Chapter 5 - Five

Final Chapter

The Celebration

Morning came, everyone of Crayon's friends besides him and Colourea were talking.

" I got a message from King Bobby " said Warbler.

" King Bobby ? " asked Colouruke.

" He wants me in Bird's Isle " said Warbler. " He wants me to bring Allie with him "

" We have gotten to know you really well " said Artby.

" Yeah, I'm not sure that is a good idea " said Colouruke.

" Yeah, I don't see it " said Artby.

" Bakers will miss Warbler here "

" King Bobby once demanded us be seperate " said Warbler.

" He wants that again, but mostly Crayon though "

" He is very serious about this "

" Why him ? " asked Colouruke.

" I am not sure " said Warbler.

" He thinks that Crayon has not been a good friend, he even wants people to not hang out with him "

" Well, that seems not right to me " said Artby.

" Bakers want Crayon having friends "

" Bakers want people to hang out with Crayon, bread helps that "

" Crayon is not a bad guy "

" I know he is not " said Colourea.

" Bread, Artby ? " asked Colouruke.

" Yes, it does that " said Artby.

" He mentions the meals there " said Warbler.

" I wonder why he would do so " said Challenger.

" He believes it can get Warbler to Bird's Isle " said Artby.

" Warbler has bread, bread is so good "

" I love bread "

" Well, we will have to think about all of this " said Colouruke.

" I think that King Bobby will do more "

" Yeah, he will " said Crayon.

More days continued passing, Blackin and Blackina continued training while King Bobby and the advisors had not found Warbler. People were not being robbed by Bear members, it was revealed that Brett was defeated.

Crayon and Colourea woke up and they were talking with the others.

" Glad to be back " said Crayon.

" Brett has been defeated " said Challenger.

" He really was a tough one "

" He sure was " said Colourea.

" We should celebrate this occasion " said Challenger.

" We took down the Bear and that must be celebrated "

" Bakers would want this " said Artby.

" To have great customers take down the Bear is special "

" Sounds great to me " said Allie.

" Well we should check out " said Crayon.

They checked out of the hospital and they then headed outside and they headed to stores to buy what they needed for the celebration.

" This will be great " said Colourea.

" Bakers want us celebrating " said Artby. " They bake for us to be happy and not sad "

" Bread helps that "

" My love for baking will be stronger than anyone ever "

" Well, you do love bread a lot " said Colouruke.

King Bobby and the advisors heard about the tournament.

" This is our time " said King Bobby.

" Warbler will be there " said Blackburnian.

" He sure will " said Diana.

" We make sure Crayon never hangs out with him, but the Bear is worse for us " said Queen Starling.

" The Bear will be taken down " said Blackburnian.

" I am not worried about them "

" That is for sure " said Diana.

" The king and queen are too strong for them "

" We will win " said Curtis.

" There is no doubt about that " said Lord Grackle. " The confidence will not go away "

" No Bear members or Crayon can beat me " said King Bobby.

" Bird's Isle is represented very well "

" True " said Rourke.

Crayon and his friends then were celebrating with wine and champagne at Challenger's place. They gave a toast to stopping the Bear. They enjoyed drinking champagne and wine and they also were eating pasta.

" Man, this feels great " said Crayon.

" It sure does " said Colouruke.

" I wonder what is next for us " said Colourea.

" Maybe someone else will try to take over " said Artby. " I'll just keep eating bread and training "

" We will be back to training " said Challenger.

" Artby may be right about that, this is a place that people want to take over "

" We stopped them each time " said Crayon.

" We have gotten very strong but who knows who is next " said Allie.

" King Bobby has returned so we may have to deal with him again " said Challenger.

" The advisors are there as well "

" They want Warbler, they talk about these meals that they are giving him "

" Yeah, we will have to deal with them " said Colouruke.

" Bakers will want us dealing with them so that Warbler can continue going to the bakery " said Artby.

" To bakers having him as a customer is important "

" Customers are so important to a baker "

More time passed and then they heard about the tournament.

" Sounds like a plan to me " said Allie.

" Yeah, we will win it " said Artby.

" Bakers have always wanted their customers entering tournaments, they love that in a customer "

" Do they ? " asked Colouruke.

" They sure do " said Artby.

" They like customers who can "

" Well, we are going to train hard " said Crayon.

" We will do well " said Warbler.

Meanwhile, Easeion had woken up and he noticed everyone around him had been defeated.

" What is this bullshit " said Easeion.

" How could this be ? "

" Me lose ? "

" I should be winning, not losing "

" I have skill "

" Brett was not able to take over " said Blackin.

" We have heard about this tournament " said Blackina.

" You will be training, Easeion " said Blackin. " We need as many of us to be ready by then "

" I will get my revenge on that Crayon guy " said Easeion.

" The fans will see him sad, hahaha "

" I do like that "

" Fans must see the sadness of Crayon "

" I want every Smithson seeing this "

" It is meaningful to me "

" We do plan on taking down, Crayon " said Blackin.

" It is been a while, Easeion "

" It sure has, Blackin and Blackina " said Easeion.

" Being back feels great "

" Seeing the two of you is great "

" Yes, we are glad to see you it has been a while " said Blackina.

" More Bear members must wake up " said Blackin.

" We need the Bear winning that tournament " said Blackina.

" Maybe we could rob people there " said Blackin.

" I will want my siblings with me for that " said Easeion.

" We won't have our regulars but our elite members will be back "

" Well we should train " said Blackina.

" Yes " said Blackin.

" Great idea " said Easeion.

" My talent will be expanded even more "

" There will be no more losing "

" I will not be a fighter who loses any more "

The three of them were training their moves with intense power.

More time passed, Crayon and his friends left Challenger's place and they said their goodbyes. They then headed home.

" Quite the celebration tonight " said Crayon.

" Yeah, it was a great one " said Warbler.

" I enjoyed tonight "

" Same here " said Colourea.

" It was a lot of fun " said Colouruke.

" We should head off " said Allie.

" Yes we should " said Warbler.

" Bye " everyone said.

Warbler and Allie then headed to their place, Crayon and the rest of his friends then headed inside the house.

They then decided to go to bed.

This is the end of this series, the next series is the Preliminaries series.