Chapter 3 - Three

Chapter 27

The Final Celebration

Fighters were talking.

" How could this happen " said King Bobby.

" Our perfect partnership was supposed to happen "

" These wars were all supposed to start "

" This is ridiculous, I am so angry about this "

" Colourland needs Colour King "

" This is a complete joke "

" Everyone in Bird's Isle is furious " said Blackburnian.

" It is unfortunate " said Diana.

" Bird's Isle can still attack without Colourland attacking " said Blackburnian.

" Warbler can still fight and get the time with Allie he deserves "

" That is true " said Diana.

" I have done so much for people in Bird's Isle sexually " said King Bobby.

" I have done so much there "

" Now, people are with people who support me "

" I am a great king, that will never change "

" Yes, that is the truth " said Queen Starling.

" Exactly " said Lord Grackle.

" Resources will come to Bird's Isle, Challenger will make Colourlandish so angry with these wars not happening "

" Colourlandish people unfortunately cannot do anything " said Curtis.

" They will find out something " said Electro.

" Colourlandish people wanted these wars " said Colour Dictator.

" They sure do " said Colourclever.

" These resources would have helped Colourland but Challenger prefers islanders " said Colour Queen.

" These islanders are not Colourlandish " said Colourclever.

" We are Colourlandish, not them "

" Yes, that is the obvious truth " said Colour Dictator.

" He thinks these wars are not good wars " said Crayon.

" He does believe that these wars are harmful " said Colouruke.

" The people want them, Challenger can think what he wants " said Colour Administrator.

" These wars are so good " said Lord Grackle.

" They sure do and the wars are needed " said King Bobby.

" Challenger has failed the people of Colourland "

" That is very true " said Queen Starling.

" He hasn't, bakers love him " said Artby.

" Bakers like the man a lot, they love baking for him "

" Bakers ? " asked King Bobby.

" The people want these resources there, Colour King fought for that "

" You seem to think that they only need baking "

" Artby does believe that " said Easeion.

" I know him very well "

" Easeion does know him " said Xax.

" A lack of baking is not acceptable for anywhere " said Artby.

" This is about war " said Queen Starling.

" Yes, it is " said Blackburnian.

" Warbler will be eating great in the castle regardless of baking or not " said Curtis.

" His meals are so great there "

" That is true " said Paula.

" Warbler has things great " said Curtis.

" Now, when the tournament celebration ends we will head back to Bird's Isle " said Paula.

" We must pick the island to attack and we will succeed " said Salvador.

" Yes " said Blackburnian.

" I will allow warriors who want to fight from Colourland to join these battles " said Colour Queen.

" Good, we need that " said King Bobby.

" Well, we must get Warbler and Allie with us "

" Yes, that is true " said Colourclever.

" I know they are important to what is going on " said Colour Dictator.

Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke and Artby were talking outside for the time being after.

" This is so awesome " said Crayon.

" Yeah, Colour King has lost " said Colouruke.

" Challenger did it " said Artby.

" Challenger still leads Colourland which is great " said Colourea.

" Bakers must be celebrated here, they love Challenger a lot " said Artby.

" Baking has done so much for him "

" Bakers have loved our mouths with their baking "

" We should head to the bakery "

" Yeah, sounds like a plan " said Crayon.

" Let's go " said Colourea.

The four of them then headed towards the closest bakery, Bear members were talking.

" They will honour Blackina's body " said Blackin.

" A body so beautiful must be honoured "

" You all know that, I would think "

" Yes " said Easeion.

" We would not fail to understand "

" You two are perfect for each other, I will be a great best man " said Whites.

" This wedding will be so much fun " said Xax.

" It is, seeing everyone from the hideout again will be great " said Easeion.

" I will be the villain that Alice needs "

" I will not forget about that "

" That is good " said Whites.

" Yes, it will be great seeing her again " said Xax.

" All the members together will be awesome " said Whites.

" Yeah, it will " said Easeion.

" We will head there after the celebration " said Blackin.

" To be fair, I don't really care about Challenger "

" I just wonder if there will be anything about Blackina "

" Her body is so amazing, I love every part of her "

" Thanks " said Blackina.

