Chapter 4 - Four

Chapter 4

Colourlandish vs the Bear Part 2

Bill rushed Colouruke with the Tenfold Deepsea Strike while Colouruke used his own to counter, they were both hit.

Alice started charging up the Bear Implosion while Tara started charging her own. Warbler used the Bird Implosion while Colour Administrator used the Colourland Implosion. The implosions collided and the four of them took damage.

Colour Administrator was slightly struggling while Alice was getting near the end.

Electro started charging up the Disaster Implosion while Oceanoke started charging up the Deepsea Implosion. Bill started charging up the Bear Implosion while Melissa started charging up her own. The attacks then fiercely collided and the four of them were hit hard.

Electro and Oceanoke were getting near the end.

" Many of you are finished " said Blackin.

" Hahahaha " said Blackina.

" There is no stopping us " said Whites.

" I will be a great best man while all of you will be history "

" You will never interfere with the Bear ever again " said Xax.

" We have a lot more " said Crayon.

" Yeah, I think not " said Melissa.

" Despair is here " said Easeion.

" Haha "

" I know I am bringing it "

" Yes, you most certainly are " said Tara.

" We must continue " said Bill.

" Yes, we should " said Xax.

The fight continued.

Artby started charging up his Heatwave Implosion and Allie started charging up her Bird Implosion. Bill started charging up the Bear Implosion while Easeion used his own.

The implosions then fiercely hit each other and the four of them took damage.

Artby and Allie were getting near the end while Bill was slightly struggling.

" I will not give up " said Artby.

" No baker will ever want that "

" I love bakers so much "

" Baking does so much for us, my purchases will never end "

" My mouth is a better mouth thanks to them "

" The heroism from baking will kick in any second now "

" Bakers understand fighting "

" I will give it my all " said Allie.

" I know that you will " said Warbler.

Easeion then rushed for Oceanoke with the Ultimate Lightning Edge while Oceanoke used the Tenfold Deepsea Strike, the attacks collided and Oceanoke was defeated.

" You have now lost someone, hahaha " said Easeion.

" It is time for all of you to face the same fate "

Allie started charging up the Ultimate Bird Blast while Warbler started charging up the Ultimate Bird Bomb. Flora and Jessica used their Ultimate Darkness Blasts. The attacks then all hit each other.

Warbler was getting near the end while Jessica, Flora and Allie were all defeated.

" No " said Warbler.

" Flora and Jessica are finished though " said Colour Dictator.

" I love Allie " said Warbler.

" The Bear have lost four " said Colouruke.

" Not to mention Alice is almost done now " said Colour King.

" Alice will fight forever " said Easeion.

" I know that she has been the villainess I need "

" I will be that villainess " said Alice.

" I don't see how that changes fighting " said Colour Queen.

" She knows that I am there " said Easeion.

" That will change things "

" I know that Alice has skill "

" Yes, she does " said Bill.

" The Smithsons all support Alice "

" Well, we should continue " said Colourclever.

" Yes, the Bear wants this fight to continue " said Blackin.

The fight continued.

Colourea and Crayon started charging up their Ultimate Heatwave Blasts while Easeion and Bill started charging up their Ultimate Bear Blasts to counter.

Colouruke started charging up the Deepsea Implosion while Electro started charging up the Disaster Implosion. Melissa and Whites started charging up their Bear Implosions to counter.

Electro was defeated while Colouruke was getting near the end.

" I won't quit " said Colouruke.

" I can still fight "

Colourclever started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Blast while Colourea started charging up the Ultimate Heatwave Blast. Tara started charging up the Ultimate Bear Bomb and Easeion started charging up the Ultimate Disaster Bomb to counter. The blasts and the bombs collided and the four of them were hit.

Tara was getting near the end.

" I will not stop " said Tara.

" My brothers will make sure that I will make it "

" We sure will " said Easeion.

" The organization will prevail " said Bill.

" Baking will stop that " said Artby.

" Baking does so much "

" Baking ? " asked Whites.

" Baking will not stop a powerful organization like ours "

" True, I am too much for baking to stop me " said Easeion.

" Hahahahaha "

" Baking will do what is needed here, baking cannot be stopped here " said Artby.

" Well, I doubt that " said Xax.

" Our abilities are way too much for that "

" Yes, we will win this fight " said Whites.

" We must continue "

" Yes, bakers would love that " said Artby.

" They love me as a customer, I purchase so much "

" My purchases are ones that every baker remembers "

The fight continued.

Colour Administrator started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Blast while Colourclever used his own as well. Melissa started charging up the Ultimate Bear Blast while Easeion used his own, the attacks then hit their targets directly.

Colourclever and Melissa were slightly struggling.

Colourea rushed for Tara with the Tenfold Heatwave Strike, Easeion used the Ultimate Lightning Edge to intercept the attack towards Crayon.

Crayon jumped making the attack hit nobody.

" As a brother I will never allow this to happen " said Easeion.

" Being a brother in the Smithson family means a lot as a Smithson "

" It always meams a lot "

Xax started charging up the Bird Implosion while Whites used the Ultimate Snowstorm. The attacks combined into this cold, aerial implosion.

