Chapter 1 - One

Chapter 1

Preparations for the Trip to the Hideout

Crayon and his friends arrived back at home and were talking.

" Man, this bread looks so good " said Colourea.

" It does " said Crayon.

" My mouth feels so appreciated right now, I love bakers so much " said Artby.

" Uh, okay " said Colourea.

" My mouth will stay this loved from bakers, I know that they will love it the way that my mouth should be loved at all times " said Artby.

" Well, we should eat " said Crayon.

They all ate and they enjoyed eating.

" Well, that was great " said Crayon.

" We must be ready for Brett and Blackin " said Colouruke.

" We will be " said Colourea.

" Bakers know that I am ready, bakers" said Artby.

" They are so wonderful that way "

" I am so ready, bakers make us more ready than ever "

" Uh, yeah " said Crayon.

" I am pumped, so pumped " said Artby.

" Bakers have gotten me pumped before so I love bakers "

" Well, we are going to give it our all " said Crayon.

" Yes, bakers want that " said Artby.

" Bakers want everything to go well "

Time continued passing, King Bobby and his advisors heard from Colour King about the plan that he had with Challenger.

" Well, this is a good decision " said King Bobby.

" I think it is time to turn against the Bear now "

" Colour King is a great man "

" He most certainly is " said Queen Starling.

" The Bear have gone very far, Colourlandish people are not happy with them " said Blackburnian.

" Like King Bobby said, we must turn against the Bear "

" Yes " said Curtis.

" It is the time for that "

" They must stop this stealing for the sake of Colourland " said Diana.

" Yeah, Colour King and Challenger will have no problem " said King Bobby.

" Brett is someone that is stronger than the others "

" He is the father of the Smithson family " said Curtis.

" Yes, I have heard about them " said Draco.

" They all lost to Crayon, Challenger and Colour King will win " said Rourke.

" This is a guarantee, I am not worried "

" Bird's Isle does not want us worrying " said King Bobby.

" Yes, those two Colourlandish leaders will have no trouble "

" Well, I plan on changing more in Bird's Isle later "

" Yes, sounds great " said Queen Starling.

" We will also make decisions about the war "

" It will still happen without Warbler " said Lord Grackle.

" We want those resources "

" Yes, we must get them " said Salvador.

" These wars are so good for us " said King Bobby.

" Our warriors want war, they know that they will not die "

" I believe in them, they have skill "

" Yes, a lack of deaths will happen for sure " said Lord Grackle.

" I can guarantee they are living "

" Same here " said Curtis.

" We must all do so "

" Yeah " said Paula.

" No warrior is dying "

Meanwhile Easeion was with Alice.

" I am glad to be here with you " said Easeion.

" I have been the villain you need "

" You sure have " said Alice.

" Yes, we are together at last " said Easeion.

" The Bear wants us together, every last member does "

" I know this about the organization, they are great "

" They are " said Alice.

" We have gotten so strong " said Easeion.

" I will take down any threats that get in my way "

" I will join you in that " said Alice.

" There is no way I would not "

" Good, I need that from you " said Easeion.

" You are amazing "

Easeion then embraced Alice.

Meanwhile Bill, Tara, Flora and Jessica were talking.

" I wonder what all those Colourlandish fighters are up to " said Bill.

" Not sure " said Tara.

" As long as they are out of our way, then it is fine " said Jessica.

" Yes, we cannot have anything getting in the way of the wedding " said Flora.

" Yeah, that would be a disaster " said Jessica.

" Well, we feel stronger now " said Tara.

" Yeah, we have improved " said Bill.

" Well, the Smithsons will all enjoy being there "

" Easeion is with Alice now " said Tara.

" Easeion is someone that is good for Alice " said Bill.

" Bear members know this "

Time continued to pass, everyone enjoyed supper. It then became close to nighttime.

Warbler and Allie were talking.

" So, we will go to the hideout " said Allie.

