Chapter 5 - Five

Chapter 11

The Trial

Crayon and his friends got up early and they got ready.

" So this is the day that decides everything " said Colouruke.

" There will be so many people there, it will be truly something " said Crayon.

" Bakers will go " said Artby.

" Bakers want the Bear in jail, it is better for baking "

" Baking cannot be interfered with "

" The Bear did attack bakers in the past but baking will still happen " said Colourea.

" The Bear will spend time in jail most likely "

" Easeion will cause a scene " said Crayon.

" It will not save him " said Colourea.

" That is true " said Colouruke.

The four friends made their breakfast which they enjoyed.

They then met up with Warbler and Allie after.

" Good morning " said Warbler.

" Good morning " they all said.

" Let's head to the courthouse " said Allie.

" Challenger will be there " said Warbler.

" Bakers will be there as well " said Artby.

" Baking is wonderful "

The six of them then headed to the courthouse, they saw Challenger and Colour King with his officials.

" Glad you are all here " said Colour King.

" Glad to be here " said Crayon.

" This is very Colourlandish " said Colour King.

" The Bear is not what we need "

" They have ruined people " said Colourclever.

" To think if we had lost the fight, this would not happen "

" Our training paid off a lot " said Challenger.

" The case begins at 9:45 am " said Colour Queen.

" The Bear will all be there " said Colour Dictator.

" They will and they will end up going to jail " said Electro.

" Yes " said Oceanoke.

It then became time for the trial and they all entered the courtroom.

The judge then started to speak.

" We are here for the hearing against the Bear " said the judge.

" The Bear have stolen a lot and assaulted people according to many "

" We will hear from them and others "

" Many people here know them very well "

Maxclever was the first to speak.

" We are like a family in a way " said Maxclever.

" We do so much for each other "

" We live together "

" We must stay together "

Willemease spoke next.

" Maxclever is a great buddy of mine here "

" We have not harmed or hurt people "

" We have made our lives better "

" Everyone in the Bear has had their life improved "

The judge then was speaking.

" Our lives better you say ? " asked the judge.

" What about the lives of many Colourlandish people ? "

Easeion was speaking next.

" As a Smithson, I will not plead guilty " said Easeion.

" My siblings do not deserve this, neither does my father "

" The Smithsons deserve the best in life "

" We are a proud family who have done nothing wrong "

" I did no raping or pedophilia "

" No Smithson has raped "

" Not a single one "

" I will never do any pedophilia "

" Pedophilia is not something a Smithson does "

" With the lack of pedophilia in the organization none of us should go to jail "

" You must understand the lack of pedophilia here "

The judge was speaking again.

" This has nothing to do with the lives of people being harmed " said the judge.

" Yes, pedophilia is a crime but you all have committed others "

" You not doing any of that will not save you "

" There is a lot of evidence not in your favour "

" Whether you agree or not "

Xax was speaking next.

" My friend here is a good man " said Xax.

" He loves his family a lot "

" We did not harm people here "

" Crayon has lied to you "

" It is part of his character "

" Crayon's character must be discussed "

" Nobody has died, we have not done anything wrong "

" Easeion is my bro "

" He is such a great guy for sure "

" Bear members can sense "

The judge was speaking again.

" You are right about nobody dying but people have been robbed " said the judge.

" Regardless if Crayon has a good character or not it does not change this "

" His character is not relevant to what happened, Xax "

" Also there were assaults "

" I will allow Crayon to speak who is here about this "

Crayon then started speaking.

" The Bear stole a lot and assaulted a lot of people "

" Hospitals were more full because of this "

" They did refrain from murdering, raping and pedophilia but that does not mean what they did was right "

" The Bear are not regular theives "

" They have a lot of power and they are a threat "

" I will not tell anyone how long they should be in jail "

The judge was speaking again.

" Now, I would like to hear from Challenger and Colour King.

" First Challenger, after he is done then Colour King will speak "

Challenger then started to speak.

" What Crayon is saying is true " said Challenger.

" The Bear have a lot of dangerous fighters "

" They have the potential to do a lot of killing "

" They harmed so many people before "

" Being a strong fighter is not reason to arrest someone "

" When you cause harm like this, you cannot be on the streets "

" I know that you will make the right decision "

Colour King then started speaking.

" We are too Colourlandish to allow this to continue "

" People will have less, how could that be good for Colourland ? "

" We need people in good condition "

" Colourland needs people to not be hurt like this "

" The Bear are a very dangerous gang, we had an intense fight with them "

" If we cannot embarrass them, what will happen if they challenge our citizens to a fight ? "

" For a long time I opposed Challenger a lot but now we must side together for the good of Colourland right now "

" Colourland is important "

The judge was talking again.

" So the two leaders recognize the threat that the Bear is " said the judge.

" Well, we will have Whites talk next and after him will be Brett "

Whites was talking.

" My cousin is in love with Blackina so much " said Whites.

" He knows that we have done nothing wrong "

" This is terrible for their relationship "

" They must get married "

" Their love is so vital "

Brett then was talking.

" My sons and my daughter did nothing wrong here " said Brett.

" The Bear has brought many people together "

" That will not end "

" We are united "

" The Bear will never end "

The judge was then talking.

" So it seems that none of you believed you did anything wrong " said the judge.

" Well, we will continue talking to others "

" I would like to hear from Blackin and Blackina "

Blackin then started speaking.

" I am in love with Blackina " said Blackin.

" Everyone can see her beauty and the desire I have for her "

" My feelings for her are very strong, nobody can love as much as me and nobody will "

" We have not caused any harm, we are simply wanting to get married "

" Our love is so strong, that matters so much "

Blackina then started speaking.

" Blackin has shown time and time again how much he loves me "

" Our relationship is not like other relationships "

" Blackin loves my body, if we are in jail it is not good for the relationship "

" I love Blackin, he has not hurt people or raped "

The judge started speaking again.

" We have heard from a lot of people today "

" I will make a decision soon "

" It seems that the evidence against the Bear is strong "

" However, a lack of murdering, raping or pedophilia will make it unlikely that the sentence will be extremely long "

" We have heard from all Bear members that we feel we need to hear from "

Time started to pass and it became time for a decision.

" I have made my decision "

" The Bear will get "

Easeion started charging an attack and he then blasted part of the wall.

Everyone was looking at the damaged wall, Easeion was starting to escape.

" Easeion is gone " said the judge.

" He has escaped "

" We will get him " said Crayon.

" Yeah " said Colourea.

" Bakers want us to do so " said Artby.

Everyone then started chasing Easeion outside.