Chapter 2 - Two

Chapter 14

Dictator's Search

Meanwhile on the island, Bear members are talking.

" I have been able to use the Darkness Implosion " said Tara.

" Same here " said Alice.

" That is amazing to hear " said Brett. " I can use that attack and the Thunderstorm Implosion "

" I can use the Sky Implosion " said Xax.

" I can use the Inferno Implosion " said Melissa.

" Inferno ? " asked Flora.

" I haven't seen anyone use fire techniques here " said Jessica.

" There are some other people out there that can use them " said Melissa.

" Lots of us can use Darkness ones while on Bird's Isle lots of people use Wind techniques "

" Easeion and his father Brett use Lightning techniques "

" Fire techniques aren't that common compared to the other ones "

" That is true " said Willemease.

" It is nice to see this strength " said Melissa.

" It really is " said Xax.

" The Bear is going to be much better than before " said Maxclever.

" Damn straight " said Willemease.

" We are looking like a great organization " said Brett.

" I am glad to lead the Bear "

" We just need my brothers and Whites to wake up and then we can resume like usual " said Tara.

" We should try to expand the organization more" said Brett. " Blackin and Blackina were not able to take over, we must remember that so we must have a stronger organization than before "

" We will find people who want to be part of us " said Jessica.

" The Bear is great " said Alice.

" Easeion is a man I have wanted to see again "

" I think about him "

" Same here " said Flora.

" He really has done a lot for the Bear "

" Easeion's great " said Jessica.

" Same here " said Tara.

" Easeion is a man that must be avenged, what happened was not fucking acceptable at all "

" I am not happy with what happened to him "

" True, Easeion's amazing " said Alice. " I have lots of respect for him and what he did for us "

" Love the man "

" Same here " said Flora. " Easeion has done so much and we will never forget what he did for the Bear, he will wake up for sure "

" Yes, he will " said Brett.

" I am glad that you are all saying this about one of my sons "

" He is a great Smithson like myself, Bill and Tara "

" He will return for sure "

" The Bear needs him "

Crayon and his friends got up and then they recieved a message from Grackle.


Me and Dove are doing great right now. We have gotten stronger, we learned the Sky techniques that you know Crayon.

We have got to meet again someday, we miss all of you a lot.

Take care,

Grackle and Dove

" It seems like everyone is getting so much stronger " said Crayon.

" Sounds like it " said Colouruke.

" We have gotten a lot better, all our moves are stage two " said Colourea.

" Challenger has even learned some stage three " said Artby. " I wonder if there is a stage after that "

" It is hard to say " said Crayon. " Colour King will know some stage three moves "

" Challenger will join us for that one "

" Crayon will probably know some by then " said Colouruke.

" If Blackburnian knew some then it is possible that Dictator knows some as well " said Colourea.

" I could see that, we must continue our training " said Crayon.

They then headed outside and they saw Warbler and Allie.

" Hello " said Warbler.

" Grackle and Dove sent us a message " said Colouruke.

" Nice " said Allie.

" They learned the sky techniques " said Colourea.

" Amazing " said Allie.

" Let's continue training " said Warbler.

They then headed to the area where training happens with the six of them.

" Let's start " said Crayon.

Crayon, Colourea and Artby used the Sun Implosion, Colouruke used the Ocean Implosion while Warbler and Allie used the Sky Implosion.

" Very nice " said Warbler. " I am glad to see us be like this "

" We will give a nice asskicking to Dictator, bakers want his ass kicked " said Artby.

Crayon, Warbler and Allie used the Ultimate Sky Blast , Colouruke used the Ultimate Ocean Blast while Colourea and Artby used the Ultimate Sun Blast.

" Amazing " said Colouruke.

" For sure " said Warbler.

" I think of bakers, when I blast like this " said Artby. " I blast for bakers "

Crayon, Colourea and Artby used the Ultimate Sun Bomb, Colouruke used the Ultimate Sea Bomb while Warbler and Allie used the Ultimate Sky Bomb.

" Nice exploding " said Crayon.

" Love it " said Artby. " For bakers "

Crayon, Allie and Warbler used the Tenfold Sky Strike, Colouruke used the Tenfold Ocean Strike while Colourea and Artby used the Tenfold Sun Strike.

" Very nice " said Allie.

" I am happy to see this " said Warbler.

" Same here " said Crayon.

" I love bakers " said Artby.

" Bakers ? " asked Colouruke.

" Bakers are the people I do this for " said Artby. " I give asskickings for them, I want to stay heroic "

" We should get bread, I want to stay a hero "

" Staying a hero is important "

" Stay a hero ? " asked Colourea.

