Chapter 4 - Four

Chapter 10

Grackle vs Blackina

The fight was about to start, Bear members then chanted their support for Blackina. Easeion gave Grackle the thumbs down and said that Blackina will defeat him easily.

"We'll see about that," said Grackle.

"It is true," said Xax. "We will enjoy your defeat to the strongest woman in the universe"

"That is true," said Blackin. "I am always proud of myself for being with Blackina instead of someone else"

"You two are perfect together," said Whites.

"We sure are"

The fight began, Blackina then rushed for Grackle with a punch while Grackle rushed her with a kick.

The attacks landed, Blackina then got up.

Blackina started charging her Ultimate Bear Blast while Grackle started charging his Ultimate Bird Bomb, the attacks then collided and they both took damage.

They both got up, Blackina used her Tenfold Bear Strike while Grackle used his Tenfold Bird Strike. The attacks hit their targets.

Blackina then started charging her Ultimate Bear Bomb while Grackle started charging his Ultimate Bird Blast. The attacks knocked each of them down to the ground.

They both then got up.

"You aren't terrible, but I will take this fight," said Blackina.

"Blackin is a man that means so much, he is so happy"

"He knows how to love me"

"Well regardless of that, I will fight hard" said Grackle.

"Blackin has said our hearts are connected through the desire he has" said Blackina.

" He has such a strong desire for me "

" Let's continue "

Fighters in the audience were talking.

" Blackina is looking great " said Melissa.

" Yes, that is for sure " said Easeion.

" Grackle is not winning this fight "

" He will lose, Blackina is a woman that you do not want to fuck with "

" Nobody wants to fuck with Blackina "

" Very true " said Xax.

" The Bear admire her a lot "

" Bear members respect her a lot "

" Yeah, we most certainly do " said Whites.

" Grackle is not good enough to win against that, I know this for a fact "

" We also want Grackle to not win due to what is happening with Warbler " said Diana.

" True, we do not want him winning this fight " said Curtis.

" He didn't do anything " said Dove.

" That is simply not true " said Lord Grackle.

" He has done something and not something good "

" Warbler has chosen to stay in Colourland " said Crayon.

" That is true, he has " said Colourea.

" You forced that on him " said Blackburnian. " As his brother, I will make the best effort to make his life better "

" We were gone, but since we returned there is a change within Warbler now " said King Bobby. " He now is happy with us, I have awakened part of him "

" I have awakened a part of him that loves King Bobby "

" C'mon, you can't expect us to believe that " said Challenger.

" I do, I know Warbler so well " said King Bobby.

" I have changed Warbler "

" He is right " said Queen Starling. " He knows what he is doing with Warbler "

" The dating site is connected with him " said King Bobby.

" I have connected Warbler sexually with Allie, which is good for Bird's Isle "

Grackle then started to charge up the Bird Implosion while Blackina used her Bear Implosion, the attacks then hit each other. They both were damaged and fell down to the ground.

Blackina then started charging up the Ultimate Bear Blast while Grackle used the Bird Implosion, they were both hit by the attacks.

They both then got up and they then kicked each other to the ground.

Blackina then started charging up her Bear Implosion while Grackle used his Ultimate Bird Blast, the attacks then hit their targets down to the ground.

" Well, you are a bit stronger than I thought " said Blackina.

" Blackin's desire for me drives me to new heights "

" I'm not giving up " said Grackle.

" You will lose this match " said Blackina. " With my power and my love for Blackin being so strong, I will take this "

Blackina and Grackle punched each other and they both took damage.

Grackle was slightly struggling but he was able to get up.

Meanwhile, fighters were talking.

" Blackina has got this " said Easeion.

" We have got some great villainesses in the Bear "

" They have my respect forever, we are taking this shit "

" Hahahahahaha "

" Yeah, we got this " said Xax.

" We sure do " said Whites.

" Blackina is a strong woman " said Melissa.

" I love Blackina "

" It isn't over yet " said Colouruke.

" Yeah, no " said Melissa.

" Hahahaha " said Easeion.

" I cannot stop laughing at all of this "

" It really is funny "

" Yeah, it is funny for the organization " said Xax.

