Levi needed money, a lot. His salary from working in the management department would suffice for his basic needs. But, it was nowhere enough for what he was about to do in the future.
At first, he produced 100 meters of silk and stored it. Levi could only make the silk stronger based on his rank. However, he could reduce its tensile strength and quality as much as he wanted.
After doing that he smoked his mana cigarette, did some cultivation and headed back to Hilica.
He had already used one day of his leave.
'I need to move to the next plan as soon as I can'
Heroamed around the city, looking for the shop but didn't find it. After asking few questions to the locals, he reached his destination. However, the people would often give negative remarks about the shop and tell him not to go.
In front of him was a one-story building. Cracks could be seen in every part of the building. Vines and moss grew out from the bricks. The sign that said the name of the shop was about to fall off. One small earthquake and the building would be turned to dust.
Levi opened the door and it came off the building.
'This building needs some serious renovation.'
"Not again. I really need to fix the door."
A man said as he walked towards Levi. The man had black hair, brown eyes and freckles filling his cheek bones. He was the most average-looking man Levi had ever seen.
"I am sorry for the inconvenience."
The man took the door from Levi's hand and put it in the corner of the room.
"Welcome to our humble " Your's tailor ". What can I do for you?"
"I am here to buy some clothes."
The man gave Levi a smile. He had a customer after a long time.
"Do you want readymade clothes or do you want me to make a new one for you?"
"I will just look around for now."
Levi walked around the shop and checked the status of the clothes.Even without appraising it, Levi could tell that the clothes were not of good quality. No wonder, this shop was about to close.
The man anticipated Levi to choose something.
"Did something catch your eye?"
Levi shook his head. The tailor lost his smile. He too knew that nobody would wear the clothes he made.
Levi was looking at the clothes and searching for something else as well. He used his Search skill which range had increased cause of his rank levelling up.
'There's no one here.'
"Sir. I don't want to be rude but the quality of these clothes is worse than rugs."
The man lowered his head in shame.
"But the designsare incredible."
The quality of the clothes was shit cause of the materials he used to make them. If he had gotten something good then, the clothes he would make would be masterpieces.
" I don't have that much skills."
" No need to be humble. Your creativity and handcraft are the best I have seen. To create clothes with such material is already a feat in itself. Every design and every lining is made with passion and care. You must really love your job."
The man scratched his head in embarrassment. It had been a long time since, he received compliments from his customer,
"I want the world to know about your talents. Would you like to make a deal with me?"
Levi said in a stern voice. The tailor's demeanour changed. The innocent expression on his face vanished. A doubtful and suspicious look took over him.
"What do you want?"
Levi approached the tailor even closer.
"I just want to make a deal."
The man's anger soared out of his temple. He was about to ask Levi to leave but someone else entered the room.
A kid came running towards Levi and hugged the tailor. He picked up his daughter and caressed her head.
The girl had black hair and blue eyes. Her innocence radiated the room with a warm atmosphere. Even Levi could help but call her 'cute'…in his mind that is.
"Papa! I helped Mom pick the tomatoes today."
"Really! The dinner is going to be good now since you hand picked the tomatoes."
The girl laughed and looked at Levi.
"Who are you?"
Before Levi could answer, the man patted the girl's head.
"Why don't you go to the other room and play for a while. Papa needs to talk with the customer."
The girl nodded and headed to the other room as she hugged the teddy bear in her arms.
"Why are you bothering my husband?"
A voice came behind Levi. He turned around and saw the picture-perfect copy of Irene Toxotai. Her blue hair and blue eyes were the same. The only difference was the mole under her left eye, her height and her shoulder-length hair.
Also, the aura and hostility she radiated was incomparable. She walked towards Levi and touched his forehead with her index finger.
"Tell me, what do you want?"
'Even the way she threatens me. These sisters really are alike.'
Levi now had to be careful with his words. One wrong letter and he could expect his head flying across the room.
He moved back and put both his hands up.
" I am not here to threaten you. I don't fight a battle against someone stronger than me especially if it its Irina Toxotai herself."
Irina raised her eyebrows. Hearing her family name resurfaced some memories she didn't want to remember.