" Yes " said Warbler.

" I was there before "

" What is it like there ? " asked Allie.

" It is this giant building in a forest clearing " said Warbler.

" There is a lot stolen there "

" Well, I am not sure what to expect with the Bear " said Allie.

" Same here " said Warbler.

" We will have to fight "

" I love you " said Allie.

" Same here " said Warbler.

Warbler and Allie kissed each other.

More time continued to pass and everyone went to bed.

Morning came and everyone got ready.

Crayon and his friends then started making breakfast which they ate.

" I am so pumped " said Artby.

" Bakers have gotten me so intense right now "

" My intensity is here "

" It is the intensity that is stronger "

" Bakers want it "

" Intensity ? " asked Colouruke.

" Baking makes me this intense " said Artby.

" Baking is wonderful "

" Baking ? " asked Crayon.

" Baking makes me extremely pumped and powers me up " said Artby.

" Not to mention my mouth transformation "

" I remember you talking about these, I do " said Crayon.

" Well bakers love us so much " said Artby.

" Bakers love our mouths with baking so much "

" Well, we should get going soon "

" Yeah, we should " said Colourea.

" We have an insane fight "

" We most certainly do " said Crayon.

They got ready, they saw Warbler and Allie outside.

" Good morning " said Warbler and Allie.

" Good morning " said Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke and Artby.

" Let's see Colour King " said Warbler.

" Yeah, we should see him " said Colouruke.

" It will be interesting fighting not against him " said Crayon.

" His power is very strong " said Colourea.

" Yes " said Artby.

They all headed to where they met Colour King last time. All the officials and Challenger were there.

" So we are all here " said Colour King.

" We will likely fight "

" I have never fought on the same side as you all "

" This will be different "

" That is true " said Challenger.

" We will use our power to take the Bear down "

" The Bear will never see this coming at all, bakers want this " said Artby.

" Bakers have not liked them for what they have done "

" Bakers can never be hurt "

" Baking is at risk "

" I know the importance of baking "

" Baking ? " asked Colourea.

" Yes " said Artby.

" We have vans for all of us to go inside " said Colour King.

" Since me, Colour Queen, Colourclever, Colour Administrator, Colour Dictator, Electro, Oceanoke, Challenger, Crayon, Colouruke, Colourea, Artby, Warbler and Allie are going it is 14 people.

" We will use 3 vans which will be two groups of five and one group of four to head there "

" The first group is myself, Colour Queen, Colourclever, Colour Administrator and Colour Dictator "

" The second group is Challenger, Crayon, Colouruke, Artby and Colourea for the van they are going into "

" The third group is Electro, Oceanoke, Warbler and Allie "

" We will leave in 20 minutes "

The others were talking.

" We have made no official announcement about us going there " said Colour Queen.

" Good idea " said Crayon.

" Yeah, they have a lot of people but ours are stronger " said Colour Dictator.

" That is true " said Colour Administrator.

" Brett is their strongest " said Colourclever.

" Yes, that is true " said Challenger.

" You and Colour King are said to be our strongest members " said Colourclever.

" With both of them, there is no way that we will lose "

" Agreed " said Colouruke.

" Baking is with us " said Artby.

" Baking ? " asked Electro.

" Yes, baking is always on our side at all times " said Artby.

" Bakers are always siding with us because they are great people "

" I'm not sure what bakers being great people has to do with fighting a gang " said Oceanoke.

" They pump us up " said Artby.

" I am pumped, so pumped "

" Bakers want me this pumped "

" Well, I am glad you are pumped but like I said bakers don't seem to be involved " said Oceanoke.

" I love baking " said Artby.

" Uh, okay " said Colourclever.

" Well, we are going to give it everything we have " said Colour Dictator.

" That is for sure " said Colour Queen.

" We will stay Colourlandish "

" These gangs are not Colourlandish to me " said Colour King.

