Chapter 1 - One

Chapter 13

Rourke vs Queen Starling

" The queen is facing one of our advisors ? " asked King Bobby.

" It looks that way " said Diana.

" Rourke is better than Dove and Grackle by a lot, he will fight hard " said Curtis.

" We can all agree on that " said Draco.

" It will be a great Bird's Isle battle " said Rourke.

" I am looking forward to it "

" It will be, both of them have done so much for Bird's Isle " said King Bobby.

" This tournament has shown people about Bird's Isle and what we have done for it "

" That is for sure " said Draco.

" Crayon's friends will be defeated soon "

" Warbler will need to see that, he needs to see their defeat " said Lord Grackle.

" Bird's Isle is an amazing place, Colour King has recognized that while Challenger failed to be able to understand " said King Bobby.

" Challenger has never understood Warbler, when we have understood him perfectly for sure "

" That is where Colour King was different, he understood that we have done for Warbler "

" Colour King would have understood more " said Blackburnian.

Meanwhile, the Bear members were with Colour King and Colour Dictator.

" Colour Queen has advanced now " said Colour Dictator.

" That is good " said Easeion.

" Queen Starling will likely defeat Rourke "

" Yes " said Colour King.

" You all have done a lot for us "

" We have " said Xax.

" Crayon will be suffering deeply after he loses "

" I am not sure who he will fight but he won't be able to win " said Colour Dictator.

" He has not lived up to the potential of being Colourlandish that he could "

" It is embarrassing " said Colour King.

" If he was able to do that, he will help with the Bird's Isle to Colourland partnership "

" It would be great if Crayon and his friends would support it " said Colour Dictator. " Since they don't we must eliminate them "

" I will mess with them " said Easeion.

" I have tons of ways to make them sad and angry "

" I will break Crayon "

" Good " said Melissa.

" We must bring him down "

" They will be able to nothing about it " said Whites.

" My love for Blackina runs deeper than any ocean in history so, I will fight hard " said Blackin.

" It is a powerhouse love, a true love "

" My feelings for Blackina are so strong "

" They sure are " said Blackina.

" I love Blackin so much "

" I am glad that you do " said Whites.

" We will make sure that Crayon has no friends in the Round of 16 " said Easeion.

" Yeah, his friends are going to suffer " said Colour Dictator.

" They have not been Colourlandish enough "

" They have not understood Colourland "

" That is very true " said Colour King.

" Colourland and Bird's Isle will unite together in a brilliant way "

" This partnership will see the end of Challenger ruining Colourland "

" Challenger will be taken down " said Blackin.

" My feelings for Blackina and my power drives me to defeat him "

" I love seeing Blackin say this about me " said Blackina.

" Our love will never end "

" Yes, I will be a great first man for the wedding " said Whites.

" I will be there " said Xax. " I wonder how our members at the hideout are doing "

" I have no clue " said Melissa. " I would like to see them at the wedding "

" It will be a wedding that all Bear members will love for sure " said Xax.

" Yes, there will be no wedding like it " said Melissa.

" Well, we will all work together to ruin the lives of Crayon and his friends " said Colour King.

" They are not what Colourland needs "

" We will enjoy their misery, the people want them miserable for what they have done to Colourland "

" The people are extremely Colourlandish, they need me to lead "

" I am the most Colourlandish person there is "

" Challenger has never understood what is good about Colourland, Colourlandish people are so tired of him "

" They think he is a joke "

" He will look sad " said Easeion.

" I'll make everyone that hangs out with Crayon so sad "

" Hahahahahaha, they will not be able to do shit "

" They will crumble before my improved talent "

" My talent will destroy Crayon, I will love seeing the look on Colourea's face when Crayon loses and looks like a sad motherfucker "

" We will celebrate a brilliant demise and be happy to see such sorrow "

" We will be living it up when that happens " said Xax.

" Yeah, we will enjoy every second of Crayon feeling bad " said Whites.

" How could we not " said Easeion.

" I will enjoy it "

" Bear members need him gone "

They all then left and headed back to the stadium. More time continued to pass, everyone was back in the stadium.

The match was about 4 minutes away, Rourke and Queen Starling were talking.

" This will be a good fight " said Queen Starling.

" It will, the winner of this match will defend Warbler and make sure he is no longer around Crayon " said Rourke.

" Yes, Warbler has deserved the best and me as the queen must work with our great advisors " said Queen Starling.

" I have trained a lot, my abilities are ready for this " said Rourke.

" I will give it my all "

" Warbler is a man that cannot have a friend like Crayon " said Queen Starling.

" We will reunite the partnership between us and Colourland "

" You will see my power "

" When the advisors unite with the government officials of Colour King it will be great " said Rourke.

" Colourlandish people have felt betrayed by Challenger and have not felt as Colourlandish to be honest "

" Colour King has claimed this "

" Colour King knows what he is doing " said Queen Starling.

Fighters were talking.

" I am hoping Rourke wins " said Draco.

" He will have a difficult match " said Blackburnian.