" Yes, bread has done that for me " said Artby.

" It is the type of customer I am "

They then headed to the bakery.

Artby then thanked every baker like usual.

" Thanks for keeping me a hero " said Artby.

" I can feel the heroism in my body "

" A hero ? asked a baker.

" Bread has made me more heroic which makes me a hero, Crayon has noticed the heroism that is from the baking here " said Artby.

" What heroism are you referring to, Artby ? " asked Crayon.

" The way we fight, it is heroic " said Artby. " There has been more heroism than before "

" I will keep loving baking since baking has kept it that way " said Artby.

They got their bread and they left, then Warbler and Allie said their goodbyes and they went to their house.

Meanwhile Colour Dictator was searching for Crayon and his friends.

" Crayon, you will not escape me " yelled Colour Dictator.

" Colour Dictator, we must stop him " said an official with the Colour King government.

" He is not being as Colourlandish as I want him, I want him not supporting Challenger " said Colour Dictator.

" I will get my way, Crayon and his friends will not stop this "

" Yes " said an official with the Colour King government.

" Good, Colour King is an amazing leader " said Colour Dictator. " Colourland needs Colour King, he has made Colourland more Colourlandish than under Challenger "

" Let's keep searching, Colourland has needed me finding them more than ever "

Colour Dictator continued searching for them but had not found them yet.

" Damn " he yelled.

" Colour King is too Colourlandish for this honestly "

" After all he did for Colourland and how Colourlandish he made this place "

" I will find Crayon and his friends, I will "

" They won't get away with what they have done "

Meanwhile Warbler and Allie were contacted by Challenger.

" Hello " said Challenger.

" Hi Challenger " said Warbler.

" I just want to warn you about Dictator " said Challenger.

" He is stronger than Colourclever " said Allie.

" There's more than that, he is searching for Crayon and his friends right now " said Challenger.

" We must stop him " said Warbler. " I will join Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke and Artby "

" Warbler, you will need to fight most likely " said Challenger.

" Warbler, I love you a lot " said Allie. " I know you will do great out there "

" Glad to see " said Challenger.

" Anyways, I got to get going so good luck and see you later "

Warbler and Allie embraced and then kissed each other for a bit.

Meanwhile Crayon and his friends were talking.

" Colour Dictator will find us probably pretty soon " said Crayon.

"We will stop him " said Artby. " Bakers want us give him a real asskicking "

" Challenger wants us to give him one as well "

" We have gotten stronger, he will be a real test of our abilities " said Colouruke.

" For sure " said Colourea.

" Bakers are counting on us to fight " said Artby. " I blast for bakers, I explode for bakers, I punch for bakers "

" Bakers need us more than ever "

" We will not let them down "

Time passed and they ate their supper. Later on, as time passed Crayon then started kissing Colourea and they headed into the bedroom together.

" Bread has done this for Crayon and Colourea" said Artby.

" Bread ? " asked Colouruke.

" You can tell the bakers want them happier , I am proud of bakers " said Artby. " Bakers want Crayon so happy "

" I'm not sure what bakers want beside us buying their bread " said Colouruke.

" They bake for what we do " said Artby. " They bake for all of this "

" They do ? " asked Colouruke.

" Colouruke, I know " said Artby. " Baking to help both Crayon and Colourea can be odd to be fair "

" Bakers can surprise us in ways with baking "

" Baking saves us all "

" Odd ? " asked Colouruke.

" They want Colourea to enjoy herself as well, bakers are great like that " said Artby.

" Bakers want that ? " asked Colouruke.

" Baking helps them, bakers bake so that the customers are happier sexually " said Artby. " Colouruke you might not be used to that type of baking but it does happen when they bake sometimes "

" Not once have I heard of that kind of baking " said Colouruke.

" Colouruke, it is a great kind of baking " said Artby. " Anyways, we should get to bed "

They went to bed.

Morning came and Colour King was talking with Colour Queen.

" Colour Dictator is our last line of defense before us " said Colour King.

" He must succeed for the sake of Colourland " said Colour Queen.

He knows what it means to be Colourlandish, Challenger does not " said Colour King.

" I am happy to be with someone so Colourlandish as yourself, not Challenger " said Colour Queen.

" Colour Dictator knows about the drug dealers who are controlling Numerians and making them commit crimes, he will make sure that we are Colourlandish and that we will stand strong " said Colour King.

Crayon and his friends went outside and then they saw Colour Dictator who saw them as well.