Chapter 3 - Three

Chapter 24

The Ultimate Fight: Fighting Brett and the Last Bear Members

Morning came, Bear members were with Brett.

" Now, you all know why you are here " said Brett.

" Crayon's death must happen, the Bear needs that type of death "

" His death is so important "

" They need it " said a Bear member.

" Without him dying, we cannot take over at all "

" This will be a great takeover " said a second Bear member.

" It sure will " said a third Bear member.

" Our organization will take everything, with them gone " said a fourth Bear member.

" The Bear is the best " said a fifth Bear member.

" Hahahahaha " they all said.

" Now, we will head to Colourland " said Brett.

" Xax, Whites, Melissa, Easeion, Bill, Tara, Alice, Flora, Jessica, Willemease and Maxclever all fell but they have not died "

" They should be with us soon "

" It will be wonderful when they all join us back again, I will truly love it "

" We must think of the sacrifices they all made for us and the organization "

" Not to mention Blackin and Blackina, a couple that loved each other more than anyone ever could "

They then were on the way to Colourland in the Bear vans.

Meanwhile in Bird's Isle, King Bobby and the advisors woke up.

" What is this " said King Bobby.

" What has happened ? "

" We are back " said Blackburnian.

" I am not sure "

" Warbler and Allie are where I wonder " said Queen Starling.

" I am concerned about them " said Blackburnian.

" Same here, their relationship is so important " said King Bobby.

" We must get our warriors to find them " said Lord Grackle.

" Hopefully they have stayed here " said Curtis.

" They cannot be around Challenger " said King Bobby.

" Warbler has not been influenced well by him, that is for sure "

" Warbler deserves better "

" As his brother, I will make sure that he gets the best life " said Blackburnian.

" It is great to all be back " said Draco.

" It sure is, Draco " said Rourke.

" We will keep training " said Paula.

" We must be ready for Challenger " said Salvador.

" Yes, we must " said Curtis.

" We will find him again " said King Bobby.

King Bobby heard about Colour King not being in power anymore.

" This infuriates me " said King Bobby.

" Colour King made Colourland into the place that we needed it to be "

" He is such an amazing leader "

" He knew what he was doing "

" We will have to confront him if Warbler is not here in Bird's Isle " said Blackburnian. " I did too much for Warbler for things to end like that "

" Warbler's a great guy "

" He really is, he never forgets that he is one " said King Bobby.

King Bobby regained his throne and then ordered the whereabouts of Warbler. Warriors then went to search for him all over Bird's Isle.

Meanwhile, Crayon and his friends then woke up and they made their breakfast which they enjoyed. They then heard about the appearance of King Bobby.

" King Bobby ? " asked Colouruke.

" I am shocked " said Crayon.

" I wonder what he wants " said Colourea.

" I am not sure, he might want Warbler's location " said Crayon.

" Now, we have to focus on Brett " said Colourea.

" He can visit Warbler and Allie after "

" That is true " said Colouruke.

King Bobby then created a statement.

I, King Bobby has returned. The advisors are all back, we must think about Warbler. I hope that he is here in Bird's Isle with Allie and not around Crayon and his friends.

They have not influenced him well at all, Blackburnian has been there for Warbler more than they have. When Warbler hangs out with Crayon, it is not good for Bird's Isle. Me and Blackburnian have fought for the sex life of Warbler, Bird's Isle needs that. Not to mention the love life as well. I am responsible for the site that caused Warbler and Allie to be together, so this is very important.

Warriors have been sent to search Bird's Isle and Bird Port , if he is not here then we must head to Colourland and take serious action. Warbler is a good guy, Bird's Isle needs him in the way Warbler needs Bird's Isle. He cannot be taken advantage of.

I encourage anyone who sees either of them to contact us, Crayon has failed as a friend.

Bird's Isle does not need people hanging out with Crayon, it is not good for Bird's Isle nor Warbler like I have said. We must be there for Warbler and Allie right now and not forget to do so.

Thank you for your understanding at this time,

King Bobby Blackbird

King Bobby sent the statement.

Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke and Artby met Warbler, Allie and Challenger outside.

" Good morning " said Challenger, Artby and Allie.

" Good morning " the other four said.

" The Bear is likely going to challenge us today " said Warbler.

" We are ready " said Colouruke.

" Bakers know we are fighting for them " said Artby.

" Uh, okay " said Colourea.

" King Bobby has returned, it is on the news "

" I am surprised, we must focus on Brett for now " said Challenger. " Knowing him he wants something with Warbler "

" I am happy here but seeing Grackle and Dove would be nice " said Warbler.