" Challenger winning is not something I care about either "

" They may talk about the relationship we have "

" I am in love with Blackina so much, nobody could ever love more " said Blackin.

" Yes, we are perfect for each other and our relationship will never die " said Blackina.

" I love Blackin "

" I love you so much " said Blackin.

" You mean so much to me "

Crayon and his friends arrived at the bakery where Artby started talking.

" I love all you bakers " said Artby.

" I love you "

" Uh, thanks " said a baker confused.

" You all do so much " said Artby.

" You have all used your baking to show affection for my mouth "

" My mouth is so loved here "

" That means so much "

" Uh " said a baker.

" I dream about all you bakers baking bread " said Artby.

" I think about all of you during nighttime "

" I think about how you have used flour "

" Flour has saved so many people "

" Saved people ? " asked a baker.

" Yes, it has " said Artby.

" Challenger took down Colour King today "

" Colour King was a tyrant and baking helped to stop him "

" Tyrants are no match for baking "

" Bakers have always brought them down "

" I love bakers, I love bakers "

" I will keep buying bread, I am a customer who loves bakers so much "

Bakers there continued to be confused but they got their bread and left.

" What was all that ? " asked Crayon.

" I love bakers so much, our mouths have been loved a lot " said Artby.

" Bakers know how much my mouth is in love with their baking "

" Uh, okay " said Colourea.

" I love them " said Artby.

" My mouth has these feelings for baking "

" I love baking "

They arrived back at the hotel.

King Bobby was with Warbler.

" Warbler, the partnership did not happen " said King Bobby.

" It is a shame, Bird's Isle is furious "

" I saw the fight and Colour King lost which stopped it " said Warbler.

" Yes, but you can still fight " said King Bobby.

" Your brother wants you fighting, you are still going to get time with Allie "

" I love her so much " said Warbler.

" Crayon will get in the way of any intimacy, I will not " said King Bobby.

" Crayon has not respected the intimacy in the relationship "

" How so ? " asked Warbler.

" I know that he is going to get in the way " said King Bobby.

" I see that he has not respected the intimacy at all "

" Bird's Isle has shown respect for the intimacy there "

" Bird's Isle wants what I am doing, people want you having sex with Allie for sure "

" To think that I have done that, you must be very proud of me "

" It is great for me to do that "

" Uh, yes " said Warbler somewhat confused.

" We will continue to have more relationships of people who support the king in Bird's Isle " said King Bobby.

" You cannot go with Crayon and his friends, your meals will be better in the castle "

" I will be heading back to the queen right now "

" See you later " said Warbler.

Easeion was talking with Xax.

" Bro, this wedding will be great " said Easeion.

" It sure will " said Xax.

" I know that I will be celebrated tomorrow at the celebration " said Easeion.

" I will be remembered as a fighter who has talent "

" That is for sure " said Xax.

" The Bear will never be forgotten that is for sure "

" Crayon got so lucky against me, so the tournament will be talking about that " said Easeion.

" That motherfucker got so lucky but Challenger won the tournament "

" Well, I think that Brett would have won the whole thing " said Xax.

" Yeah, my father would " said Easeion.

" He is too skilled for Challenger "

" The Smithsons will be together again " said Easeion.

" It will be awesome "

" Yeah, that is the truth " said Xax.

More time continued passing, Challenger joined Crayon and his friends.

" Challenger, it is great to see you here " said Colouruke.

" Yeah, great fighting today " said Crayon.

" Yeah, it was a very tough one but I won " said Challenger.

" The partnership is finished "

" It is good for us that way "

" Yeah, Colour King would have been a disaster " said Colouruke.

" These wars are too much "

" They really are " said Crayon.

" What will happen with Warbler and Allie ? " asked Colourea.

" They will have a decision to make, knowing King Bobby he will make sure that they choose the castle " said Challenger.

" Yeah, that sounds very likely of King Bobby to do that " said Crayon.

" I know that bakers love Warbler a lot " said Artby.

" They do so much for his mouth "

" His mouth ? " asked Challenger.

