Chapter 6 - Six

Chapter 12

The Escape

Easeion was ahead of them but could be seen.

" Hahahaha " said Easeion.

" Now, I will get away "

" I can get away at least "

He continued running, Crayon was the closest to catching him.

" You won't get away " said Crayon.

" Time to launch an attack "

" If I don't, he may make it "

Crayon was charging up energy, Easeion continued running.

Blackin then appeared and he then was about to grab Crayon but Crayon got the attack off in time.

Easeion was about to be hit, he jumped out of the way but the others had gotten closer to him.

" Give up " said Colour King.

" You cannot make it "

" There is no escape, Easeion "

" I will stay free " said Easeion.

" I'm not going to any jail "

" This is what the Smithsons want "

" I don't care about them, you will return to jail unless you want to face guaranteed harm " said Colour King.

" That is how it must be "

Easeion then kept running, Crayon and Colour King then started charging up their strikes. Easeion then started charging up his strike but to move faster and fast enough to just barely escape.

Crayon and Colour King continued chasing Easeion, the other Bear members were caught and everyone else went back inside.

An announcement was made.

" Easeion has escaped, he must be caught before this decision is finalized "

" The others will stay in jail "

Crayon and Colour King kept chasing down Easeion.

Easeion was getting farther away from the courthouse.

" We need to strike him " said Colour King.

" When he is hit, then you can directly hit him with an implosion "

" Yeah, let's do that " said Crayon.

Easeion then saw people and then headed towards them.

" Hahahaha " said Easeion.

" They will have to choose between hurting innocent people or letting me escape "

" This really is great for me "

" I know that they will have to make a sacrifice "

" I love that "

Colour King and Crayon saw Easeion mixed in with people.

" I know what he is planning " said Crayon.

" He wants us to hurt innocent people, I know it "

" Well, we will find a way without that "

Easeion then grabbed someone and shoved them towards Crayon, Crayon got out of the way.

" Hahahaha " said Easeion.

" I will make everyone here incredibly sad "

Easeion then started charging up the Ultimate Lightning Edge, Crayon then started charging up the Tenfold Bird Strike. The lightning edge went towards people while Crayon used the strike to attempt to deflect it towards Easeion.

Crayon and Easeion were both hit, people then left the area.

" Easeion, you won't escape " said Colour King.

" The two of us are too strong "

" One of us individually are stronger, you won't survive "

" I will make it " said Easeion.

" The Bear are counting on me "

" It matters not " said Colour King.

" This is it, the Bear are finished as an organization "

" Jail is where they are "

" They will stay there, so you can all think about what you have done " said Crayon.

" Our law system is great " said Colour King.

" We will allow you to go to jail and we will take you there "

" Or you can risk your end "

" I wouldn't recommend it "

" This is up to you, but I have beaten you three times " said Crayon.

" This is without a fighter with the ability of Colour King "

" I just don't think this is a fight you can win "

" I just do not see it "

" The Smithsons must be free but fighting like this is something that happens for a reason " said Easeion.

" As a Smithson, I have to be free "

" Being one or not changes nothing " said Colour King.

" You are not getting away "

" I will, as a Smithson " said Easeion.

" I am escaping, I am going to be free "

Easeion then started charging up the Disaster Implosion while Crayon started charging up the Bird Implosion and Colour King started charging up the Colourland Implosion, the implosions collided with each other and the three of them were all hit.

Colour King then got up first and grabbed Easeion and threw him down to the ground.

Crayon and Easeion then both got up and were punching each other.

After that, Colour King was charging the Ultimate Colourland Blast while Easeion was charging up the Ultimate Bear Blast to counter, they were both hit.

Crayon then grabbed Easeion and then Crayon started charging energy in his hands, when Easeion got up he blasted Easeion with the energy.

" Easeion, it is not too late " said Crayon.

" You can still return to the jail "

" Easeion you can still be there "

" You might be allowed to be with Xax or one of your family members there "

" This court case needs him returning to jail " said Colour King.

" Colourland is depending on this "

" I will fight for the Smithsons " said Easeion.

" I will not let them down "

" I am such a great brother to Bill and Tara "

" Not to mention a great son to Brett "

" They are in jail " said Crayon.

" If you were to beat us, that would not change "

" Other people will be after you "

" No Bear members to protect you "

" Is that a risk you want to take ? "

" We do not want your death but you are not making things good for yourself by doing this " said Colour King.

" This is what you have done "

" I will give it everything " said Easeion.

" The Smithsons will be free "

" Every Smithson "

" I don't see it " said Crayon.

