"Lune..." Eleanor asked me with a worried expression once more, "Where is Issei?"
"I'm telling you, he's gone." I kept holding my head down, "He's dead in the other world, he..."
"How the hell can you know that!?" Othelia yelled, "You said he used his wish or whatever to send you back here, but that's obviously a lie! He used his wish to go back to his world in the first place!"
She's not listening. Issei told me loud and clear right before he sent me back. He told me to take care of them, but can he really expect me to do so when they're being like this? Dammit, that asshole, why didn't he use the wish to save himself? Or did he not think of wishing all of us to safety in the heat of the moment? No, even if he did wish us all to this world again, that'd just make us have to redo everything from the start. It'd be a flawed plan, but hell, it's better than being dead!
"Right, something else isn't adding up." Nelly raised a point, "How could all this have happened in the span of a couple of seconds?"
"That's wrong, we were in his world for months." I explained, "He wished to turn the clock back in essence. Basically, he "teleported" me to the very moment we left this world."
"Can Wonder wishes really do that much?" Meil asked, "Though I am more interested in the Sun God and his supposed uncanny resemblance to me..."
"...What?" Othelia turned to him in disbelief, "Are you really that much of a self-centered prick, Meil!? Issei just died, and you're thinking about a stupid coincidental doppelganger!?"
"That doppelganger is the very God I have worshipped since my birth." He shot back a nasty glare, "I have to investigate further on the matter."
"Never mind that, Meil!" Nelly immediately stepped in, "We'll look into that later, okay? No need to go investigating anything when we have a friend in need of saving."
"Saving? Nel, did you listen to a word Grim said?" Ed sighed, "Issei is dead..."
At this nauseating fact, Eleanor once again broke down in tears, with a very teary Eyed Othelia barely keeping it together next to her. They hugged each other tightly, hoping to find some comfort in each other as they both longed for their lover to come back to them. No one dared speak a word or interrupt them, we were all just silently mourning. That is until Nelly, as spiffy as ever, tilted her head naively.
"I don't believe that to be the case though." She said with a lighthearted shrug, "After all, my dad is the best example of the idea that death isn't incurable."
"Heh, N-Nelly, that's..." I let out a bewildered chuckle accidentally, "That's different... probably. We don't know why I revived."
"But it's a fact that you did." She retorted proudly, "Uncle Ed said you died in his arms, so it's not like you never actually died and it was just a fake-out. You literally died and came back to us, so whose to say we can't repeat that phenomenon with Issei?"
Hearing this, Othelia and Eleanor stopped crying, though they were still dripping tears. They wanted this to be true, I'm sure, but death isn't an illness. It's not something you cure or rectify. It happens, and your best solution to the problem is to accept it and try your best to move on. Everyone in the room was taught this very concept from a very early age, so I'm sure they're fighting the urge to be realistic in their heads right now.
"It is... not a bad idea." Meil nodded, "Right, in a world where you can wish for anything, whose to say you cannot revive the dead too?"
"That's... you guys are just hyping yourself up for disappointment." Ed stuttered before slouching, "I get what Nel's trying to say, but Meil of all people should be the one to understand reason the most. So what, you guys are gonna visit all the World Wonders just for the slim chance that he can be brought back with a wish?"
"It's worth it." Eleanor frowned at him.
"...Oh! Or maybe we don't have to!" Othelia recalled, "I have an unused wish, so if I just wish for him to return to us, then it'll all be okay!"
"No, that won't do." I shook my head, "Issei made me promise to take care of you two, and that means putting your happiness first too."
"What? But we'll be happiest when he's with us!" Eleanor hissed, "Besides, who said we ever needed you taking care of us? Eugh, I'd rather die...."
"Thanks for the kind words..." I smirked, "But I don't think you understood my intentions. It's true that you're happiest when he's with you, but he won't be happy if he gets brought back to this world."
"...Ah." Othelia seemed to have figured it out, "So if I used my wish to revive him, then he'll be sad here. If he's sad, then we'll eventually be sad too."
"Then we're back to square one again." Ed shrugged, "Fuck, this isn't gonna be easy..."
"Maybe not for her, but Othelia did give me an idea that just might be crazy enough to work." I pointed out.
"Ooh, one of papa's crazy ideas." Nelly chuckled, "This can't be good."
"As I said before, we spent months in the other world before we could visit all the World Wonders and get our wishes." I explained it slowly for everyone, "And Issei used up his wish to bring me back here..."
"...So that means you still have your wish to use!" Meil finished the sentence with a wry grin, "Lune, you truly have thought of a smart idea!"
"Ehe, I try." I chuckled smugly, "That being the case, we have the basic principle of how to save them down, but if I just wish myself back to the private jet, I'll probably already be way deep in the ocean by then."
