Chapter 6 - Six

Chapter 12

Curtis and the Warriors

" Now it is time " said Curtis. " I will fight Challenger, Crayon, Colourea and Warbler. " My warriors will deal with the others "

" I am ready " said Artby.

" I will take you down " said a warrior.

The warriors then started getting ready with their Wind Strikes, Artby then charged for his Ultimate Light Blast. The blast was strong and knocked the warriors down but one grabbed Dove.

Dove and the warrior were kicking each other. After that, Dove then used the Quadruple Wind Strike and hit the warrior head on.

Grackle launched his Ultimate Wind Bomb while Colouruke used his Ultimate Sea Bomb, the bombs combined to create the Ultimate Hurricane Bomb which had an intense amount of power and it blasted down the warriors.

" What the " said a warrior.

" Man, that does it " said another warrior.

" Baking and training does so much " said Artby.

One warrior was defeated. The warriors then all got ready with their Super Wind Strikes but Artby used his Light Implosion which was just too strong and the warriors were starting to slightly struggle.

They got up and then they used a combined kicking attack directly on Grackle.

They surrounded Grackle and they were about to all use their Super Wind Bombs while Colouruke used his Ultimate Sea Blast and Artby used his Ultimate Light Blast which created an attack called Ultimate Bright Ocean Blast. The blast was insanely strong, a giant explosion happened. Everyone was hit by it. The warriors looked almost finished.

The warriors were able to get up and they charged their Super Wind Blasts while Grackle and Dove used their respective Wind Implosions which combined to the Sky Implosion which was too powerful and the warriors were defeated.

Curtis then used his Ultmate Sky Blast while Crayon used his Ultimate Sky Blast and Warbler used his Ultimate Wind Blast. The attacks collided with each other. Curtis got up and he rushed towards Challenger with his Ultimate Sky Bomb while Challenger used his Ultimate Lightning Bomb. The bombs hit and both of them took damage.

" It is a real shame that war did not happen " said Curtis.

" Unfortunately now order must happen "

" War would have brought wonders to the island "

" This is a great war "

" Wonders ? " asked Challenger.

" The resources would have been great for us " said Curtis.

" Lord Grackle loves these resources "

" What resources do you want ? " asked Colourea.

" Well they have good corn " said Curtis.

" The king wants a lot of metals as well "

" The king will expand Bird's Isle by doing this, he will make it a better place "

" People will want to go to Bird's Isle more "

" A better place ? " asked Crayon.

" Yes " said Curtis. " You could have been part of it, Crayon "

" Colouruke is a part of the problem "

" He has not supported this war "

" You are blaming him ? " asked Colourea.

" But it's not just him "

" Colouruke has not shown himself to be the hero we thought he was " said Curtis. " The king is not happy with him right now "

" Right now, he thinks the highest of Warbler of your group "

" The king believes he is a great guy "

" Why him ? " asked Crayon.

" He is the brother of Blackburnian " said Curtis.

" The king has a lot of respect for Blackburnian, so he supports Warbler a lot "

" But he doesn't want to fight " said Challenger.

" I hope Blackburnian understands " said Warbler.

" Warbler, don't do this " said Curtis.

" He is hurt by that "

" Don't do this to him "

" But he doesn't want to fight in this war " said Crayon.

" But that is not what his brother wants " said Curtis. " Blackburnian wants him to join the war with him "

" You must understand that "

" Regardless of him wanting to fight ? " asked Colourea.

" Warbler, you have a great brother " said Curtis.

" Blackburnian's great "

" I love the man, Warbler is lucky to have a brother like that "

" Despite Warbler not wanting to fight ? " asked Challenger.

" Yes " said Curtis. " We should continue the fight since you are not willing to accept our meals and face justice "

" The king will not stand for this "

" The king doesn't like what you have done "

" King Bobby is a great king, I will make sure that he gets his way "

" Let's start this fight " said Challenger.

Challenger charged for his Lightning Implosion while Curtis countered with his Sky Implosion. The implosions collided. They both got up. Curtis then hit Warbler with his Ultimate Sky Blast. Warbler got up but Curtis then grabbed him and threw him down.

" It really is a shame you know " said Curtis.

" Your brother Blackburnian is a great guy "

" It is a shame that you were influenced poorly, Warbler "

" You are a great guy and you show a lot of kindness "

" I do what is right " said Warbler.

" Unfortunately these friends have went against the war " said Curtis.

" He doesn't want to fight " said Colourea.

" Colourea, it is because you put this on him " said Curtis.

" I had thought better, but I was wrong "

" This is a shame "

" It isn't her fault, Curtis " said Crayon.

" But all of you are responsible in one way " said Curtis.

" Blackburnian has done lots for Warbler, why go against that ?

