Chapter 7
King Bobby's Justice
King Bobby was talking with the other remaining advisors again.
" Now as you may know, Colour King was the previous leader of Colourland " said King Bobby.
" I do remember him " said Lord Grackle.
" He was a powerful leader " said Queen Starling.
" We have sent people to Colourland to search for him there " said King Bobby.
" We need to know the condition that he is in because we need him alive " said Curtis.
" We also have warriors at Grackle's place " said Blackburnian. " We will conduct searches through their place for anything that could have made them not want to fight "
" If there is anyone who opposes Crayon fighting, they must be arrested " said Curtis.
" Crayon must end up fighting, it is very important "
" Yes, he must fight " said Blackburnian.
" Our warriors are ready for anyone, if they do not come willingly " said Diana.
" They are great, I am always proud of them " said King Bobby.
" The warriors will do what they need to do " said Curtis.
" Me and them will be leaving " said Blackburnian.
" I don't trust Grackle or Dove "
" Same here " said Diana.
" They are not to be trusted, they are more likely to be responsible for Crayon and his friends not fighting " said Blackburnian.
" Warbler must fight "
" Now time for me to go "
" See you later " said King Bobby.
" We know you will find them "
Blackburnian and several warriors went to Grackle and Dove's place.
" Seems pretty normal to me but we cannot be so sure " said Blackburnian.
" Yeah, we can never be too sure " said a warrior.
The warriors were able to knock down an opening and one of them let the others in.
" So what do we have here " said a warrior.
" We appear to see a pretty normal house " said Blackburnian. " Should we contact Challenger "
" King Bobby has his number and has given it to the advisors "
" Might as well " said a warrior.
Challenger got up and he recieved a call from a number.
" Wonder who this is ? " thought Challenger.
" Challenger, we should talk " said Blackburnian.
" What is going on ? " asked Challenger.
" Well, the thing is that I am at Grackle and Dove's place " said Blackburnian. " We have been searching the place just to be sure "
" Sure of what ? " asked Challenger.
" Well we want to see if anything that prevented Crayon from fighting in the war is here " said Blackburnian. " Is anyone else here ? "
" Nobody at all " said Challenger.
" King Bobby is very upset right now " said Blackburnian. " We will keep searching here "
" We will find out what is going on "
" What do you expect to find ? " asked Challenger.
" Perhaps there are books or papers that are against the war " said Blackburnian. " If so, they must be removed "
" We cannot have anyone reading that "
" Books against the war ? " asked Challenger.
" We will search the books " said Blackburnian.
" Anyways Challenger, hopefully the questioning will happen soon "
" See you later "
Blackburnian picked up a book but he did not find any books against the war.
" So should we take anything here ? " asked a warrior.
" There is nothing against the war here " said Blackburnian. " We must report to King Bobby right now "
" Yes, we must tell the king " said a warrior.
Blackburnian and the warriors reported back to King Bobby and they were not able to find anything that was against the war.
" Well, that is disappointing " said King Bobby.
" It is " said Blackburnian.
" Hopefully our warriors can find Colour King " said Curtis.
" I talked to Challenger " said Blackburnian.
" He claimed that nobody was with him "
" He probably lied " said Curtis. " He doesn't seem interested in the war "
" We have his number " said Lord Grackle. " King Bobby did give it to us "
" Do you have the number of the others ? " asked Diana.
" We only have Challenger and Warbler " said King Bobby. " We really should contact Warbler privately "
" Sounds like a plan " said Blackburnian.
" Maybe if he is alone, he will explain " said Curtis.
" Yes, that sounds like him " said Blackburnian.
" Warbler will explain what is going on "
" I know he will do so "
Time passed, Crayon and his friends checked out of the hospital and they just got out.
King Bobby called Warbler.
" Warbler, we need to talk right now " said King Bobby.
" What is going on, King Bobby " said Warbler.