"Then why are you here?"
The man asked in rage.
" I told you before, I am here to make a deal."
Levi then took out the 100 meters of silk he packed and gave it to the tailor. At first, he hesitated to take it but once he saw the shine in the silk, his inner tailor couldn't help but touch it.
'This is the highest quality of material I have ever seen. The smoothness, texture and shine are extraordinary.'
"How did you get this? And, from where?"
Levi smirked.
"That is not something, I can tell you. Though I would like to assure you that I didn't obtain it from anyillegal means."
The man nodded.
"What do you want me to make ?"
Levi moved towards one of the clothes on display and took it out
" I want you to make clothes like this. Use the whole fabric. Your skills will bring out the most from this material…Mr Tyson."
The man became even more suspicious. Though many knew his name, nobody approached him for his skills, in this manner.
Levi knew that Tyson would hesitate. He took out 1000 Dale from his ring and kept it on a table.
"That is your commission for the work. I will give you more, once you finish and I manage to sell the products."
Tyson gulped seeing that money. His family was in dire need of it.
"We don't need it"
Irina said as she held Levi's collar.
"Get out before, I kill you."
Levi didn't flinch. He was calm. His demeanour shocked Irina a bit.
'Who is this dude?'
Levi looked at the bag, Irina held in the other arm. There were some tomatoes and a loaf of bread.
" How long will those vegetables last you, Mrs Irina? Seeing your and Mr Tyson's condition, I can tell you guys have not been eating well."
The grip on his collar tightened even more.
"Don't try to poke your leg on other's business. So what if we are poor, we are happy. We don't need your filthy money."
Levi looked at the other door and then looked back at Irina.
"Can you say the same about your daughter? You two can control your hunger but that kid will not. You guys are barely holding on. How long do you think this will last…..your poor but happy family?"
Irina pushed Levi at the wall and used her mana to crush his body.
"You dare, use my daughter for your filthy intentions."
Blood lust was oozing out of his body. She would have snapped Levi's neck. If only her daughter wasn't in the other room.
" I don't intend on using your daughter but be honest, how long can this charade of yours go on? You have already been abandoned by the society...by your own family. Getting a job for you is impossible."
Levi then glanced at Tyson.
"Tell her, Mr Tyson. How much money you have left? Tell her."
Irina shouted at Levi.
"Our family matter doesn't concern you. What do you know about what we have gone through?"
Levi smirked and laughed a bit.
"We have gone through? That is the wrong sentence. It should be what he has gone through."
Irina flinched. She looked at her husband. The scars on his hand, the bags under his eyes and that lean body. He was overworking and it wouldn't be long before he would fall.
"Mrs Irina. I am only here to do business. I don't care about what you and your family do."
Levi was lying. He "cared" about them. After all, they would be the key to his financial success.
Tyson approached Irina and grabbed her wrist.
"Let him go honey."
Irina couldn't go against her husband and definitely not when he spoke in such a fragile voice.
Levi fixed his attire once Irina let go of him. He passed a paper to Tyson.
"I don't want this to be a one-time deal. Like I said, I want us to be business partners. I will bring the materials, you will make the clothes and for the selling part leave it to me as well."
Tyson looked at the paper and saw that he would get a 35% share of profit on the product. He didn't hesitate and signed the paper. Irina wanted to stop him but seeing how Tyson was reluctant to sign the paper broke her heart. Not because she felt betrayed but because she was a burden to him.
Tyson didn't care about anything. He just wanted his wife and daughter to eat well, wear good clothes and live in a comfy house even if he had to do something bad.
"When do you need the products?"
"Create as much as you can within a week and then send it to this address except tomorrow. I am planning to sell them after two days so make some and I will pick them up tomorrow."
Levi then wrote the address on the piece of paper.
" I will come here on every Saturday and bring you the materials and your share of money."
Tyson nodded. Finally, he felt that a stable source of income coming his way.
Levi then looked at Irina.
"I have something to ask you as well Mrs Irina."
"What is it?"
It was a rude and cold answer.
"Can you teach me your archer arts?"
Levi sighed. Nobody had rejected him this quickly in both of his life.