" He has been great for Warbler, he is there for him "

" He understands Warbler "

" He has " said Warbler.

" But this war ? "

Warbler, we know how you feel " said Curtis.

" But the king wants war and so does your brother

" You must understand "

" I am willing to fight also, you will have advisors fighting with you "

" Regardless of advisors wanting to fight, he doesn't want to fight " said Challenger.

" Challenger is right, Warbler doesn't want to fight " said Crayon.

" Well you keep influencing Warbler like this and Blackburnian is really sick of it " said Curtis.

" Warbler is a good guy, he cannot have this happen to him "

" Warbler shows tons of kindness "

" Regardless of him or not, it is not a war that makes sense " said Challenger.

" Him being kind or not has nothing to do with this war "

" Well then, let's continue the fight " said Curtis.

" You will all be taken down "

Curtis then charged up his Tenfold Sky Strike while Warbler used his Ultimate Wind Bomb. The attacks hit, Curtis's attack did more damage.

Curtis then started using the Ultimate Sky Bomb while Colourea used the Ultimate Light Bomb. The bombs hit, both of them took damage. Curtis then used the Ultimate Sky Blast, hitting down Colourea.

Challenger then used his Light Implosion while Crayon used his own, they combined into the Sun Implosion while Curtis used the Sky Implosion. The implosions hit, all of them took damage.

Curtis then grabbed Colourea and threw her down to the ground.

After that Curtis rushed Warbler with his Ultimate Sky Blast and he hit him directly.

Warbler got up he was charging his Ultimate Wind Blast and he aimed it towards Curtis, Curtis used his Tenfold Sky Strike. The attacks collided towards each other.

Curtis then got back up and then he used his Ultimate Sky Bomb while Colourea and Crayon used their Ultimate Light Bombs to counter. An explosion happened, all three took damage.

Curtis then used his Sky Implosion while Challenger and Colourea used the combined Sun Implosion attack. The attacks hit with tons of power.

Curtis got up and he rushed Warbler with his Tenfold Sky Strike and he hit him directly. Warbler and Colourea were slightly struggling.

Colourea used the Light Implosion while Warbler used the Ultimate Wind Bomb. Curtis countered with his Sky Implosion. The attacks collided with each other. Curtis got up and he grabbed Warbler, then he knocked him down.

" Warbler, it is your end " said Curtis.

" It really is a shame you know "

" I do have respect for you "

" A shame ? " asked Challenger.

" His brother Blackburnian " said Curtis. " Blackburnian has done so much for Warbler through his life "

" Blackburnian was always there for him as a brother, he's a great brother "

" Challenger, he's great "

" He is such a great brother, Bird's Isle sees this "

" But Warbler does not want to fight, no matter how many times you say this " said Crayon.

" But Blackburnian was always there for him, he was there for longer than you were " said Curtis.

" You may not like the man, but he is still his brother "

" He does so much for him "

Longer than me ? " asked Crayon. " What does that have to do with the war ?

" I'm just saying that Blackburnian has been there for Warbler longer than you have " said Curtis. " He has been there for Warbler than me as well "

" He's always there for him "

" Crayon, you have done less for Warbler than Blackburnian has "

" You must understand what is being said "

" Regardless if he is or not, let's continue the fight " said Crayon.

" Yeah, you are going down " said Curtis.

" Warbler will be fine with that "

" Warbler will fight "

Curtis then rushed for Colourea with his Ultimate Sky Bomb while she countered with her Ultimate Light Bomb. The bombs hit, both of them took damage.

Colourea used the Light Implosion while Crayon used the Ultimate Light Bomb. The attacks combined creating a super powered bomb with light energy while Curtis used his Sky Implosion to counter. The attacks collided with each other.

Colourea was getting near the end. Curtis then used his Ultimate Sky Blast while Warbler used the Wind Implosion. The attacks hit each other.

" Now this is it " said Curtis.

" We don't want to hurt Warbler but since this fight has started it must be this way "

" I will make sure that he doesn't die "

" We have more " said Colourea.

" King Bobby is a great king, you always love hearing him speak " said Curtis.

" When he speaks you can tell that he is a king which is something that is not always true with kings "

" Oh really ? " asked Crayon.

" Yes " said Curtis. " It is a shame that you did not go to war "

" The king has great speeches, kings are always inspired by Bobby "

" What kings ? " asked Challenger. " Never seen anything like that "

" Colour King loved the speeches " said Curtis.

" He loved King Bobby "

" To be fair, it is difficult to not love our king "

" He is a king that has inspired many "

" King Bobby has kept everyone inspired "

" Well, we should continue fighting " said Challenger.

Curtis then used his Sky Implosion while Crayon and Colourea used their Light Implosions which combined into the Sun Implosion. The implosions were incredibly powerful and everyone took damage.

