Chapter 5 - Five

Chapter 11

Another Evening At the Hotel

They then saw Grackle, Dove, Warbler and Allie together.

"Warbler" said Crayon.

"Yeah, it's been a while," said Warbler.

"King Bobby has gotten very determined for us not to hang out"

"Yeah, he really has," said Colouruke.

"He has gone so far," said Allie.

"He believes it is not good for Bird's Isle for Warbler to hang out with Crayon and his friends"

"Wow" said Colouruke.

"That makes no sense, I get why he doesn't want us hanging out with him but Bird's Isle?" asked Dove.

"I must beat Color Queen tomorrow"

"Yeah, Color Queen must be stopped," said Warbler.

"This is getting so out of hand"

"Yeah, we must stop all of them," said Crayon.

" We will defeat them, we must give it our all " said Challenger.

' That's for sure " said Colourea.

" Bakers want no evil " said Artby. " They will use baking to negate all of it "

" Baking ? " asked Warbler.

" Yes, baking can negate evil acts " said Artby. " The flour can block all of it out "

" I have never heard of anything like that " said Allie.

" Same here " said Colourea.

" Bakers are packed full of heroism " said Artby.

" The heroism enters the bread when they bake "

" Artby " said Colouruke.

" Yes Colouruke " said Artby.

" Artby, what the fuck " said Colouruke.

" You never noticed heroism entering bread ? " asked Artby.

" No " said Colouruke.

" It is there, my taste buds have absorbed the heroism from the bread " said Artby.

" Absorbed ? " asked Warbler. " I have never heard of anything like that, ever "

" Heroism is inside bread " said Artby. " Bread must be eaten, tournament wins are counting on it "

They then ate their bread they had got, which they enjoyed.

Meanwhile Easeion, Xax, Blackburnian, Diana, Whites and Lord Grackle arrived.

" What the fuck is going on " said Blackburnian.

" Crayon, you must stay away from Warbler "

" Well said, Crayon has not been a good friend " said Lord Grackle.

Crayon is losing next round, I will make him look like the most useless person ever " said Easeion.

" He will not be strong enough "

" That didn't work the last two times " said Crayon.

" True " said Colouruke.

" This time will be different " said Easeion.

" The Smithsons have done so much for me, I will get my revenge on him "

" Hahahahaha "

" I am a better fighter "

" A true legend "

" Warbler, I hope this was an attempted kidnapping or you got drunk " said Diana.

" Crayon is the kind of person who is not a good friend, Bird's Isle truly does not need these type of friendships " said Blackburnian.

" This has nothing to do with Bird's Isle " said Dove.

" It sure does " said Blackburnian.

" Well, we know Crayon is not winning in the next round, I know that he will be dealt with there " said Whites.

" Damn straight " said Xax.

" Crayon is losing his fight, he's not winning "

" True, he will lose " said Easeion.

" We will all get to see him lose "

" That will be great " said Xax.

" We'll see about that " said Colourea.

" Colourea, I'll enjoy you losing your fight " said Easeion.

" You don't know that " said Colouruke.

" Colouruke, I know what I am talking about " said Easeion.

" I know that none of Crayon's friends outside of Challenger will be part of the Round of 16 "

" I may not win this tournament but I know that no friend of Crayon is winning for sure "

" Hahahahahahaha "

" Yeah, let's see it that will really be true " said Challenger.

" It will be, I know what I am saying is the truth " said Easeion.

" I am not lying here "

" Well, I believe Easeion " said Diana.

" King Bobby will likely win the whole thing unless Colour King or Queen Starling can pull an upset on him "

"My cousin Blackin will beat Challenger " said Whites.

" He sure will " said Xax.

" His Bear attacks are so good "

" We are here for Warbler and Allie originally, you two must come with us " said Diana.

" Yeah, King Bobby will not like this " said Lord Grackle.

" Warbler probably was just sitting down and did not notice that Crayon and his friends were there " said Diana. " We must be more careful now "

" Crayon is not the friend he needs "

" Crayon has not been a good friend to Warbler at all, we will take action if we see bullshit like this " said Lord Grackle.

" We will give Warbler the benefit of the doubt and assume that he was drunk or didn't notice that you were all here "

" We believe Warbler is a good person, we will contact King Bobby and Queen Starling about this later this evening "

" Yes, we will make the assumption he was drinking a lot " said Diana.

" Yeah, that is a good assumption to make here " said Blackburnian.

" We are going now "

" Crayon, don't try anything "

Blackburnian, Diana and Lord Grackle left with Warbler and Allie.

" I do not know much about Warbler and how Crayon and his friends treated him but Crayon will always be an enemy to me " said Easeion.

" As a Smithson, I will not support him as a person ever "

" The sadder he gets, the better this world will be for the Bear "

" We can bring him down "

" Yeah, we don't support him after all our members not being here " said Xax.

" You all attacked us " said Artby. " Baking is a reason that I will fight "

" Baking does nothing against us " said Whites.

" Very true " said Xax.

" Bakers do a lot " said Artby.

