Chapter 19
The Trip Back to Bird's Isle and Saying Goodbye
Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke and Artby woke up and they got ready. They were talking.
" So, this is it " said Crayon.
" Yeah, it really is " said Colouruke.
" It was cool seeing Grackle and Dove for sure " said Colourea.
" King Bobby's plans for the war will lead to issues most likely " said Crayon.
" Time will tell what will happen with that war " said Colourea.
" Bakers will talk about it " said Artby.
" Bakers have thoughts about it "
" Even if they do, what can they do about it ? " asked Crayon.
" Coastal Island must have bakers " said Artby.
" They also must not like this war "
" Bakers will speak up "
" I hope that they can "
" They cannot do anything whether we like it or not " said Colouruke.
" I don't think Coastal Island poses a threat but the king wants this "
" This is what King Bobby wanted and demanded "
" Yeah, that is what Challenger is saying " said Colourea.
" Well, we should eat " said Colouruke.
They ate their breakfast and they later headed outside and they met up with Warbler and Allie.
" Good morning " said Warbler.
" Good morning you two " said Crayon.
" Should we meet Challenger first ? " asked Colouruke.
" Yeah, he isn't far from the airport at all " said Allie.
The six of them met with Challenger.
" So today is it " said Challenger.
" It seems like it " said Warbler.
" That war will be something " said Challenger.
" Taking food from the island will start something "
" I am not sure about this "
" Same here " said Colouruke.
" Yes, but the king wants to expand everything " said Allie.
" He says he will make Bird's Isle better this way "
" It would likely do that but other countries may intervene " said Challenger.
" Things could get out of hand here "
" The king would not expect that " said Crayon.
" No he would not " said Colourea.
" Well, we should head to the airport now " said Challenger.
The seven of them headed to the airport where everyone just arrived.
" Well, we should have one big discussion before we head off " said Colour King.
" King Bobby is planning a war that will do a lot "
" Yes, the war will do just that " said King Bobby.
" So much will be expanded "
" Travel will increase so much "
" This war will help travel "
" Yes, that is true " said Lord Grackle.
" Our hotels will do so good from all of this " said Curtis.
" We are expanding our food here "
" Taking food from Coastal Island could anger other countries " said Challenger.
" Invading a threat is understandable but taking their food ? "
" I am not sure what this will lead to "
" I will tell you " said Curtis.
" It will lead to better eating in Bird's Isle, everyone in Bird's Isle can deal with others if needed "
" The king, queen and Lord Grackle will deal with it " said Rourke.
" These other leaders are not an issue for us " said Draco.
" That is for sure " said Rourke.
" I am not worried about them " said Blackburnian.
" We must think about Bird's Isle "
" Not to mention it will help our restaurants and cafes " said Curtis.
" You must understand "
" These other countries will be destroyed if they dare do that " said Colour King.
" My power will crush them "
" They will ruin what is best for us which I will not allow "
" Not to mention my abilities " said Colour Queen.
" They will be used if necessary "
" Challenger is the leader of Colourland but Colourlandish people could fight if they wanted to do so "
" Hopefully we do not piss off to many countries " said Challenger.
" These countries are not as strong individually " said Colour Dictator.
" If Numeria gets involved this will not be good " said Challenger.
" Vasco is said to be one of the strongest in the universe "
" If Numeria wants these wars to stop, we cannot continue them "
" Regardless of King Bobby wanting to expand Bird's Isle or not "
" Numeria will not attack us " said King Bobby.
" Numerians will not resort to that "
" Numerians will stay out of this "
" They won't ? asked Crayon.
" We do not pose enough of a significant threat now " said Colour King.
" When islanders are invaded, then it could become an issue potentially " said Challenger.
" That being said, I cannot interfere in this war "
" That is good " said Lord Grackle.
" Resources are so important "
" I am glad you are not interfering "
" More resources, more tourism and more money for Bird's Isle " said King Bobby.
" Bird's Isle will be expanded "
" I wonder what will happen to the islanders that we defeat " said Blackburnian.
" We will deal with that when it is time " said King Bobby.
