Chapter 21
The Preparations
Warbler was able to use the Bird Flock technique and he reported to King Bobby.
" Great to see, Warbler " said King Bobby.
" Thanks " said Warbler.
" Warbler, we have set up these viewing parties for the fight " said King Bobby. " You are going to be in the castle with Allie "
" Understood " said Warbler.
" Good " said King Bobby.
" Anyways I have to meet up with Queen Starling, so see you later "
" Yes, see you later " said Warbler.
King Bobby was with Queen Starling.
" I am glad that you are the queen in Bird's Isle " said King Bobby. " People just don't love being ruled by a king, they love seeing a queen there too "
" That is so true " said Queen Starling.
" Bird's Isle needs us more than ever after what has happened " said King Bobby.
" Warbler knows what we have done " said Queen Starling. " He has more money in his pocket now "
" I have made his sex life better than anyone ever did outside of Blackburnian " said King Bobby. " Bird's Isle will never forget this "
" Bird's Isle wanted him to get with Allie, the country loves seeing that "
" For Bird's Isle " they both said.
Meanwhile Crayon and his friends were talking.
" Bakers will help us " said Artby.
" How so ? " asked Crayon.
" We need to show bakeries around Bird's Isle about the type of customer I am " said Artby.
What type of customer are you to them ? " asked Colourea.
" A great customer, the type of customer that keeps bakers welcome " said Artby. " We must keep all bakers welcome here "
" Why all bakers ? " asked Colouruke.
" Keeping a baker more welcome makes the bread tastier and keeps them appreciated " said Artby.
" Well, we could go to other bakeries " said Challenger.
" They need me as a customer, I will tell them about the dreams about them baking bread " said Artby.
" Hopefully the bakers will not be creeped out " said Dove.
" Bakers will not find me a creep, I trust in bakers " said Artby.
" I do have faith "
They had their supper which they enjoyed. Crayon then kissed Colourea and they all went to bed.
Morning came and King Bobby then told his warriors to be on the lookout for Crayon and his friends.
They enjoyed their breakfast, King Bobby sent Allie and Warbler to continue their training.
" You have gotten so strong, Warbler " said Allie.
" You too " said Warbler. " Maybe one day I will be able to use the Bird Implosion.
" You will " said Allie. " I feel so special being around you "
" Thanks " said Warbler.
" It means a lot "
Warbler then used his Sky Implosion which hit with tons of power.
King Bobby sent out another statement.
Our warriors are looking for Crayon and his friends now, they will succeed. Queen Starling is great, people of Bird's Isle love being ruled by a queen not just a king like me. When I love the queen, I always think of how the people of Bird's Isle as well not just the queen. I will be giving Warbler more money, he needs more of it. Challenger never did anything like that for him, he has failed him. Warbler knows how much Bird's Isle loves and cares about him. He is so kind, we recognize how kind he is.We will start the fight between us and Crayon's group as soon as possible. This fight is one we will win, you can see it happening before your eyes.
Thank you for your understanding,
King Bobby Blackbird
King Bobby sent the statement.
Crayon and his friends got up.
" Now, let's get ready " said Challenger.
" Sounds good to me, I cannot wait for these different bakers " said Artby. " I cannot wait to see them and make them feel welcome "
They got ready and then headed to a different bakery.
Artby then started to thank every baker and started talking about dreaming them baking bread.
" Uh, thanks " said the baker.
" I will never stop dreaming about a baker baking bread, very inspiring " said Artby. " Customers know to keep bakers more welcome and appreciated "
" Uh, yeah " said Crayon.
" Crayon is very appreciated by the bread he puts in his mouth " said Artby.
His mouth ? " asked Colourea. " I love Crayon but I have never heard about that ever "
" Bakers have helped his mouth close better " said Artby.
" My mouth " said Crayon confused.
" Apparently " said Colouruke who was confused as well.
" Crayon has the taste buds for this " said Artby.
" He has unique taste buds "
" Taste buds ? " asked Grackle. " I am very stunned by all of this "
" Crayon's taste buds ? " asked Colouruke.
" Bakers have helped him enjoy taste more, it has done wonders there " said Artby.
They got their bread and left.
" Colouruke, have you noticed anything with Crayon's taste buds " said Artby.
" No, Artby " said Colouruke.
" Nothing out of the ordinary " said Crayon.
" I haven't noticed anything " said Colourea.
" Same here " said Grackle.
" I have noticed how they can taste " said Artby.
" This can help with fighting "
Meanwhile warriors were searching for Crayon and his friends and they eventually saw them after they ate their breakfast and went outside.
" You seven must come to the castle " said a warrior.
" The castle ? " asked Dove.
" What is going onthere " said Grackle.
" The king has something planned " said the second warrior.
" Now, you must come with us " said the third warrior.
" We will go " said Challenger.
" I am curious what the king has in store "
Crayon and his friends were outside of the castle and then they were greeted by Warbler and Allie.
" So you are the group that Warbler has mentioned " said Allie.
" Yes " said Colouruke.
" The king will be here with the queen soon " said Warbler.
" Warbler, how have things been ? " asked Grackle.
" I have been training a lot " said Warbler.
" He is with me, I love Warbler " said Allie.
Warbler means a lot to me, the king has given him more money "
" Money ? " asked Challenger. " So he plans to buy his friendship ? "
" No, he just cares about Warbler " said Allie. " Warbler has been able to treat me out great "
" That is true " said a warrior.
