Upon making it inside the lair and simply walking through each and every deadly trap set by our protagonists, the Sun God Ouroboras had revealed himself to them at the other end of the corridor as the one who will bestow upon them divine punishment. This punishment however isn't without reason, or at least to the Gods it isn't, for they are responsible for altering the natural flow of the Universe Cycle by abusing the powers of the Book of Fortune. This is considered the gravest sin of all, hence why Schnell and Shaid had apparently gotten sent straight to Hell by way of Ouroboras' tiny Sun attack.
"Nooooo!" Olya shouted.
"Olyahim." Ouroboras continued his speech just as calmly as he did before unleashing the attack, "I hope you understand why I left you for last. As the sole user of the Book, you could be considered the one most worthy of getting punished, however there simply does not exist a greater punishment than being sent to the now abandoned Hell, so the least I could do to rectify this issue is to send you off with the grief of losing your friends. I apologize for the inconvenience."
"Tch! You think we ain't making it through this, jackass!?" Olya jeered from the far side of the corridor, "We've faced worse, idiot, so I'm just looking forward to seeing your sorry face when I beat you and revive my friends just like I promised!"
"Hmph." Ouroboras noted, "Well, they do say the human race is the most blindly hopeful when faced with adversity, even more so than the Zaards, so I can at the very least understand where you are coming from. However, I must disagree with you on that. There is nothing you can do but accept this."
In that very moment, Ouroboras had sent out what he had believed to be the last Sun ball at Olya. Luckily for him, the doctor had just so happened to be curious enough about the commotion outside the pleasure room that he had opened the door at the perfect moment. His reflexes were quick enough to pull him back into the room, leaving only the door to block the attack.
"Whoa!?" The doctor shouted, "Olyahim, the heck's going on out there!?"
"Take the girls and run to the portal!" Olya commanded, "I'll stall this guy out until you do!"
"You can try." Ouroboras began walking towards them, "But sinners cannot escape unpunished."
Tossing another Sun ball towards Olya, he was hard pressed to figure out a way to dodge it now that he was all out of obstacles to hide behind. This was the moment he most cursed himself for not thinking to fill the hallways with more stuff, leaving it mostly empty. What's worse, the doctor and the girls didn't get the proper chance to run away, leaving them stuck inside the room between Olya and Ouroboras.
"Olyahim!" The doctor jumped out of the door and in front of Olya to block the shot, sacrificing himself in just a split second.
"D-Doc!" Olya bit his tongue, "Shiet, why!?"
"A shame." Ouroboras shook his head disappointedly, "Neither him nor the lecherous women inside that room were meant to die in such a painful way. I did plan to kill them, mind you, but in a way more merciful way. This goes without saying, but since they were only roped in by the sinners, they shall be sent to the New Heaven."
"We refuse!" A Blue haired girl jumped out of the room next, raising her arms wide as if to show a protective stance, "The doctor, I'm sure he jumped in for the same reason as I did, Olya! As long as you survive, you can just revive us with the Book, so use this time to figure out a way ou-!"
"Sapphire!?" Olya reached out before getting blown away from the sheer strength of the Sun ball that hit her, "Dammit, why's it have to be me, then!?"
"Your allies, they are a pitiful bunch..." Ouroboras didn't care at all as he sent another ball through the hallway, still calmly walking at a fixed pace towards Olya, "To put their faith into another human to such a degree, it truly is a shame they will not live to see it bear fruit."
"Wrongo, bucko!" A Red haired girl ran out next, mimicking a similarly resolute pose, "If anyone can kick your ass, it's this bundle of fat right behind me!"
"I'll take that as a compliment..." Olya smirked awkwardly behind her.
"Take it however you want, just save us-!" She turned back just a moment before getting phased out of existence.
"Ruby!" Olya cried out.
"Tick, tock, Olyahim." Ouroboras was now just a few meters away, "Do you not hear it? The bell chimes for you. Your time is near."
"N-Not if I-!" Olya took out his quill and was just about to write something into the Book of Fortune, when the Sun God stopped just an inch in front of him, grabbing the Book and tossing it aside before pulling him up with ease, "A-Ack! Cheh, no fair... A shortstack like you can pull me up as much as his tippy-toes can let him, but this strength is just stupid unfair-AUGH!"
"No talking, sinner." Ouroboras' White hair began to glow even stronger as his eyebrows furrowed with rage, "Hm?"
"L-Let go of him, you t-tanned hottie!" The final three girls latched onto him from all sides, trying desperately to distract him for as much as they could.
"Emerald, Topaz, Amethyst!" Olya shouted, "Get back, save yourselves!"
"It irks me to have to agree with his sentiment, mortals." Ouroboras looked down, unamused, "You will die either way, so it is in your best interest to die by the least painful method, no?"
"We don't care about that!" Topaz shouted first, "Just let us go! We promise not to use the Book ever again after we revive our friends!"
"Yeah! We couldn't have known this was a sin, so you gotta give us some leeway here!" Emerald was the next one up, "Consider this an honest mistake! We'll do whatever you want us to, just let us live!"
"And another thing!" Amethyst spoke last, "You've got really defined biceps, dayum!"
Needless to say, they didn't stand a chance. Killing them without even moving a muscle thanks to his Godly powers, Ouroboras was now the only one left in the room with Olyahim. This was it, nowhere left to run.
"Hell." Ouroboras stated.
"No." Olya replied without skipping a beat.
"You cannot decline."
"Don't care."
"It does not matter if you care or not, you are going to Hell."
