for a bit longer." She smirked, "That boy, he's crafty, I've known it since he and my Shaid were in diapers."
"I-Is that so?" Olya let out a smirk himself, "I don't quite understand, but if you're willing to keep me company, then I don't really care."
Is he hitting on her? Olya... no, there's no way, I'm just thinking weird things again. I could've sworn he said that in a confusing way, but that doesn't mean those were his intentions. Olya just got beat up by her husband, not to mention she's Shaid's mom. He's a horny fatass bastard, but he's not stupid... Right?
"You hitting on me?" She cackled, "A fatty like you thinks he's got a chance with me?"
"Hey!" Olya got offended at this tease, "Where's all that self-confidence coming from, woman!?"
"Eh?" She said what I was thinking, "Boy, don't you got it the other way around? I'm insulting you here."
"And I'm saying that you're crazy delusional, and I'M then one out of YOUR league!" He proudly slapped his stomach, "This divine body would prove too amazing for a bag of bones like you. After all, your skin's starting to wrinkle, and your tits are sagging. Maybe you were the talk of the town a few decades ago, but your heyday's over. You're in dire need of a reality check, lady, and I'm just kindly providing you with one."
He... Is he hitting on her or not? At this point I think he's just getting under her skin as a form of revenge for her siccing her husband on him, but it's Olya, so who knows. I do kinda feel awkward listening in on this conversation, but it's not exactly like I can go anywhere else. Just gotta hope Olya shoos her away soon with those insults of his.
"Ohhh, I see how it is." She began giggling, "You... I know your type. You call adult ladies too old cause you've got your aims set lower!"
"..." Olya stood there quietly, surprised that she figured that out so quickly just from looking at him, but also thinking of a proper response, "Sigh, lady... Is your ego so high that you have to call people perverts for telling it how it is?"
"Telling it how it is-!?" She finally snapped, "That's it!"
"O-Oi, where you going?" Olya called out to her as she ran to where her husband went.
"Screw you, fatso!" She shouted back, "I never wanna see your disgusting face again!"
"Shiet... I was this close, too!" Olya looked peeved as he called out to me, "You can stop hiding now. Come on, let's touch this place and leave before they come back."
"Good going on gettin' her to leave, bud!" I got up, all smiles, "But why do you look so disappointed? The plan worked."
"Tch, the plan did NOT work..." He continued frowning away as he explained, "That guy beat me up, and that woman looked to be the proud type. It was the perfect setup for me to get her to cheat on her husband with me!"
"Excuse me?" I raised a very disappointed eyebrow at him, "What in tarnation made you think that was ever even a possibility?"
"You saw it yourself, the girl's the one in charge!" He whined, "With the husband away, and her ego shattered by a fat man like myself, all she had to do was to "prove how hot her bod actually was" and I'd be golden! I'd get my revenge, and I'd get some milf pussy!"
"It's at times like these I honestly wish your dick stopped workin'..." I bonked him on the head as punishment for such an idea, "Granted you wouldn't have anythin' to think with anymore if that were the case, but I'd take a dumbass Olya over an Olya that has ideas like these. Seriously, don't you get it, man? Those were SHAID'S PARENTS!"
"Yeah, and?" He shrugged, "You guys said it yourselves, didn't you? How she liked getting a buncha' guys ram her while her husband just watched from the sidelines? All I wanted was to be put in the shoes of one of those guys, feel me?"
"I will never feel you on that." I backed away with fear in my Eyes, "And don't ever assume I will, man..."
"Welp, your loss, I guess." He continued the mission as if nothing ever happened, "Right, the Tower of Currents. I had originally wanted to explore it a bit more, but I guess since those guys could come back any minute, we really shouldn't be standing around all too long."
"I agree. Touch it and send us back." I nodded as I touched it for myself, "Good, the Green light showed up. Now you."
"Damn, no countdown?" He chuckled before touching it himself, "Kinda sad, but I guess there's no helping it. Alright, now for the recall device."
As he was just about to pull it out of his pockets, a man's hand had strongly gripped his wrist, stopping him from being able to use it. As both of us turned to see who it belonged to, we were met with a double slap from Shaid's mother.
