Chapter 10
The Final Day Before The Trial
Crayon and his friends got up and they then got ready.
Crayon and Artby were talking.
" So the trial is tomorrow " said Crayon.
" It seems that way " said Artby.
" Bakers are counting on this, baking cannot be interfered with "
" I love bakers "
" Well, the Bear will likely be put in jail "
" Yes, they must go there " said Artby.
" King Bobby says that he will watch the trial on television "
" He will do that " said Crayon.
" He wants to invade Coastal Island apparently " said Artby.
" They are not a threat to Bird's Isle " said Crayon.
" That being said, this isn't our decision to make "
" The islanders must be ready " said Artby.
" Bakers from there will be hurt, bakers cannot be hurt "
" They have resources that the king wants " said Crayon.
" I wonder what resources they have " said Artby.
" We will find out " said Crayon.
" We should have breakfast "
Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke and Artby had breakfast, they left the house later on.
They then saw Warbler and Allie outside and the six of them were talking.
" So, what should we do today ? " asked Allie.
" We can train our techniques " said Warbler.
" Yeah, we haven't done much of that recently " said Colouruke.
" Challenger will probably join us " said Colourea.
" Bakers want us stronger " said Artby.
" They want tougher customers "
" They want customers that will defend them "
" They want bread to be eaten, being stronger would help if fights happen around there " said Warbler.
" Baking has done so much for me " said Artby.
" Yeah, we should head to our training area " said Colouruke.
They headed there, Challenger then joined with them.
" Hello, good morning " said Challenger.
" Good morning, Challenger " they all said.
" Well, we will be training " said Challenger.
" You never know what will happen next "
" That is true " said Colouruke.
" Bakers need us strong " said Artby.
" I cannot allow any baker to get hurt "
" Time to begin " said Challenger.
Challenger, Crayon, Colouruke, Colourea, Artby, Warbler and Allie started with their blasts. The power was growing.
" Glad to see " said Challenger.
" I blast for bakers " said Artby.
" My Heatwave Implosion is so strong now "
" I will try to find a way to help bakers with it "
" Uh, what " said Crayon.
" My techniques will help bakers " said Artby.
" Well we should use our bombs " said Challenger.
The seven of them used their most powerful bombs and the power was insane.
" Good, we are still able to hit with so much power " said Challenger.
" Yeah, we are extremely strong " said Colouruke.
" The Ultimate Bird Bomb looks great here " said Allie.
" It sure does " said Warbler.
" Now, let's use our strikes " said Challenger.
They then used their strikes and they struck with power.
" Excellent to see " said Challenger.
" These strikes are very strong "
" That is good "
" Yes, we have improved " said Allie.
" Me and Allie have gotten our techniques very strong " said Warbler.
" Now it is time for the barrage techniques to be used " said Challenger.
They used their respective barrage techniques with power.
" Very good " said Challenger.
" Yeah, we have been getting stronger by a lot " said Colourea.
" Bakers have helped " said Artby.
" Bakers ? " asked Warbler.
" Yes, bakers have done so much here when we train " said Artby.
" When we train ? " asked Allie.
" Yes, our techniques are stronger thanks to baking " said Artby.
" We are so pumped, bread keeps me pumped "
" I am so pumped, I love bakers "
" Well, I am glad that you feel more ready to fight " said Challenger.
" Now, we must use our implosions "
Crayon and his friends used their implosions and they hit each other, creating a huge explosion.
" Wow " said Crayon.
" Nice power " said Challenger.
" That is the training for today "
" We should go to the bakery " said Artby.
" Bakers need to see me before the trial "
" Let's go " said Colouruke.
They then headed to the bakery where Artby started talking.
" This is a great time for bakers " said Artby.
" I love bakers "
" The trial is tomorrow "
" Yeah, it is a big deal " said a baker.
" Bakers will feel safer now " said Artby.
" I will be a guardian for any baker when I fight "
" Guardian ? " asked Allie.
" Yes, I am a guardian for any baker out there " said Artby.
" All these bakers, I keep safe "
" It is what I do now, I will not stop "
" Well, we should get our bread " said Warbler.
" Our mouths need that and the bakers want the best for our mouths " said Artby.
They then got their bread and left.
" Let's head to my place " said Challenger.
" Sounds good to me " said Colourea.
The seven of them then headed there.
Meanwhile Easeion and Xax were talking in jail.
" It is getting closer, my freedom is here " said Easeion.
" The Smithsons must be free "
" Yes, all of us will be out of here for good " said Xax.
" It does make you love the hideout even more "
" It sure does " said Easeion.
" My abilities will overwhelm everyone there "
" We need a distraction, I will make a great one "
" We will all do something great " said Xax.
" It will be a scene like no other " said Easeion.
" I will make everyone feel so sad hahahaha "
" Yes, I remember those days " said Xax.
" The Bear will get the freedom they must have " said Easeion.
" I must be a free man, Alice wants that "
" She has been the villainess I need, the Bear understands this "
Blackin and Blackina were talking.