" Warbler knows that this castle is great for him " said Allie. " Warbler knows that he will always be welcome "
" There are viewing parties for the coming up event " said Warbler. " The king and queen have set this up "
" So we are just to entertain him ? " asked Artby.
" You will see soon " said Allie.
The king and queen arrived.
" So Challenger, we meet again " said King Bobby.
" We will show you this giant arena " said Queen Starling.
" Warbler and Allie, go to the castle " said King Bobby. " There is something special for all of you "
" Yes, King Bobby " they both said.
Warbler and Allie headed into the castle.
" There is so much for us to eat and drink " said Warbler.
" True " said Allie.
" King Bobby is super strong, Challenger has no chance at all "
Crayon and his friends arrived at the arena that King Bobby and Queen Starling were at.
" This place is gigantic " said Colourea.
" It sure is " said King Bobby. " Our advisors are all gone now so you know that Warbler and Allie will be working with us "
" I have wanted to help the sex life of Warbler and we do not need your interference anymore " said Queen Starling.
" His sex life means a lot, thanks to what we have done we have changed him sexually " said King Bobby.
" Warbler is better off "
" Not to mention his love life as well "
" Think of what I have done "
" Warbler was with us in Colourland " said Colouruke.
" That is true " said Colourea.
" He was for a bit but he knows us for longer, he does not want to be lonely sexually " said King Bobby.
" We took action "
" I have done so much for Warbler "
" If he needed someone so much, we could have talked to him about it " said Challenger.
" Bakers know something " said Artby.
" About sex ? " asked Dove.
" They can use baking to help " said Artby.
" Baking can always help "
" Allie is perfect for him " said King Bobby. " She does not want him having friends who oppose the war "
" It is not acceptable "
" He must have this special time with Allie "
" Allie wants this "
" We gave you a chance to fight in the war which you refused and another to leave him alone " said Queen Starling.
" You did not succeed in doing that "
" But Warbler enjoyed talking to us, so why would Allie not want us hanging out with him ? " asked Dove.
" It is not good for his sex life, we take Warbler's sex life very seriously " said King Bobby. " We talked about that several times "
" We know what is good for Bird's Isle "
" Good for Bird's Isle? " asked Colourea. " You think the people care what you or Warbler are doing sexually ? "
" Yes, people in Bird's Isle love knowing how what I am doing said King Bobby. The queen is happy "
" Not to mention Warbler "
" It is so important "
" Warbler's sex life is so important to me as a king "
" As a king ? " asked Crayon.
" Yes, I am showing what a great king I am " said King Bobby.
" I am one of the best kings ever "
" Yes, very true " said Queen Starling.
" King Bobby is great "
" Bird's Isle knows how great a king I am" said King Bobby.
" Ask people here, they know it "
" They will all tell you about how great a king I can be "
" What " said Challenger.
" He is not wrong " said Queen Starling.
" Since you are not willing to understand then you must fall " said King Bobby.
" We are ready " said Dove.
" We are doing this for Warbler, we will not fail " said Queen Starling.
" Bread will save us, it has helped Crayon's taste buds " said Artby.
" His taste buds have changed "
" He was able to enjoy his meals that were made for him here so I don't think so " said Queen Starling.
" Bread does a lot, bakers love seeing Warbler in the bakeries " saidArtby.
" Warbler and Allie will see your demise " said King Bobby.
"We have great viewing parties "
" Warbler will be eating great and drinking to your end " said Queen Starling.
" That's my queen " said King Bobby. " We will fight all seven of you at once "
" We are ready " said Crayon.
" Prepare to be taken down " said Queen Starling.
Meanwhile in Colourland, Colour King had taken rule.
" Now it is time for me to take over " said Colour King.
" We will start making some new laws " said Colour Dictator.
" We are going to cut down on music criticizing the king " said Colour King.
" Musicians must respect Colourland "
" They must understand "
" I will not have any band disrespect me ever "
" Music must respect me "
" Bands that have no respect for us are never welcome " said Colour Dictator.
" We will arrest promoters that put them on, we will block all music videos of songs against me " said Colour King.
" We have made it illegal to say " Fuck Colour King " said Colour Dictator.
" We have also blocked all websites critical of me in Colourland for Colourlandish viewing " said Colour King.
" Good, we cannot have these websites here " said Colour Dictator.
" They are so insulting "
" True, I cannot be insulted this way, it is so terrible " said Colour King.
" People in Colourland will not enjoy seeing those sites "
" Yes, they hate it " said Colour Dictator.
New laws in Colourland:
Music criticizing Colour King cannot be played and videos will be blocked. Promoters who are caught allowing it will be arrested. Musicians who refuse will be arrested as well. Musical instruments will be taken away from musicians who fail to obey this law.
Saying Fuck Colour King, Colour King is shit is not allowed in public. Calling Colour King an asshole, prick or a jerk is not either.
Websites that are critical of Colour King only and have no other purposes cannot be viewed in Colourland.
Websites claiming that Colourland is racist cannot be viewed as well in Colourland. Calling Colour King a racist in public is not allowed.
Protests against Colour King or anyone involved with the Colourlandish government are forbidden.
Burning Colourlandish flags or doing anything that is disrespectful to them is not allowed.
Saying " Fuck Colourland " is not allowed and will lead to arrests.
Executions will be open to the public if we feel it is a good idea.
Disrespect of any warriors or the armed forces will result in being arrested.
Refusal to support wars that Colourland is involved in is prohibited.