" We must always be Colourlandish, we cannot stop that "

" Yeah, we will stay Colourlandish " said Colourclever.

" There is no way we would not " said Oceanoke.

It was time to go, Challenger's van took the lead and the others were following it.

Time continued passing and they then entered the forest.

Meanwhile Bear members were talking about the wedding.

" We have everything right here " said Blackin.

" We sure do " said Blackina.

" We are perfect for each other "

" What date is good ? " asked Brett.

" One week from now " said Blackin.

" Good choice " said Brett.

" It will be a wonderful day " said Blackina.

" Everyone will get to see me love your beautiful body " said Blackin.

" Your beauty will not end ever "

" There are no limits to it "

" Thanks " said Blackina.

" Everyone will see that kiss and will remember it forever " said Blackin.

" The Bear cannot forget "

" It is not simply possible "

" No, it is not " said Easeion.

" The Smithsons will be very happy to be there "

" That is for sure " said Tara.

" The Smithson family will remember this moment " said Bill.

" Good, I want that from them " said Brett.

" Not to mention all Bear members "

" Every Bear member must be there "

" It would be an insult to the Bear to not go " said Whites.

" Yeah, for sure " said Xax.

" Bear members will have this memory within them forever "

" Yes, my kiss of Blackina will not be forgotten " said Blackin.

The vans then kept getting closer to the hideout.

King Bobby then had another statement about more changes in Bird's Isle.

I have decided to attack Coastal East Island, they have resources we must have. The warriors will love this, they want to fight. They have such a great opportunity, war is so great for them. Bird's Isle is celebrating this day for sure, everyone here supports this great war. Remember to always support these warriors when they fight for our chance to get resources.

Thank you for your understanding,

King Bobby Blackbird

The king sent the statement to all the news that aired it throughout Bird's Isle.

The vans arrived near the hideout and they then were almost there.

" So, this is the hideout of the organization ? " asked Colour King.

" It looks this way " said Colour Dictator.

" Yes " said Challenger.

" If we were to take everything from here to Colourland, we could do a lot here " said Colourclever.

" That is very true " said Colour Queen.

" We will fight with them " said Colour Administrator.

" Our power is too strong for them " said Colour King.

Crayon, Challenger, Colouruke, Artby and Colourea were talking.

" There it is " said Crayon.

" Yeah, we are here " said Challenger.

" We must be ready for a fight right away " said Colouruke.

" That is for sure " said Crayon.

" Bakers want that for sure " said Artby.

" My love for baking is so strong "

" Baking has guided us here, bakers know what we are doing "

The vans arrived and everyone got out, they were talking.

" So, they don't appear to be expecting us " said Electro.

" That is good " said Oceanoke.

" Bakers wanted this " said Artby.

" Baking has done this "

" Uh, what ? " asked Challenger.

" Bakers do so much, I love bakers a lot " said Artby.

" I don't see what that has do with this " said Colour Dictator.

" Well, we should look for the Bear members " said Colourclever.

" Yeah, let's do that " said Oceanoke.

Bear members were talking.

" I see three vans outside " said Maxclever.

" What " said Willemease.

" Who could this be " said Flora.

" Crayon and his friends maybe " said Jessica.

" I hope not " said Easeion.

" I have been made to look like a fool against Crayon "

" I will do better this time " said Alice.

" If fighting happens "

" With Blackin and Brett, they will be stopped " said Flora.

" They won't beat us "

" They will go down or they will agree to let us be " said Alice.

" Things were looking so great, now not at all " said Jessica.

" We will let Brett know immediately, he will not stand for this shit " said Alice.

" I know my father " said Easeion.

" I know that he will not stand for this as a Smithson "

" No Smithson would "

The members then contacted Brett who was outraged.

" What " said Brett.

" This cannot be "

" We must all head outside to these vans immediately "

" The Bear will survive, they will face a misery never like before "

All the Bear members were outside, everyone in the vans headed outside of the vans.