"Wake up chosen one."
Seiko could hear a loud voice ringing in his ears.
'Hmm. I was sure I was dead.'
Seiko thought to himself. He opened his eyes and saw himself in a pure white room. He looked down and saw he was wearing the same outfit he wore when he was stabbed. There was nothing on the room. It was like a blankwhite piece of paper.
"Looks like I managed to get to heaven but it is not like how I imagined it to be. I wonder where are the small angels that fly around playing a harp."
"You are not in heaven."
Seiko turned around and saw a tall man. Calling the man tall was an understatement. He was more like a giant than a man. The wings on his back were larger than his body and spanned over 10 meters. The man had his arms folded. His face was covered by a white silky cloth. An ethereal aura was oozing out of the man and Seiko knew who it was.
"You must be the god that takes people to heaven."
" Yes I am what you call a 'God' but not the one that sends you to heaven."
The God's voice was so mystical that it shook Seiko to his very core.
"So you must be a 'God' that sends people to hell."
"No! I do not send people anywhere."
His voice was still majestic but there was a bit of annoyed tone mixed in it. Seiko was intentionally asking him such question. Well when does a person have a chance to annoy a God.
"So why did you bring me here-odeity."
Seiko started to talk as if he was in a medieval world and was the knight of the God.
" You are about to be transmigrated to a new world."
"But didn't you just sayyou don't send people anywhere."
The God was clearly annoyed but he kept his calm and did not argue with the human in front of him.
"The place you will be sent to is the same world from a video game that you used to play."
" I will be reincarnated as Ma*io."
The God unfolded his arms and face palmed. He knew that Seiko was not this dumb and was just saying this to annoy him but he had to comply to this.
' He is the only hope I have left. Control yourself. He is just joking. CONTROL YOURSELF.'
The 'God' was really trying to not kill the human in front of him permanently. It again folded its arm and looked at Seiko
" 'Trial of Heroes' that is the game you used to play and that is where you will be transmigrated."
Seiko was not shocked but acted and made a surprised face. He was astonished to find out that a 'God' knew what games he played.
'I hope he did not check my browser history.'
The God knew that Seiko was just acting to be shocked.
"You do not need to hide your true self and do not say anything stupid again. I do not have muchpower to manifest this place."
Seiko et go of his dumb act and immediately a stoic expression was on his face.
" So why was I the chosen one?"
Seiko remembered playing that game two years ago.His brother had recommended the game. He was one of the best players in the game. His speed runs were legendary and his game knowledge was out of this world. Out of millions of player, Seiko wasthe only one to complete the game in every level of difficulty with the best possible results.
The God thought about how to answer him as he did not want to reveal everything but hiding things would make it even more complicated.
" You are not the first person, I have sent to the world. I had sent twelve other players and you are the thirteenth one I am going to send."
It was clear that the other twelve failed to complete the task but Seiko did not understand why he was not the first to be sent. He was the best and he might have fulfilled the mission.
"Why did you not send me first? You know that I was the best in the game."
Seiko ego did not hurt because he was not sent first. He was just curious. The God again thought about his answer for a while and answered.
"Because you are a psychopath. You do not feel anything. Love,anger,hate,pain,lust is none existent to you. If I was to send you then I do not know what would have happened."
It was a pretty valid reason as psychopaths are known to be crazy murderers and do anything so that they could to 'feel' something.
'So he knew I am a psychopath.'
"But why did you decide to send me now?"
"I have no options left."
Seiko just nodded but he did not understand the reason to be sent to the world of 'Trial of Heroes.' cause at the end of the game the world was not destroyed. Even if you lost a game in the highest level difficulty the world was never destroyed and humanity would still live on. Though the game was hard , he ending was never that cruel.
The God noticed Seiko's train of thoughts and answered his question even before he could ask.
"I created that world a long time ago and even wrote its faith but one day some body tempered with the flow of the world. This meant that the ending was not the same. Unlike the ending in the game where humanity and other race would manage to survive. This ending would kill every living soul and eventually destroy the whole planet. The difficulty is 1000% hard than the 'Impossible' level in the game. I could not interfere so I created a game same as the world and launched it in earth. Then I chose the best players who could help me save the world. And now you have the responsibility to save the world and its inhabitants. "
" Did the others fail miserably?"
"Yes! Theycould not get through the first arc of the game."
Seiko could not believe it. Even though he was the best, there were some phenomenal players in the community and to think they would not be able to clear. Yes the difficulty had increased a lot but still not being able to get through first arc said a lot.
"So do I get any sort of help when I get there?"
Seiko had read many novels and knew that he was about to receive some overpowered cheats. He did not 'feel' excited as he did not know what it meant to be excited but still it would help him if he was to receive some powers.
The God did not speak for a while and Seiko could clearly read him like a book.
"You do not have any means to give me power don't you?"
The God nodded.
"Us Gods cannot interfere with the world but since it was my world I had the authority to at least do something to save it but not by involving in any of the events. Once the flow of the world was tempered, I had to use time magic and reverse it back and bring humans from the earth to stop it from happening. I even gave them lots of power but they failed and I had to repeat this process again and again for twelve times.That had drained my powers and I again had to reverse time and bring you here so I have nothing to give you."
Seiko did not say anything. He did not feel disappointed...he was not capable of it.
"Whose body will I be transmigrated into?"
The God probably could not create a new existence cause that would mean he was messing with his world directly so his only choice was to transmigrate him into someone else's body.
" I sent the previous twelve players into the body of the main character they wanted but I cannot do that to you as I have do not have the power left. You will be transmigrated to a random body and the story will have already progressed to one month since the main game would start."
This was the worst situation possible as Seiko could even get transmigrated as a baby and he would not be able to do anything but the God had no other choices left. His last hope could have the worst possible start.
"Did you kill the other players like how you killed me?"
Seiko asked the God cause he knew that the girl had not killed him. It was true that she was the one who stabbed him but just by looking at her eyes she could tell that she was controlled.
The God was shocked cause it was the truth but he did not believe that Seiko was that quick to some to such conclusion with in such a short time. He had no reason to lie as Seikohad already found the truth.
" No! I took their soul and put them inside one of the game characters. If they would complete the mission then they could return to their world and they could continue their life from where they were transmigrated but this time I did not have such the power to do so again.You were not meant to die.I had left was to kill you and take your soul."
Seiko kept listening and did not show any reaction. His just thought about how his family and colleagues would react now that he was 'dead'
"You are quite a hypocrite. In the name of saving the flow of your world, you decided to kill someone innocent and let them deal with your trouble. I am a psychopath and never 'loved' my family but as their 'son' I had the duty to make sure they led a happy life and now you took that away from me. I hope you are happy with your decision."
Each word hit the God's conscience cause it was true. Seiko was a psycho but he never killed nor harmed anybody. He did not do anything wrong and always made sure he was 'human' but now all of it was gone.
" I am sorry-"
"Don't apologize. Your apology won't do anything. Instead I want you to fulfil a wish of mine."
"I will do anything after you finish the-"
"No! I want that wish right now. IF you can then just for ten minutes send me back to my my family and let me talk with them."
The God thought Seiko would ask something ridiculous but his request was easy to fulfil and would not drain his power too much.
"Ok.but only for five minutes."
He then snapped his fingers and Seiko disappeared from the room.