Chapter 6 - Six

Chapter 18

Xax vs Melissa

Crayon and his friends were talking.

"Sad to see that I lost" said Artby.

"Now who knows who is going to win Xax vs Melissa"

"I am not sure who will win that," said Colouruke. "It is good that one of them will go"

"Baking has done a lot but I was not able to get it done," said Artby. "I have a lot of confidence in others"

"Glad to see," said Challenger.

"Coloruke should advance," said Crayon.

"Yeah, I could see that," said Colourea.

"We should continue eating bread after despite me losing, it can help," said Artby.

"Yeah, we can do that," said Colouruke.

Meanwhile Color King was talking with King Bobby.

"Glad to see Blackburnian win" said King Bobby.

"Well, Artby is not particularly a dangerous fighter," said Color King.

"I believe that he does not know what Challenger is really doing"

"I do think so," said King Bobby.

"Good" said Color King.

"I will save the people"

"I will fight for Bird's Isle, people of Bird's Isle love being ruled by a king," said King Bobby.

"Especially a king who cares about Warbler"

"Yes, we have been great for our countries," said Color King.

"I think Xax wins his fight"

"Same here," said King Bobby.

"That being said, me and the advisors should be able to beat Xax no problem"

"Yeah, that makes sense," said Color King. "We need all of Crayon and his friends eliminated right now"

"Colorland needs that"

" Colourland needs Color King, the people are too Colourlandish to be led by someone less Colourlandish than they are "

"True," said King Bobby.

Meanwhile Easeion, Xax, Melissa and Whites were talking.

Good luck to both of you, but I will be rooting for Xax," said Easeion.

"I will be rooting for Melissa," said Whites.

"It will be a great battle," said Melissa.

"The winner must destroy Crayon" said Easeion.

"Crayon must face the pain my siblings have faced"

"My siblings must be avenged, I think about being a Smithson a lot"

"Being a Smithson is so awesome"

"Yes, Crayon will truly suffer on the ground," said Xax.

"His friends will be destroyed and truly embarrassed out there," said Easeion.

"His friends will feel shitty," said Melissa.

"I admire Whites a lot, I want us to both be in the next round"

"Thanks" said Whites.

"We are taking this tournament," said Easeion. "I'll make Crayon regret fighting hahahaha"

"He will be eliminated"

"His elimination is a guarantee"

"That is true, he will not win this tournament," said Xax.

"Yeah," said Melissa.

More time continued passing and it was closer to the fight.

Melissa and Xax were talking.

"The five Bear members who advance will fight as hard as possible," said Melissa.

"They sure will," said Xax.

"Crayon will lose," said Melissa.

"I remember him struggling against me and Whites," said Xax.

"He is not strong enough"

"Yeah, he won't stop us," said Melissa.

"We will make him look weak," said Xax.

"His friends will face elimination," said Melissa.

"Artby already has, Coloruke will be done" said Xax.

"We will have a great battle," said Melissa.

"We sure will" said Xax.

More time continued passing, it was five minutes until the fight. Fighters were talking.

"This will be a good battle," said Blackin.

"Both of them should advance, but the matches were set up this way," said Blackina.

"Yeah, I think Melissa will win," said Whites.

"She has shown herself to be a very strong woman"

"That is true, but Xax is also very powerful," said Blackin.

"We will celebrate the winner and what the Bear has done," said Easeion.

"We know Crayon cannot win against them"

"Yes," said Blackin.

"My desire for Blackina is so strong, nobody has loved someone as much as me"

"I love hearing that," said Blackina.

"We are a great couple, I will win," said Blackin.

"It will be a great wedding," said Easeion.

"Yes, it sure will," said Whites.

"I will love being married," said Blackina.

"Same here," said Blackin.

Meanwhile Crayon and his friends were talking.

"I think Xax will take this," said Crayon.

"He was more difficult than Melissa"

"Yeah, that makes sense," said Artby.

"I have been thinking about bakers baking"

"It means a lot as a customer"

"Well, we do buy a lot of bread," said Colouruke.

"Yeah, that's true," said Colourea.

"Bakers deserve purchases like this," said Artby.

"I always think of the baker first over everything"

"I can understand bakers in a way that is not seen that often"

The fight then started.

Xax then charged up his Tenfold Bird Strike while Melissa used her Tenfold Heatwave Strike. The strikes hit each other and they took damage.

Xax then used the Tenfold Bear Strike while Melissa used her own, they both hit with power and they took damage.

Xax got up first and he kicked Melissa down to the ground.

Melissa got up and she then punched Xax while Xax kicked her again.

Xax started charging up the Ultimate Bear Blast while Melissa started charging up the Ultimate Bear Bomb, the attacks collided and they were both hit.

Xax then started charging up the Ultimate Bear Bomb while Melissa then used the Ultimate Bear Blast, they were both knocked down to the ground.

"It seems this training is paying off," said Xax.

"It sure is," said Melissa.

"Blackin will be happy to see this," said Xax.

"My admiration for Whites is strong, I want him to truly enjoy this," said Melissa.

"He will" said Xax.

"Well, let's continue," said Melissa.

Melissa then used the Ultimate Heatwave Blast while Xax used the Ultimate Bird Blast, the blasts both successfully hit.

Melissa used the Ultimate Heatwave Bomb while Xax used the Ultimate Bird Bomb, the bombs hit and they were both knocked down to the ground.

They both got up and they both kicked each other but then they started charging for their next attacks.

Xax then started charging for the Bird Implosion while Melissa started charging for the Heatwave Implosion. The implosions then hit their opponents fiercely and they both fell down.

"It seems that you have improved," said Xax.

"It is a shame that you had to face me, I believe that you could have defeated many people"

"That is for sure, now get ready for the Bear Implosion," said Melissa.

