Chapter 20
King Bobby, Not Your Ordinary King
King Bobby was with Queen Starling, Warbler and Allie.
" Now, you know what this means " said King Bobby.
" That us, the king and queen must fight " said Queen Starling.
" Challenger is strong " said Warbler. " Even my brother Blackburnian lost to him "
" Warbler, I love you " said Allie. " The king will avenge him "
" But, you are talking about the two strongest people in the universe " said King Bobby. " Challenger will be begging for mercy which he has not shown me he deserves "
" I hope that people in Bird's Isle refrain from showing him sympathy "
" After what he tried to do, we are going to fight to eliminate him forever " said Queen Starling.
" I wonder if Colour King has returned " said King Bobby.
" We should call back in Colourland "
" Good idea " said Queen Starling.
After that, King Bobby called and he heard a man named Colour Dictator on the other end.
" This is Colour Dictator " said Colour Dictator.
" So, the mighty Colour Dictator has returned, have you seen Colour King ? " asked King Bobby.
" He has returned from his disappearance but he will need a few days " said Colour Dictator.
"Well, he's back so this is great " said King Bobby.
" We are going to stop Challenger "
" Challenger is a disgrace to the meaning of Colourland " said Colour Dictator.
" Colour King will be the new leader soon, luckily Challenger is not here in Colourland now "
" Colour King will be great for Colourland just like me for Bird's Isle " said King Bobby.
" Anyways, I have to go but it was great to see that you do not like Challenger " said Colour Dictator.
" Yes, I do not like the man " said King Bobby.
" See you later "
Time passed and then everyone went to bed.
Morning came and then everyone had their breakfast. They enjoyed eating and then the king put out a statement.
I love the queen which is something Bird's Isle wants right now . They want to be ruled by a king, Bird's Isle needs King Bobby more than ever now just like Queen Starling is needed. We will still continue to take Warbler's sex life seriously, we are doing this for Blackburnian. Blackburnian has thanked me for what I do, Bird's Isle is thrilled about it. Warbler's love life is being taken seriously as well, I care about the man so much.
Right now we need to eliminate Challenger, he has gotten in the way between Warbler and Allie. We miss Diana a lot as well, we will arrest anyone that influences Warbler to not be with Allie, it is very disrespectful. We encourage people to not hang out with Crayon and his friends, they are not a good example for Bird's Isle. They have mistreated Warbler and we do not need that to happen to other people. Warbler matters so much, Crayon and his friends have been a disaster. Not hanging out with them is truly great for Bird's Isle.
Thank you for your understanding,
King Bobby Blackbird
King Bobby sent out the statement.
Time passed, Warbler continued training and being with Allie.
Time continued to pass and eventually Crayon and his friends were able to check out of the hospital and they headed back to the hotel.
After that, they went to a bakery.
" Feels great to be a customer again " said Artby.
" Bakers need me right now "
" Just like I need them "
" Well you do buy a lot of bread " said Grackle.
" I will keep being a great customer, great customers inspire bakers to keep baking " said Artby.
" I like to inspire "
" Inspire ? " asked Dove.
By appreciating them, bakers need to be truly appreciated " said Artby. " By having these dreams about them baking, they know they are more appreciated "
" Maybe they will dream about me being a customer " said Artby.
" It is nice to dream "
" Well, I'm not so sure about that " said Colouruke. " It would depend on the baker but I would think probably not "
" I don't think a lot of bakers would dream about the customer unless it was sexual " said Crayon.
" Who knows though " said Colourea.
" My dreams are not in that way, I just dream for the baker " said Artby.
" I keep the bakers appreciated, loved and remembered "
" I just love them so much "
" We should head inside " said Dove.
" Yeah, let's go " said Crayon.
They went inside the bakery where Artby thanked every baker.
Artby then started talking to a baker.
" Have you ever dreamed about a customer ? " asked Artby.
" No " said the baker. " Why ? "
" Just wondering, I have dreamed about bakers baking " said Artby. " These dreams are to keep bakers appreciated "
" Appreciated ? " asked the baker.
" Yes " said Artby.
They got their bread and left. They went back and ate their breakfast. After that Crayon kissed Colourea.
They then headed to train after that.
Crayon then started charging for his Sky Implosion while Grackle and Dove used their Wind Implosions, Artby, Challenger and Colourea used their Light Implosions. Colouruke used his Sea Implosion. The attacks hit with lots of power.
Challenger used his Thunderstorm Implosion which had more power. He then used his Ultimate Thunderstorm Blast and his Ultimate Thunderstorm Bomb.
" Glad to see our attacks be this strong " said Challenger.
" Bakers have helped us " said Artby. " I feel stronger thanks to their baking "
Crayon used his Ultimate Sky Blast while Grackle and Dove used their Ultimate Wind Blasts. Colouruke used his Ultimate Sea Blast.
Challenger was showing off his Tenfold Thunderstorm Strike and it had tons of power.
