Chapter 4 - Four

Chapter 16

Showdown with Dictator, Part Two

"Well now it is down to only two" said Color Dictator. "You two are stronger but you won't stop me"

"It's not over," said Colourea.

"Color King is going to keep this country very Colourlandish" said Color Dictator.

"That is the way that Colourland must be, Challenger never did that for Colourland"

"The people are more Colourlandish now, the lack of protests is what we have needed"

"These protests are not Colourlandish according to Color King"

"We must be Colourlandish"

"We cannot have these protests"

"Lack of protests?" asked Crayon.

"Yes, when people protest it tends not to be in favor of Colourland" said Color Dictator.

They are criticizing Colourland, how can anyone support something like that"

"Their rights are not good for Colourland, Colourlandish people do not want them to have rights"

"Why would they want that?" asked Colourea.

"I am not sure," said Crayon.

"It is not Colourlandish" said Color Dictator.

"We cannot be that way"

"Colorlandish people know where they are from, they hate these protests"

"When you protest against Color King, you are not being as Colourlandish as you could be"

"I want Colourland as Colourlandish as possible, you must understand"

"By not allowing people their rights?" Crayon asked.

"I don't see what is particularly Colourlandish about that"

"I have to agree," said Colourea.

"Their rights are not what the Color King wants, he believes that they are not good for this country," said the Color Dictator.

"Color King wants people defending him and to agree with his opinion"

"His opinion is important"

"He does not want people having rights to protest against him, like I have said it is not good for Colourland"

"You two are a Colourlandish couple"

"Yes, we are," said Colourea. "I just don't think that banning all the protests and making people lose their rights is Colourlandish"

"That will just anger them more and they will feel not welcome"

"Having less people who are Colourlandish feel welcome is not a good thing," said Crayon.

"Maybe that is a good thing," said Color Dictator. " Colourlandish people believe that protesting against Color King is not Colourlandish, they know how Colourlandish they are"

"Let's continue fighting"

Color Dictator then started charging up for the Ultimate Colourland Bomb while Crayon used the Ultimate Sky Blast and Colourea used the Ultimate Sun Bomb. The attacks collided with each other, everyone took damage.

Color Dictator then kicked Colorea when he got up and knocked her to the ground, Crayon then punched Color Dictator.

Color Dictator then used the Super Colourlandish Barrage while Crayon used the Tenfold Sun Strike and they both knocked each other back. Colorea then started charging for the Sun Implosion while Crayon used the Ultimate Sun Bomb.

The attacks combined into this giant bright bomb, Color Dictator countered with the Ultimate Colorland Bomb. The bombs hit each other and there was a giant explosion of darkness and light which everyone was damaged by.

Colourea was slightly struggling, she then got up and started charging up the Sun Implosion while Crayon used the Ultimate Sky Blast, the attacks directly hit Color Dictator down to the ground but he got up and he kicked Crayon.

"Hahaha" said Color Dictator. "Colourland is going to stay the way that Color King wants it"

"Color King wants us to be extremely Colourlandish"

"You haven't won yet," said Crayon.

"We have more"

"You two aren't going to be able to keep this up," said Color Dictator. "Colorea isn't in the best condition and Crayon you aren't looking much better to be honest"

"Let's continue the fight" said Crayon.

"Bring it on"

Crayon then started to use the Sky Implosion, Colourea used the Ultimate Sun Blast while Color Dictator then used the Colourland Implosion. All of them took damage and fell to the ground.

Color Dictator and Colorea got up and they grabbed each other. Crayon then aimed to punch Color Dictator but he shoved Colorea into his fist.

"Colorea" yelled Crayon.

"Crayon, this is what I was talking about," said Color Dictator. "Colorea could not have been this hurt, if you had all supported Color King"

"You chose to support a man who isn't as Colourlandish as all three of us, so this is on you"

"Challenger cannot be supported"

"He is not the leader Color King is"

"You attacked us and challenged us," said Crayon.

"Yes, because you failed to support Challenger," said Color Dictator.