" Well, tomorrow is when we escape " said Blackin.
" Blackina, your body is too beautiful to be trapped in a place like this "
" Thanks " said Blackina.
" Perhaps the two of us will cause a distraction " said Blackin.
" Well, it will be good for this to happen " said Blackina.
" My desire for you will never go away " said Blackin.
Blackin and Blackina started kissing each other.
Crayon and his friends were at Challenger's place.
" Well, now it is time to discuss the trial " said Challenger.
" Colourland Courthouse is the main courthouse here "
" You all know where it is ? "
" Yeah " said Crayon.
" It is not far " said Colouruke.
" Good " said Challenger.
" I am glad to see "
" This is a very important event for all of us " said Colourea.
" Bakers know what is at stake here " said Artby.
" They will want the Bear in jail "
" Better baking will come to Colourland "
" Better baking ? " asked Crayon.
" Yes, it will be here very soon " said Artby.
" Well, we should all meet up before we head to the courthouse " said Challenger.
" We can meet here at 9:45 am "
" Sounds good " said Warbler.
" It would be a good idea to not stay up too late " said Challenger.
" Bakers want us resting well " said Artby.
" I had a baker in my dreams tell me about this "
" Uh, what ? " asked Crayon.
" Yes, a baker told me that " said Artby.
" Bakers have conversations with each other in my dreams "
" They talk about baking, my mouth, what bread does and what customers do for them "
" Conversations ? " asked Colouruke.
" Yeah, I dream about bakers every night now " said Artby.
" I hear bakers talking a bit when I sleep "
" Bakers ? " asked Allie.
" That is just something else " said Challenger.
" I think bakers know how much I love baking and they do this because of that " said Artby.
" My love of baking keeps growing "
" Well, I am not sure what to believe here " said Crayon.
" Well, the trial will be a long one most likely " said Challenger.
" We must all be ready "
" Well, we can eat everything we have now "
They all ate and they enjoyed.
Meanwhile Easeion and Xax were talking again.
" I can understand why they guard me this way " said Easeion.
" They know of my power and they know what it means to be Easeion Smithson which is why "
" When you guard a man like Easeion, this always happens "
" Well, yeah " said Xax.
" The two of us will make it out "
" They will bring all Bear members to this trial "
" The Bear will all do something " said Easeion.
" I will never forget the organization and what it has done for me "
Whites and Brett were talking.
" So this is it " said Brett.
" Every Smithson will cause a distraction while the rest leave "
" So you will fight everyone just as a family ? asked Whites.
" We will attack any non fighters there if they refuse " said Brett.
" The decision will be tough for them to deal with " said Whites.
" Have innocent people hurt or the Smithsons out of jail "
" It will be tough for them "
" Yes, that does sound great for us " said Brett.
" Hahahaha "
" I will be a great best man for Blackin " said Whites.
" He must marry Blackina "
" Yeah, they must be married " said Brett.
" It will be a wonderful day for them, I must make sure that happens no matter what " said Whites.
" The Bear will make their ultimate escape "
" For sure, we will do that " said Brett.
Time continued passing, Crayon and his friends left Challenger's place and then headed back home.
" I wonder how many years they will get " said Crayon.
" I am hoping that it is not too little " said Colourea.
" Bakers will not stand for that " said Artby.
" They didn't rape or murder anyone " said Colouruke.
" They might not get as much as we think "
" All the stolen goods were returned I heard " said Crayon.
" Good " said Warbler.
" Yeah, that is good for the people of Colourland " said Allie.
" Well, we should head to our seperate houses " said Warbler.
" Sounds like a plan to me " said Allie.
They went to their seperate houses, Warbler and Allie were talking.
" This trial will decide so much " said Warbler.
" The Bear haven't murdered anyone but they are very dangerous " said Allie.
" Yeah, they must go to jail " said Warbler.
" They might get more due to the threat they pose compared to other theives " said Allie.
" Yeah, I could see that " said Warbler.
" Well, time will tell " said Allie.
" It will, I love you a lot Allie " said Warbler.
" Same here " said Allie.
Allie and Warbler started kissing each other.
Meanwhile, Easeion was talking with Xax again.
" These guards understand my talent " said Easeion.
" A true Smithson is always guarded this way "
" Smithsons are always guarded because of who they are "
" Yes " said Xax.
" The guards know my fighting, my fighting is never forgotten anywhere ever " said Easeion.
" Tournaments will demand my entry "
" Tournaments need me so much "
" A Smithson is needed at each tournament "
" Well, we will be training when we get out of here " said Xax.
" We can enter more tournaments "
" We will dominate "
" My power will be even better, hahahaha " said Easeion.
" Tournaments need us, they crave our fighting "
" Our fighting is so important "
More time continued passing, Blackin and Blackina were talking.
" The Bear is this close " said Blackin.
" We will escape and get married " said Blackina.
" Your beauty is here " said Blackin.
" It will go nowhere, I love you so much Blackina "
" Thanks " said Blackina.
More time continued and it became time for bedtime. Everyone went to bed.