Melissa then started charging her Bear Implosion while Xax used his own and they both hit their respective targets.

Fighters were talking.

"Well, this is a good fight," said Whites.

"It sure is," said Blackin.

"I know that I have made sure our members are good"

"They sure are," said Blackina.

"It looks like Xax has the edge but anything could happen," said Easeion.

"Yeah, I wonder what the fights in the next round will be like," said Colourclever.

"It will be great, Crayon will be outclassed," said Color Dictator.

"Yes, he will be defeated," said Color Queen.

"He is no match for true Colourlandish"

"Yes, he is not winning," said Color King.

"I am too strong and powerful"

"I will win this tournament"

"True" said Color Dictator.

The fight continued.

Xax then used his Bird Implosion while Melissa used her Bear Implosion, they both took damage.

Xax used his Bear Implosion while Melissa used her Heatwave Implosion, they were both knocked down to the ground but they both got up.

Melissa kicked Xax and he fell down to the ground.

Xax got up and he used his Ultimate Bear Barrage while Melissa used her own, the attacks collided and they both were damaged.

Melissa then started charging up the Ultimate Heatwave Blast while Xax used his Ultimate Bear Bomb to counter. They were both knocked down to the ground.

Melissa used the Bear Implosion while Xax then used his own, Melissa was slightly struggling but could still fight.

"I will not give up," said Melissa.

"I hope Whites is enjoying this fight"

He is, all us Bear members are enjoying the fight but hate that one of them is going to be out," said Xax.

"Well, give it your all"

"I will" said Melissa.

Melissa then used her Bear Implosion while Xax used his own, the implosions hit each other and they both fell down to the ground.

Fighters were talking.

"It looks like Xax has the edge," said King Bobby.

"Yeah, perhaps he can stop Crayon" said Queen Starling.

"For Warbler's sake, I hope so," said Blackburnian.

"Warbler needs not to be around Crayon," said Curtis.

"Yeah, Warbler deserves so much," said Lord Grackle.

"Yeah, he sure does," said Diana.

"Warbler's the man," said Blackburnian.

"Crayon is not who he needs around him"

"He needs more time with Allie"

"He sure does, great couple," said Diana.

"They are truly amazing," said King Bobby.

The fight then continued.

Xax then used his Bird Implosion while Melissa used the Heatwave Implosion, the attacks collided with each other and they both took damage.

Melissa was getting near the end while Xax was slightly struggling.

"I will keep going," said Melissa.

"For Whites"

"Yeah, he is seeing all of this," said Xax.

"This will be it"

"I will take down all friends of Crayon"

"Yes, they must go down," said Melissa.

"I will make sure of it"

"Good" said Xax.

Xax then charged up the Bear Implosion, while Melissa used her own with a lot of energy. The attacks then hit their targets with some serious power.

Melissa was defeated and an announcement came on.

"Xax has won, he is in the Round of 16"

"The next match is Color Dictator vs Curtis"

"The match starts in 75 minutes from now"

"Enjoy the fights"

Fighters were talking.

"Xax is the man, he showed his ability," said Easeion.

"I will be the fifth Bear member to advance"

"Crayon will be so sad after I defeat him hahaha"

"Yeah, he will crash and burn," said Whites.

"I will be a great best man for Blackin, my great cousin"

"You sure will," said Blackina. "I love him so much, I don't think anyone could match that"

"Yes, I don't see that being possible," said Whites.

"Yes, Blackina has a similar desire that I have towards her," said Blackin.

"My love for Blackina is so powerful, it keeps me going"

"I love hearing that," said Blackina.

"Yeah, it's great," said Blackin.

Meanwhile, King Bobby was with the advisors.

"Color Dictator is a difficult opponent," said King Bobby.

"Curtis, you have the ability to defeat him"

"Yes, I have trained hard," said Curtis.

"We have seen a powerful growth in your abilities," said Queen Starling.

"Warbler is a man I am fighting for," said Curtis.

"He will not be let down"

"Yes, he needs us to win," said Blackburnian.

"Crayon is not a friend anyone needs in Bird's Isle but especially not Warbler"

"Yes, Crayon is not needed in his life," said Diana.

"There are only 4 matches left, I have not fought"

"I don't know who you will fight, but you will win," said Blackburnian.

Meanwhile Bear members then headed to a different part of the stadium and were talking.

"This will be a good fight," said Xax.

"Yeah, I think Color Dictator is stronger, but who knows," said Whites.

Curtis is strong, I don't think it will be an easy fight for Color Dictator," said Easeion.

"Yeah, that makes sense," said Xax.

"Well, we should watch the fight," said Whites.

Crayon and his friends were talking.

"Well, it will be an interesting fight," said Crayon.

"I think Color Dictator will win," said Colouruke.

"If Curtis was to win, it could be good for us"

"True" said Colourea.

"Yes, that is true," said Artby. "Baking plays a huge role in these fights"

"I believe that the winner eats more bread than the person who does not win"

"Bakers are so important for fighting"

"Crayon, have you trusted in bakers?"

"I have enjoyed eating bread and I have trusted in them for making good bread I would say"

"I trust in them for fights and everything in life"

"They are so important"

"Bakers are able to understand our mouths with baking"

"I have enjoyed eating bread," said Crayon.

"Everything in life?" asked Colouruke.

"Yes, my trust in bakers makes my life better," said Artby.

"Our lives have been improved thanks to bakers"

"Well, the bread does taste good," said Colourea.

"Bakers have prevented us from dying," said Artby.

"Bread saves lives"

"We trained hard and we ate a lot of bread," said Challenger.

"Bakers are so heroic and brave when they bake," said Artby.

"Baking saves lives all the time"

"I cannot stop loving bakers, my love for the baker is so strong now"