Chapter 2 - Two

Chapter 20

Colour King vs Crayon Part II

Fighters were talking.

" Wow, the intensity is off the charts " said Warbler.

" It most certainly is " said Allie.

" Warbler, you are seeing Colour King fight for Crayon's elimination " said King Bobby.

" His elimination is great for your relationship with Allie "

" Crayon has ruined things, he cannot get away with that "

" I don't see how that is " said Challenger.

" I did so much for that relationship, Crayon has been destroying any time they have for each other " said King Bobby.

" I have created so much intimacy for Bird's Isle "

" Great intimacy "

" So, you are credit for people having sex in Bird's Isle ? " asked Challenger.

" Not all of it, but my website has done wonders " said King Bobby.

" I am a great king, but this is a big reason why that is "

" The intimacy is better now "

" I have accomplished so much there "

" Well people have met each other but other sites exist " said Colourea.

" Yes, but we have people who support the king being together " said King Bobby.

" That is very important "

" It should be about people wanting to be with each other " said Colourea.

" They do, but being with someone who supports King Bobby is better " said King Bobby.

" Bird's Isle now has better intimacy thanks to me "

" People are doing it because of the king "

" Uh, what " said Colouruke.

" Colouruke, you know exactly what I am saying here " said King Bobby.

" Bird's Isle loves me a lot and I love Bird's Isle "

" My partnership with Colour King will be great for our nations, we will not be stopped "

" Yeah, we will see about that " said Challenger.

The fight continued.

Colour King started charging up the Colourland Implosion while Crayon started charging up the Bird Implosion, the implosions hit with intense power and they were both knocked down hard but they both got up.

Colour King rushed Crayon with the Tenfold Colourland Strike while Crayon countered with the Tenfold Bird Strike, the strikes collided and they were both hit.

Colour King started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Barrage while Crayon started charging up the Ultimate Bird Barrage, the attacks hit their resprespective targets.

" You cannot be too far away " said Colour King.

" I have a lot more " said Crayon.

" I will fight for the Colourlandish here "

" I will not let you take over "

" You will be stopped for the sake of Colourland " said Colour King.

The people want my leadership so bad, they will do anything for it "

" They will risk death "

" I think not " said Crayon.

" They will stay Colourlandish forever with me around " said Colour King.

" My opinion must be around "

" People respect it so much "

" When I think, people know the thoughts are Colourlandish "

" Yeah okay " said Crayon.

" Well, let's continue " said Colour King.

Colour King then started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Bomb while Crayon started charging up the Ultimate Bird Bomb, the bombs then collided and they were both hit.

Crayon started charging up the Ultimate Bird Blast while Colour King started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Blast, the blasts hit their respective targets.

Fighters were talking.

" Our partnership is so close, I can sense it " said King Bobby.

" Crayon is no match for Colour King, Colour King is too good hahaha "

" Colour King has helped Warbler so much by doing this "

" When a fighter eliminates Crayon, they have showed their caring of Warbler "

" I do not see that " said Colourea.

" No, Colour King has shown himself to be great for Warbler " said King Bobby.

" I have done so much for him sexually, moneywise and his meals "

" None of you will ever do what I do, that is for sure "

" I have changed him so much "

" Well, you plan on buying his friendship " said Challenger.

" This is just about being a good friend to Warbler which Crayon never was " said King Bobby.

" Crayon went against our wars, our warriors cannot stand him "

" Warbler is going to fight "

" He must have this opportunity, nobody can take that away "

" Warbler is a great guy "

" Warbler is a great guy but we will see what happens in the future " said Allie.

" Allie, Warbler will fight " said King Bobby.

" His brother Blackburnian loves the idea of that "

" He wants to fight with Warbler as brothers, Crayon cannot ever dare interfere "

" If so, he must die "

" What ? " asked Colouruke.

" Warbler fighting means so much to his brother Blackburnian " said King Bobby.

" Crayon has failed as a friend "

" Bird's Isle has had enough "

" Bird's Isle ? " asked Challenger.

" Yes, Bird's Isle has had enough of Crayon " said King Bobby.

" They care so much about Warbler "

" Warbler is that well known ? " asked Colouruke.

" Yes, he is the brother of the head advisor and a strong fighter " said King Bobby.

" Maybe we need baking " said Artby.