Colourclever and Colour Dictator used their Colourland Implosions to counter, the attacks collided and the four of them were hit.

Easeion then started charging up the Bear Implosion while Alice and Bill used theirs.

" This will strike all of you brutally " said Bill.

Warbler used the Bird Implosion, Colouruke used the Deepsea Implosion and Colourea used the Heatwave Implosion.

The two extremely powerful attacks collided. Warbler, Alice and Colouruke were defeated. Bill was getting near the end.

" Well, this is a bittersweet moment here " said Easeion.

" It is a shame about Alice " said Bill.

" It sure is " said Tara.

" That being said Warbler and Colouruke losing is great " said Easeion.

" My siblings may not have lots of energy but they will not quit "

" The Smithsons will rise forever "

" There is no stopping us "

" A Smithson is not stopped easily "

" Bill and Tara do not have a lot of energy left " said Colour Dictator.

" These " Smithsons " are not going to win regardless "

" I have to agree " said Crayon.

" They will use it for the best " said Brett.

" Never count out the Smithsons "

" The Smithsons are great "

" They do so much for the Bear " said Xax.

" They sure do " said Blackin.

" They will do great " said Blackina.

" Yes, we will " said Easeion.

" We will not be stopped "

" Well, we will see " said Colour King.

" Justice will come to Colourland very soon "

" Let's continue this fight " said Colour Dictator.

The fight continued.

Easeion and Melissa started charging up their Bear Implosions while Colour Dictator started charging up the Colourland Implosion while Colour Queen used her own. The implosions collided with power and the four of them were hit.

Xax and Whites rushed for Crayon with their Tenfold Bear Strikes but Colourea used her Tenfold Heatwave Strike and Colour Dictator used his Tenfold Colourland Strike to counter the attacks. The attacks hit each other and knocked the four of them to the ground.

Tara started charging up the Bear Implosion while Bill started charging the Deepsea Implosion.

" We will give it everything for the Smithsons " said Tara.

" For sure, it means so much to be a Smithson " said Bill.

" It sure is " said Easeion.

" I know that we will win " said Whites.

" The Bear will never stop existing at all " said Brett.

" Our wedding will be amazing " said Blackin.

" I love Blackina more than anyone could love "

" We have a powerhouse love "

" Yes, our love for each other is so strong and powerful " said Blackina.

" Anyone ? " asked Artby.

" I love baking a lot "

" We are talking about a woman so beautiful here " said Blackin.

" You see her body, don't you "

" So beautiful "

" Such a stunning, amazing body Blackina has "

" Everyone can sense that "

" When bakers bake bread my mouth is in love with that " said Artby.

" Uh, okay " said Colourea.

" Well, this fight should continue " said Colour Dictator.

Colour Dictator rushed for Bill with the Tenfold Colourland Strike but Tara used the Tenfold Bear Strike to counter.

They both were hit, Tara was defeated.

Colour Administrator started charging up the Colourland Implosion while Easeion started charging up the Disaster Implosion, the implosions collided and they both took damage.

Colour Administrator was getting near the end.

Bill started charging up the Deepsea Implosion while Colourclever started charging up the Colourland Implosion, the attacks hit hard and they both hit the ground.

Bill was defeated.

" No " yelled Easeion.

" Now, it is time for revenge "

" Smithsons cannot be losing like this "

" Being a Smithson is great "

" They cannot be losing fights, they must be winning fights "

" We agreed to this fight " said Colour King.

" People are going to be defeated "

" I expected the Smithsons to make it through " said Easeion.

" It means so much being a Smithson "

" Every Smithson knows this "

" They do know for sure " said Xax.

" Yes, they know what must be done " said Brett.

" Easeion, you know what you must do now "

" Yes, I do " said Easeion.

" Smithsons must be avenged always, as a Smithson I cannot be forgetting that "

" Yes, that is the truth " said Brett.

" Well, that does not change what happens in a fight " said Colourclever.

" True, this fight will go the same regardless of anything involving Smithsons " said Colour Dictator.

" Let's continue "

The fight continued.

Colour Administrator started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Blast while Easeion started charging up the Ultimate Lightning Edge, the attacks hit each other and they both took damage.

Colour Administrator was defeated while Easeion was slightly struggling.

Colour Dictator started charging up the Colourland Implosion while Colourclever started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Blast. Melissa started charging up the Ultimate Bear Blast while Xax started charging up the Bird Implosion. The attacks then collided with power and the four of them were hit.

Melissa and Colourclever were getting near the end but could still fight.

" Whites, I am not done " said Melissa.

" I know that you will give it everything " said Whites.

" Yes, I will do so " said Melissa.

" Our organization will still win this fight " said Xax.

" The Bear has what it takes "

" Yes, the Bear has tremendous talent here " said Blackin.

" I have done so much here "

" You sure have, our love will never end " said Blackina.

" We will fight hard "

" Yes, as lovers we are truly great " said Blackin.

" I know how to love you, Blackina "

" Blackin is a great lover to Blackina " said Whites.