"Yeah but you're short so I refuse."
"But you yourself are fa-! Ugh, annoying mortal!"
This little comedic back and forth did buy Olya a bit of time, but not nearly enough. No matter how you look at it, until he can think of some way to get out of this situation, it is only a matter of time before the Sun God grows bored of his antics and just burns him to a crisp regardless.
"Oh, so you're body shaming me now?" Olya noticed that the God is a stuck-up one.
"You were the first one to call out my short stature." Ouroboras replied.
"Wow, way to play the victim card." Olya rolled his Eyes, "Fine, if you're gonna be offensive like that, I guess I'll accept my fate and go to Hell but just know that was a low blow."
"How is that a low blow!?" Ouroboras shouted, "I just stated the facts! Facts are indisputable, and the fact is that you are without a shadow of a doubt overweight!"
"Oh, so you like facts but don't wanna accept the fact you're short?" Olya smirked, "Rather hypocritical of you, bud. And here I thought the Gods were flawless."
"Tch...! There is no such thing as a flawless being..." Ouroboras revealed through his teeth, "The only flawless thing in this World are the very World Wonders you visited. They are the only thing that has without fault always survived each and every Universe Cycle, never bowing down to the heat death of the Universe."
"Hey now, quit straying off topic." Olya interrupted his lecture, "You waltz into our abode, kill all my friends and just expect me to idly sit through your blatant hypocrisy?"
"Well what do you propose I did wrong, then?" Ouroboras asked, "I know you may not believe this, but I am a generous God to the ones that worship me. Still, you ruined like, the entire Universe with your greed, and Selzion kept pestering me to punish you in the worst way I can think of. Hence, this situation right before your Eyes."
"Whaaat?" Olya cocked his head back, accidentally cracking a smile even, "But I'm a believer in both Selzion and you, man, so can't I get a pass? Like stacking coupon discounts, feel me?"
"No." Ouroboras declined.
"Ugh, fine..." Olya clicked his tongue, "But seriously, I'm only really mad here because you're being hypocritical. Like, calling me fat is alright. People call me that all the time and I don't care, but don't go getting all offended when I call you short, okay?"
"O-Okay...?" The Sun God was wondering what was even going on anymore, "Then, Hell?"
"Nah." Olya declined with the exact same deadpanned expression as before, "Don't feel like it."
"You moronic buffoon!" Ouroboras finally snapped, "This punishment was not meant to be this drawn-out! Your puny existence, jesting with a God!? Have you no shame!"
"Whoa whoa calm down...!" Olya tried squirming about one final time, but the God's strength had simply proved too much for him.
"Regardless of what your opinion on the matter is, I am the one who holds the authority over where you will go." Ouroboras readied the biggest tiny Sun yet, "I will however permit you freedom of speech."
"Oh, what? Like, I get to pick my last words, is that right?" Olya chuckled before looking him dead in the Eye, "Yeah, I think I'll stop with the charades now. My final words? You got 'em - I wish to become the Seventh World Wonder!"
"Die." Ouroboras blasted him point blank with the tiny Sun, sending him flying towards the wall behind him, "What!?"
"Hack-!" Olya barely clung on to his consciousness as he got up, safe and sound, "Ack, oof... T-That broke some bones..."
"That's...!? How-!?" Ouroboras ran towards him, sparing no time in delivering another barrage of attacks one after another, "How are you surviving this!? Olyahim!"
"You said it yourself, bud!" Olya continued mocking him, even in his beat up state, "The only flawless things in this World are the World Wonders! In other words, they can't be destroyed!"
"Y-You..." Ouroboras finally composed himself, accepting defeat with the highest of graces, "You used my wisdom against me."
"Lucky Schnell insisted on using up his wish to revive Shaid." Olya's Eyes glew a strong White, "Had I been the one to do it, then I couldn't have used up the leftover one for this. Yeah, luck and brains, that's Olyahim for ya'."
"...I see." Ouroboras defeatedly turned around with a slight chuckle, "How utterly foolish of me. I see, so you used up your wish you had stocked up fromyour journey to become a World Wonder. Genius, I applaud you for that, Olyahim."
"Hey, where ya' going?" Olya mocked the Sun God as he peacefully left the premises, "I thought a guy like you wouldn't give up so easily?"
"No, you have properly bested me." Ouroboras kicked the Book of Fortune laying in his path towards Olyahim, "Then, I will be taking my leave while you revive your allies, mortal...no, immortal."
"...Thanks." Olya looked at him suspiciously as the Sun God finally went up the stairs to leave the lair, "Holy... shiet! That had my heart racing, it did! Fuck man, the guys ain't gonna believe me when I tell them the sto-"
Pausing the very moment he opened the last page of the Book, Olya had finally realized why it is the Sun God had left so easily. Indeed, it appears the one that got the last laugh was in fact Ouroboras, for when Olya was about to write his friends back one last time, he had realized a fatal mistake. One that has successfully showed him that he has essentially doomed himself to an infinite life of misery and loneliness.
"Cheh..." Olya couldn't help but laugh as he clenched the Book with all his might, "The damned Book... ran out of pages...!"
"THE DAMNED BOOK!" Olya shouted with all his might, his screams of agony and ironic laughter echoing the halls, "THE DAMNED BOOK RAN OUT OF PAGES! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I CAN LIVE FOREVER, BUT WHAT'S THE POINT IF ALL MY FRIENDS ARE DEAD!? BAHAHAHAHAHAH!"
Olyahim laughed away his sorrow, and Ouroboras cried tears of joy.