We decided it'd be on the next friday since then. That gave us 6 days of preparation, ample time to properly make sure everything goes smoothly, and there's a play going on that day that tells of a young girl and her darling prince. Just the story to set the romantic vibes! Everything is perfect!
"So why didn't you buy yourself some nice clothes, you idiot!?" I shouted at him, "Did you perhaps think I was talking about the next next friday? Cause news flash, buddy—Six days passed by in the blink of an Eye, and the date is tomorrow!"
"I got the clothes part figured out, come on." He groaned, "I thought paying would be a hassle, so I figured I can just ask your dad to make me some."
"So you don't have anything prepared." Issei smirked across the table.
"He just told you his plans, though?" Dad made the hand signs gladly, "I don't mind making them, here."
"Dear, you're not supposed to encourage him on this..." Mama sighed.
"Well why not? It's in no small part thanks to his Iro Ability that the house's exterior is completely finished already." Dad continued, "He can at least ask for a nice fit."
Lem and dad have been getting on better and better terms as of recent, and that just pisses me off more. It's like he already considers us married, which just feels extra wrong. Hello? We haven't even gotten to our first date yet? Of course he doesn't give a crap, he just wants to make everyone happy. To live in that delusional wonderland of his and drag everyone along with him. If he were to be at least 1% like uncle Ed though, who immediately chewed him out for encouraging Lem to pester me on the date plan when he found out, then things would be totally different.
"It's summer so here's a vest suit." Dad nonchalantly handed it to Lem, "Try it out. The size might not be perfect so I'll..."
"Sleeveless tuxedo, nice..." He inspected it with a wry smirk, "I'm sure it's fine. You can't mess up the size that much."
"Just make sure to wear a White shirt underneath." Dad joked, "She's not gonna be able to handle you if you don't."
"No amount of fancy clothes can make a guy like him attractive." I groaned.
"You're making it real difficult to constantly annoy you with cute nicknames." He shot back a glare.
"Good, cause I told you to stop with them a long time ago."
"..." He paused with a worried expression, "Pookie..."
"Gah! I can't believe this!" I stormed off to my room, "Sometimes I think you were just messing with me the entire time, I should've never agreed to this stupid date!"
"Oof." Issei felt bad, "You flubbed it, guy."
"Is she even gonna come to the date tomorrow now?" Dad sounded worried as well, "You really angered her."
"Yeah, I might've." Lem didn't seem to care though, "But she won't cancel the date now. After all, it's a free luxury outing that's coming out of my pockets. If she wanted to get back at me, I can imagine she's most probably thinking that's the best way to do so."
And of course, he knows exactly what my plans were...! Damn that guy, damn him to hell! He'll see, I'm gonna be so annoying for tomorrow's date that he won't want to follow it up regardless of how it goes!
"Everything ready?" Mama asked as she saw me getting ready, "You look very cute, pumpkin."
"With how many times I've heard that compliment from that idiot, it kinda lost its meaning by now." I grabbed my bag.
"I see. Well, he's not wrong, that's for sure." She giggled, "Hey Nel?"
"What now, mama?" I admittedly gave her a bit of sass, "Gonna give me more of your stupid tips and tricks that cause a huge misunderstanding?"
"No, not that." She shook her head, "Want me to call it off?"
"Hm? Call what off?"
"The date." She asked, "If you don't wanna go through with it, you don't have to. I'll just tell you kids I changed my mind and don't like Lem dating you."
That's... That's perfect! Well, I can't imagine it'll be easy, but if it's mama, I'm sure she can handle it. Yeah, she just needs to tell Lem off when he comes downstairs soon and we won't have to deal with anything regarding this stupid fake romance! We can go back to being best friends, and all will be right in the world! Except, I know first hand that it's not that simple...
"Thanks, but..." I thought about it carefully, "I don't mind at all."
"You didn't seem like you were happy last night." She continued, "Are you sure? Your father might seem like he's against you, but he's just working with what he's got to give you the most happiness."
"I know that..."
"But even us adults can't know everything." She added, "All I need to do is tell him you'll be sad with Lemmy and he'll kick him out immediately."
"Yeah, but..." I thought, "Lem's my best friend. Calling the date off might make me happy, but not him. And who knows? Maybe he might just pull it off!"
"I see." She smiled, "I just wanted to make sure you're happy too."
"You kidding?" I chuckled, "If I'm not happy, I'll do anything in my power to change that. You're talking to the girl who enrolled in the toughest mathematical institute at the age of 13 here."
"Heh, maybe so." She nodded, "Yet you still didn't know what a condom looked like."
"Please forget about that..."
It was time for the date to commence. Lem made sure to go to the meet up point ahead of time as per my wish. The reason being that, at least in the romance novels I've read, the girl's heart always flutters when she sees just how cool the guy looks in his date attire. Since we lived in the same house, and that house also happened to be super far from the town square where we'll meet up, it just wouldn't hit the same if we didn't do it like this. That being the case, I should get ready to face him soon. Cause right around the corner, my shining prince awaits...!