" That makes sense " said Allie.

" He might come here " said Crayon. " I think he is upset about what happened with Warbler "

" Yeah, it looks like it " said Colourea.

" We will have to deal with that later "

" Let's head out " said Challenger.

Crayon and his friends were looking for the Bear while the Bear was looking for them. They eventually found each other in this open area.

" Hahahaha " said Brett.

" We have eventually found you all "

" I will avenge Bill, Tara and Easeion "

" As a father I must do so "

" I am a great father to them "

" Father ? " asked Challenger. " They tried to take over Colourland, we cannot allow that "

" You all could have lived while Easeion, Bill and Tara would have been with us now " said Brett.

" The Smithsons will get what they want, I can guarantee this "

" The Bear is taking over "

" Being a Smithson is so important "

" We will stop the Bear " said Crayon.

" That will not happen " said a Bear member.

" The Bear is too good an organization for that " said a second member.

" They will take over "

" They are so strong "

" Then why did they fail to take over Colourland ? " asked Colourea.

" We are much stronger " said Brett.

" While Blackin and Blackina showed a love for each other that was insane, they did not have the abilities that I have "

" I am extremely strong, you have never faced someone so strong "

" Colour King and King Bobby " said Challenger.

" I don't believe you are stronger than both of them "

" Colour King was incredibly skilled " said Colouruke.

" True, he was " said Crayon.

" It looks like we will find out how strong Brett is " said Colourea.

" Neither did us at the time but we have gotten a lot stronger " said Warbler.

" We really have improved "

" Colourland is being taken over " said a third member.

" This battle truly is the battle for Colourland " said a fourth member.

" You seven will not make it " said a fifth member.

" Bakers will ensure that " said Artby.

" Not only I have I stepped as a fighter, I have stepped up at eating bread "

" I have eaten so much bread, bakers have made me a better person and a stronger warrior "

" I feel so strong "

" Hahahaha " said a sixth member.

" No food you eat will change anything "

" Bread is a food that will " said Artby.

" My purchases have been so bread related now "

" Bakers have understood my purchases, my purchases will save us "

" Great purchases "

" Save us ? " asked Allie.

" My purchases relate to baking, baking makes us more heroic " said Artby. " Heroism is flowing within us thanks to great baking "

" They use a flour that does so "

" Flour ? " asked the seventh member.

" Yeah right "

" No flour will change anything "

" You just do not understand my purchases, not everyone does " said Artby. " Bakers understand them when some do not "

" They understand why I purchase bread "

" They understand that they want money " said the eighth member.

" Bakers want to be richer like all of us " said Brett. " Nothing you buy from a bakery will stop my power "

" You will truly see great techniques "

" There is so much power within "

" We have many of our own " said Allie.

" This truly will be a special battle "

" Bakers understand this battle, they are counting on me " said Artby.

" My love for the baker is just so strong "

" I love bakers and I dream about them "

" When I dream about them, I dream about bread baking instead of any creepy stuff for sure "

" The way I dream is special "

" You really are something else " said the first Bear member.

" We will enjoy defeating all of you, then taking over this place "

" Now we fight to the death " said Brett. " The Bear will rob everyone, hahahaha "

" My members will fight Colouruke, Artby, Warbler and Allie "

" I brought so many to fight "

" They will do great "

" Bring it on " said Crayon.

" We are ready for this battle "

" Good, you had better be " said Brett.

There were 18 Bear members left, two of them used their Ultimate Shadow Strikes. Warbler and Allie used their Ultimate Bird Bombs, the attacks hit their respective targets.

Two Bear members then fired their Bear Bombs while Colouruke used his Deepsea Implosion while Artby used his Ultimate Heatwave Bomb. The attacks then collided with each other, the users of the attacks took damage.

Allie then used the Bird Implosion while a Bear member used the Shadow Implosion to counter, they both took damage.

" Shadow Implosion from their regulars " said Artby.

" They have gotten more dangerous but bakers have made me more dangerous in fighting so I will be good "

Colouruke used his Ultimate Deepsea Bomb while Artby used the Heatwave Implosion. Two Bear members used their Bear Blasts to counter, the four of them were hit to the ground.

The two Bear members were struggling but they got up and they charged their Super Darkness Bombs while Warbler used his Ultimate Bird Bomb and Allie used her Ultimate Bird Blast. The attacks then hit their respective targets and two members were defeated.

Artby then used the Ultimate Heatwave Bomb while two Bear members used their Quadruple Darkness Strikes. The attacks hit.

