Chapter 21 - Vol.23 Ch.529 - alright, just once should be fine, okay?

After that uneventful night, another week had passed by in the blink of an Eye. The house Lem and the guys were working on had it's second floor infrastructure made, and they were already working steadfastly on the flat roof that was to serve as a terrace/third floor. This odd style of building Issei and dad called nostalgic really did look out of place next to ours and uncle's houses, but since that's how Issei wanted it to look, no one could really argue on it. Cene had completed the first act of his hit series, the Saga of Ferdinand, and it was on its way to being renewed for a second season. Unlike the first few days since we came here, it seems life in Cardina was a lot more laid back in comparison...

"Nel, let's date." Lem asked for the hundredth time since that night.

"How many times am I going to tell you, that's a no." I rolled my Eyes as we made our way to the city.

Right now, the two of us had been assigned to refill on some groceries, as well as to stop by a toy shop and buy Cene a new doll for his drama. Of course, the goodwill sponsors for this gift were none other than mama and dad, but they made sure to lend the two of us some cash as well to treat ourselves to something nice. By the way, even though he's not here to physically pick the exact doll out himself, Cene was kind enough to provide us with a detailed illustration of her.

"Oh come on, at least give me a chance." Lem continued to whine, "Give me one good reason why we shouldn't date."

"Green hair, Blue Eyes, Red dress, ponytail..." I ignored Lem completely as I carefully inspected Cene's drawing, "The hell? There's no way such a character exists. Hmm, unless it's custom made, maybe...?"

"Nel, I'm being serious here." He stopped walking, effectively making me HAVE to answer his question in order to move on, "I'm not asking for anything but for you to hear me out."

"I know what you're getting at, idiot." I hissed back, "Cause those plans we made a week ago fell through, and my parents said we can't do anything in bed unless we're together, you want us to start dating."

"Except that's not true at all." He shook his head, "Look, okay—Trial run. We go on a couple dates and see how it goes."

Why is he so adamant about this? Does he seriously think I'm that dumb? Look dude, I already made my parents worry about me enough as it is, so I'm not gonna do anything with you, even if you are my friend.

"Sigh, I understand you might feel jipped from this, and for that I'm sorry." I tried speaking in a calmer tone this time, "I did promise you we could do it once, but the situation's changed, and I just can't. If there's any way for me to make it up to you..."

"Let me invite you out on a date." He replied immediately, extending a finger to pronounce the numeric value.

"Anything but that."

"Okay then, three dates." He extended two more fingers.

"That's even more! At that point just skip the middle man and ask for sex directly so I can turn you down normally!"

"But I don't want sex!" He shouted, "What part of my sentence don't you understand!?"

"Well why else would you want to date me then!?"

"Cause I love you!" He blurted out.

"...You're so full of shit." I kept moving along the path.

"I. LOVE. YOU. NELLY!" He shouted at the top of his lungs without any regard to his surroundings.

"Wuh-!? Shut up, you idiot!" I ran to shut his mouth quickly, "Just cause no one's on this path doesn't mean someone near the town's periphery can't hear you!"

"I've always loved you, since the very start." He continued, not even batting an Eyelid as he said this to my face, "Not as a friend, but romantically."

This... Dad must've said something to him. Otherwise Lem would never act like this. He can't be this desperate to fuck, is he out of his mind? A man's libido shouldn't be underestimated, he once told me. Back then, I was actually kinda scared of what that would spell for me, but now I see what he really meant. When a guy's horny, it seems he doesn't care who it's with, he'll stop at nothing and be as annoying as he can until he gets a girl in his bed. The fucker isn't getting shit though.

"I see." I smirked, "So all this time, for the past year since we met, you claim that you were just faking being my friend?"

"Yes!" He admitted, "W-Well, no. Partially."

"Watch your words, Lem." I glared.

"I did like you as a friend, okay? And of course I still do." He continued, "But I knew that you liked Meil."

"Still do."

"Grr... Whatever." He continued, "I knew that if I confessed, I'd just get turned down."

Well, he at least got that right. I never even considered him a possibility, like, at all. I always had Eyes only for Meil, and besides, he was an annoying upperclassman who just so happened to be around the same height as me despite being so much older. I moved up the ranks quickly, while his lazy ass sat complacent, and before long we could both sort of understand our grade's material and help each other out in studying. It was fun, but I never considered him anything more than a friend.

"So what, you kept it to yourself until now?" I rolled my Eyes.

"I knew I couldn't get to you directly, so I went for your family instead." He admitted, "Once I gained their trust, I planned to slowly have them put the idea of us dating into your head. Sigh, but then you threw that curveball on me with the bet and everything, so I panicked."

Crap, everything he said just now... Mama told me about it that night. Don't tell me she was actually right...?


"B-But still, you could've just said no to the bet." I then bit my tongue, "Never mind..."

Crap, he did try to. Multiple times even! But every time he did, I either shoved him out of my room or decided by myself that it's gonna happen. It's exactly like mama said—If he declined, then he would've been out of the game for good! Ack, the adults really do see all! I need to think of something quickly.