"Mnf. Pheh!" I cracked up the moment I saw him standing in front of the fountain, "Bahahahaha! What the hell!? Aren't those clothes a bit too big for you, dummy!?"
"Shut it, your dad was busy working at the house's interior with the guys, so I couldn't ask him to get me a better fit." He lightly blushed, though his Eyes were glaring, "Besides, it's not by that much."
"Not by that much? Your pants are sagging!" I pointed out, "Also, you should've asked dad for a pair of shoes, cause your regular ones don't match at all. Then there's the vest that looks like it's gonna slip over your shoulders any moment. Really, c'mere."
"Whoa-Hey!" He backed off slightly, "What're you...!?"
"There. It's not perfect, but it's the best I can do." I got back up, "I just tucked your vest inside the pants so they wouldn't fall off. Thankfully they're the same color, so it's not that noticeable. I also inverted the pant legs so they wouldn't drag on the floor and get dirty. Now you look kinda acceptable."
"Only kinda...?" He sighed, "In any case, what about you?"
"What about me?" I twirled around.
"Well, when you said you were gonna dress nicely, I expected a frilly dress or something." He shrugged, "Yet here you are wearing hot pants and that baggy tucked in shirt."
"Frilly dress? What ancient times do you come from where the girl wears a frilly dress to a first date?" I pouted, "This is just what's in fashion right now."
"I see. So you're definitely not wearing hot pants cause I said your butt looks cute in them."
"Shut up!" I pushed him forward, "Let's just go to the play!"
That wasn't...! Okay, maybe I did want to get my butt complimented once or twice, what of it!? Geez, this guy, does he have to say everything on his mind? Sometimes you keep that stuff to yourself—It's called tact, you know?
"I prefer this." He said offhandedly.
"What are you yapping about now?"
"Your clothes." He glanced back with a smirk, "I'd rather you wear comfy clothes like these than overheat in a dress."
Hearing this, I stopped pushing his back along the road. Quietly, I stood there hiding my face from him. It just came way too out of left field, goddammit! An honest compliment like that that doesn't just focus on my appearance, that's not something he did before!! Gods... Wait, why am I hiding my face away!? Am I actually...!? Oh right, that's it! It's that isn't it—The date effect, where everything feels more romantic when you're actually on a date! Yeah, I'm just getting caught up in the mood is all! Augh, the play, the play!
"Apologies, but the play has been cancelled." The girl in costume stood up on stage and sheepishly said, "The main character has come up with a cold. You will be refunded for the tickets."
"This feels familiar." Lem clicked his tongue, "You gonna step up on stage again?"
"Hell no, that was back when uncle pressed me to do it!" I shot back, "Besides, unlike Rosette Takes Flight, I have no idea what this story's about!"
Hearing this, he simply sat there in thought. As everyone around us slowly yet disgruntledly left their seats, he couldn't bring himself to go. I guess it makes sense, he did want this date to go well, he paid for the tickets and got on time, but it can't be helped.
"If you want, we can go another time." I nudged him.
"Yo!" He sprung up from his seat to call out to the actors, "Sorry, could me and my girlfriend come backstage for a bit?"
"Eh? What are you doing, idiot?!" I whispered.
"Making a memorable backstage experience, calm down." He grinned smugly, "So? Is it gonna be alright with you guys? We don't have to refund the tickets!"
"O-Oh, sure." The girl looked at the others before nodding, "If you're interested, we can show you around a bit."
Thus, we pranced onto the stage, where they showed us all the props, the costume sets, and even let me try on the spare princess' outfit once Lem asked. Well, when it comes to memorable, I guess he hit the nail on the head, but I still kind of felt bad for bothering everyone. It was certainly interesting though.
"Thanks for this." Lem shook everyone's hands, "We'll come back later to see the play in full. I'm really excited to see it!"
Ah, he arranged a second date all on his own. I guess that was his plan with this...
"Well, I know I will." He continued, slightly glancing at me with that unwavering smile, "Thanks again!"
"Our pleasure, young man!" They all seemed thrilled, "Please do come again, the both of you!"
In the end, they insisted on us taking the refund, even though we said we wouldn't. Rather kind of them, but I guess we'll be spending it the next time we come. A-Ah, I meant the next time I come. ALONE! Without him! Yeah, that's it.
"Why'd you do that even?" I asked, "Have us go backstage and all. It was fun, but why?"
"You like plays, don't you?" He said as if it was obvious, "And besides, back when you were standing on that stage in Simpleton, you really shined. It just felt natural, so I guess I just wanted to see you up there again. Heh, forgive me."
Is that right? Dammit, this guy... Or rather, this date effect! Why is he saying all the right things all of a sudden! He never does that!
"F-Fine..." I glanced at him bashfully, "Next time, we'll go see the play again."
"Great!" He smiled back, "A-Ah, hey!? That's my hand you're grabbing there, y'know?"
"Just shut it." I pouted, "A reward, I guess. Enjoy it."
"Will do, ma'am!"