" Warbler, I am concerned " said King Bobby. " You know how much Blackburnian wants you fighting with him in this war "
" So for this questioning, where would you meet us ? " asked Warbler.
" We will bring to a special court " said King Bobby. " Warbler, I want to believe that you want war but these friends you have made do not want that "
" You know your brother and the rest of us want war and the news does "
" I am aware of all of this " said Warbler.
" Good " said King Bobby. " We are sending warriors to Bird Port "
" We know that you refused to fight our advisors so you might be innocent in this issue "
" But the thing is that the friends you chose to make put us in this position which is tough "
" It is not what we hoped but this is how it must be "
" I understand " said Warbler.
" Good, glad you do " said King Bobby.
" Anyways, I have to go but we will see you soon "
" See you later " said Warbler.
Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke, Artby, Dove and Grackle went to get bread at the bakery.
" It is great to see bakers again, I will thank each baker like I usually do " said Artby.
Artby thanked every baker.
" Bakers make us better people " said Artby. " Bakeries have done wonders for us "
They got their bread and left. They were sent a message by Challenger and they headed there.
" Me and Warbler were staying here while you were in the hospital recovering " said Challenger. " Blackburnian contacted me "
" Why ? " asked Colouruke.
" He and warriors of Bird's Isle snuck into Grackle and Dove's place and they were looking for anything that could make us against the war " said Challenger.
" What " said Dove.
" Nothing inside that place will do that " said Grackle.
" King Bobby contacted me " said Warbler. " He says that there is this court that exists "
" Court ? " asked Artby.
" For the questioning " said Warbler. " He says that Blackburnian wants me to fight in the war and he says that the rest of us do not want war "
" Well he is right about us not wanting it, but I think that King Bobby is planning something " said Colourea.
" It looks that way " said Crayon.
" He believes that Warbler wants to fight it seems but that his friends don't want him fighting " said Dove.
" But Warbler didn't side with Paula and Salvador " said Grackle.
" I think that Blackburnian will believe that no matter what " said Crayon.
" True " said Challenger.
" Let's go inside " said Artby.
They enjoyed their breakfast.
After they ate, they then started training where Challenger was showing them his lightning techniques.
" Crayon, have you seen lightning techniques ? " asked Challenger.
" From Easeion, I have " said Crayon.
" Now, I am going to show you something special " said Challenger.
" Lightning Implosion "
The implosion went off with insane power.
" Wow " said Colouruke.
" We should continue training " said Colourea.
" Yeah, we should do so " said Warbler.
Crayon used his Light Implosion, Colouruke used his Sea Implosion, Warbler used his Wind Implosion and Challenger used his Lightning Implosion. The implosions hit each other and there was a huge combined blast.
" Amazing " said Grackle and Dove.
" We will stop King Bobby with this " said Artby.
" We will need to keep up training " said Crayon.
" It is hard to say which advisor is next "
Grackle and Dove combined their Ultimate Wind Bombs while Warbler and Crayon used their Ultimate Wind Blasts. The attacks hit each other.
Artby, Colourea and Crayon combined their Light Implosions together creating a new superattack called the Burning Sun Implosion which had insane power.
" Glad to see " said Challenger.
" It is truly marvelous " said Colouruke.
" Yeah, bakers would love this " said Artby.
" They would be proud "
They continued training their blasts and their bombs for a while.
Draco and Rourke were talking.
" King Bobby will have some great justice " said Draco.
" He sure will " said Rourke.
" Challenger has much to learn " said Draco.
" He's no Colour King " said Rourke.
" Colour King is so much better than him "
" I really hope he is brought back " said Draco.
" Well we need to find Crayon and his friends " said Rourke.
" They need justice " said Draco.
" This cannot continue, it is a joke "
" I'm not sure what has gotten into Warbler these days but it is a shame " said Rourke.
" Perhaps Dove and Grackle are responsible for this "
" King Bobby had a talk with him I heard " said Draco.