"So why not do the same thing Issei did?" Nelly asked, "Wish yourself back in time - Or well, in this case forward in time to when you were all safe and sound. Then, just warn them about that private jet thingy and you'll all be safe, no?"
"Ah..." I paused to just stare at her for an ungodly amount of time.
"O-Oh, sorry. I'm just so used to Cene saying and doing dumb stuff all the time that I keep forgetting you're actually pretty genius." I chuckled.
"It's cause she's not related to you by blood, dumbass." Ed joked, "Besides, our Nel's a student in Dimitri Uni, who also studies under the ever pragmatic Meil."
"Who resembles the Sun God Ouroboras, mind you." Meil added on an unnecessary detail at the end, "Goodness, what could that mean...?"
Ignoring this guy questioning reality, it seems like the game's not over yet! Looks like I'm gonna be seeing what Earth has to offer at least one more time in my life! It's settled - Time to make a wish!
"And so!" I finished explaining all this to Freddy and Issei in the Beijing apartment, "After wishing to come back to this very moment in time, I saw myself here to explain to you NOT to hop on that private jet!"
"...Wow." Freddy was taken aback, though Issei had a few words to say.
"You dope." Issei growled, "If you used your wish to go back in time and fix everything, why not go back just a day earlier and stash away the damned keys so those two didn't take our airbike?"
Ah, good question. I guess I shouldn't have rushed to make my wish the very moment the first half of the chapter ended. Hell, even the guys around me back in Meil's house were shocked to see me pull the stunt so soon, but at least it worked. Geez, in hindsight, that's a really valid point to make, but to save face I should probably think of a noble answer or something to that degree.
"They're our friends." I said with a super serious face, "Sandy and Juavez will not betray us, I'm sure of it. They're just borrowing the airbike and will bring it back to Freddy when they're done, so if I hadn't allowed them to steal the bike like you said, I'd essentially be denying them of their wishes, and that's not what a true friend would do."
"Luneski..." Freddy looked like he was about to tear up, but I guess I was just imagining it, "No one in their right mind would believe a word you just spouted."
"Alright then, idiot." Issei rolled his Eyes, "Since you didn't think of letting us keep the airbike and don't want us to call my father to ask for a private jet, then please do enlighten us on how we'll be getting to Japan? Unless of course you want Othelia and Eleanor to show up in the middle of China?"
"No, we need to think of a better solution." I shook my head, "Maybe... Maybe flying by regular plane would be safer?"
"Definitely, but it's not guaranteed either." Freddy explained, "Besides, the entire point of us using the airbike and by your account the private jet is because you two don't have passports."
"Then we'll just make them here!" I retorted, "We'll go to the town hall and...!"
"That's not how getting your passports made works in this world." Issei shot the idea down all too quickly, "It's a damned process and a half just to get it done even in your own country, much less a foreign one. It's just unrealistic."
"In that case, it's a bit of a stretch, but we could Materialize the parts for a brand new airbike." I shrugged, "Sure it'll take a while, but it's not like we don't have the funds to do so. After all, I can always Materialize stuff to sell until we can leave."
"Nope. My airbike is one of a kind." Freddy shook his head.
"Oh would you leave your pride aside for one secon-!"
"No, I meant that literally. Airbikes don't usually run on megavolts." He explained, "They run on diesel, or other normal fuels. Of course you can buy megavolts for other appliances, but making an electric powered airbike is something only a madman ratbike enthusiast like me would think of. I was super lucky to even survive making that one without it blowing up the entire block, so even thinking of replicating the process is a bit..."
"Alright fine!" I gave up, "You think of something, then!"
"Simple." He actually had an idea already in the works, "I'll use my wish to send us to Japan, and Issei can then wish for Luneski and the girls to swap places."
"Issei used up his wish though." I explained.
"Not yet he didn't, cause you went back in time."
"Eh? But... How did I go back in time to here if Issei already used his wish to send me back in time?" I tilted my head, "That means we both used up our wishes, no?"
"What? No. Luneski, look..."
"It's no use explaining it to him." Issei stopped Freddy, "We can just prove it to him instead. Look Lune, wish for something simple."
"Eh? But I already...?"
"Just do it."
"I wish for an onigiri." I shrugged, "I miss that delicacy."
"Y-You!" Freddy panicked, "Why didn't you wish for us to go to Japan!?"
"Because." Issei pointed out, "The onigiri didn't show up, so it seems we were both wrong on this, uncle. It seems both Lune and I don't have our wishes anymore."
"Heh, heheh..." Freddy couldn't believe it, "So in the end, it's up to me..."
"We'll have to work with one final wish, but at least we're all safe and sound now." I smiled, "Freddy, your girlfriend might have to get put on the backburner, but for now we need to think of the perfect wish that'll make everyone happy!"