Chapter 6 - Six

Chapter 24

Celebration of the Finalists

" This is awesome " said Crayon.

" It sure is " said Colouruke.

" Challenger has shown himself to be insanely powerful " said Colourea.

" He will take down Colour King " said Artby.

" Bakers have done so much for us, we have loved bakers so much "

" Not to mention his training "

" Yes, we have all loved bread " said Colouruke.

" We can head to the bakery "

" Yeah, sounds great " said Artby.

" I was thinking about bakers during the fight as well "

" I think so much about them, I will tell bakers that "

" Bakers will know, which I would like "

" I hope the bakers feel good about this " said Crayon.

" Same here " said Colouruke.

" Let's go " said Colourea.

They headed to the bakery and they arrived, Artby was talking.

" I think about bakers a lot " said Artby.

During the semifinal, I was thinking about bakers so much "

" Uh, okay " said a baker.

" I have dreamed about bakers and loved bakers for their mouth care that I have received "

" Mouth care ? " asked a baker confused.

" That is what bread is from a baker, I love bakers " said Artby.

" I will never stop, my mouth has gotten so great now "

" I am so thankful for all bakers for loving my mouth and the mouths of my friends with bread "

" Bread is how you all show affection for our mouths "

" Affection for our mouths ? " asked a baker.

" Yes " said Artby.

They got a lot of bread, Artby thanked every baker and they left.

" This bread looks great " said Colouruke.

" It sure does " said Crayon.

" Bakers are amazing people, I will continue to be a great customer " said Artby.

" Well, we should see how Challenger is doing " said Colourea.

" Yeah, then we can all eat some bread " said Colouruke.

They then headed to see Challenger.

Meanwhile Warbler and Allie were talking with each other.

" I am glad we are together like this, it is wonderful " said Warbler.

" It sure is, we love each other " said Allie.

" We will continue being together after this tournament " said Warbler.

" Yeah " said Allie.

Warbler and Allie ended up kissing each other and embracing each other.

Crayon and his friends then arrived and saw Challenger.

" It is great to see you all " said Challenger.

" It sure is " said Crayon.

" You have a lot of bread " said Challenger.

" Yeah, the bakery was great and we went " said Artby.

" My fight against Colour King is in two days " said Challenger.

" It is going to be a brilliant battle "

" Take him down " said Colouruke.

" Colour King must be defeated " said Colourea.

" I have taken damage in the fight but I can fight in two days, I am glad to be not fighting tomorrow " said Challenger.

" Yeah, it will be very intense " said Colourea.

" Challenger will win, he has bakers with him " said Artby.

" Bakers find Colour King a tyrant, Challenger has this "

Baking has a huge role in fights, especially tournaments "

" Bakers have changed things, but for always the best "

" I love them, they do so much for everyone "

" Well, we should eat bread now " said Colourea.

They all enjoyed some bread they had.

Time continued passing and everyone enjoyed their supper.

Before bedtime, Colour King met with Warbler.

" Warbler, you know what is happening here " said Colour King.

" You are fighting Challenger " said Warbler.

" I am " said Colour King.

" King Bobby has shown he cares about you more than Crayon "

" Crayon has disappointed Colourland, the people are sick of him "

" I love the people "

" I see " said Warbler.

" Allie loves me a lot "

" I love her a lot as well "

" That is what the king has said, he feels that Crayon is getting in the way " said Colour King.

" That is not a friend you need at all according to the king "

" Warbler, you will see me win "

" Goodnight "

" Goodnight, Colour King " said Warbler.

Warbler headed to his room.

Everyone went to bed.

Morning came, everyone got ready and headed downstairs.

Fighters were talking.

" So, this is it " said Colour King.

" I will be in charge of Colourland again "

" The people need my opinion a lot, my opinion is truly loved in Colourland "

" My opinion makes people feel more Colourlandish "

" I don't see that " said Challenger.

" Same here, people are always Colourlandish there no matter the leader " said Artby.

" Way less Colourlandish though " said Colour King.

" I want people as Colourlandish as they can be "

" Colourland is full of Colourlandish people mostly "

" How could anyone go against that "

" We are saying that people didn't stop being Colourlandish because Challenger is running the nation " said Colouruke.

" They are way less Colourlandish which cannot be " said Colour King.

" When someone as Colourlandish as me is running the nation, everyone is way more Colourlandish "

" The people want that to happen, I love the people "

" The people want war to start to improve their resources "

" Challenger has not understood the resources we can get "

" What do these islands have ? " asked Challenger.

" There are metals available and there is food available " said Colour King.

" Not to mention money and other goods "

" We will take all the money and transfer it to Colourland "

" They will have nothing left, not a single thing "

" The people of Colourland want that for Colourland, they do not care about the islanders "

" Only you Challenger, Crayon and his friends care "

" Bird's Isle will attack a seperate island or a different part of the island "

" They will take what they can get while we will do the same "

" Then our nations will continue attacking other nations until it is only us and Numeria "

" Numerians may start attacking other nations "

" We have to be ready in case "

" Vasco is extremely strong, he can beat both Blackin and Crayon "

" He is very strong but these islands our not enemies right now " said Challenger.