" Well, let's continue "

Easeion then started charging up the Ultimate Lightning Edge while Crayon started charging the Tenfold Heatwave Strike and Colour King started charging up the Tenfold Colourland Strike.

The attacks landed and hit their respective targets.

Easeion started charging up the Ultimate Disaster Bomb, Crayon started charging up the Ultimate Bird Bomb and Colour King started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Bomb.

The bombs then collided with each other and a dark, aerial, electric bomb explosion struck the three of them.

" I will prevail " said Easeion.

" I will think of the Bear members still locked up "

" They mean so much, the members truly understood each other "

" The Bear is so great "

" There have been many great moments in the headquarters "

Easeion and Colour King were punching each other. Crayon was then charging up the Bird Implosion. He then aimed it towards Easeion, who was hit directly.

Easeion got up and started charging up the Ultimate Bear Blast while Colour King started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Blast, the blasts then collided and an explosion of dark energy happened.

Easeion was struggling a little bit.

" Easeion, you must come with us " said Crayon.

" We will head back to the jail "

" You are not going to beat us "

" You do not have Blackin, Brett, Blackina, Whites or Xax "

" Not to mention other Bear members "

" You cannot save the Bear members " said Colour King.

" Nothing can be done "

" I can save them " said Easeion.

" They will be saved "

" You cannot break all of them out " said Colour King.

" There is no chance of that "

" I believe in the Smithsons " said Easeion.

" I will always believe in every Smithson "

" I will not give up on them ever "

"As a Smithson, I must do so "

" Well, they are in jail " said Crayon.

" They will stay there "

" That is how it is "

" Colourlandish people want them there for what they did " said Colour King.

" As a brother, I'll never stand for them being there " said Easeion.

" It is not something I can support "

" Well then, we must keep fighting " said Crayon.

The fight continued.

Easeion then started charging up the Disaster Implosion while Colour King started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Blast while Crayon started charging up the Ultimate Bird Blast, the attacks collided with intense power.

Easeion was really struggling.

" This cannot end " said Easeion.

" This has got to be a joke "

" As a Smithson I must win "

" That must happen "

" It does not matter what family you are part of " said Colour King.

" You are not fighting well enough to stay out of jail "

" We are too strong "

" You will join the Bear members there " said Crayon.

" I know you wanted me sad a lot in the past but this is about what is the best "

" This is what should be done, so it will "

" Bill and Tara want me free " said Easeion.

" As a brother, it must happen "

" Bill and Tara love being free "

" It will not " said Colour King.

" I know of this "

" I will keep fighting " said Easeion.

" Being a Smithson means way too much, Brett knows this "

" He is a father who understands this, he understands the son I am "

" He knows what a great son I am "

" The son you are ? " asked Crayon.

" I don't really understand "

" Same here " said Colour King.

" I have been a great son to him " said Easeion.

" When that happens, things like this must happen "

" I will not let him down, no matter what "

" I am not one of those weak, worthless fighters who quits for no reason "

" Quitting as a fighter is not what a Smithson does ever "

" I will give it everything "

" We will do the same " said Colour King.

" That is for sure " said Crayon.

The fight continued.

Easeion then rushed Crayon with his Ultimate Lightning Edge which succeeded in hitting Crayon.

Colour King then started charging up the Colourland Implosion while Easeion then grabbed Crayon, the two of them were trying to shake each other off. The two of them then were hit by the implosion.

Colour King then started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Bomb while Easeion started charging up the Ultimate Disaster Blast, the attacks collided and they were both hit.

" I think we did it " said Crayon.

" Easeion was not strong enough " said Colour King.

" He has skill but not enough "

" We should call the others "

" I will call Challenger while you call the authorities " said Crayon.

They made their respective calls and Easeion was taken back to the courtroom.

The court then continued when everyone was back.

The judge started speaking.

" Easeion tried to get away but he failed thanks to Crayon and Colour King "

" We have made a decision, we will announce the years they are getting "

" Nine years "

" We don't usually give thieves who do not murder this long but due to the threat we do "

The Bear were taken to their jail cells.

The judge was dismissed, Colour King immediately contacted King Bobby.

" That is great " said King Bobby.

" Now things can proceed the way I want for our nations "

" We will celebrate " said Colour King.

" All the advisors will come with me to Colourland " said King Bobby.

" We must discuss the war "

" Not to mention everything I have done for Warbler "

" He is having sex with Allie and I take credit "

" Sex with Allie is great for him "

" Bird's Isle wants Allie having sex with him, it is what the island loves "

" Yes " said Colour King.