The Bear members then got up, they then fired off their Ultimate Shadow Bombs while Colouruke used the Ultimate Deepsea Blast and Warbler used the Ultimate Bird Bomb. The attacks collided with each other, they both took damage.

The Bear members got up and they then grabbed Allie, Warbler then rushed to help.

The Bear members threw her down to the ground, but Artby then charged his Heatwave Implosion and blasted them which defeated them.

Two Bear members then got up and they used their Quintuple Shadow Strikes and directly hit Warbler and Colouruke.

Warbler then fired off his Bird Implosion while Allie used the Ultimate Bird Blast. The attacks directly hit the two Bear members which defeated them.

" So, you have taken out some of our members " said a Bear member.

" We still have a lot left "

" Our organization will still succeed "

Two Bear members then charged up their Quadruple Shadow Strikes, Allie used her Tenfold Bird Strike while Colouruke used his Tenfold Deepsea Strike. The attacks collided with each other and the two Bear members were defeated.

Two more of them then used their Ultimate Shadow Blasts while Warbler used the Bird Implosion. The attacks hit each other and they both fell to the ground. One of them was defeated, the other one got up.

Two Bear members then fired off their Super Shadow Bombs, while Warbler then used his Ultimate Bird Blast to strike back. The attacks then hit each other, one more Bear member was defeated.

" We are down to eight now " said a Bear member. " That being said you have taken enough damage to make sure Brett wins "

" He will not " said Colouruke.

" Yes he will " said a second Bear member.

" His power is insane "

" It sure is " said a third Bear member.

" Baking will stop him, we all ate so much bread " said Artby. " I have been a great customer, my purchases do a lot "

" Yeah, no " said a fourth Bear member. " Now, we continue "

Two Bear members then charged their Ultimate Shadow Blasts while Artby used his Ultimate Heatwave Bomb and Colouruke used his Deepsea Implosion. The attacks collided with each other, one Bear member was defeated. Artby and Colouruke were slightly struggling.

Two Bear members then used their Shadow Implosions while Warbler and Allie used their Bird Implosions, a giant explosion of darkness and wind happened. The two Bear members were defeated but Warbler and Allie were slightly struggling.

Two more Bear members then used their Bear Bombs while Artby used the Heatwave Implosion. One Bear member was defeated.

Two more Bear members used their Shadow Implosions while Colouruke used the Deepsea Implosion and Allie used the Bird Implosion. The attacks collided, one Bear member was defeated.

One Bear member used his Quadruple Shadow Strike while another used her Double Bear Strike. Warbler used his Tenfold Bird Strike to counter.

They both got up, a Bear member then kicked Warbler down to the ground, then grabbed him and then knocked him back down again.

Warbler was getting near the end, Artby then punched the Bear member hit by Warbler's Tenfold Bird Strike which defeated him.

Two Bear members were left.

" We must finish Warbler " said the first Bear member.

" That being said, they are all pretty weak " said the second Bear member.

" Brett will truly get his victory " said the first Bear member.

" He is a great man, he will avenge our great members " said the second Bear member.

" That is true " said the first Bear member.

The two Bear members then used their Quadruple Shadow Strikes and they went for Warbler. Allie used her Tenfold Bird Strike while Colouruke used his Tenfold Deepsea Strike. The two were able to get up after the attack, Allie and Colouruke were getting near the end.

One Bear member used his Shadow Implosion while one used his Bear Blast, Artby used his Heatwave Implosion.

" This is for every baker ever " said Artby. " Baking means so much, how could I be a customer that does not do this "

" I am a great customer, too good a customer to let anything bad happen "

The Bear members were all defeated. Artby, Colouruke, Warbler and Allie were all getting near the end.

" My Bear members " said Brett.

" That being said you four are in no condition to fight against me "

" Me, Colourea and Challenger are very strong " said Crayon.

" Not enough " said Brett. " I will still take over "

" It is just you " said Challenger.

" Unless any members of yours wake up "

" The Bear cannot succeed "

" They are finished "

" The organization is done for " said Crayon.

" They most certainly can " said Brett. " Blackin and Blackina could be able to come back "

" They are on that island, how would they be able to get here since the jet left " said Crayon.

" They have no chance "

" There are flights " said Brett.

" Imagine the three of us together, the might would be of a legend "

" Now our battle begins "

" We are ready, let's go " said Colourea.

" We sure are " said Crayon.

" Brett, bring it on "

" I will give you a brilliant fight " said Brett.

" I fight for an amazing organization like the Bear "

" I will never quit on them "