Chapter 1 - One

Chapter 25

The Championship Fight: Colour King vs Challenger

Everyone woke up and got ready and headed downstairs.

Fighters were talking.

" This is my time " said Colour King.

" The people are watching this fight, they will love my victory "

" It will be a truly Colourlandish victory "

" Colourland needs the most Colourlandish person in the world running their country "

" Bakers are with Challenger " said Artby.

" They help our mouths and in fights so much "

" Bread will continue to help us "

" I love bakers "

" Bakers can be with him, but he will go down in flames " said Colour King.

" My power cannot be stopped "

" My attacks are the best in Colourland "

" I will fight hard in this battle for Colourland " said Challenger.

" Colour King's laws are not good for the country "

" You must not be very Colourlandish to think that " said Colour King.

" My laws are so Colourlandish, Colourlandish people want them there for obeying "

" When you obey laws like this, you are Colourlandish "

" I understand that the gangs are a problem but it isn't just that " said Challenger.

" Well, yes the gangs are an issue but we need to make sure that Numerians are not committing more crimes than Colourlandish people " said Colour King.

" We do not want Numerians going around committing these crimes "

" We also want more resources in Colourland "

" Your refusal for these wars is not acceptable and never will be "

" There is no guarantee that someone from Colourland will die in the war "

" There may not be a guarantee but it is a strong possibility " said Crayon.

" I will not support these wars "

" If King Bobby wants to invade that is his choice but I will not fight "

" You wonder why I call you a fake hero saying shit like that " said Colour King.

" These islanders do nothing for Colourland, these resources can be used to help Colourland "

" That is not very Colourlandish "

" We must stay Colourlandish, Crayon has not understood what is right for the country "

" He does know " said Colourea.

" He doesn't, you just say that because you are with him " said Colour King.

" Crayon's no hero "

" Everyone in Colourland knows he's not heroic "

" He stopped the Bear " said Colouruke.

" You talk about gangs being a serious problem but you don't talk about that "

" I was not around, I would have dealt with them " said Colour King.

" I have said that before, I know what Colourland needs "

" Challenger will be defeated today and the whole country will celebrate his defeat "

" I love the people "

" The people want these wars to happen "

" I think not, the people want bakers to buy bread from " said Artby.

" The people need their mouths to be improved "

" Baking has changed my mouth, why can't baking change other people's mouths "

" Bakers use their baking to show their affection for our mouths, bakers love my mouth "

" Uh, okay " said Warbler.

" Warbler, bakers love you as a customer " said Artby.

" I know that you enjoy bread "

" Yes, but this talk about loving our mouths is just something else " said Warbler.

" Baking makes tasty bread "

" Has Allie noticed any change with your mouth thanks to baking ? " asked Artby.

" Bread is how a baker shows affection for the mouth "

" Bakers show affection for our mouths a lot "

" Uh, not that I would know of " said Warbler.

" I am glad you enjoy bread but there is nothing like that going on "

" I do love Allie a lot, I must think what will happen for us next "

" You two will stay in the castle " said Colour King.

" King Bobby wants that, he has cared so much about you, Warbler "

" Crayon will be out of your life after this tournament "

" No Crayon in your life will be what the king wants "

" Yeah, well Warbler will make the decision " said Crayon.

" He will and he's choosing the castle " said Colour King.

" Warbler will get money from the king "

" He will be eating better "

" He must be not around Crayon "

" Warbler enjoys hanging out with us, but if he chooses the castle we will accept that " said Colouruke.

" He will go to the castle, he will fight in the war " said Colour King.

" He will experience war, which is what Bird's Isle has wanted "

" Not to mention all the advisors and especially his brother Blackburnian "

" Blackburnian has always wanted him fighting with him "

" Crayon has tried to get in the way which is why the king has not liked him "

" Crayon has not harmed their love " said Colouruke.

" Agreed " said Colourea.

" Bakers know Crayon would not do that " said Artby.

" Bakers or not the relationship between Warbler and Allie is important " said Colour King.

" King Bobby cares about it so much "

" King Bobby will do what is necessary "

" He does care about Warbler and Allie "

" The relationship between me and Warbler is great " said Allie.

" Things are going great "

" That is true " said Warbler.

" King Bobby feels that there is an interference " said Colour King.

" Unfortunately that is the case "

" Interference ? " asked Challenger.

" King Bobby knows a lot " said Colour King.

" He knows what is going on "

" He will make sure it stops "

" Is this about Crayon ? " asked Challenger.

" Yes, this is about him " said Colour King.

" I know from King Bobby what is happening "

" You must make sure that he stays away from Warbler "

" King Bobby needs that, he claims there is more intimacy between Warbler and Allie "

" Intimacy ? " asked Challenger.

" How would Crayon get in the way of that ? "

" Plus isn't intimacy their decision about when they want to be intimate "

" They make the decision to be intimate " said Colour King.