"Fine then, if it'll get you off my case." I pouted.

"No, not doing it." He immediately lost interest.

"Wha-! Why!?"

"Because." He glanced back, "I don't want you to go on the dates just to decline in the end anyways. I want you to honestly say you're down to give me a shot."

"You really are annoying, you know?" Igrunted, "With that much planning and plotting, you could've gotten any other girl in the world!"

"But I want you."

Buehehe~ Hrm... Fueh!? Stop smirking, Nel! Hide it, before he sees! Gah, that was close... That line works no matter who says it, okay!? I didn't react like that just cause it's him, got it!? Man, he can't be serious...!

"Okay." I sighed, "Then I'll let you take me on one date."

"And...?" His excitement leaked out in his voice as he tried to be smug about it.

"A-And..." I couldn't look at him in the face anymore, "I'll be sure to take it seriously and judge fairly."

"Good." He grinned just as we entered the city, "Then, while we're here already, let's check it off immediately!"

"Hold it!" I stopped him, "You just barely managed to get this chance, and now you're gonna throw it away immediately?"

"Throw it away?" He tilted his head, "How come?"

"We're on a grocery run, plus we gotta buy Cene his doll or whatever. It's true we've got some spending allowance after that just for us, but do you plan on carrying all those heavy bags with you the entire time?"

"Eh? N-No, I just thought...!"

"Or wait, don't tell me you wanted ME to carry a share too?" I raised an Eyebrow, "Making your girlfriend lug around heavy bags all day, that's a surefire way of getting your ass dumped, you know?"

"G-Girlfriend..." He looked like he was on cloud nine, "But I see! Thanks for the advice, I would've screwed myself over if you didn't say anything."

"Humu, well of course!" I proudly puffed my chest out, arms akimbo, "I said I was gonna be fair, didn't I? You may be the master of procuring a lover, but I'm the master of keeping one! After all, years of reading romance novels have prepared me all too well for this scenario!"

"I see!" He nodded vigorously, "Then, I'm in your care!"

Ehe~ it feels good to be praised this truthfully! He looks like a proud student standing in awe under his master's guidance! Or like a puppy dog looking at its owner! I guess we're back to square one with this though, I'm just gathering experience with Lem until I'm strong enough to face Meil. That being the case, if we're gonna be doing this, then we're gonna do it right!

"Let's go buy Cene's toy first." I pointed to the toy shop, "While we're there, let's discuss locations."

"Mn, isn't a coffee shop just fine?" He asked.

"A safe bet, but remember—You've only got this one date to work with." I pointed out, "Instead, let's go for something memorable."

"You're not gonna squeeze me out of all my money with this, are you?" He chuckled nervously, "I still haven't gotten my paycheck you know...?"

"Nah, let's go with..." I thought, "Let's go watch a play at the local theater! I heard there's a really popular romance actually being hosted soon, so that will be a nice way of setting the mood!"

"Argh, so it's gonna be expensive after all." He chuckled, "Well, I should have enough for that. I better make sure to buy the tickets later."

"Be sure to bring enough for snacks and drinks." I teased.

Talking about this was so fun, I hadn't even noticed we were standing at the counter. Whoops, I got so focused on talking about the date that I totally forgot to pick out Cene's toy! This is embarrassing, gotta go back now and...

"Hm?" Lem raised an Eyebrow, "Where are you going? Someone needs to pay for this, and your parents gave you the money, so..."

"Wait, that thing in your hands...?" I pointed to the packaging, "You already got the toy? And it's exactly the same as the picture..."

"Yeah, you said so before, didn't you? Green hair, Blue Eyes, Red dress, ponytail." He said as if it was obvious, "Now come on, stop stalling. I want more tips on the date!"

He actually remembered the description I gave while he was asking me out back then? Scratch that, he was listening in the first place? Well, I guess that's good. More time for us to talk about the date. N-No, I'm not excited, shut up.

"In any case." I said as we left the shop and made our way to the convenience store, "You got any good clothes for the date?"

"Oh right, that." He shrugged, "I was thinking of just wearing something like this. Why not, am I right?"

"Why not? Why not!?" I gasped, "Are you crazy!? Long shorts and a tank top on a first date is just disgusting!"

"It's hot, though."

"Yeah, but you bear with it to look good!" I explained, "You think I'll just be wearing this to the date myself? An old shirt perfectly paired with my old hot pants?"

"You look cute in them, though." He said plainly.

"Hrm... No calling me cute just yet." I felt a bit warm in my cheeks, "Save it for the date."

"Aww, what? Alright then—Your butt is cute in them."

"No calling any part of my body cute!" I smacked him, "Especially not my butt or boobs!"

"Heh, okay." He chuckled, "I'll have to think of something to wear by then as well, in that case."

The conversation kept going on and on, and it felt like this topic never quite ran out of things to talk about. I always wanted to talk to someone about going on a date, I just never expected it to be anyone but Meil. Still, I'll keep an open mind this time and try to have as much fun as possible. Though, with someone as tactless as Lem, who knows how this date's gonna pan out...