" It is about 3pm now "

" What day should the celebration be now ? " asked King Bobby.

" Two days from now " said Colour King.

" I will also bring big name warriors there " said King Bobby.

" Good " said Colour King.

" We will have lots to talk about there " said King Bobby.

" See you then " said Colour King.

" The celebration will start at 1 pm until the end of the day "

Everyone left the building and all were talking outside.

" The celebration is in two days from now " said Colour King.

" It is at 1pm on that day "

" Sounds good " said Crayon.

" Where will it be held ? " asked Colouruke.

" Everyone here will be invited of course " said Colour Queen.

" King Bobby and his advisors will go there " said Colour King.

" He is bringing warriors "

" So there will be 50 or more there for the celebration ? " asked Challenger.

" Yes, there will " said Colour King.

" I will have some warriors there as well "

" It will be a gigantic occasion " said Challenger.

The others continued talking.

" Tomorrow we will train our moves " said Colour King.

" Yeah, we could use it " said Challenger.

" Bakers want us tougher " said Artby.

" We need to step up when it comes to saving a baker "

" What if someone harms a baker "

" We want to stay heroes around every baker "

" Bakers need heroes around them "

" Around every baker ? " asked Oceanoke.

" Yes, bakers need it " said Artby.

" Well, we could go there " said Challenger.

" Sounds good to me " said Crayon.

Crayon, Challenger, Colourea, Colouruke, Artby, Warbler and Allie then headed to the bakery while the others said their goodbyes.

They headed into the bakery where Artby started to talk.

" I love bakers " said Artby.

" I train to keep bakers safe "

He thanked every baker and they got what they wanted and left.

" This looks great " said Colourea.

" We should head back to our places " said Warbler.

Warbler, Allie and Challenger then headed back to their respective places.

Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke and Artby were at their place.

" Well, it happened " said Crayon.

" The Bear are now in jail "

" That is truly great "

" That is a lot of time for them to think about what they did " said Colouruke.

" They may try to break out any minute " said Colourea.

" We will keep training and we will be ready " said Colouruke.

" We have great bread " said Artby.

" Baking is on our side and not their side "

" On our side ? " asked Crayon.

" Bakers are using their baking to side with us " said Artby.

" We are such good customers which is why they do this "

" Well, we should enjoy eating this bread " said Colouruke.

They enjoyed eating.

Time was passing.

Time kept passing, Warbler and Allie were talking.

" I love being around you so much " said Allie.

" Same here " said Warbler.

" It is great to have you around me "

Warbler and Allie started kissing each other.

Meanwhile Easeion was talking with Xax.

" Fuck this man " said Easeion.

" I thought I could do it "

" As a Smithson this is a joke "

" Yeah, this totally sucks bro " said Xax.

" The two of us should be in the hideout right now "

" The hideout is great "

" We could be living it up "

" I am so angry right now as a Smithson " said Easeion.

" This cannot go on "

" This is a disgrace to every Bear member "

" Bear members are so furious right now "

" We will think of something " said Xax.

" Yeah, this angers me as a brother " said Easeion.

" I feel this is not good for any Bear member either "

" Bill and Tara are not happy about this "

" As Smithsons, this cannot happen "

" Yeah, none of us are " said Xax.

" The good thing is that Crayon and his friends left "

" True, it is good they are gone " said Easeion.

More time continued passing, Crayon was talking with his friends.

" This is going to be a special day " said Colouruke.

" It sure will " said Crayon.

" We will train tomorrow " said Colourea.

" The day after will be something special " said Artby.

" My mouth has celebrated baking "

" Celebrated baking ? " asked Crayon.

" My mouth has celebrated baking and bakers for making such tasty bread " said Artby.

" I love bakers, there is a serious connection between bakers and my mouth "

" Connection ? " asked Colouruke confused.

" The way bakers love it " said Artby.

" If this is true there is one with everyone's mouth " said Crayon.

" Knowing the customers the bakers do truly love their mouths " said Artby.

" The bakers show it in a unique, special way "

" Artby " said Colouruke.

" Yes Colouruke " said Artby.

" Artby, what the fuck " said Colouruke.

" It is unique " said Artby.

" The bakers do have the unique way of loving my mouth "

" This is just something else " said Colourea.

" Our mouths are unique to every other customer " said Artby.

Time continued passing and then everyone headed to bed. Crayon and Colourea were talking about how much they loved each other.

This is the end of this section of this series, the next section is End of the Colourland Series which is the last one of all of Colourland.