" Artby has said that bakers have fallen in love with his mouth " said Crayon.

" Well, that is a statement that I am not sure about " said Challenger.

" They have, I will give speeches in the bakery about it to bakers " said Artby.

" Uh, okay " said Colourea.

" Well, we should eat " said Challenger.

They all enjoyed supper and so did all the fighters.

Time continued to pass, Blackin and Blackina were talking.

" My desire for you is so strong " said Blackin.

" Our love is a powerhouse love " said Blackina.

" It sure is " said Blackin.

" Your body will stay beautiful forever "

" Same with yours " said Blackina.

" Thanks " said Blackin.

" Our love will never die "

" That is for sure, we love each other too much "

Blackin and Blackina started kissing each other.

Crayon and Colourea were talking.

" I am glad we are together " said Crayon.

" Same here " said Colourea.

" The celebration will be great " said Crayon.

" It sure will " said Crayon.

" Challenger winning is great "

" I love you " said Colourea.

" Me too " said Crayon.

Crayon and Colourea started kissing each other.

Everyone went to sleep.

Morning came, everyone got up and got ready.

Fighters went downstairs and were talking.

" I know that the tournament celebration will have something to do with me " said Easeion.

" I have a hunch that will be the case "

" I could see that " said Xax.

" It would make sense to me "

" Why is that ? " asked Colouruke.

" Crayon got lucky against me " said Easeion.

" I feel I should have made the quarterfinals "

" It would be great to have a Smithson there "

" Bear members would have enjoyed you advancing " said Whites.

" Whether he got lucky or not, neither of you made the final " said King Bobby.

" I thought that Colour King would have won but sadly he did not "

" It is such a shame "

" Challenger's a dick " said Electro.

" I cannot believe we are honouring him "

" He has been a dick to Colourland "

" Well, yes " said Colourclever.

" I do not like the idea of this but Colour King lost "

" That is the truth unfortunately " said Colour Dictator.

" I don't like it one bit "

" I don't think anyone does " said Oceanoke.

" Colour King would do so much that is good "

" That is the truth " said Electro.

" Colour King can get people to fight in my wars " said King Bobby.

" That is a great idea " said Salvador.

" That is for sure " said Colour Queen.

" I know that the partnership may have not happened but people can still fight "

" Fight for a war that will do not much for Colourland ? " asked Challenger.

" Wouldn't Bird's Isle take all the resources ? "

" It will make it easier " said King Bobby.

" These wars are great, you have no idea how much the warriors are looking forward to this "

" They love war "

" War is so wonderful to my warriors "

" They are thinking about war right now I know "

" They fight to protect the nation, you think they love war ? " asked Challenger.

" King Bobby is right " said Colour King.

" That is so true " said Blackburnian.

" Blackburnian, he most certainly is " said Curtis.

" King Bobby knows what is right for people "

" It is not just simply loving war " said King Bobby.

" It is what resources we will get "

" It is true that they want to fight, I will never allow anyone to stop that from happening "

" I want Bird's Isle better, these islanders will be taken down "

" Not to mention, Warbler's life must be improved " said Blackburnian.

" It sure must " said Diana.

" Warbler's sex life is something that I take very seriously and so does the rest of Bird's Isle " said King Bobby.

" Crayon will cause the demise of it, Bird's Isle cannot have that "

" C'mon " said Crayon.

" You cannot truly believe that I am destroying it "

" I have done nothing to his sex life at all "

" Crayon has not harmed Warbler's sex life, it is fine " said Artby.

" Would bakers want that from Crayon ? "

" He does " said Lord Grackle.

" Warbler is with Allie, he believes that sex will not happen if he hangs out with Crayon " said King Bobby.

" He cannot have that happen to him, I care about Warbler "

" I show how much I care aboutWarbler a lot "

" Crayon does not "

" That is simply not true " said Colouruke.

" Warbler does not believe that " said Challenger.

" Not to mention that is up to them and not us "

" Agreed, that is not our decision " said Colourea.

" Bakers tell me that Crayon cares about him " said Artby.