It is not too late, you can save the two of you and stop supporting him"

"Supporting him has angered Color King"

"Challenger is not someone that can be supported in Colourland"

"Color King is a man who cannot handle a different opinion, he can be as angry as he wants," said Crayon.

"It won't change me"

"No anger from him changes anything"

"Well since you are going to be that way, I'll keep hurting Colourea" said Color Dictator. "Crayon, this is not a good decision for you or Colourland"

"Colorea will be very hurt"

"Now prepare yourselves for the end"

Color Dictator then charged up the Colorland Implosion while Crayon used the Sky Implosion, the attacks collided with each other and they both took damage.

Colourea then rushed for Color Dictator and kicked him, Crayon then used the Tenfold Sun Strike and hit him down.

Color Dictator got up and he started to charge for the Colourland Implosion while Colourea used the Sun Implosion and the attacks hit their targets.

Colorea was getting near the end while Color Dictator and Crayon were slightly struggling.

Color Dictator then rushed quickly to punch Colourea which made her very weak and she fell down, he grabbed Colourea.

"Say goodbye to Colourea, Crayon" said Color Dictator.

"Nooooo" yelled Crayon.

"It is over" said Color Dictator.

" Colourea should have agreed with Color King, it is so Colourlandish to do so "

"Color King has been great"

"She is Colourlandish like me," said Crayon.

"Color King is so Colourlandish, let's continue this fight" said Color Dictator.

Crayon then rushed to punch Color Dictator but he got out of the way and Colorea had fallen to the ground.

"Now it's just you and me," said Color Dictator. "I had a feeling it would come to this"

"Yeah, the two of us have fought hard," said Crayon.

"That being said, I will make sure that you never support Challenger again"

"Challenger has been embarrassing for Colourland"

"Color King is so much better"

"Bring it on," said Crayon.

"I will give it my all"

Crayon then charged his Sun Implosion while Color Dictator used his Ultimate Colourland Blast, the attacks collided with each other and both of them took damage.

Crayon and Color Dictator were struggling.

"Well, this is a bit surprising," said Color Dictator. "I will still win, I'll win for Colourlandish people"

"Colorlandish people love Color King, our love of Color King has united the people"

"Our love of Color King?" asked Crayon. "I'm not sure what Colourlandish people you are referring to"

"The people of this country, people who know what it means to be Colourlandish" said Color Dictator.

"They love Color King, it is important to love the man"

"Now, let's continue"

Color Dictator then charged up his Colourland Implosion while Crayon used the Sun Implosion, the implosions collided and they both took damage.

Color Dictator got up first and grabbed Crayon and then knocked him to the ground.

Crayon then got up and kicked Color Dictator, both of them didn't have a lot of energy left.

"So, you have gotten me down like this," said the Color Dictator. "I still plan on winning for the Colourlandish people, I love the people"

"When they agree with Color King" said Crayon.

"The most Colourlandish people love Color King, he is so Colourlandish"

"You will love him one day"

"I have my doubts about that, let's continue," said Crayon.

Color Dictator and Crayon grabbed each other and they then tripped each other down to the ground.

For a minute neither of them got up but then Crayon got up first and then he used the Sun Implosion and he directly hit and he won the fight.

"Awesome" said Artby.

"Thanks," said Crayon. "That was a really tough one but we just barely won"

" If me, Colourea, Colouruke and Warbler can just barely make it against Color Dictator I wonder how fighting Color King will be "

"Baking will help," said Artby. "Baking has helped me so much"

"Baking?" Crayon asked.

"Yeah, baking is so helpful," said Artby.

"I love baking"

Crayon called the hospital while Artby called Challenger.

"Challenger, Crayon and his friends won the fight," said Artby.

"Good" said Challenger. "I hope that he is calling the hospital"

"He is" said Artby.

"Good, I will come soon" said Challenger. "Everyone who fought is going to need to rest for a while and then train hard because Color King is out of this world strong"

"I have heard about his skills, Color Dictator knew the Colorland Implosion" said Artby.

"I can believe that," said Challenger.