" I am hoping that he would listen to our king and not any bad friend " said Rourke.
" Friends cannot go against these wars "
" These wars are too important "
" We must search Bird Port for them " said Draco.
" Yes, we must go there " said Rourke.
" They will likely be there "
" Crayon and his friends have to explain what started this " said Draco.
The warriors that King Bobby arrived in Colourland and they were searching for Colour King.
" So this is Colourland " said the first warrior.
" Now it is time for Colour King to be revealed " said the second warrior.
" Colourland has deserved him since the beginning " said the third warrior.
" Colour King is better than Challenger "
The warriors then continued searching for Colour King where they found the place that Challenger worked.
The warriors took pictures and sent it to King Bobby.
" So this is the main office of Challenger " said King Bobby. " Well maybe you will find Colour King around somewhere "
" We will check the old Bear hideout as well " said a warrior.
" Maybe Colour King supported them " said King Bobby.
" I don't think they did, but who knows "
" It is worth a try "
They headed to the hideout which was inside this forest.
" The place appears completely deserted " said a warrior.
" There is a message here " said a second warrior.
The message read this:
The father of the Smithson family named Brett has taken everyone and left. We will start a new beginning with the Bear. If you are still remaining make sure to contact me at this number here 416-678-4003 and you will able to make it to where the rest of us are. It is sad what happened to our members.
" A new beginning " said the warrior.
" Well the Bear did not like Challenger but King Bobby was happy at first that Crayon and his friends won " said the second warrior.
" Maybe it was Blackin and Blackina that King Bobby did not like ? " asked the third warrior.
" King Bobby is a great king but we should search through this hideout " said the fourth warrior.
" Yes, we should do that " said the first warrior.
They searched through the hideout and they saw a book here. They opened it.
It seems to describe the dream wedding that Blackin was going to throw for Blackina " said a warrior.
" Blackina must mean everything for him " said the second warrior.
" Anyways look for more " said the third warrior.
They did not find Colour King but they found a lot of things that showed Blackin's love for Blackina.
They sent the number to King Bobby who then sent it to his advisors and Queen Starling.
One warrior was able to find some Colourlandish who worked for Colour King but they could not find him. The warriors all headed back to King Bobby.
" So you found this Brett guy and previous people working for Colour King " said King Bobby.
" I'm not sure much about this father of the Smithsons but I do know that the Bear opposed Challenger so maybe they know something about Colour King " said Queen Starling.
" It is worth a try " said Blackburnian.
King Bobby called the number of Brett.
Brett answered the call.
" Hello " said Brett.
" Do you know about Colour King ? " asked King Bobby.
" Colour King ? " asked Brett. " I don't know much about him but I know my sons and daughter fought against a man named Crayon who was close to Challenger.
" Unfortunately they could not beat him "
" If you see him, let us know " said King Bobby.
" Yes " said Brett.
" Easeion does not like Challenger at all "
" Maybe he has an idea where Colour King is " said King Bobby.
" I'm not sure, I don't think he knows much about him but it is worth a try " said Brett. " Anyways, I have got to get going "
" He doesn't appear to know much about Colour King " said King Bobby.
" But he seemed to not like Challenger for what he did to his sons "
" People are tiring of Challenger for different reasons it seems " said Curtis.
" Perhaps we can use this to our advantage "
" Yeah, that is true " said Diana.
" My brother Warbler fought against those guys so I'm not sure that they will help us " said Blackburnian.
" Yeah, I wouldn't bet on it " said Diana.
" To be fair, the Bear wanted to take over Colourland so I don't think they particularly like Colour King " said Lord Grackle.
" They wanted everything for Blackin and Blackina but maybe it had to do with Challenger as well "
" Time will tell " said Diana. " It really matters not, Colour King and King Bobby are a lot stronger so if the Bear refuses we will be fine "
" Draco and Rourke are going to bring Crayon and his friends to justice " said King Bobby.