" Blackin and Blackina are great for sure "

" They are " said Whites.

Blackina then charged up the Bear Implosion while Grackle used the Bird Implosion, the attacks collided with each other.

Grackle got back up and he then directly hit Blackina with a punch while Blackina then kicked him.

Blackina fired off the Ultimate Bear Blast while Grackle used his Ultimate Bird Blast to counter, they both took damage.

Grackle was getting near the end.

" I won't give up " said Grackle.

" You are finished " said Blackina. " My heart is connected with Blackin's heart "

" Our hearts have created a powerful relationship between two very strong fighters "

" Your demise is here, your defeat is imminent "

" I'll give it my all " said Grackle.

Fighters were talking.

" Well it appears that Grackle was out of his depth " said Lord Grackle.

" Blackina is strong, not quite as strong as Queen Starling " said Blackburnian.

" Yes " said King Bobby. " She should be fighting soon "

" She will easily make the round of 16 "

" Our advisors are very strong " said Rourke.

" Yes, the rest of us have lots of power " said Draco.

" I'll win my match "

" Bird's Isle needs us winning the tournament, it is good for Bird's Isle " said King Bobby.

" Warbler having a better life will be decided "

" Warbler means a lot, his meals must be at the level that King Bobby wants " said Curtis.

We have transformed his life before, we will do the same again "

" When my victory happens, I will ban Crayon from ever hanging out with him again " said King Bobby.

" I will make sure people do not hang out with him, he has not been a good friend "

" He has not understood his power or his potential either "

" He has this potential for wars that is truly something "

" Wars ? " asked Allie.

" Yes, he knows moves that will do a lot in wars " said King Bobby.

" We need to expand Bird's Isle and the resources "

" There are some islands we plan on invading "

" We need the partnership with Colour King " said Queen Starling.

" Challenger is not one for making things better here at all " said Colour King.

" He has chosen protesting instead "

" He prefers protests over Colourlandish people, I love the people "

" These wars could expand Bird's Isle significantly, we need Challenger gone "

" I am not going anywhere " said Challenger.

" Me and King Bobby plan of getting rid of you " said Colour King.

" I am said to be the most Colourlandish person in Colourland "

" Challenger is not the least but he is not anywhere near the top "

" Invading islands ? " asked Crayon. " What is so Colourlandish about that ? "

" It is about expanding your country, why is this not something that you want ? " asked Colour King.

" By harming so many innocent people and taking resources from places that do not have as much as we do here " said Crayon.

" I don't see how that is good or particularly Colourlandish "

" Then you are less Colourlandish than me " said Colour King.

" I have been very Colourlandish " said Colour Queen.

" You are not Colourlandish on the level we are "

" This is true, Crayon could be more Colourlandish " said Colourclever.

" Colourlandish people see that he could be more Colourlandish "

" Yes, they do " said Colour Queen.

The fight then continued, Blackina used her Bear Implosion while Grackle used the Bird Implosion. The attacks hit their targets, Blackina won the fight.

" I am so happy " said Blackin.

" Blackina is a stunning woman, my desire for her is so strong "

" Blackina is great " said Whites.

" We knew that she would win "

" Grackle was not strong enough , he was no match for anyone in the organization " said Easeion.

" Dissing him was not necessary but it was fun to do that is for sure "

" I gave him the thumbs down and he feels down right now "

" Hahahahahaha "

" I am proud of what is going on "

" Blackina is amazing " said Whites.

" Blackina is the strongest woman " said Blackin.

" I have feelings for her that are stronger than anyone has had "

" Our love is so unique "

An announcement came on.

" Blackina has won the fight "

" These are all the fights today, the next fight is Dove vs Colour Queen "

" There will three fights tomorrow "

" Enjoy the rest of the day "

Everyone then went downstairs, Crayon was talking with Challenger, Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke and Artby.

" Sad to see that Grackle lost but Blackina is strong " said Colouruke.

" Yeah, I hope Dove can beat Colour Queen " said Crayon.

" Same here " said Colourea.

" Baking will lead us to victory " said Artby.

" The two finalists will be people that eat bread "

" I am so sure "

" We should head to the bakery " said Colouruke.

" Yeah, we need to eat bread " said Artby.