" Queen Starling is not a good matchup for him "

" My queen is a woman that women love being ruled by " said King Bobby. "

" Women of Bird's Isle love being ruled by Queen Starling, they feel better that way "

" Queen Starling has done so much for women, that is something we love "

" Yes, we love the queen here " said Diana.

" Same here " said Curtis.

" She will eliminate Crayon and his friends "

" They have not been good for Warbler, whoever wins this fight must advance to the round after this " said Lord Grackle.

" Bird's Isle will have a great unity with Colourland thanks to the partnership " said Blackburnian. " Challenger must get out of the way "

" He sure must do so " said Diana.

" Challenger has not supported Bird's Isle like Colour King " said King Bobby.

" He is not the leader we prefer "

The fight then started between Rourke and Queen Starling.

Queen Starling charged up her Ultimate Bird Blast while Rourke countered with his Ultimate Bird Bomb, the attacks collided with each other and they both took damage.

Rourke used the Bird Barrage while Queen Starling used the Tenfold Bird Strike, they both were knocked down to the ground.

Queen Starling then got up first and she punched Rourke while Rourke used a kick which landed.

Rourke then starting firing up his Ultimate Bird Blast while Queen Starling used her Ultimate Bird Bomb, they were both knocked down to the ground.

" Well, you seem stronger " said Queen Starling.

" Yes, I have improved " said Rourke.

" We must stop Crayon and his friends from being around Warbler and Allie "

" They are a couple that Bird's Isle needs

" They sure are " said Queen Starling.

" They are in love with each other a lot "

" Crayon and his friends cannot get in the way "

Fighters in the audience were talking.

" Well Rourke is fighting pretty well " said Draco.

" If he were to upset the queen that would change things a lot " said Lord Grackle.

" Queen Starling has not used her strongest attack yet " said King Bobby.

" Yeah, that is true " said Diana.

" Warbler needs the friends that are good for Bird's Isle not friends like Crayon who are not good for Bird's Isle " said Curtis.

" Hanging out with Crayon has nothing to do with Bird's Isle " said Colourea.

" Colourea is right, it has nothing to do with Bird's Isle " said Colouruke.

" It does, you are just making lies " said King Bobby.

" Very true, King Bobby " said Blackburnian.

" Baking makes us good friends " said Artby. " Bakers have done so "

" They bake bread " said Diana. " While that is good, you have not been the friends that Warbler and Allie need "

" They bake for so many reasons " said Artby.

" To make money and for people to enjoy bread " said Curtis. " Regardless of any of this, Crayon has not been a good friend for Warbler "

" Warbler is with Allie right now, he needs more time with Allie instead "

" Well, they are in love but he wants to hang with us " said Colouruke.

" That is true " said Dove.

" No it is total bullshit " said Blackburnian.

" Us advisors have done so much for Warbler, I helped with that dating site "

" Me and Blackburnian have done that " said King Bobby.

" I have done so much sexually for Warbler "

" Warbler's sex life is something that is important for Bird's Isle "

" I take it very seriously "

" Bird's Isle demands I do so "

" Bird's Isle ? " asked Challenger.

" Yes, Bird's Isle has better dating thanks to me " said King Bobby.

" I have changed dating thanks to me "

" Warbler's sex life is important "

" Blackburnian deserves credit as well "

" Yes, we have done so much for dating " said Blackburnian.

" We have more couples like Warbler and Allie now "

" Yes, we sure do " said King Bobby.

" It is great to have this " said Diana.

" It is " said Lord Grackle.

The fight continued.

Rourke then used his Bird Implosion while Queen Starling used her own, they were both hit with power down to the ground.

Queen Starling got up and she then started charging for the Ultimate Bird Blast, Rourke then started to use the Tenfold Bird Strike. The attacks then hit their targets, knocking them down.

They both got up, Rourke and Queen Starling used their Ultimate Bird Bombs. The bombs hit each other and they both took damage.

Queen Starling then started to use the Bird Implosion while Rourke then used his own, they collided with lots of power and they were both damaged. Rourke was slightly struggling but he was not done.

" I have given it my all, I will still fight " said Rourke.

" There are people here that you would have easily defeated " said Queen Starling.

" Our advisors have not had the best matchups but that is how it goes "

" It sure seems that way " said Rourke. " I will still fight hard regardless of that "

" Our other advisors will have no problem at all "

" Yes, they will advance " said Queen Starling.

The fight then continued.

Rourke then started charging up his Ultimate Bird Blast while Queen Starling used her Ultimate Bird Bomb. The attacks hit their respective targets.

They got back up, Queen Starling and Rourke used their Bird Barrages which damaged both of them.

Rourke was getting near the end but he was not defeated.

Fighters were talking.

" Rourke has skill but the queen may be the strongest woman ever " said King Bobby. " None of Crayon's friends outside of Challenger could have beaten him "

" That is true " said Draco.

" Yes, they would have lost " said Blackburnian.

" Warbler will be fighting soon, I think "

" He will advance " said King Bobby.

" He will defeat Colouruke and Artby easily "

" We have fought with him many times " said Artby.

" Bread will bring victory "

" No, you are not strong enough to beat him " said King Bobby.

" Warbler knows the Bird Implosion, a move like that is too strong "

" Bakers always understand my fighting, they have used bread to do so " said Artby.

