Chapter 5 - Five

Chapter 29

The Airport and the Trip Back

Everyone was at the airport, fighters were talking.

" This tournament was something " said Xax.

" Well, we know that every Bear member is back to see us " said Whites.

" I expected them to talk about my fighting more " said Easeion.

" I know that the viewers will remember the name Easeion Smithson "

" Viewers cannot forget me "

" Well, we will all make sure that we have a great reunion "

" Yeah, we will " said Blackin.

" My desire for Blackina is still very strong "

" It is going nowhere "

" It is " said Blackina.

" Our desire for each other is great "

" I am looking forward for these new changes to Bird's Isle " said King Bobby.

" These wars will be wonderful " said Queen Starling.

" Warbler will not fight for the time being " said Blackburnian.

" Yeah " said Diana.

" As long as he and Allie are away from Crayon "

" Being away from Crayon can do a lot for someone " said Curtis.

" Well, we do need some people back in Bird's Isle " said King Bobby.

" Maybe it will be just him instead of Lord Grackle "

" Or he can be with Lord Grackle "

" Yes " said Curtis.

" Warbler does not support this war " said Crayon.

" You may not like all of us but this is true "

" I don't believe it " said Queen Starling.

" Crayon wants to say thisbecause he feels that Warbler should be in Colourland instead of the castle " said Rourke.

" He does want that " said Draco.

" Well, then maybe then him and Allie can go to Colourland then " said King Bobby.

" The castle offers a lot but if Warbler no longer wants to fight ina war ever then maybe he should go to Colourland " said Blackburnian.

" Well, if that is what you feel then I will go to Colourland " said Warbler.

" I understand what you are saying "

" That seems like the better decision for the time being " said Salvador.

" I wanted him fighting but it seems that it will not happen so we must make this change "

" Yeah, probably for the best " said Draco.

Warbler got his flight changed to Colourland and came back.

Time continued passing, King Bobby and his advisors then left for Bird's Isle and said their goodbyes.

The fighters at the airport continued talking.

" So, this is what things have come to " said Colour King.

" It seems that way " said Challenger.

" Well, then this is the way it must be " said Colourclever.

" We expect to get Colourlandish people fighting "

" That is up to them, I do not support this war but I will not stop them " said Challenger.

" Well, I do believe these wars will help Bird's Isle a lot " said Colour King.

" Advisors to the king want this so much "

" Yes, they do " said Colouruke.

" Colourlandish people will make the decision that is needed " said Colour Dictator.

" Well, yes " said Challenger.

" The people will make the decision "

" That is the right way " said Colour Queen.

" The people will love baking forever, they think of their mouths " said Artby.

" Our mouths, our destiny is to eat bread "

" Our destiny ? " asked Colourea.

" Yes, our destiny is to be great customers to bakers " said Artby.

" Baking will never die, bread will be eaten forever "

" Baking never dies "

" Well, yes " said Challenger.

" People will continue to go to bakeries but I'm not sure if destiny has to do with it "

" Bakers know we are destined to enjoy baking " said Artby.

" Our mouths deserve the best and must receive that "

" I know bakers "

They got on board, then the flight left.

Meanwhile King Bobby and his advisors were talking.

" This war will go great for Bird's Isle " said King Bobby.

" We will take down these islanders and get so many resources " said Lord Grackle.

" We will get so many Colourlandish helping " said Curtis.

" They will love doing this "

" Yeah, they will feel like the partnership is here " said King Bobby.

" To think if Colour King had won it would be there " said Queen Starling.

" Yeah, Colourlandish are sad now " said Diana.

" They wanted Colour King to win this tournament "

" Maybe, we can give some resources for them " said Blackburnian.

" First, we must boost ours " said King Bobby.

" Then, we can give some to them "

" Bird's Isle will be better and so will Colourland, how could we not make sure that happens "

" Crayon does not think these wars are good " said Draco.

" Well, now he is with Warbler " said Rourke.

" I think that Warbler being there may be the best " said Curtis.

" He doesn't want to fight and we must accept this "

" It is a shame because now his potential would have done a lot in the war " said King Bobby.

" I cannot force him "

" That is true " said Queen Starling.

" I have missed Bird's Isle so much now "

" We have all missed it " said King Bobby.

" I enjoyed getting to compete but I want to go back to Bird's Isle for sure "

" I will continue to be a great king, people love being ruled by a king "

" That is very true " said Curtis.