" Wow " said Colouruke.
" Glad to be able to use this new technique " said Challenger.
" Bakers love this power " said Artby.
Colourea and Artby then used their Ultimate Light Blasts. After that, Crayon used his Times Seven Sky Strike.
Grackle and Dove used their Times Six Wind Strikes while Colourea and Artby used their Times Six Light Strikes.
After all of that, they finished their training for the day.
Meanwhile King Bobby was with Warbler.
" Warbler, Challenger must be stopped " said King Bobby.
" I saw the statement, what do you want me and Allie to do ? " asked Warbler.
" You two will stay here, while the queen and me end Challenger " said King Bobby.
" We will decide a time for this fight "
" We want you to watch us end him "
" Do not worry, we have special meals set up for you "
" Meals ? " asked Warbler. " What do you have in mind ? "
" We will tell you the meal when we make the decision " said King Bobby.
King Bobby released another statement.
I have challenged Challenger to this ultimate battle. He has threatened to destroy the sex life of Warbler, I will not allow it to be destroyed. I know how important it is to everyone. His love life also matters a lot, I will make sure nothing happens as well.His friends will fight as well, the queen will be fighting with me. I have continued showing love to the queen. It is good for Bird's Isle for people to know that, the people respect that type of thing. We will let everyone know when the battle will be, everyone in Bird's Isle will witness it for themselves. We will have meals made for people as well, warriors will get to eat, drink and watch the fight.
Crayon and his friends will be no more, they will lose the fight. I encourage everyone to be able to watch the fight. It is a fight that you will love watching. Warbler is counting on me and the queen to do what is necessary, he is such a great guy. The kindness within him is always shown, I do not forget.
Thank you for your understanding,
King Bobby Blackbird
The statement was sent out.
Crayon and his friends heard the statements.
"We have threatened to destroy the sex life of Warbler ? " asked Crayon confused.
" Apparently so " said Colouruke.
" I don't understand " said Dove.
" We must be ready for this ultimate battle " said Challenger.
" That is for sure, he seems very sure of himself " said Colourea.
" He does " said Crayon.
" King Bobby must be stopped " said Grackle.
" We just need to stop him and the queen "
" He has no advisors left " said Dove.
" We have gotten so much stronger " said Challenger.
" That is true, hopefully we will be able to use some new techniques " said Crayon.
" We should " said Colourea.
" Yeah, that would be awesome " said Artby.
" I know that the bakers would like that "
Meanwhile Warbler was with Allie.
" Warbler, you are amazing " said Allie.
" Thanks " said Warbler.
" I will always think this as long as you support Bird's Isle " said Allie. " The king says it is good for Bird's Isle when we are together "
" Uh, thanks " said Warbler.
" Glad you are thankful " said Allie.
" It means a lot "
Allie kissed Warbler.
Queen Starling was with King Bobby.
" This battle will happen when we find them, we have this great arena set up " said King Bobby.
"Our warriors said have a lot of honour " said Queen Starling.
" I love the honour they have "
" Our warriors have a lot of honour, they will be there to support the king and queen " said King Bobby.
" They know of what we have done "
" Bird's Isle is so great "
" We have meals planned, a lot "
" Great to see " said Queen Starling.
" There will be drinks served also " said King Bobby.
" When we win, there will be a huge celebration "
" Warbler and Allie will be here as well "
" They are perfect for each other, Challenger never cared about Warbler this way " said Queen Starling.
" That is true, I have made Warbler have more money than he would ever have with Crayon and his friends " said King Bobby.
" Warbler's money means a lot "
" I do have a lot of money "
" Yes " said Queen Starling.
" I will make sure that I will continue to have a lot of money " said King Bobby.
Meanwhile in Colourland, Colour King had recovered.
" Glad to be back " said Colour King.
" Your reign of Colourlandish glory will happen again " said Colour Dictator. " The rest of us are here to make sure it happens "
" I must contact King Bobby at once " said Colour King. " He must hear this wonderful news "
" I am so much better than Challenger for Colourland "
" This is what Colourland needs " said Colour Dictator.
Colour King contacted King Bobby.
" I have returned " said Colour King.
" Brilliant " said King Bobby.
" Colourland needs Colour King "
" You will stop Challenger, I just know it " said Colour King.
" We are the two leaders that both our countries need, the people of Bird's Isle love being ruled by me and the people of Colourland have tons of respect for you " said King Bobby.
" Challenger has not treated Warbler in the right way "
" Challenger is a weak leader, he is not a good representation of Colourland " said Colour King. " Under my rule, we invaded places and executed people against us "
" Challenger has not allowed Warbler to fight Numerians which is not his business since he is not from Bird's Isle "
" Warbler is not a bad man "
" Colourlandish people want to forget him when they can " said King Bobby. " Everywhere will be showing the fight and it will be broadcast all over Bird's Isle, there will be food and drink at the castle "
" There is a great celebration going to happen "
" Challenger is in Bird's Isle so I can now take over as the new leader " said Colour King. " Hahahaha "
" Colourland will be back to the way that it used to be " said King Bobby.