" They will come with us or be left with either very little or nothing "
" Yeah, that is true " said Queen Starling.
" These wars must happen " said Diana.
" No matter what "
" They will do so much " said Draco.
" There is no stopping that "
" Yeah, there really is not " said Rourke.
" Grackle and Dove " said Warbler.
" We will miss you a lot "
" Thanks " said Grackle.
" It was nice to see all of you " said Dove.
" It sure was " said Allie.
" Yeah, it was great to see that fight between Challenger and Crayon " said Dove.
" It sure was " said Grackle.
" I wonder if more fights like that will happen " said Dove.
" Hard to say " said Warbler.
" It will make us stronger " said Dove.
" Yes, that is true " said Grackle.
Colour King and King Bobby were talking.
" We will miss you here " said Colour King.
" Yes, I will make another visit with my advisors " said King Bobby.
" We have a war that must be started, so it will not be for a while "
" Yeah, that makes sense " said Colour King.
" We will send people to assist the war but only 100 "
" We will bring the 100 strongest willing to fight "
" We could use them " said King Bobby.
" All warriors are pretty much going to this war "
" While my abilities are very strong, Bird's Isle must be led by me so I cannot go and the queen can also not go either "
" If Ariel was to fight then I will fight against her "
" I know of her strength "
" She is strong but not as strong as myself "
" Yes, that would make sense " said Colour King.
" Colourland supports this war "
" We will bring some resources to Colourland but Bird's Isle will have more of them " said King Bobby.
" That works for me, any more wars after this one ? " asked Colour King.
" We will make a decision about that when it comes the time " said King Bobby.
" Challenger keeps mentioning how Vasco will not like it "
" He may invade other places or fight us " said Colour King.
" Challenger is afraid of him which is unfortunate "
" Vasco is getting to him "
" Yes, that is his choice but war must happen " said King Bobby.
" Challenger's choice to be afraid of Vasco is his own and not ours "
" My officials will continue their training in case anything happens " said Colour King.
" Yeah, they need to be stronger like my advisors " said King Bobby.
" Their power will grow with time and we will be unstoppable "
" There is no stopping us at that time "
"Bird's Isle can have a great war " said Colour King.
" That is the truth " said King Bobby.
Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke, Artby, Warbler, Allie, Grackle and Dove were all talking.
" Well, it looks like it is almost time to check security " said Allie.
" Yeah, that means that it is time to say our goodbyes " said Crayon.
" Bakers here will miss you both a lot " said Artby.
Everyone said goodbye as it was time for them to go through the security.
They all were good to go and they then were near the plane.
" So we will now return to Bird's Isle " said King Bobby.
" It will be great "
Time continued to pass and the plane with King Bobby, Queen Starling, his advisors, Grackle and Dove took off.
The remaining group was talking.
" So, they are now gone " said Colour King.
" They will be gone for a long time now "
" Depending on how long the war takes, I don't think we will be seeing them soon "
" Yeah, I can see that taking a while to be honest " said Challenger.
" Coastal Island is not a strong fighting nation, or at least it isn't compared to Bird's Isle " said Colour Dictator.
" We have to be ready for anything here " said Colourclever.
" Other nations may strike but we will take them down " said Colour Administrator.
" These nations will not get in our way "
" That is for sure " said Oceanoke.
" Yes, we must prevent Coastal Island from being protected " said Electro.
" My decision was to not interfere in this war but people can join if they want " said Challenger.
" Bird's Isle is a nation of very strong people, they will not need our assistance "
" Coastal Island is not a threat to Colourland "
" If other nations do get involved, that will not be good "
" We will fight them " said Colour King.
" These nations cannot interfere ever in what Bird's Isle are doing "
" We are with Bird's Isle more than them "
" That is the truth " said Colour Queen.
" Anyways, we will keep in touch soon so see you all later " said Colour King.
They said their goodbyes and they headed their seperate ways.
" These wars could get out of hand " said Challenger.
" Yeah, I could see that " said Crayon.
" We must be prepared for anything " said Colouruke.
" Bakers want that " said Artby.
" We should go there "