" People see the castle and they are happy to see it "

" They love our castle "

" Our castle is the best " said Lord Grackle.

" It is so nice "

" People love seeing it " said Blackburnian.

" They sure do " said King Bobby.

" It is a beautiful place that everyone in Bird's Isle loves "

" The castle looks great, people will always love it "

" Nobody hates the castle, you cannot hate it "

" Yeah, it's great " said Blackburnian.

" Our castle is loved so much, I am proud of it " said King Bobby.

" Yeah, it will be great going back there " said Curtis.

Meanwhile, the Bear members were talking.

" This wedding will be perfect " said Blackin.

" It sure will " said Blackina.

" I will be a great best man, maybe even the best ever " said Whites.

" You will for sure " said Blackin.

" My love for Blackina is a powerhouse love "

" Your desire for me will never end, with the body I have it cannot " said Blackina.

" That is true, I love your beautiful body " said Blackin.

" I will never stop loving it "

" The body parts are amazing, I am proud of myself for being with someone who has them "

" It is great for all Bear members to see this " said Xax.

" It is a wonderful moment "

" For sure " said Melissa.

" It sure is " said Easeion.

" The Smithsons are back at the hideout waiting for me "

" It will be awesome "

" Smithsons forever "

" I am so proud to be a Smithson "

" There is no chance I will never stop being proud to be one "

" Good to see that from you, Easeion " said Xax.

" Yeah, it is good for me to do that " said Easeion.

Colour King was talking with his officials.

" Well, I will be back in Colourland which is great " said Colour King.

" The people wanted this so bad "

" I love the people "

" They are great " said Colourclever.

" I hope that Challenger understands the people more " said Colour Queen.

" Same here " said Colour Dictator.

" Yeah, they must stay Colourlandish forever " said Colour King.

" I am extremely Colourlandish, people will not forget "

" That is for sure " said Colour Dictator.

" I am Colourlandish and Challenger must be more Colourlandish " said Colour King.

" He is still the leader " said Colour Administrator.

" Yeah, unfortunately " said Colour Dictator.

" It is a shame " said Colourclever.

" Well, we will continue to do what Colourland needs " said Colour Administrator.

" Yes, Colourland needs us " said Colour King.

Crayon and his friends were talking.

" Well, this will be great to be back in Colourland " said Crayon.

" The bakers miss my purchases, they miss my mouth and I miss their baking a lot " said Artby.

" My mouth is so missed by bakers "

" Missed by bakers ? " asked Colouruke.

" Bakers have loved it so much " said Artby.

" They use baking to show how much they have fallen in love with it "

" Well, it will be nice to be back in Colourland " said Crayon.

" Yeah, I do think the same " said Colouruke.

" It will be great " said Warbler.

" These wars are not good "

" Yeah, it will be great to be back in Colourland " said Allie.

" I will be happy to be with Warbler there "

" The bakers will love having me back in Colourland " said Artby.

" They will welcome me, they miss my purchases "

More time continued to pass, Bear members were talking.

" So for the wedding, I wonder what date it will be " said Easeion.

" We will need time to prepare everything " said Blackin.

" Every Bear member will be there, we will all have time to be with each other first " said Blackina.

" I will be a great best man " said Whites.

" I know you will " said Melissa.

" I know that the things will turn out for the best "

" I admire you a lot, Whites "

" Thanks, Melissa " said Whites.

" I know that one of our vans should not be far away "

" The members put it somewhere that we can find " said Melissa.

" They know that we need them, the Bear is great that way "

" That is great, there are six of us so we should be fine " said Whites.

" That is true " said Blackina.

King Bobby and his advisors had arrived in Bird's Isle.

" We are here " said King Bobby.

" The castle is so great, it will be great for us "

" Everyone here loves the castle, people always think about it "

" They love how it was built "

" They are grateful to be in the presence of it which I love "

" They know that they should be grateful for sure " said Blackburnian.

" Bird's Isle wants them to be grateful, so they will " said King Bobby.

" Yes, we should head there "

The king and the advisors split up into seperate limousines and they then made it to the castle and went inside.

King Bobby let everyone know that they had returned. Grackle and Dove had headed home seperately and they were talking.

" Well, so we are back " said Grackle.

" I wonder what the king will do " said Dove.

" Who knows with him " said Grackle.

