Chapter 4 - Four

Chapter 16

Draco vs Whites

After the fighters enjoyed their breakfast, they all headed to the stadium, where the fighters were talking.

"Crayon and his friends just don't get resources," said Lord Grackle.

"Warbler needs friends who get what they do for Bird's Isle"

"Yes, he cannot be around Crayon," said Queen Starling. "He has not respected Bird's Isle at all"

"Yes, he most certainly has not," said Curtis.

"It is unfortunate," said Blackburnian.

"Draco's victory is important for Bird's Isle," said King Bobby.

"He will succeed," said Lord Grackle.

" Colourland and Bird's Isle will be improved so much by these wars "

"These wars are good wars, not bad wars"

"Unfortunately, Crayon cannot process that," said Draco.

"I will defeat Whites and fight him"

"We will all support you," said Curtis.

"Color King also wants your victory," said Lord Grackle.

"He is a great ally for us"

"Yes, he is a brilliant man," said Diana.

"Challenger is not what Colourland needs," said Blackburnian.

"Color King is better than him"

"He most certainly is," said Queen Starling.

"He is a great ally to King Bobby"

"I show respect to Color King just like he shows respect to me," said King Bobby.

Meanwhile Blackin and Blackina were talking.

"Whites, our best man is fighting," said Blackin.

"My cousin understands my desire for you"

"It is a great desire," said Blackina.

"I love you so much"

"Same here," said Blackin. "When I see such an attractive, beautiful body I must love you like this"

"Our hearts will stay connected forever, Crayon's demise will happen"

"I love seeing this," said Blackina.

"Same here," said Blackin.

"We need him out of the way"

The match then was getting closer, everyone was in the stands.

Whites and Draco were talking.

"I will make sure an advisor advances," said Draco.

"Bird's Isle is counting on me to win"

"I will take this for my cousin," said Whites.

I will be a great best man for him"

"Well, we shall see," said Draco.

"My power will guide me to victory"

"The more advisors to get in the way of Crayon, the better"

"To be honest, the more Bear members to stop Crayon it is a better situation," said Whites.

"Crayon has got in the way of Blackin's dream wedding"

"Blackin has loved Blackina too much for that"

"Their love is unique"

"Crayon and his friends must stay away from Warbler, they have influenced him terribly," said Draco.

"It seems our goals are different but we have the same enemy in Crayon," said Whites.

"Yes" said Draco.

"It is true, we both need Crayon gone for different reasons"

The fight was about two minutes away, fighters were talking.

"This is going to be great," said Blackina.

"Whites will get victory for us"

"I do believe that Draco could have beaten Coloruke and Artby" said Easeion.

"I know that they will be gone this round for sure"

"Well, I would love to get a crack at them," said Xax.

"They must be eliminated from this tournament"

"They have gotten in our way too much now," said Melissa.

"Go Whites"

"This will be a great fight," said Blackin. "My cousin will win this for me and everyone in the Bear"

"He sure will," said Blackina.

"He is a strong fighter," said Xax.

"He is," said Melissa.

"Whites are great"

"He will win," said Easeion.

The fight then started.

Draco then aimed a punch at Whites which hit, while Whites kicked him.

They both got back up.

Whites then used his Ultimate Bear Barrage while Draco used his Tenfold Bird Strike, they both were damaged.

Whites charged up the Ultimate Blizzard Blast while Draco used the Ultimate Bird Bomb, they both were hit.

Whites charged up the Ultimate Blizzard Bomb while Draco uses the Ultimate Bird Blast, they both fell down to the ground.

They both got up, Whites then directly hit Draco with a punch which knocked him down.

Draco then started charging his Bird Implosion while Whites used his Blizzard Implosion, the implosions hit their respective targets.

They both then got up and were talking.

"You seem quite strong," said Draco.

"I must win for Bird's Isle"

"Bird's Isle needs advisors advancing"

"I will win for Blackin, my great cousin," said Whites.

"His love for Blackina is so strong, the wedding will be a dream wedding for both of them"

"I will be the best man, I will be a great one"

"Well, we should continue," said Draco.

"Yes" said Whites.

Draco then started charging for the Bird Implosion again while Whites used the Bear Implosion, the implosions then hit with power.

Draco got up first and he then used the Tenfold Bird Strike which hit Whites and knocked him down.

Whites then got up and he then started charging for his Blizzard Implosion while Draco used his Ultimate Bird Bomb to counter. The attacks hit each other and they were both damaged.

Fighters were talking.

"Draco is looking good with his power," said Curtis.

"His training has paid off"

"Yes, he will take down Crayon" said Lord Grackle.

"His friends are not good for Bird's Isle," said Diana.

"Warbler is a great guy, he deserves better," said Blackburnian.

"I have done more for him"

"Yes, that dating site is proof," said King Bobby.

"I have given Warbler the life he needs"

"Yeah, he's at his best," said Queen Starling.