" Baking ? " asked Warbler.

" I think we need baking " said Artby.

" I believe that bakers should bake for Warbler "

" This is about the wars he will fight in, he can eat bread if he wants though " said King Bobby.

" Crayon must be stopped "

" I know he will be "

The fight continued.

Colour King started charging up the Colourland Implosion while Crayon started charging up the Bird Implosion, the implosions hit hard and they both took damage.

Crayon was slightly struggling but could get up.

" Crayon, you are finished " said Colour King.

" Colourland wants that "

" Colourlandish people need this to happen for their sake "

" No, Colourland does not and I can still fight " said Crayon.

" We will make sure you never stop our wars " said Colour King.

" Colourlandish people know what they do for the country "

" These resources will expand Colourland for the better "

" I don't see that " said Crayon.

" Well, Crayon you are completely wrong " said Colour King.

" My opinion will return, the people love my opinion "

" They agree with my opinion and Colourland is better with it there "

" Yeah, no " said Crayon.

" Crayon, you will be exposed in front of the whole country " said Colour King.

" There is no stopping that from happening "

" Let's continue the fight " said Crayon.

Crayon started charging up the Heatwave Implosion while Colour King started charging the Colourland Implosion, the implosions hit very hard and they both hit the ground.

Fighters were talking.

" This is amazing " said King Bobby.

" Our partnership is just around the corner "

" Warbler must be feeling great about this, I have saved him "

" Colour King is great "

" Saved him ? " asked Challenger.

" Warbler is okay "

" Yeah, he is doing okay " said Artby.

" Bakers can help Warbler if he needs "

" Bakers ? " asked King Bobby.

" He needs King Bobby, Queen Starling and the advisors "

" Crayon has influenced him poorly, Crayon has disappointed him "

" Warbler must fight in the war against the islands "

" Crayon has went against that, he has been a friend that nobody in Bird's Isle can have "

" Not to mention the time with Allie, this cannot go on "

" He has a lot now " said Colouruke.

" The tournament allowed for that now, but if he is around Crayon that ends " said King Bobby.

" Warbler needs bread, bread does so much " said Artby.

" I will make sure he eats bread, Warbler loves baking "

" Baking saves us all, baking bread has saved lives "

" Saved lives ? " asked Allie.

" Bread has saved our mouths and transformed our mouths " said Artby.

" Transformed our mouths ? " asked Allie.

" I have never heard of any bread doing that "

" It is not possible " said King Bobby.

" Well, if people want to get me bread, that is fine with me " said Warbler.

" I will do that " said Artby.

" I just want to make sure that Crayon does not try anything but he will probably be to hurt to be there, so nothing can go wrong " said King Bobby.

" I care about Warbler, I will never stop that "

" Crayon will never stop me "

" He isn't trying to stop you from caring about him " said Colourea.

" He is, you only say that because you are with him " said King Bobby.

" I know that "

" You have the right to be with Crayon but you must understand why we are doing this to Crayon right now "

" Crayon is not a great guy to Warbler "

" If he stayed away from him, then we could support Crayon "

" Bird's Isle is upset with Crayon "

" Bird's Isle ? " asked Challenger.

" This seems more you, Queen Starling and the advisors "

" No, it is Bird's Isle " said King Bobby.

" Not to mention Colourland "

" Warbler is respected there "

" That is true " said Colouruke.

" Warbler has a lot of skill "

" I have been training hard " said Warbler.

" I love Warbler a lot " said Allie.

" Your relationship is important " said King Bobby.

" Bird's Isle is with this relationship all the way "

The fight continued.

Crayon started charging up the Bird Implosion while Colour King started charging up the Colourland Implosion, the implosions collided with intense power and they both fell down to the ground.

Crayon was getting near the end, but he could still fight.

" I will not give up " said Crayon.

" This partnership has gone so far "

" Not to mention these wars "

" You will never be anywhere near as Colourlandish as me saying that " said Colour King.

" I am the most Colourlandish person ever "

" Colourland has missed my leadership a lot "

" You are a fake hero "

" I am not " said Crayon.

" It is not over "

" Challenger is facing King Bobby next "

" Challenger will lose, we are both amazing leaders " said Colour King.

" When that happens, we will make a decision about who will win the tournament "

" Challenger has a lot of skill " said Crayon.

