Chapter 8 - Eight

Final Chapter

The Future for Colourland

Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke, Artby, Challenger, Warbler and Allie arrived at the bakery where Artby started talking.

" This is great to be here " said Artby.

" Your baking has helped Crayon "

" Helped him ? " asked a baker.

" Yes, baking has helped him a lot " said Artby.

" Baking is important to Crayon "

" Yes " said Artby.

They got their bread, Artby thanked the bakers and then left.

They were all talking.

" This bread looks great " said Allie.

" It sure does " said Warbler.

" We should head back to our places now " said Colouruke.

" Sounds like a good idea " said Warbler.

" Bakers want us eating this delicious bread " said Artby.

" Well, I have to go now so see you all later " said Challenger.

" Bye " they all said.

The six of them then headed to their seperate places, Warbler and Allie were talking.

" Allie, I am so happy to be here with you " said Warbler.

" Same here " said Allie.

" I will miss Grackle and Dove " said Warbler.

" We will keep in touch with them " said Allie.

" Yeah, that works for me " said Warbler.

Warbler and Allie started kissing each other, time continued passing.

Meanwhile the plane arrived at Bird's Isle.

" Glad to be back here " said Paula.

" Same here, there is so much to do " said Salvador.

" This war will go great for us " said Curtis.

" Our resources will be great " said Lord Grackle.

" We do not need Challenger's warnings " said Blackburnian.

" His warnings are not what Bird's Isle needs "

" My ability is too much for Coastal Island "

" My skills will eliminate so many of their people "

" Challenger believes that Vasco will get involved " said King Bobby.

" Bird's Isle does not need his paranoia "

" That is what I liked about Colour King, there was none of that with him ever "

" Grackle and Dove are here " said Queen Starling.

" They have promised to stay out of the way " said King Bobby.

" Good " said Blackburnian.

" Warbler will keep training I am hearing "

" I imagine he would " said Curtis.

" We must head to the castle right away " said King Bobby.

King Bobby called limousines for them to all use to head to the castle, where they arrived.

Meanwhile Easeion and Xax were talking in the jail.

" My father will get out of here " said Easeion.

" Smithsons should never be locked up like this ever "

" Our family must be free "

" A Smithson must always be free "

" Being free is necessary for a Smithson "

" Yes, they must escape from here " said Xax.

" During a breakfast, I talked with other Bear members " said Easeion.

" Good " said Xax.

" They want the Smithsons free as well, as a brother this cannot continue anymore " said Easeion.

" Bill and Tara are getting tired of this "

" All of us must be free from prison and out of here "

" Crayon and his friends won't be with Colour King and they cannot stop us " said Xax.

" Hahaha "

" I cannot wait to make Crayon the saddest motherfucker ever " said Easeion.

" I want Crayon to truly suffer "

" This time will not be the same, no way "

" As a Smithson it must be this way for the sake of the family "

Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke and Artby were talking at their place.

" I just love bakers you know " asked Artby.

" I am always amazed by them "

" The way they bake and how they love

our purchases "

" Well, we go there so much now " said Colouruke.

" That is true " said Crayon.

" Our mouths are loved by bakers " said Artby.

" Well, they know we love eating the bread " said Colourea.

" Bakers have feelings for my mouth " said Artby.

" Their baking is how they show that for me "

" My mouth is so loved by bakers "

" Bakers think about my mouth so much, they think about it every night when they sleep "

" They dream about bread going inside my mouth all the time "

" They do ? " asked Colourea.

" Bakers have serious dreams about me as a customer " said Artby.

" Bakers are very wise people "

" Their wisdom never goes away "

" I will protect bakers more now "

" Protect them from what ? " asked Crayon.

" People who want to harm bakers, when a baker is harmed the baking is not as good " said Artby.

" Tasty baking must happen throughout Colourland "

" Baking will stay tasty, I cannot let that end "

" Stay tasty ? " asked Colourea.

" Yes, my fighting will help " said Artby.

" My punches are for bakers, my kicks are for bakers and so are my techniques "

" Bakers will stay safer "

" Uh, okay " said Colouruke.

" My mouth needs bakers just like bakers need my mouth " said Artby.

" They need each other "

" This is how my mouth has transformed thanks to baking "

" Uh, what " said Colouruke.

" Bakers use baking to have this connection with my mouth " said Artby.

" My mouth is always connected to bakers "

" Always "

" A connection with your mouth is something bakers have ? " asked Crayon.

" Yes, they do " said Artby.

" Bakers are so wise, the wisdom is everywhere "

" We must protect baking from everything that could harm it "

" What are these things that could do that ? " asked Colourea.

" Well, people who want to hurt bakers " said Artby.

" This is why we must keep training, you never know what will happen next here "

Meanwhile more time passed, Crayon was talking with Colourea.

" Colourea, I love you so much " said Crayon.

" I have been feeling more and more this way " said Colourea.

" I am glad to see this " said Crayon.

" Same here " said Colourea.

The two of them were kissing each other.

More days kept passing, everyone kept training. Crayon took Colourea out on a date that was not interfered with which they were both very happy to do.

King Bobby and his advisors were preparing for the war and the 100 Colourlandish who wanted to join Bird's Isle were chosen. King Bobby found an attack even stronger than the Bird Implosion called the Hawk Implosion which he learned. He also learned special hawk techniques with insane power.

Challenger continued to lead Colourland. Colourland was more peaceful now, Bird's Isle was getting ready for war.

Artby continued talking about bakers and his mouth in different ways in bakeries.

He talked about his purchases a lot as well.

Easeion continued getting angrier about being in jail. Bill and Tara did the same as well.

The Smithsons were very close to planning an a escape plan.

Other Bear members were also planning one as well.

Blackin and Blackina continued showing their love for each other a lot.

This is the end of all of Colourland and this section, the next series is called Colourland X. Colourland X is a continuation of Colourland. The first series of Colourland X is called: Colourland X: The Wars