" Crayon is not interfering "

" You must make sure "

" King Bobby takes this so seriously "

" Do not forget that "

Everyone had breakfast which they enjoyed.

Time continued to pass, Warbler was talking with Crayon while the others were with each other.

" Challenger must win " said Warbler.

" The castle looks great but the king has gone so far "

" He sure has " said Crayon.

" Challenger has tons of power, he will defeat Colour King "

" I don't want to fight in these wars but my brother wants me to fight " said Warbler.

" It is hard "

" I imagine it would be " said Crayon.

" We are with you, Warbler "

" Thanks " said Warbler.

" Challenger must take him down "

" Well, we will watch the fight " said Crayon.

" It will be an amazing one "

" Yeah, for sure " said Warbler.

" All the best for Challenger "

" For sure " said Crayon.

Time continued to pass, Challenger and Colour King were talking ten minutes away from the start of the fight.

" This is it, my chance for Colourland is here " said Colour King.

" Colourland deserves the most Colourlandish person ever ruling it "

" Colourlandish people must stay Colourlandish forever "

" They have already done that " said Challenger.

" You have not created the laws that I have " said Colour King.

" My laws are extremely Colourlandish, the people need them "

" Numerians need these laws so they can stop committing crimes "

" Numerians must not join gangs, that is not Colourlandish "

" Colourlandish people should not either ? " asked Challenger.

" Well yes, but there is an issue with these crimes from a Numerian " said Colour King.

" I will bring these Colourlandish laws back to Colourland "

" These laws must return for the people "

" I love the people "

" Well, you have to take me down " said Challenger.

" I will give it everything I have "

" You will be defeated, the people will celebrate " said Colour King.

" They love my opinion "

" My opinion must be in Colourland, the nation needs it "

Fighters were talking.

" We are that close to the end of the tournament, it is something " said Warbler.

" Yeah, it sure is " said Allie.

" Challenger will take this fight " said Crayon.

" This now is a battle for Colourland, Challenger will give it everything "

" He sure will " said Colourea.

" Bakers want an asskicking by Challenger against Colour King " said Artby.

" It will happen "

" Bakers love Challenger, they love his mouth as well "

" Bakeries want his victory and they will get it "

" I am pumped for this, bakers want me pumped "

" Bakers do ? " asked Warbler.

" Warbler, I am ao pumped thanks to baking " said Artby.

" Bakers use bread to help with that, they are such good people "

" I love bakers "

" Baking is what I need "

The fight started.

Colour King and Challenger aimed punches at each other which landed.

Colour King and Challenger aimed kicks at each other which landed.

Colour King started rushing Challenger with the Tenfold Colourland Strike while Challenger countered with the Tenfold Electrocution Strike, the strikes hit each other and they both took damage.

Colour King started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Blast while Challenger started charging up the Ultimate Electrocution Blast, the blasts hit their respective targets.

Colour King started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Bomb while Challenger started charging up the Ultimate Electrocution Bomb, the bombs collided and they both took damage.

Colour King started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Barrage while Challenger started charging up the Ultimate Electrocution Barrage, the attacks hit their respective opponents.

" Isn't this great " said Colour King.

" What is ? " asked Challenger.

" The people of Colourland are watching this fight, every single one of them " said Colour King.

" The people love Colour King, why would they not "

" They know what happens when I take control "

" They know that their lives will be brilliant now "

" I am doing so much for them "

" They are watching but there are many people wanting me to win " said Challenger.

" These wars are not good "

" Yes, they are " said Colour King.

" These wars are what the people want, they need our warriors to fight for this purpose "

" The people want war "

" War is vital to the people "

" They know what it does for Colourland, our partnership will work for the best "

" They also know about what it can do if things do not go well " said Challenger.

" These wars are not great wars for Colourland "

" These islands are not threats to us "

" Challenger, you are never happy about these wars " said Colour King.

" I do not understand that "

" Is that Colourlandish in any way, I think not "

" I am concerned about the people of Colourland " said Challenger.

" Well, let's continue this fight for Colourland "

" Yes, we will continue this great battle " said Colour King.

The fight continued.

Colour King started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Blast while Challenger started charging up the Ultimate Electrocution Bomb, the attacks collided and they both took damage.

Colour King started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Bomb while Challenger started charging up the Ultimate Electrocution Blast, the attacks hit their respective targets.

Fighters were talking.

" This is a great battle " said Allie.

" It sure is " said Warbler.

" Go Challenger " said Crayon.

" It is time for an asskicking " said Artby.

" Bakers love a good asskicking "

" Bread helps give good asskickings "

" Asskickings must happen "

The fight continued.

Colour King started rushing Challenger with the Tenfold Colourland Strike while Challenger used the Ultimate Electrocution Barrage to counter, they were both hit.