Colourea and Warbler were defeated.

" So now the two strongest Colourlandish people remain " said Curtis. " I am ready "

" Let's continue " said Crayon.

Challenger then started charging tons of lightning energy for the Lightning Implosion while Crayon used the Sky Implosion. The attacks combined into the Electric Tornado Implosion, Curtis tried to counter with his Sky Implosion but Curtis took more damage.

Curtis then got up and he used his Tenfold Sky Strike while Crayon used his Quintuple Sky Strike and Challenger used the Quintuple Lightning Strike. The attacks collided with each other.

Curtis was slightly struggling and so was Crayon.

Crayon then aimed his Sky Implosion towards Curtis while Curtis countered with his own.

Curtis got up and he hit Challenger with his Ultimate Sky Blast, Crayon then punched him.

After that Challenger then kicked Curtis down.

Curtis was able to get up and he used the Sky Implosion directly on Crayon. Crayon and Curtis were struggling but Crayon got him.

" Lord Grackle " said Curtis.

" What about him ? " asked Crayon.

" He will stop you " said Curtis.

" He is a great advisor "

" We will see about that " said Challenger.

" The other advisors are way too strong, let's continue fighting " said Curtis.

Crayon then kicked Curtis.

" Curtis is not looking like he is going to make it " said Crayon.

" It looks that way " said Challenger.

" I'm not done " said Curtis.

" Curtis, Challenger has a lot of energy left " said Crayon. " Save yourself "

" I will fight " said Curtis. " King Bobby wants justice, he is too good a king for me to let him down "

" The king would never promote one of his advisors throwing in the towel "

" Right now, you would have to face two people in your condition " said Challenger.

" I am going to " said Curtis.

" I will do it "

Curtis aimed his Sky Implosion towards Crayon but Challenger took the hit, Crayon kicked Curtis.

" Curtis looks done " said Crayon.

" Give it a few minutes " said Challenger.

They gave it a few minutes, Curtis got up and he yelled " Remember Lord Grackle, remember him ".

After that, he fell down and was unable to get up.

Artby then showed up.

" We gave the warriors a good asskicking " said Artby. " Bakers want me to kick ass at all times "

" Uh, yeah " said Challenger.

" We should leave " said Grackle.

" Yes " said Dove.

" Warbler and Colourea are not in good condition " said Colouruke. " What should we do with Curtis ? "

" Leave him here " said Challenger. " I don't trust him but we should just leave him here "

" I don't want to kill him "

" Sounds like a plan to me " said Grackle.

" Let's go " said Crayon.

They called a hospital and they took an ambulance there.

Meanwhile, King Bobby was growing impatient with Curtis not arriving or the warriors.

" Curtis is too skilled " said King Bobby. " He should be back, I want justice "

" We all need justice after what has happened " said Blackburnian.

" My brother Warbler is a man I think about all the time "

" He is a great man "

" We all think about Warbler " said Lord Grackle.

" True " said Queen Starling.

" If he was fighting in the war, it would be great " said Diana.

" It would " said Queen Starling.

" How much longer should we give Curtis ? " asked Diana.

" Two hours " said King Bobby. " Maybe there was a delay on the flight "

" Must be " said Queen Starling.

" Curtis is a great man " said Lord Grackle. " He always wanted the justice that we wanted "

" You could tell how much he wanted this war, if he is not back I will be pissed off "

" I understand " said King Bobby.

" We all do " said Diana. " We want Curtis back here "

Crayon and his friends checked into the hospital. They got a lot of rest.

Time passed and Curtis did not arrive at the time that King Bobby was hoping, he gave an extra 5 minutes.

" Well, that is it " said King Bobby.

" I'm pissed " said Lord Grackle.

" This cannot be happening "

" Yes, this is not what I expected " said Queen Starling.

" We must think of the next plan for us " said King Bobby.

" Warbler must have different friends " said Blackburnian. " We must take action against what is happening "

" These are not friends he can have "

" Indeed, he lost the chance of fighting in the war with his brother Blackburnian " said Lord Grackle.

" This war is a war that is so great "

" I cannot imagine how Blackburnian is feeling right now " said Queen Starling.

" It is unacceptable " said Diana.

" I preferred Colour King " said Lord Grackle.

" We all did, well said Lord Grackle " said King Bobby.

" Colour King would have treated Warbler better and would have got Colourland to join us in the war as well "

" He would have liked this war "

" That is for sure " said Diana.

" I know that Colour King is better than Challenger "

" Warbler will be away from Crayon and his friends in the future " said Blackburnian.

" Crayon will not get away with what he has done "

" No, he will not " said King Bobby.

" Crayon has let us down "

" He's no friend that Warbler should have "

" Agreed, my brother deserves the best " said Blackburnian.