" Yes, Colourland is so great " said Colour King.
" I love Colourland "
" Challenger does not love Colourland as much as me "
" I have gotten that sense " said King Bobby.
" Yes, he has not been good " said Colour King.
" I must go now "
" See you later, we will talk again for sure " said King Bobby.
After that, Crayon and his friends ate their supper which they enjoyed.
" Bakers will save us " said Artby. " As a customer, I will always fight for them "
" As a customer ? " asked Colouruke.
" I will attempt to be the best customer for bakers ever " said Artby. " Bakers deserve great appreciation keeping them to feel welcome "
" Feel welcome ? asked Grackle.
" I keep bakers welcome, bread keeps me welcome as well " said Artby.
" How does bread keep someone welcome ? " asked Crayon.
" The flour makes me more welcoming " said Artby. " Bakers want people to be good people so they add a special flour that makes us better people, Crayon "
" What else does this flour do ? " asked Challenger.
" It makes us braver, sexier, stronger at fights " said Artby. " It depends on the bread for sure "
" Challenger, has bread helped you out ? "
" Well the bread tastes great but I don't see much of a connection " said Challenger.
" We should all dream about bakers baking bread tonight " said Artby.
" Well if you want to dream about that, that's fine but I don't think that we are all going to do that " said Dove.
Crayon was kissing Colourea again and then headed to the bed together.
Meanwhile Artby was talking to Colouruke.
" Colouruke " said Artby.
" Yes, Artby " said Colouruke.
" Colouruke have you noticed how happy Crayon and Colourea are " said Artby.
" Yes, I have " said Colouruke.
" Bread has helped " said Artby.
" Bread makes us kiss better "
" What ? " asked Colouruke.
I will tell the bakers about it tomorrow " said Artby. "They deserve to be thanked for it "
" Well, I'm not sure what the bakers will think but it is up to you " said Colouruke.
Everyone went to bed.
King Bobby got up and then him, Queen Starling, Warbler and Allie had their breakfast which they enjoyed.
" Warbler, we need to keep training " said Queen Starling. " We need you stronger "
" Understood " said Warbler.
" Warbler amazes me " said Allie.
" We will always care about him " said Queen Starling.
" I will not forget to do so "
Warbler went for his daily training. Crayon and his friends got up and they went to the bakery.
Artby thanked every baker and he then thanked them for helping all of them kiss better according to him.
" Uh, what " said the baker.
" Bread has made us better at kissing " said Artby.
" I have no words " said Grackle.
" Same here " said Dove.
" Grackle, I understand " said Artby. " Flour has helped the kissing a lot "
" Uh, thanks " said the baker confused.
They got their bread and left, then they headed back to eat their breakfast and they enjoyed it.
After that, Crayon and his friends started to train.
Challenger now was able to use the Sun Implosion and he showed the attack and it hit with tons of power.
" Woah " said Crayon.
" We will need this against the royalty " said Colourea.
Crayon then used his Sky Implosion while Colourea and Artby used their Light Implosions. Challenger then used his Ultimate Sun Bomb.
" Challenger has gotten a lot better " said Colouruke.
" We will need all the power we can " said Dove.
" For sure " said Colourea.
Dove and Grackle used their Wind Implosions while Colouruke used the Sea Implosion and Challenger used the Ultimate Sun Blast.
After that, Challenger used the Tenfold Sun Strike while Crayon used the Ultimate Sky Blast and Colouruke used the Ultimate Sea Blast.
Colouruke then practiced his Ultimate Sea Blast and his Ultimate Sea Bomb, Crayon then used his Ultimate Sky Bomb and his Times Seven Sky Strike.
After that, Grackle and Dove used their Ultimate Wind Blasts, their Ultimate Wind Bombs and their Times Six Wind Strikes.
" Great training " said Challenger.
" Hopefully I can use that Sun Implosion " said Crayon.
" You will one day, Crayon " said Challenger. " Anyways we have to be ready for the royalty "
King Bobby sent out a statement.
I have given Warbler money, he needs to feel that he is welcome in the castle. Right now, we need Crayon and his friends to be found. We have sent people to look for them, they must go to the battle arena that we have set out.
We have set viewing parties all over Bird's Isle for this special event, Challenger will be taken down. The two strongest fighters in Bird's Isle will have no problem doing this, Warbler is always in our thoughts, he deserves better. He is truly a great guy. Always remember that about him.
Thank you for your understanding,
King Bobby Blackbird
King Bobby sent out the statement.
Crayon and his friends learned about the statement.
" We must be on the lookout " said Challenger.
" We will " said Colouruke.
" We will win if we give our all " said Colourea.
" For sure, but it will be very challenging " said Crayon.
" I have faith " said Grackle.
" Same here " said Dove.
" I will give it everything "