" The good thing is that so many people are against Crayon, it puts a smile on my face " said Easeion.

" Bakers will not stop me from winning "

" Crayon has advanced, none of you three have " said Colourea.

" You will not be advancing to the next round " said Easeion.

" I will make sure of that "

" You can guarantee this "

" Yeah, we will make you look like a moron " said Xax.

" Xax, that will not happen " said Artby. " I have eaten so much bread, that I cannot possibly look stupid ever again "

" Yeah, you really have no idea " said Whites. " Blackin is taking this tournament "

" Not to mention his girlfriend who is the strongest woman ever " said Easeion. " She has been a great villainess for us "

" Blackin is always impressed by her power and determination " said Xax.

We will leave all of you right now "

" Lots of people want Crayon eliminated so always keep that in mind " said Whites.

" That is true " said Xax.

" Be prepared "

" We will be ready " said Colouruke.

The three of them left, Queen Starling and King Bobby were with Warbler and Allie.

" We heard about what happened " said King Bobby.

" Warbler, I don't know if you were drinking a lot but you may want to do that in your room "

" Crayon is not a good friend, Bird's Isle does not need his friendship " said Queen Starling.

" That group wants you to come with them, we cannot think about what will happen "

" I must have not seen them at first " said Warbler.

" I wasn't drinking "

" Well, you really need to be more careful " said Queen Starling. " You will not be getting the great meals with them "

" That is true " said King Bobby. " We understand what Crayon and his friends will do to you Warbler "

" Your brother Blackburnian is a great guy, never forget that "

" Yeah " said Warbler.

King Bobby and Queen Starling left, Warbler and Allie were talking.

" This is going to get ugly " said Allie.

" Yeah, the next match is a match I have a bad feeling about " said Warbler.

" Yeah, King Bobby is working with Colour King " said Allie. " That partnership will create lots of wars "

" We will have to fight "

" Well, Challenger will have to win " said Warbler.

" I am happy to be with you "

" Me too " said Allie.

Allie and Warbler then started kissing each other.

Meanwhile, Colour King and Colour Queen were talking.

" Tomorrow you will join me and King Bobby in the Round of 16 " said Colour King.

" We must do so "

" Challenger has not been the leader that Colourland needs "

" My power is too strong for Dove " said Colour Queen.

" I will win "

" Like our government officials " said Colour King.

" We must save the people and give them what they need "

" Colourlandish people know how Colourlandish they are "

" Unfortunately with Challenger, they have a leader who is not someone who is Colourlandish enough " said Colour Queen.

" That is why we will fight this tournament, this torunament does so much for Colourland " said Colour King.

Easeion and Xax were talking.

" Dove is going to lose tomorrow " said Easeion.

" Colour Queen is very powerful " said Xax.

" Dove is a friend of Crayon, so naturally I want her to crash and burn " said Easeion.

" Yeah, we need all of his friends eliminated " said Xax.

" They will just get in the way "

" Damn straight " said Easeion. " We will make this tournament ours for the taking which will be great "

" Crayon will have no friends in the next round "

" None at all, hahahahahahaha "

" No friends competing for Crayon "

" Hahahahaha " said Xax.

" I want to see that sad look on his face, it will be perfect for us " said Easeion.

" He will see a misery never seen before "

" Yes, we will ruin his life in a way that has not been done " said Xax.

" I will be looking forward to that " said Easeion.

" No friend of Crayon will stop us "

" True, they will not " said Xax.

More time continued passing, everyone enjoyed their supper.

King Bobby was with Queen Starling.

" Dove must be defeated " said King Bobby.

" What she has done is not acceptable "

" Bird's Isle deserves better, Warbler deserves better "

" That is why Allie came to him "

" Yes, she did make the choice " said Queen Starling.

" That dating site has done so much for Bird's Isle, we need that site for our sake " said King Bobby.

" I have done so much for Warbler, Crayon has always failed as a friend "

" Colour King is more of a hero than him "

" Colour Queen as well " said Queen Starling.

" Bird's Isle needs Warbler hanging out with people that are not Crayon and his friends " said King Bobby.

" They have let down Warbler "

King Bobby then embraced with Queen Starling.

Blackin and Blackina were talking.

" My desire for you is so strong " said Blackin.

" My love is so powerful "

" Thanks, our hearts are connected with this powerhouse love " said Blackina. " Your desire for me is always what I love seeing "

" The Bear is great " said Blackin.

" Easeion and Xax will mess with Crayon real good "

" We will have a great wedding " said Blackina.

" Whites will be the greatest best man in history, your beauty knows no boundaries " said Blackin.

" Thanks, I love you Blackin " said Blackina.

" I am glad you recognize my body this way, Blackin "

Blackin and Blackina then started kissing each other and they hugged each other.

Crayon and Colourea were happy together and they were talking.

" If Dove could defeat Colour Queen it would be great for sure " said Crayon.

" It sure would be " said Colourea.

" Yeah, Colour Queen must be stopped " said Crayon.

Crayon then kissed Colourea, everyone went to bed.