As they entered the room, the veil behind them disappeared as if it wasn't there in the first place.
Levi looked at the boss in front him. It was over 20 meters tall. Black fur covered its body. Red coloured eye covered it's whole body. It had claws like of an eagle and wings like that of a bat. The boss wasn't also the main issue, the whole area was covered intraps. Thousands of axes were attached to the walls.One wrong move and their head would fly way from their body.
Brian who was brimming with confidence just a minute ago, now shook in his boots. He was an B-rank awakener. With one look, he could clearly tell the boss was stronger than him. He looked at Levi and questioned himself if he should leave him and run away but this was his last chance. If he didn't get the relic his position in the "organisation." could falter.
"Any ideas on how to defeat it?"
"Just keep on running in circles for now."
The eyes on the boss's body started to pop out and turn into creatures they fought a few minutes ago. Levi and Brian ran in opposite direction. Levi could avoid the traps cause of his Search Skill while Brian could only avoid most of it relying senses. Whenever, he stepped on the trap and axe would fly out and again return back to its spot.
The enemy's were smart as well. The floating balls with teeth attacked Levi and the other attacked Brian.
'The boss is intelligent. He gauzed our strength and weakness by sending those small floating balls to us before we fought him.'
Levi loaded his arrow and fired it at the eyeball floating and Brian sent out sword aura to monsters on Levi. Theywere covering each other back and it was working. Though the number of monsters had drastically increased. There were 1000 of them attacking.
'We need to kill the boss as soon as we can.'
Levi had never fought this boss in the game, well the characters never had a story arc where they entered this cave. Levi was dodging the attacks from the small monsters and trying to get a shot on the boss. He fired one but it bounced of, before it reached even near the boss. The arrow then levitated andwas fired back at Levi. He dodged it, barely.
'So it can use telekinetic ability as well.'
He looked at Brian struggling to fight. It wasn't that the number of enemies had increased, his movement, strength and agility had decreased a lot…and kept on decreasing. The boss then flew towards Brian and swung its claw. Brian dodged it but he stepped on a trap. An axe came to him from behind and this time, he couldn't dodge it
He blocked it with the broken hilt of the sword. The force behind the axe was too much and Brian was sent flying into a wall of sharp axes waiting to impair his whole body. Before his body could be impaled, Levi made thousands of strings and threw it at Brian. The strings were attached and Levi pulled Brian. Levi made sure that the strings weren't that sharp otherwise, it could cut Brian.
Brian stopped inches away from the wall and gave a small nod as a thanks. Levi then started running again. The enemies didn't give him a chance to take a breath. While he was running, he quickly took of him mask and chucked down a mana potion without Brian seeing his face.
As he was running, he felt a force pull him. The boss telekinetic ability wasn't that powerful but it slowed Levi's pace tremendously. One of the mouth ball, bit Levi on his legs. Though he didn'tfeel , his body jolted in pain as he rolled on the ground triggering the traps.
Levi quickly got on his feet and dodged the axes coming his way. Some did scratch him on his back and shoulders. Levi took out an arrow and stabbed the monster that was still on his leg. Blood started flowing out as he started losing strength in his legs.
'My body can heal itself'
'My body can heal itself.'
—->[Essence] activated
-Increase body's healing capacity by 60%.
Levi could feel the wounds slowly close though that didn't give him the upper hand. He couldn't win against a monster of this scale. It is a miracle that he was still alive. Brian could only defeat this boss, but he too was struggling.
Levi fired an arrow at one of the eye balls monsters. Once it died, it created an explosion. Levi used the power of Ifrit mask and manipulated the fire killing other monsters. This created a chain of fire in the whole arena. The fire swirled around killing the little monster and burning the boss.The flames weren't enough to make it feel pain but it felt annoyed that it's minions were dead.
The boss snarled and looked at Levi.
'Huh!Why do I feel dizzy and nauseated ?'
Levi looked at the boss and noticed a weird eye ball on the collections of eyes he had in its body. The eyes were red but the pupils were dilated.
'So that is the eye of debuff.'
The power that Brian used in the game to weaken even the strongestof awakeners. The eye of debuff could infect any person inside it's vision with four effects, nausea , dizziness, and hallucination and weakness. Thought the effect may not seem much but when all of it would stack, the effect would be detrimental.
Levi was now seeing three bosses floating around the room, he felt like puking.
'These effects are a lot more powerful than I imagined.'
Levi used his Search skill cause it wasn't affected by the debuff. Levi kept on running, killing the eye ball monster and using the explosion it produced to annoy the boss. It was working and now the bosses attention was fully on Levi and that is what he wanted.
Brian felt strength coming back to his body. He gathered mana around hissword.
"Demon Fang."
His swords seemed to expand as two fangs like structure appeared on his sword. The fangs moved killing everything in front of it and managed to land a hit on the boss.
The boss let out a defining scream. It tried turning back and attacking Brian but Levi didn't let that happen. He loaded his bow and believed.
'My arrows can pierce anything.'
'My arrow can pierce anything.'
[Essence] activated as his base damage and critical damage increased and for the first time, Levi noticed that it kept on increasing. Usually it would only give him some percentage of boost but now it kept on growing.
He aimed it at the eye of debuff and let it go. The boss sensed the attack coming towards it. It instinctively knew that the arrow could pierce it's body so it managed to save the eye of debuff but the arrow managed to pierce it's other eyes.
Brian tried launching another attack but the boss's scream was so loud that he had to block his ears first. The bosses body grew as well as the small minions coming out of it's body.
Levi readied himself as he looked at Brian.
'Lets end it.'
Levi now was the main target for the boss. Brian attack also dida number on him but the true killing intent was from Levi. He flew towards Levi and it's minions attacked Brian.
It kept trying to grab Levi by it's claw but failed though they did manage to cut Levi. It's debuff was also now fully focused on Levi and an F-rank like him stood no chance. Without his Search skill, he would be dead by now. He again sneakly chucked another mana potion and kept on dodging the attack.
The boss wasn't giving him time to pull the string. Brian noticed Levi struggling. He needed Levi to win.
'It's all or nothing now.'
Brian again took a stance and gathered every bit of mana in his body. Purple aura oozed out of him as the mana extended around his sword.
"Demon Fangs."
Two fangs formed in the air killing every minions and casuing explosion. Brian got caught in it but he kept on attacking. Levi maniplulated the fire and pulled it towards the boss. The boss covered it's body with it's wings.
Brian let out his last attack on the boss.A large fang pierced into the boss's body but it didn't panic and kept covering it's body. Once the attack ended , it flew towards Brian and stomped on it with's it's claws.
Before it could stomp on Brian again, Levi fired an arrow. This time it pierced it's wings and even it's annoying eye. It wasn't enough to kill the boss but it staggered.
Levi ran towards it and stood in front of the unconscious Brian. For the last time, he moved the remaning flames around the room and trigerred every trap in the room. Levi body then produced thousands of string making a dome like structure protecting him and Brian from the incoming axes.
The silk were cut down but Levi kept on producing it and drank his last mana potion. He could hear the boss screaming in pain until after a few minutes, there was pin drop silent in the room.
The strings around him were fully red cause of blood splattering. He disintegrated the silk and made his way to the boss now covered in axes all over it's body.
'Finally its dead.'
He reached his hand out and pulled the arrow on it's eye of debuff. He looked at the eye on the tip of the arrow.
'Thank God my taste buds are dead.'