"Challenger has not done what King Bobby has done"

"Yes, he is not Colourlandish enough," said Colourclever.

"I am more Colourlandish than Challenger"

"A lot of people are outside of Numerians" said Color Queen.

"Challenger has never been what we need there"

"Color King has an opinion that is an opinion that people from Colorland have"

The fight then continued.

Draco then started charging up his Bird Implosion while Whites used his Ultimate Blizzard Bomb. The attacks hit each other.

Draco then used the Ultimate Bird Blast while Whites used the Ultimate Blizzard Blast, the blasts hit their targets and knocked them to the ground.

Whites got up and he then used the Ultimate Ice Storm, Draco was slipping and falling. Whites then used the Ultimate Blizzard Bomb and directly hit Draco with the attack.

Draco was slightly struggling but he was able to get back up.

"I still have more," said Draco.

"The advisors are counting on me, I cannot fail them ever"

"Bird's Isle needs advisors winning for the sake of Bird's Isle"

"Well, I am going to win this fight regardless of any of that," said Whites.

"I must win for the Bear, Blackina and Blackin need this in the tournament"

"Well, then we will continue"

"Yes, we will do that," said Draco.

Whites then started charging up his Blizzard Implosion while Draco used his Bird Implosion which both attacks hit.

Whites then used his Ultimate Bear Barrage while Draco used his Tenfold Bird Strike. The attacks hit each other and they both took damage. Whites was slightly struggling while Draco was getting near the end.

Fighters were talking.

"Whites have got this," said Melissa.

"That is great for us"

"He knows how to fight"

"Yeah, we are all advancing," said Easeion.

"We are just too talented"

"I'm going to demolish my next opponent and make them look like a total idiot"


"Whites is going to advance to the round of 8," said Blackin.

"Proud of my cousin"

"He is showing his skill"

"Yeah, he is" said Xax.

Draco then charged up his Bird Implosion while Whites used his Bear Implosion, the attacks hit their targets down to the ground.

An announcement came on.

"Whites has won and advanced, Draco is eliminated from the tournament"

"The next match is Blackburnian vs Artby"

"The match will be in 75 minutes from now"

"Enjoy the fight"

The fighters then went to different parts around the stadium and were talking. Bear members were talking.

"Whites, congratulations on winning," said Melissa.

"I admire you so much"

"Thanks" said Whites.

"Now, the rest of us need to win," said Xax.

"That will not be difficult"

"I'll make my opponent look sadder than ever," said Easeion.

"I am hoping for Colouruke"

"Yeah, that would be great," said Blackina.

"Artby is facing Blackburnian"

"That will not be difficult for Blackburnian," said Blackin.

"He is a strong fighter," said Easeion.

"Artby will lose"

"He will talk about baking during the fight"

"Yeah and bakers" said Xax.

"This is true," said Easeion.

"He goes on about bread and baking a lot"

"I don't know if he believes these things or he uses it to get to people"

"I have no idea honestly" said Xax.

"At the end of the day, the Bear will take this tournament"

"That is so true," said Blackin.

"We are a great organization"

Meanwhile Blackburnian was with Diana.

I will make him regret hanging out with Warbler," said Blackburnian.

"Warbler needs better in his life"

"You will defeat him," said Diana.

"Our advisors have been getting eliminated but you will not"

"Artby has less ability than Draco," said Blackburnian.

"I will crush him, he can say what he wants"

"Yes, he will stay away from Warbler," said Diana.

"Allie is sick of it, not that I can blame her"

"Yeah, Artby has not been good for them," said Blackburnian.

" Colouruke must go down as well "

"Maybe you will fight him"

"I would love to take him down," said Diana. "The two of us will make the Round of 16"

"Yeah, it will be great," said Blackburnian.

"The two of us will make it far," said Diana.

Crayon and his friends were talking.

"Bakers want this so much" said Artby.

"As a customer, I will win"

"My purchases have done so much for baking"

"My purchases will always mean a lot no matter what"

"Well, you do get a lot of bread there," said Colourea.

"How could I not do so" said Artby.

"Bread has made us stronger fighters and just better as people"

"Baking makes us into humans that are a human that is better"

"Humans?" asked Colouruke.

"Yes, we have been better thanks to bread" said Artby. "Our mouths are a useful gateway for bakers to understand us"

"Thanks to baking, bakers and customers have this great understanding of each other"

"Crayon's taste buds are involved"

"My taste buds?" Crayon asked.

"Yes, they are connected with your mouth in a way, bakers understand that mouth connection," said Artby.

"Bread is how they understand"

"Artby" said Colouruke.

"Yes Colouruke" said Artby.

"Artby, what the fuck," said Colouruke.

"Bakers understand that mouth connection?"

"They do, Colouruke" said Artby. "Baking prevents this confusion"

"I have not been confused anymore thanks to bread when I fight"

"Uh, okay," said Colourea.

Time continued to pass and everyone was in the stadium and they were talking.