" People understand my techniques more thanks to bakers "

" They understand that they cannot beat our advisors or Warbler " said King Bobby.

" They can do so " said Artby.

" There is no chance of that " said Curtis.

" Baking makes me stronger " said Artby. " Bakers have injected heroism into the flour "

" Some flour already has heroism "

" You cannot believe that bread is injected with heroism, now can you ? " asked Curtis.

" Our actions and our training does that "

" Warbler needs to be with Allie " said Diana. " Allie has refused your support "

" She never said it to any of us " said Colouruke.

" Well, she is saying it now " said Lord Grackle.

" When you see my brother with Allie, Allie knows how to love him " said Blackburnian. " To think that the dating site that I created with King Bobby did something like that "

" Allie does love Warbler "

" Yes, it is truly an amazing site " said Diana.

" Maybe there will be other stories to tell later on about this "

" Crayon has got in the way of this "

" Crayon always does " said Blackburnian.

" It is a shame "

" Warbler cannot have that happen "

" Crayon is a great friend, bread makes him an even better one " said Artby.

" Bread ? " asked Colourea.

" Yes, baking has made us better friends " said Artby.

" I feel that way "

" I am proud of baking "

Queen Starling then started charging for the Bird Implosion, while Rourke used his own. The power was very strong, they were both hit.

Queen Starling won the fight, an announcement came on.

" Queen Starling has advanced to the Round of 16 "

" The next match is Colourea vs Colour Administrator "

" It will be the last match of the day, it will be in 90 minutes "

" Enjoy the fight "

All the fighters left the stadium, Crayon and his friends were talking.

" Colourea is fighting Colour Administrator ? " asked Colouruke.

" It will be a good match " said Crayon. " You will do great out there "

" Thanks " said Colourea.

" Bakers have a huge role in the tournament with the bread they are baking " said Artby.

" Bakers want Colourea to win today "

" Well, good for them " said Colouruke.

" They will want all of us to win our matches due to all of the great purchases which have created more baking " said Artby.

" Well, that is true that they bake more because of your purchases " said Challenger.

" I'm a great customer " said Artby. " Bakers love having me in any bakery "

" Go Colourea "

" Yeah, Colourea will win today " said Challenger.

" Colour Administrator will be an opponent who will have power but Colourea is stronger "

" Sounds about right " said Crayon.

" Well bakers have supported us so much, I will dream about bakers baking tonight " said Artby. " Baking deserves a dream by me "

" Deserves a dream ? asked Crayon.

" I have not dreamed about bakers baking for a bit now, bakers need these dreams " said Artby.

" These dreams help baking so much, when bakers are happier they can bake better "

" Well a happier baker would be a good thing " said Colouruke.

" I will say that "

" Good " said Artby.

Meanwhile, Bear members were talking.

" Colourea must go down " said Whites.

" I'm giving her the thumbs down " said Easeion.

" We must boo "

" Booing a friend of Crayon is vital "

" Yes, we must " said Xax.

" True " said Blackina.

" The Bear will bring down Colourea " said Blackin.

" We must get in her head, Colour Administrator is strong but if he has an easier win that is great " said Easeion.

" I want all of Crayon's friends out of this tournament immediately "

" Their elimination means a lot "

" Yeah, we'll get them out of this " said Xax.

" They will be defeated " said Melissa.

" Their opponents will crush them "

" I know that we can defeat them "

" I do believe in the power of the opponents of Crayon and his friends " said Easeion.

" Yes, I will take this tournament and show my great affection for Blackina " said Blackin.

" Yes, I will do the same for Blackin " said Blackina.

" You two will succeed and have a great wedding " said Whites. " I will be a great best man "

" Yes, you will be one of the best of all time " said Blackin.

" Our love and our abilities have no boundaries or end " said Blackina.

" I will bring Colourea down " said Easeion. " I will be dissing her a lot in the fight "

" Go Colour Administrator "

" Colourea will face elimination "

" It will be great " said Xax.

" We will get what we want " said Whites.

" My cousin is so great "

" He is marrying Blackina "

" He sure is " said Xax.

" I will enjoy seeing them kiss in front of all the Bear members " said Whites.

" I will be a great best man "

" You will for sure " said Blackin.

They then left, Colour King was talking with King Bobby.

" Colourea must lose " said Colour King.

" Colour Administrator will do this, Colourea is not as strong as the first eight winners " said King Bobby.

" We will make sure that Colourea has a hard time out there "

" Knowing Easeion, he will boo " said Colour King.

" Colourea has not been very Colourlandish to be honest "

" She is with Crayon "

" That is something that must be considered "

" Our partnership cannot have Colourea being the way she is " said King Bobby.

" Colourland deserves so much more "

" Colourea will be defeated, Crayon will feel hurt " said Colour King.

" Yes, I will love that look on his face " said King Bobby. " We must also think about Warbler "

" Warbler does not need Colourea in his life "

" Our partnership will be great "

" Yes, it will " said Colour King.

" There is no stopping our partnership "

" Yeah, we are so strong together " said King Bobby.

" As leaders there is nothing we cannot accomplish "