Chapter 4 - Four

Chapter 16

Before Crayon and Challenger Fight

Crayon and his friends got up.

" So this is it " said Crayon.

" Yeah, good luck out there " said Colouruke.

" Crayon, I love you a lot " said Colourea.

" Thanks Colourea " said Crayon.

" Bakers want this fight " said Artby.

" They want this so much "

" They do ? " asked Crayon.

" Yeah, the bakers do " said Artby.

" They want to see strong customers show their skills "

" Bakers know they are safer that way "

They then got ready and ate their breakfast, meanwhile Blackin and Blackina were talking.

" We must break out " said Blackin.

" You are too beautiful to be locked up like this "

" I cannot stand it "

" Yes, thank you " said Blackina.

" I love you "

" Thanks, I do as well " said Blackin.

" Our relationship cannot end "

" Our love is so strong "

" Nothing will get in the way of it "

The two of them embraced.

Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke and Artby then saw Warbler and Allie outside.

" Good morning, let's head to our training spot " said Warbler.

" I hope all of you are doing good " said Allie.

" Bakers always make sure of this " said Artby.

" Challenger and the others will be there " said Allie.

" Let's go " said Crayon.

The six of them headed to the training spot and they saw Challenger and Colour King.

" Good morning " said Colourea.

" Same to you two " said Challenger and Colour King.

" This fight will be so intense " said Colour King.

" It sure will " said Crayon.

" Baking causes intensity in fighting " said Artby.

" Not to mention how pumped I am "

" Baking ? " asked Colour King.

" Artby believes baking does this ? "

" Yes " said Colouruke.

" Not just baking, but baking helps " said Artby.

" I see a bunch of people heading for here "

King Bobby and his advisors, the rest of Colour King's officials with Grackle and Dove showed up.

" This is quite the group " said Challenger.

" First, I must say something " said King Bobby.

" We will take food "

" Food ? " asked Challenger.

" Yes, they have a great supply " said King Bobby.

" There are some huge crops " said Queen Starling.

" Crops are useful for Bird's Isle "

" Bird's Isle needs extra ones for the island "

" True, the island will take them " said Curtis.

" You are taking from their farms ? " asked Colourea.

" We can give some of it to Colourland " said Diana.

" That would be a nice thing to do " said Colour King.

" People from Coastal Island will have a choice to make "said Lord Grackle.

" They can live in Bird's Isle with our boosted resources and an expanded island or they can have nothing "

" Having nothing is not something they would choose most likely " said Blackburnian.

" I wonder how this will go " said Crayon.

" Hard to say " said Colouruke.

" Very well for Bird's Isle " said Colour King.

" Not to mention, Colourland will be better thanks to this war "

" This war is such a good opportunity " said King Bobby.

" Warriors love fighting "

" They love every second of it "

" Fighting is so great for a warrior "

" This war will be remembered and none of the warriors fighting against Coastal Island will die "

" No deaths ? " asked Dove.

" Has that happened before ? " asked Grackle.

" I will make history and so will the warriors " said King Bobby.

" There is nothing we cannot accomplish "

" We are truly powerful "

" Well the fight between Challenger and Crayon is about to start " said Queen Starling.

" Yes it is " said Diana.

" Challenger, you ready for this ? " asked Crayon.

" I am Crayon " said Challenger.

" Let's do this " said Crayon.

" Bakers want this fight " said Artby.

" Bakers want to see great customers fighting "

" They love knowing that these customers can keep them safe "