"Color Dictator is very skilled, he is a lot stronger than Blackburnian"

"Anyways, I will see you soon"

Artby and Crayon then headed to the hospital where Challenger met them there and they went inside. Crayon and his friends were resting, Artby and Challenger stayed with them for the night.

Meanwhile, Color King heard about the defeat of Color Dictator.

"Now it is time for me to face the Challenger," said Color King.

"While it does disappoint me to see Color Dictator defeated, defeating Challenger is something that is great for Colourland"

"Colorland is counting on me to win the fight"

"Colorlandish people cannot have Challenger leading them ever again"

"I am way more Colourlandish than he will ever be just like Color Queen"

"Color Queen is an amazing woman, I was right to choose to be with someone so Colourlandish"

"Challenger has failed to be Colourlandish, Crayon and his friends have failed to shun him"

" Shunning Challenger is something that the people of Colorland must do "

"Crayon could have shunned him for Colourland, he does not care about the people"

"Still Challenger is worse for the country"

"The people of Colorland do not need these drug dealers brainwashing people with their drugs"

"This brainwashing makes the people into criminals, I do not want Colourlandish people to be like that"

"I have made this country more Colourlandish than it has been before"

"I am Colourlandish, super Colourlandish to such a high degree"

" Colourland loves what I do "

Color King then headed to a room where Color Queen was.

"We will end Challenger" said Color Queen.

"I love you Color Queen" said Color King. "Challenger's end will be great.

Color Queen made out with Color King.

Meanwhile on the island, Easeion woke up and everyone was ecstatic.

"Easeion" yelled Bill, Tara and Brett.

"I am finally awake," said Easeion. "I will make Crayon ever regret meeting me"

"I want him to not love Colorea anymore, hahahahaha"

"I want that feeling"

"I am getting revenge, nobody will stop that"

"Crayon is going to suffer"

"His suffering will be so great"

"Bear members will cause it"

"We all want that," said Jessica.

"Yes" said Maxclever.

"I want him cockblocked, I want him to truly suffer," said Easeion.

"Cockblocking him is great"

"As your brother, I will make sure that he is cockblocked," said Bill.

"As your sister, I will make sure he is cockblocked," said Tara.

"Crayon will have a face full of tears when we deal with him," said Easeion.

"I have wanted that sad look on his face so much now"

"That motherfucker will pay for what he did"

"He ruined the Bear's chances of taking over"

"Blackin would have done so much for Bear members"

"The Bear all remembers what happened"

"We will assist with that," said Alice.

"I am happy to be part of this"

"For sure," said Flora.

"I will rough people up," said Willemease.

I will do that too," said Maxclever.

"Same here," said Flora.

"Good" said Brett.

"Bear members must do so"

"I am Melissa, Easeion. I'm not sure if you know who I am," said Melissa.

"Glad to see that you are part of us, we met briefly a while ago," said Easeion.

"Easeion, missed you a lot" said Xax.

"Same here" said Easeion.

"This Crayon guy, I don't know much about him but we will stop him" said Xax.

"Yes, he will go down," said Alice.

"So how will we cockblock him anyways?" asked Maxclever.

"We will send people in to trip Colorea and harm her," said Easeion.

"We will ruin the evening"

"I will be proud to ruin it"

"Sounds like a plan to me," said Willemease.

"We should get to training," said Brett. " Easeion, I expect that you will start being able to use your Thunderstorm Implosion when we resume our missions again "

"That takes me back a while," said Easeion.

"I will be able to use it by then"

"I know of my talent and how much there is"

"My fighting will be out of this world"

"Crayon cannot handle how I fight when I see him again"

"It will be too much for the man"

"It does," said Alice.

"I do remember the missions"

"The missions were great," said Tara.

"Whites should wake up soon hopefully," said Melissa.

"I think about him a lot"

"Yes" said Brett. "We should all continue our training, we need to be destroying people on our missions when they start again"

"We are going to head back to our old hideout when Whites wakes up"

"We are going to need to improve it a lot for sure"

"Yeah, the Bear will be united in a great place" said Xax.

"For sure," said Melissa.

" Hahahahaha " every Bear member said.