Colour King started charging up the Colourland Implosion while Challenger started charging up the Electrocution Implosion, the implosions collided and hit their opponents with power.

They both got up, Colour King grabbed Challenger and knocked him down.

Colour King started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Blast while Challenger started charging up the Ultimate Heatwave Blast, the blasts collided and both of them were hit.

Colour King started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Bomb while Challenger started charging up the Ultimate Heatwave Bomb, the bombs hit each other and both of them took damage.

" The people of Colourland are cheering for me, they are chanting my name " said Colour King.

" They know Colourlandish I am, they will never forget that "

" They know that the partnership will arrive in Colourland, which has always been needed "

" There is no way that the partnership will fail "

" There is a lot more left of this fight " said Challenger.

" I will win for Colourland " said Colour King.

" The people understand my opinion and know it is needed "

" When you agree with me, you know that you are being Colourlandish "

" I am so Colourlandish "

" So this is about agreeing with you, not what is best ? " asked Challenger.

" My opinion just happens to be more Colourlandish than other opinions " said Colour King.

" I will get rid of websites critical of me "

" Videos that do that will be gone "

" We will just remove videos that do so instead of getting rid of these video sharing sites that are loved in Colourland "

" So, videos that do not agree with you are banned ? " asked Challenger.

" These videos are not Colourlandish, I want videos that are more Colourlandish " said Colour King.

" Videos must be Colourlandish "

" I will also get rid of podcasts that support these anti Colourland views as well in Colourland "

" They will not be available for viewing in Colourland "

" Podcasts must be Colourlandish "

" That is just something else " said Challenger.

" Saying Fuck Colour King will be illegal " said Colour King.

" So will saying Colour King is shit, protests against me will be illegal as well "

" These protests are not Colourlandish, we must stay Colourlandish "

" People will not like this " said Challenger.

" They will like it, look how Colourlandish I am here " said Colour King.

" You must believe in the people and how much they love Colourland "

" Claiming they love protesting against Colour King is not something they enjoy "

" If you believe all the people love you, then why do we need to have laws banning all of this " asked Challenger.

" To make sure that my opinion is safe, my opinion must be defended and protected within Colourland " said Colour King.

" It is not which cannot continue "

" Colourland needs my opinion, these laws cannot happen without it "

" My opinion is like no others, it is so unique "

" Protected from what ? " asked Challenger.

" These other opinions that are not Colourlandish " said Colour King.

" Therefore my opinion must be protected, an opinion so Colourlandish must be at all times "

" Colourlandish people want this, they love these laws "

" Well, some of them do " said Challenger.

" Others do not "

" We should continue " said Colour King.

" Yeah, let's continue this fight " said Challenger.

The fight continued.

Colour King rushed Challenger with the Tenfold Colourland Strike while Challenger used the Tenfold Heatwave Strike to counter, the attacks collided and they both took damage.

Colour King started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Barrage while Challenger started charging up the Ultimate Heatwave Barrage, the attacks hit their respective opponents.

Fighters were talking.

" Challenger is looking good " said Colouruke.

" He sure is " said Colourea.

" An asskicking for bakers " said Artby.

" Bakers love this "

" I love bakers so much, bakers have pumped all of us up for this fight "

" Bakers ? " asked Allie.

" Yes, bakers always pump us up and get our intensity up " said Artby.

" I am more intense now "

" Bakers do that "

" Uh, okay " said Colourea.

" Challenger will give an asskicking for every baker out there " said Artby.

" Bakers are amazing people "

" I am intense "

" I am so intense "

" Bakers like the intensity I bring "

The fight continued.

Colour King rushed Challenger with the Tenfold Colourland Strike while Challenger started charging up the Ultimate Heatwave Barrage, the attacks then collided and they both took damage.

Colour King started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Barrage while Challenger rushed Colour King with the Tenfold Heatwave Strike, the attacks hit each other and they both were hit.

" I am getting closer and closer " said Colour King.

" There is no stop to my rule of Colourland "

" The Colourlandish love this "

" I love the people "

" These people demand Colour King "

" I will stop this " said Challenger.

" No, you won't " said Colour King.

" Colourlandish people want all these laws "

" I have given them order "

" This order is so Colourlandish "

" Yeah, okay " said Challenger.

" Challenger, these laws are so Colourlandish " said Colour King.

" Colourland is so amazing when we have laws like this "

" I will also ban music against Colour King "

" That type of music is a disgrace "

" Music must be incredibly Colourlandish "

" Our ears deserve better "

" Not to mention mine "

" Our ears ? " asked Challenger.

" What ? "

" Yes, our ears most certainly do " said Colour King.

" I do not want to hear music that criticizes me "

" Nor do the people, I love the people "

" How is that Colourlandish ? "

" Some people will not like us, whether we like it or not " said Challenger.

" Well, I will make sure things go great for me " said Colour King.

" We must continue fighting for Colourland "