" Bakers are counting on us as customers, we must be customers that are good "

" Being good customers means a lot to a baker, they feel better "

" When bakers feel better, they bake better bread "

" Our mouths are better that way, they are eating tastier bread making them better mouths "

" With better mouths, we can taste bread even better which makes our fighting better "

They then went to the bakery, on the way Bear members were all talking with each other.

" I believe that all six of us will advance " said Whites.

" Yes, we are that good " said Easeion. " Crayon will be sad when he loses next round "

" Yes, he sure will be " said Xax.

" Our power is taking this tournament "

" It sure is " said Melissa.

" Blackin will win "

" Yes, me and Blackina are a great couple " said Blackin. " We always show our feelings for each other and our strength "

" Blackin has a desire that is so strong, he knows that I love him " said Blackina.

" This wedding will be great " said Xax.

" Yes, it will be " said Easeion.

" I will be happy to be part of the wedding for sure "

" Colour Queen is going to win tomorrow " said Xax.

" Still, we should mess with Dove " said Easeion.

" I plan on ruining the lives of Crayon and his friends, they will not make the finals "

" Or the semifinals either " said Whites.

" Dove is not a super strong fighter, I'm not sure what messing with her will do but it could anger Crayon and his friends more " said Whites.

" I want Crayon a mixture of sad and angry " said Easeion.

" I want him that way forever "

" Not a single Smithson doesn't "

" Crayon must be sad "

" We all want that " said Xax.

" He will go into a rage but not a rage that will make him stronger "

" Yes, hopefully " said Melissa.

" I know that Crayon will be brought down " said Blackina.

" When he loses, we will all celebrate " said Whites.

" Yes, we have something special for a moment like that " said Blackina.

" He will be a sad motherfucker " said Easeion. " I will make sure that he loses next round "

" No matter what, Crayon will not advance "

" I will make sure of that no matter what "

" Good " said Blackin. " We do not want him in the Final 8 "

" Yeah, we need him losing " said Xax. " We know he's no winner "

" First, we make sure that Dove loses " said Easeion.

" I will take my revenge on every friend of his, what happened to Bill and Tara is unacceptable as a brother "

" I am a good brother, not a bad one "

" The Smithsons must all be back together, it means a lot as a Smithson "

" I will always do what is necessary for the Smithsons "

" Well said " said Xax.

" The Bear is doing what they must do "

Crayon and his friends arrived at the bakery.

" Glad to see bakers here " said Artby.

" Baking is the way bakers understand our mouths which is great "

" Understand your mouths ? " asked a baker.

" Yeah, our mouths are better mouths when bakers understand them with bread " said Artby.

" Bread has changed my mouth "

" I love all this baking, I have dreamed about bakers baking for a reason "

" As a customer, I do so "

" There is a lot of good bread here " said Challenger.

" Challenger understands bakers " said Artby. " Baking has helped him, done so much for him and loved his mouth "

" Loved my mouth ? " asked Challenger.

" Yes " said Artby.

They got their bread and left, they were heading back to the hotel. Meanwhile King Bobby, Colour King, Colour Queen and Queen Starling were all together.

" Colour Queen has a simple fight tomorrow " said Colour King.

" Yes " said Queen Starling.

" Dove is a friend of Crayon "

" Well, I hope then she loses bad " said King Bobby. " They have not treated Warbler the way that Bird's Isle wants "

" What Warbler needs is our meals "

" A chance to fight wars that are beneficial to Bird's Isle "

" Bird's Isle does not support Crayon as a friend "

" That is for sure " said Queen Starling.

" I will destroy Dove " said Colour Queen.

" She will regret hanging out with Crayon " said Queen Starling.

" Crayon being around Warbler has never been good for Bird's Isle "

" Yes, he will be eliminated next round " said Colour Queen.

" That is for sure " said Colour King. " The people need me in charge "

" The people do not want Crayon winning this tournament "

" Crayon has not been Colourlandish on the level that the people want from him "

" The four of us will destroy anyone in our way, with no issues " said Colour Queen. " Dove will regret ever entering this tournament "

" Hahahahaha " they all said.

Crayon and his friends arrived back at the hotel.