" Bakers have nothing to do with this, it is about Warbler sexually " said Blackburnian.

" I will not stand for this "

" What is good for Warbler sexually must happen "

" Bird's Isle demands the best for him sexually " said King Bobby.

" Warbler will be in the castle " said Draco.

" He must be there " said Rourke.

" I agree, the castle is good for him " said Curtis.

" Yes, he will be better sexually there " said King Bobby.

" Him and Allie will be good sexually inside the castle "

" His meals and he will be training a lot as well" said Curtis.

" Yes, that is important as well " said Draco.

" We will make sure the best happens for him " said Salvador.

Everyone had their breakfast which they enjoyed, time continued passing and it became ten minutes till the special celebration.

" They will talk about me, I just know it " said Easeion.

" I should be talked about "

" That would be great " said Xax.

" They know about my skills " said Easeion.

" Tournaments need my talent "

" My talent is important to any tournament out there "

" I know that tournaments require me competing "

" Well, Challenger is the champion, it is about his victory " said Colourea.

" Yeah, that is the most likely " said Colouruke.

" Yes, but I will be talked about " said Easeion.

" People watching saw how much ability I showed "

" Well, the Bear members in the hideout liked what you did " said Crayon.

" This is not about you "

" It is " said Easeion.

" It is about me for sure, you all know that "

" To be fair it is not just about Easeion " said Blackin.

" My love for Blackina is strong and vice versa "

" We are a couple not like other couples " said Blackina.

" It is about baking " said Artby.

" Challenger eats tons of bread "

" Fighters will see that and they will go to the bakeries "

" There will be more customers and all our mouths will be so loved "

" Uh, okay " said Grackle.

" Challenger did great " said Dove.

" That is true " said Grackle.

" Warbler will have a decision to make very soon " said Dove.

" To be with Crayon and his friends, in the castle or in Bird's Isle outside of the castle "

" I don't know what he will do " said Grackle.

" He will be in the castle " said Queen Starling.

" It is great there "

" It sure is " said Diana.

" He will love it there, he got to be there before " said Paula.

" Yeah, it is awesome in the castle " said Salvador.

" We will make sure that his life is perfect there "

" The flight back is tomorrow " said Colour King.

" So he must decide today "

" Yeah, he must " said Colour Queen.

" He will make the right decision " said Lord Grackle.

" Warbler knows what is the best for him "

" It is up to him " said Allie.

" Yes " said King Bobby.

The time continued passing and all 32 fighters were there and the announcement came on.

" Now we congratulate the winner, Challenger for his amazing victory and the runner up Colour King"

" We will be giving out prizes for first and second "

" There is 300,000 dollars for first and 75,000 for second "

" Not to mention each of them will get either a gold medal or a silver medal based one where they finished "

" This was a wonderful tournament, everyone made it special "

" Now, all of you are more known about than before "

" All of you should keep up the training since there may be tournaments later on "

" You never know "

" This was a glorious tournament, never forget what you did here "

" Thank you, fighters "

After that, Colour King and Challenger received their medals and the cheques they were awarded.

The ceremony ended and there were drinks that they were all enjoying.

" This is great, so proud of Challenger " said Artby.

" Bakers are so happy now, it is great having such happy bakers "

" I must give a speech to bakers before we leave here "

" Bakers must hear me speak "

" Why ? " asked Grackle.

" They must know how I feel " said Artby.

" Well, we can go get the last bread from here before we leave " said Colouruke.

" Bakers need to hear what I have to say " said Artby.

" This is the last time these bakers in Colour Island get to have my purchases unless there is a future tournament "

" Well, that is true " said Crayon.

" Yeah " said Colourea.

" We need to be there for the decision Warbler makes "

" Yeah, I wonder what he will do " said Colourea.

" I'm hoping that he will come back with us or be with Grackle and Dove " said Colouruke.

" Yeah, the king has gone so far " said Dove.

" He wants war " said Grackle.

" I am not sure what will happen "

" Warbler is under a lot of pressure " said Dove.

" It is tough for him "

" Yeah, it is not easy for him at all " said Colouruke.