"I knew it!" She shouted before her husband grabbed my wrist as well, "I don't know how you gave us the slip so flawlessly, but I'll be damned if I just let this blind fatass go unpunished for his crimes!"
"Eh? I can understand fat, but why blind?" Even the husband seemed confused.
"He said I'm way out of my prime!" She whined, "Can you believe it!? That fatass told ME that I'm out of his league! That's gotta be illegal!"
"You said what!?" Shaid's dad let go of Olya's wrist for just a second, winding up for a right hook.
"Now, Olya!" I shoved Shaid's dad away from me before grabbing onto Olya, "Press it! Get us out of here!"
"On it!" Olya nodded briefly before pressing the button like his life depended on it, and in the very next moment...!
"I-I'm almost there~!" A succubus lady cried out, "Oh, doctor! More, faster~!"
"Yo." We abruptly and shamelessly ruined the mood they had going on.
"Yahhh!" The doctor screamed like a little girl, "Dammit, if you're gonna keep doing that, at least wait until I'm finished!"
"We politely decline." We raised our hands as if we were talking to a waiter offering us seconds, "That being said, that was way too close for comfort, man!"
"Why, what happened?" The other girls waiting in line behind us inquired, "Did you guys run into some beasts or scary animals?"
"No, worse." Olya shook his head.
"Some hostile humans?" The doctor added as he wiped himself and his girl off, "Like some nasty soldiers or something?"
"Way worse than that, man." I shivered just thinking back on it, "We ran into Shaid's parents, and by the Gods were they out for blood."
"Yeesh, sorry to hear that." The doctor was quick to understand the situation, "They didn't see their son despite the person that was seemingly supposed to be with him being there. Looking at it from their perspective, since I assume you couldn't really explain that he was here in a coma, they probably assumed he died and you don't wanna tell them. Poor folks, it'll be a while before they get the answer they were looking for..."
Is that so? Damn, I never really thought about it like that, but yeah. Now it makes sense why they were so livid the entire time without even giving us a second to think. They were probably just worried sick about their son, so they were acting irrationally. Yeah, they're a bit livelier than my own folks, but that doesn't mean they're bad people. I'd really like to tell them that Shaid's alright, but if I go back now to face them, they surely won't let me leave.
"Hey, I think I got an idea." I smiled, "Olya, you think we could send them a letter through the portal?"
"A letter?" He furrowed his brows, "Mnn... Who knows? We can certainly try, but what do you wanna tell them, anyways?"
"Get a piece of paper and gimme a quill." I smiled warmly, "I just wanna tell them their son is safe and that I promise to reunite them soon enough."
"Ohoho, is that the case?" He chuckled before leaving the room, "You're such a goodie two shoes, bud. Now I kinda feel bad for wanting to fuck that bitch's brains out purely out of spite."
"You wanted to do what now?" All the girls did a double take at him.
"Nothing!" He slammed the door closed as he ran to get the paper.
"Heh, that guy says that, but he still runs to get me the paper..." I chuckled, "Yeah, he never wanted to do all that. He was just jokin' like he usually does."
"Here I am!" He announced it proudly, "Schnell, here's the paper."
"Hey, what did you mean by that thing you said just before slamming the door?" The doctor asked out of curiosity, "Were you... talking about Shaid's mother?"
"Hm? Oh yeah, she's a fucking bombshell, I tell ya'." He immediately debunked my previous positive assertation of him, "I swear I was THIS close to getting in her pants, bud! She's a damned annoying bitch, but that body more than makes up for it."
"Olya." I got done writing the letter before smacking the shit out of him, "You're smarter when you shut the fuck up, y'know that?"
"Augh, not you too, dammit!" He whined and whined, "You gotta admit it, though, she's hot as fuck!"
"You're the worst..." The girls destained him.
"Seriously man, she's your friend's mom..." The horny doctor had never been more flaccid.
"Oh shut it, all of you!" Olya cried out as I left to toss the letter through the portal, "You guys ain't no saints, either! Uguu, shiet...."