" Well, we should continue " said Crayon.

" Yes, we should " said Colourea.

The fight continued.

Whites started charging up the Ultimate Bear Barrage while Easeion used his own, Colourea started charging up the Ultimate Heatwave Barrage and Artby used his own.

Artby was defeated.

Colour Dictator started charging up the Colourland Implosion while Xax started charging up the Bird Implosion, the attacks hit each other hard.

Xax and Colour Dictator were slightly struggling.

Whites started charging up the Blizzard Implosion while Colourea started charging up the Heatwave Implosion, the implosions collided and they were both hit.

Colour Dictator and Colourclever started charging up their Colourland Implosions. Xax and Whites used the Bear Implosions to counter.

The implosions collided fiercely and the four of them were hit.

Colourclever was defeated while Whites was slightly struggling.

" How could this be " said Whites.

" Yeah, this is ridiculous " said Xax.

" We have too much talent " said Easeion.

" Tournaments saw my talent firsthand, we should dominate by more here "

" The fans know how great I am "

" I am way too talented for this "

" Way too talented "

" Easeion, you did not make the quarterfinals " said Colourea.

" If these things were true, you would have "

" Yes, Easeion would have beaten Crayon which he did not " said Colour Dictator.

" Well, he can believe what he wants it changes nothing " said Colour King.

" That is true " said Challenger.

" Time for me to show some serious talent here " said Easeion.

" I do have that type of talent in my techniques "

" My techniques are great, the type of technique a tournament needs "

" A tournament needs ? " asked Challenger.

" Yes, tournaments will be demanding my participation " said Easeion.

" Your participation ? " asked Colour King.

" Why would a tournament demand that so much ? "

" I don't think a tournament would " said Colourea.

" If so, then wouldn't Crayon be invited to every tournament ? "

" Yeah, that would be the case " said Challenger.

" Let's continue this fight " said Whites.

Easeion started charging up the Bear Implosion while Colourea started charging up the Heatwave Implosion, the attacks collided and they were both hit.

Easeion was getting near the end while Colourea was slightly struggling.

Melissa rushed for Colour Dictator with the Tenfold Bear Strike, Colour Dictator used the Tenfold Colourland Strike to counter. The attacks hit each other and both of them took damage.

Melissa was defeated while Colour Dictator was getting near the end.

" What " said Whites.

" Melissa is defeated "

" I was not expecting that "

" Now, it is up to us " said Xax.

" It really is " said Blackina.

" I have more " said Easeion.

" As a Smithson and a Bear member, I cannot give up this fucking fight "

" This fight means way too much "

" No Smithson ever throws in the towel "

" Yes, well said " said Brett.

" I know that the Smithsons can do this "

" They will, I will marry Blackina " said Blackin.

" I love Blackin so much, his desire for me is a powerhouse love " said Blackina.

" A powerhouse love ? " asked Colour Queen.

" Yes, that is the love we have " said Blackin.

" Nobody has loved as much as me "

" My desire for Blackina is so strong, we are in love "

" It is a special, unique desire "

" Nobody ? " asked Crayon.

" Yes, nobody can love as much " said Blackin.

" It is not possible "

" No matter what "

" Well, we must continue this fight here " said Easeion.

" As a Smithson, I stand so strong "

" Yes, we will keep fighting " said Colour King.

Whites started charging up the Blizzard Implosion while Colour Queen started charging up the Colourland Implosion, the implosions collided and they were both hit.

Blackina started rushing Colourea with the Tenfold Bear Strike but Crayon countered with the Tenfold Bird Strike. The strikes hit their targets.

Blackin and Brett charged up their Bear Implosions, Colour Queen and Colour King used their Colourland Implosions, the implosions collided with fierce power.

" Well, that was great " said Blackin.

" It was " said Whites.

" Colour Dictator is weak right now " said Xax.

" Yes, he will be finished soon "

" You know what to do " said Whites.

" I will still fight " said Colour Dictator.

" You will join Colourclever " said Easeion.

" Hahahahaha "

" It is over for you "

" Hahahahaha " said Brett.

" We'll see about that " said Colour Queen.

" Well, this fight must continue " said Crayon.

" The Bear will win " said Brett.

Blackina started charging up the Ultimate Bear Blast while Challenger started charging up the Ultimate Electrocution Blast, the blasts hit with tons of power.

Easeion then zoomed very fast with the Ultimate Lightning Edge towards Colour Dictator.

" Hahahahaha " said Easeion.

Colour Dictator was hit directly and was defeated.

" I am great, look at my talent " said Easeion.

" You all fear the Smithsons "

" Crayon, you are next "

" You don't have much energy left " said Crayon.

" I will strike "

" It will be very over soon "

" Good, Easeion can be taken out right now " said Challenger.

" Yes, he can be taken down and defeated " said Colour King.

" Give it everything, I am so strong right now " said Easeion.

" Despair is here for all of you "

" Hahahahahaha "

" Well, if you are so sure then let's see you try " said Crayon.

" I don't see you bringing despair to me "

" Time for the fight to continue " said Xax.