" Time will tell " said Dove.

" These wars will be something " said Grackle.

" I am glad for us to be here with each other " said Dove.

" Same here " said Grackle.

" It is good "

King Bobby sent out a statement.

Right now I have returned to Bird's Isle. The castle is great, I know everyone loves it. They love how it was made, the builders that made it and that the king is eating great inside it. New laws will come to Bird's Isle very soon, I know that all of you will love them a lot.

Thanks for your understanding,

King Bobby Blackbird

The statement went out everywhere in Bird's Isle.

Colour King and his officials arrived with Crayon and his friends in Colourland. The six Bear members were there.

" This is it " said Blackin.

" It sure is " said Blackina.

" These members will love it " said Whites.

" This is a special time " said Easeion.

" It really is " said Xax.

" We are very close to seeing all the Bear members again " said Easeion.

" As a Smithson it will be great to see Brett, Bill and Tara again "

" Not to mention Alice "

" Alice will be thrilled to see you again " said Xax.

" That is the truth " said Whites.

" We should get in a van "

" Good idea " said Blackin.

They rushed into a van and headed towards the forest.

Crayon and his friends were talking with Colour King and his officials.

" Well, there is one thing we can agree on " said Colour King.

" We are back in Colourland and we are glad to be "

" Yes " said Challenger.

" It is unfortunate that you are not supporting these wars " said Colour King.

" They are so good "

" They are wars that are loved " said Colour Dictator.

" These islanders are not a threat, I support wars against threats " said Challenger.

" Same here but I like these wars a lot " said Colour King.

" These wars are wars that Colourlandish people like "

" Colourland loves these wars "

" Warriors will be allowed to join Bird's Isle "

" Yes, that is true " said Challenger.

" I do not support these wars but I will not stop people from doing so "

" I see " said Colour King.

" What about the Bear ? "

" We must make a decision about them now "

" Well, they cannot be robbing people anymore here " said Challenger.

" Colour King, if you feel to be the most Colourlandish person ever then you cannot allow it "

" Yes, they cannot harm Colourland anymore "

" Didn't you support them during this tournament ? "

" This is not something that I understand "

" They have not robbed anything here for a while, but the tournament was most of the reason for that " said Colour King.

" They were willing to support me at first but now since I lost things might change "

" We have to make a decision about them like I said "

" I also told them that it was temporary that I supported them "

" It will be decided if we are enemies or not "

" That is true " said Crayon.

" Hopefully that we can all be against them "

" While we do not agree with each other, the Bear is going to harm people in Colourland "

" Crayon is right " said Colourea.

" The Bear robbed and hurt so many people in Colourland "

" If we want to talk about how Colourlandish we are, it doesn't make sense to support them "

" That is the truth " said Challenger.

" Bakeries do not need them " said Artby.

" Bakers cannot be suffering, it is terrible "

" Bakers do not want any customer robbed or injured "

" We will make sure that they do not come back to steal " said Warbler.

" For sure " said Allie.

" We will resume our training " said Colouruke.

" That sounds like something we must all do " said Oceanoke.

" Yes, we must be ready for the Bear at all times " said Electro.

" We are not sure what will happen "

" Their hideout is in this forest " said Challenger.

" We were there once, they wanted us to join "

" We made a decision to not be part of them " said Colouruke.

" There is no way I could hurt any baker " said Artby.

" I can tell that you all refused to do so " said Colour Administrator.

" While we believe you could all be way more Colourlandish, we do not want the Bear to take over " said Colourclever.

" The thing is, we need all of you to look into what these gangs are doing to Numerians "

" Numerians are being harmed and are changed in the wrong way " said Colour Queen.

" Well, we will be heading off but we will see each other again " said Colour King.

" Be more Colourlandish, I am extremely Colourlandish "

" It means so much to be Colourlandish "

" We must stay Colourlandish forever and never stop being Colourlandish "

" Yes, we cannot stop " said Colourclever.

Colour King and his officials left, the rest of them were talking.

" We must celebrate this victory " said Challenger.

" Yeah, bakers would want us doing that " said Artby.

" That is for sure " said Crayon.

" Let's go get stuff for that " said Challenger.

" Yeah, we can all do that " said Colouruke.

" Sounds good " said Colourea.

They all brought their stuff to their places and then met up at the store.

They got champagne, wine, beer and lots of snacks.

They all then brought it to Challenger's place.