" The friend who is responsible will be revealed to Bird's Isle "
" Bird's Isle hates that friend "
" Yes, any friend who does what they have done is a disgrace " said Blackburnian.
" Crayon should be embarrassed to have any friend like that "
Crayon and his friends had been training for a long time, they finished the training. They then had supper which they enjoyed.
After that, Crayon was kissing Colourea. The others were talking.
" Challenger, have you noticed how happy Crayon is? " asked Artby.
" Well, I have no idea to be honest " said Challenger.
" The bakers helped him out so much, bakeries have always wanted Crayon to be happier" said Artby. " The flour has allowed Crayon to be himself in a special way around Colourea "
" A special way of being himself ? " asked Dove.
" Bakeries have allowed us to be ourselves more " said Artby. " I have thanked bakers every time I go because they have done that for Crayon "
" Bakeries do that ? " asked Grackle.
" If you talk to any baker, they will tell you which bread makes you sexier " said Artby.
" Bread can make someone very sexy "
" Bakers know about it "
" What the fuck " said Challenger.
" I have never seen a baker do that " said Colouruke.
" Same here " said Grackle.
" When I talk to bakers, conversations that have not happened before now can happen " said Artby.
" Baking is so wonderful "
" I love these new conversations "
" How would a baker create these conversations ? " asked Warbler.
" The flour allows bakers to have conversation with people that is a new conversation " said Artby.
" Artby " said Colouruke.
" Yes Colouruke " said Artby.
" Artby, what the fuck " said Colouruke.
" Bread has helped Crayon with these new special conversations that he has with Colourea " said Artby. " So what are these conversations ? " asked Warbler.
" Crayon knows how he is "
" Bakers can make people feel better "
" I love bakers "
" Well, that is something " said Dove.
" It really is " said Warbler.
" I am just lost " said Crayon.
" Same here " said Grackle.
" Grackle, you know about bakers " said Artby.
" Baking is so useful and we can feel better "
" Bakers want Crayon feeling that way, it shows they care about him "
" I am not sure what they will think of what you are saying " said Challenger.
" All of this is very random "
" Well, we should be probably getting to bed soon "
" That is a good idea " said Warbler.
" See you all in the morning " said Challenger.
After all of that, they went to their seperate rooms. Later on they went to bed.
Morning came and King Bobby was with his advisors.
" Draco and Rourke should have no problems with those traitors " said King Bobby.
" I wanted war, they will regret it " said Blackburnian. " I hope my brother Warbler can learn from this, he must think more about the people he is hanging out with "
" Justice will come "
" Warbler will be able to learn from this" said Curtis.
" Warbler is a great guy but these friends are letting him down "
" The friend who is responsible must know what they are doing is terrible " said Diana.
" There must be some understand of that "
" I would think so " said King Bobby.
" It is intentional "
" Warbler has not been hanging out with the friends that have been great " said Blackburnian.
" These friends have not been the friends we have wanted them to be "
" We would not expect this at first "
" We expected better and we did not get that " said King Bobby.
" Challenger has a lot to learn as a leader " said Queen Starling.
" No leader would allow one friend to influence the group like this "
" It is unacceptable "
" Colour King was better " said King Bobby.
" If he was there, Crayon would be fighting in the war right now "
" He would not tolerate any friend getting in the way "
" It would have given the chance for Crayon to be a hero again " said Lord Grackle.
" It is a shame that he ruined that from happening "
" Crayon being heroic does matter "
" Colourea would love Crayon even more if that were to be true " said Blackburnian.
" Unless Colourea is responsible ? "
" I suspect that Grackle or Dove is more likely but we cannot guarantee " said Diana.
" I know it is not Warbler "
" Warbler is the least likely, I know my brother " said Blackburnian.
" Crayon will have to deal with what happens to him thanks to what is happening "
" That is true " said King Bobby.
" We will get the justice we need "
" There is no getting away from us "
" Anyways, you are all dismissed "