" He is stronger than me and King Bobby "

" Stronger than you is something that we agree on " said Colour King.

" People of our countries absolutely love what we have done "

" They hate Challenger, they think you are a fake hero and a fraud "

" They will not get their way " said Crayon.

" Yes, they will " said Colour King.

" Colourlandish people know what they are doing, I will give them order "

" The laws I create are so Colourlandish "

" Colourlandish law is perfect when I rule Colourland "

" The amount of order is so strong "

" Well, I will use all my energy " said Crayon.

" I will not quit "

" We must continue " said Colour King.

" I must finish you off for the sake of Colourland "

" Colourlandish people need that "

The fight continued.

Colour King then started charging up the Colourland Implosion with lots of energy while Crayon used up his energy with the Bird Implosion which he started charging up.

The attacks then aimed for their opponents and directly hit them.

Crayon was not able to fight anymore and Colour King was slightly struggling but he won.

An announcement came on.

" Colour King has won the fight, Crayon is eliminated "

" Colour King is in the finals, his opponent is either Challenger or King Bobby "

" They will fight tomorrow "

" Enjoy the rest of the day "

Fighters were talking.

" This is great for Warbler " said King Bobby.

" I care about Warbler a lot, nobody can stop that "

" Bird's Isle loves the man "

" Crayon's elimination will not change things with him " said Challenger.

" He is not dead "

" True, things will not change between the two of them " said Colouruke.

" Crayon fought hard " said Colourea.

" Colour King was just a little too strong " said Challenger.

" Well, now Warbler is now better off for sure " said King Bobby.

" More time with Allie for him and more training for him "

" This is a great day in his life "

" This is what Warbler needs "

" He already has that " said Colouruke.

" Bakers want Crayon hanging out with him because more bread is eaten " said Artby.

" Bread tastes great "

" Bread has done a lot for his mouth "

" Baking has transformed his mouth "

" That has nothing to do with Warbler, you really have no idea what is going on with him " said King Bobby.

" His mouth is of no concern to me "

" Crayon's defeat is so good for him, none of you would understand "

" I love Warbler so much " said Allie.

" He is an amazing person and fighter "

" Thanks, Allie " said Warbler.

" I love being around you "

" I have feelings for you "

" Same here, it is special " said Allie.

" We do love each other "

" You see that, Challenger " said King Bobby.

" So happy, I am proud of Colour King for doing a great thing for Warbler here "

" Warbler and Allie are perfect for each other "

" They love each other "

" Bird's Isle can sense their love and the relationship they have "

" I helped with this great relationship "

" I am happy that they are together " said Challenger.

" They show a lot of love and respect for each other "

" Crayon losing a fight has little to do with their happiness here "

" They love each other regardless of him or not "

" True, their love is strong " said Artby.

" Bakers know this also "

" Crayon is not who they need " said King Bobby.

" Crayon is not a great friend "

" Blackburnian understood this quickly "

" Not to mention all the advisors "

" You must understand this for the sake of Bird's Isle "

" Bird's Isle loves them together, it's great for Bird's Isle "

" Me and Blackburnian have done this and not Crayon "

" The dating site brought them together " said Colourea.

" I don't see how Crayon fits into this "

" He will ruin things " said King Bobby.

" Warbler's sex life is something that I take very seriously since I have a role in creating it "

" To think I can do that sexually for other people is great "

" I am a king that is not like other kings due to what I did there "

" It wasn't the people involved ? " asked Challenger.

" I am sure it was them "

" Apparently not " said Colouruke.

" King Bobby is taking credit for the relationship and any sex "

" Crayon would never have created this, you must all remember " said King Bobby.

" I know what is good for the sex life of Warbler and Allie and what is not good for it "

" It seems that you are not understanding "

" I must meet with Colour King as soon as I can "

" Colour King would likely understand what I have done for Warbler sexually "

" Colour King himself knows what I did "

" We know about the website and their relationship " said Challenger.

" I assume you must have told him "

" Yes, I told Colour King " said King Bobby.

" He is talking about having a site like this in Colourland "

" Well, if people are happy then I will not go against that " said Challenger.

" I hope that people can be happy together "

" Colour King wants people who support him to be together like I want people who support King Bobby to be together " said King Bobby.

" This is important for us and the nations "

" Now, I will go "