" People will die for nothing "

" There will not be any deaths for us, Colourland is that great " said Colour King.

" You have no idea how many people we are sending in "

" We will swarm them and they will not be able to do anything "

" This battle in the finals will have so much on the line " said Warbler.

" Challenger will win " said Crayon.

" He will stop this "

" No, I'm winning for Colourland and the people " said Colour King.

" Colourlandish people need my opinion at all times "

Everyone ate breakfast which they enjoyed.

Time continued passing and it was about five minutes to the ceremony celebrating Challenger and Colour King, fighters were talking.

" I can't believe we are this far now, the fight will be amazing " said Allie.

" It will, so much can change " said Warbler.

" No matter what, bakers will be with us " said Artby.

We must remember what they bake and that they bake for us "

" They love our mouths so much "

" What would our mouths be without them ? "

" Uh, what " said Colouruke.

" They would not be the mouths we have today " said Artby.

" You remember what happened to Crayon's taste buds, Colouruke ? "

" I remember you mentioning them " said Colouruke.

" The transformation that has happened " said Artby.

" Transformation ? " asked Allie.

" Yes, his taste buds are so much better now " said Artby.

" Colourea knows "

" I do because you mention this quite often " said Colourea.

" I do because bakers love his mouth and because of this his eating has changed " said Artby.

" Love his mouth ? " asked Warbler.

" Bakers love his mouth through baking, bakers probably love yours as well but they haven't told you yet " said Artby.

" Crayon's taste buds have now been the way bakers want "

" Isn't that great for bakers and Crayon "

" Uh, yeah " said Warbler.

" I will not ever quit getting bread from a baker " said Artby.

" Never, I cannot do that "

" Bakers do so much, I know they have so many great qualities "

" Well, the bread has tasted pretty good " said Challenger.

" The ceremony is about to start "

The ceremony was about to start, Colour King and Challenger went inside.

An announcement came on.

" Congratulations to the two finalists "

" You two have shown so much skill "

" The final is tomorrow at 2 pm "

" It will be a glorious fight, two men who have led Colourland "

" A true Colourlandish fight "

Photos of them defeating their opponents and all their fights were shown. After that, an announcement came on.

" Ten minutes from now, the finalist medals will be there "

" The winner's prize will be revealed as well "

" Not to mention the prize for 2nd place "

Colour King and Challenger were talking.

" I will take Colourland from you " said Colour King.

" I think not " said Challenger.

" I know that you will give me more of a challenge than anyone I have fought " said Colour King.

" It is a shame that you oppose my great laws "

" I would love to see you support them, it would have been great "

" If our abilities could be used together we could accomplish anything but since you are refusing to do what Colourland needs "

" Colourland does not need these wars or to put Numerians in jail than longer than Colourlandish people " said Challenger.

" I want Numerians committing less crimes " said Colour King.

" When they see that Numerians are getting more years than Colourlandish people, they will be inspired to commit less crimes "

" Wouldn't making Colourlandish people get more years than Numerians do the same thing for Colourlandish people " said Challenger.

" Not quite, it is different with Numerians " said Colour King.

" Numerians know that these laws help them, I am helping Numerians by doing this "

" By giving them longer sentences, yeah that is so helpful " said Challenger.

" They see that they should not commit these crimes by receiving longer sentences than Colourlandish people " said Colour King.

The medals were ready and they both took them and then the announcement for the prizes was revealed.

" First place gets 300,000 "

" Second place gets 75,000 "

" There will be a ceremony to honour both of them "

" Get ready for the final fight of this tournament tomorrow "

Both of them left with their medals, Colour King headed off.

Crayon and his friends were talking.

" That medal is awesome " said Crayon.

" It sure is " said Challenger.

" The prize is 300,000 "

" Awesome " said Colouruke.

" If I was still in this tournament, I would use it on baking " said Artby.

" My love for bakers will never end, I love bakers "

" Well, we do still have some of that bread left " said Challenger.

" Yeah, we will eat that today " said Colourea.

" Sounds good " said Warbler.

They headed back and enjoyed bread.

More time continued passing and everyone enjoyed their supper.

Meanwhile Warbler and Allie were talking.

" So this is it " said Warbler.

" It is " said Allie.

" Challenger will win " said Warbler.

" I know he can " said Allie.

" Colour King is extremely powerful and only Challenger can beat him "

" This will be an amazing fight " said Warbler.

" It will, I love you a lot " said Allie.

" Same here " said Warbler.

Warbler and Allie were kissing each other, Crayon and Colourea were talking.

" I will enjoy Challenger fighting tomorrow " said Colourea.

" Same here, he will win " said Crayon.

" He must " said Colourea.

" Colour King has gone too far " said Crayon.

Crayon and Colourea then started kissing each other and they then headed to bed when it came bed time.