Chapter 3 - Three

Chapter 21

The Only Evening at the Semifinals

Colour King and King Bobby were talking.

" I am so glad to be in the finals " said Colour King.

" Colourland is mine "

" It sure is " said King Bobby.

" We will be great leaders together like we originally were "

" Our nations love us a lot "

" They do because we are not Challenger and we have done great " said Colour King.

" The warriors will love fighting " said King Bobby.

" They have a great opportunity "

" Warbler will get to fight as well with his brother, something not a lot of people can say "

" They will do great for Bird's Isle, Bird's Isle loves them "

" Colourland will send people in as well " said Colour King.

" Colourlandish people are amazing, they will love seeing their warriors fight "

" We must start with weaker islands " said King Bobby.

" They should be ones with good resources though "

" We must expand "

" Yes, we must expand our nations " said Colour King.

" Everywhere will be great thanks to these wars "

" We will celebrate everyone who fights, Challenger never respected our warriors "

" He has failed Colourland, the people are sick of him "

" I love the people "

" They are so Colourlandish, Challenger makes them less Colourlandish "

" Challenger has failed Bird's Isle and Colourland " said King Bobby.

" He has not been what Colourlandish people want "

" He is less Colourlandish than me " said Colour King.

" The people must stay Colourlandish at all times "

" The warriors will fight with the Bird's Isle warriors and they will both succeed "

" I am predicting zero casualties " said King Bobby.

" I have a lot of confidence in them, which is needed "

" Wars need this confidence to go the way that I want "

" I will succeed in what I am doing here "

" Colour King, you know about the dating site that Blackburnian and I set up ? "

" Yes " said Colour King.

" I think one like that for Colourland could work out " said King Bobby.

" A dating site of people who support Colour King "

" Well, it is better that people support me over Challenger, so that can happen " said Colour King.

" These relationships will be so Colourlandish "

" Extremely Colourlandish for sure "

" Good, I am glad about this " said King Bobby.

" It is better to be with someone that supports the king than someone who supports Challenger "

" Yes, just like Warbler and Allie "

" That is true " said Colour King.

" You are right about Crayon "

" Crayon has been a terrible friend for Warbler, with him around there is less time for each other " said King Bobby.

" Warbler is a great guy "

" He shows tons of kindness "

" I did so much for him and so did every advisor "

" Crayon cannot hang out with him ever again "

" That shit cannot go on "

" Yes, Crayon is a fake hero " said Colour King.

" Colourlandish people see right through him "

" Colourland loves my leadership and Colourland will get it "

" We will be the two most feared leaders ever "

" Respected as well " said King Bobby.

" That is a guarantee " said Colour King.

" Colourlandish people need my leadership "

" They will get it, they will love having it in Colourland "

" Yes, I know they will be happy to have it " said King Bobby.

" You bring better leadership than Challenger does "

Meanwhile Crayon's friends were with Warbler and Allie.

" Well, it is good to be all together like this " said Warbler.

" The king has gone so far "

" He has " said Allie.

" He has said a lot about dating and wars "

" That sounds like King Bobby for sure " said Colouruke.

" It does " said Colourea.

" He will be stopped " said Artby.

" I will fight against him " said Challenger.

" You can beat him " said Allie.

" We need bread, our mouths want it so bad " said Artby.

" Bakers use their baking to truly care about our mouths "

" Let's go to the bakery "

" Yeah, that would be good " said Colourea.

They headed to the bakery.

" Glad to see all you bakers, I love how you treat our mouths " said Artby.

" Our mouths ? " asked a baker.

" You love them so much with your baking " said Artby.

" It is wonderful to have such great mouth care "

" Mouth care ? " asked Allie.

" The bakers use bread to take care of our mouths "

" Bakers have loved Crayon's taste buds "

" They love them with baking "

" Uh, what ? " asked Colouruke.

" Yes, the bakers truly love them and have changed how he eats now " said Artby.

" Bakers have transformed his eating and taken it to another level "

" Artby " said Colouruke.

" Yes Colouruke " said Artby.

" Artby, what the fuck " said Colouruke.

" Yeah, I am lost by this " said Warbler.

" Warbler, he eats better thanks to bakers " said Artby.

" I love bakers so much "

They got their bread and left.

" This bread looks great " said Allie.

" It sure does " said Warbler.

" It will be great to eat it " said Colourea.

" Crayon has taste buds that are so great thanks to bakers, I thank bakers for what they did for Crayon " said Artby.

" Bakers truly care about his mouth, baking is how they love it "

" Uh, okay " said Colourea.

" I am happy to be with all of you " said Allie.

" The king is not right when he says that we do not get time together "

" Yeah, I will take him down " said Challenger.

" Challenger has to beat King Bobby and Colour King " said Colouruke.

" Yeah, it will be hard but I will do it " said Challenger.

" Bakers want that " said Artby.

" Bakers find Colour King to be a tyrant "

" Well if they do, it is understandable " said Colouruke.

" Bakers love you Colouruke, they love your mouth too " said Artby.

" Uh, okay " said Colouruke.

" Well, we should root on Challenger in his fight " said Colourea.

" Yeah, that would be good " said Colouruke.

" It would " said Allie.

" The king takes credit for dating in Bird's Isle "

" He thinks he has changed dating " said Warbler.

" He hasn't changed it " said Allie.

" I am happy to be with Warbler "

" I am glad you are with me " said King Bobby.

" Well, he will lose to Challenger " said Artby.

" Bakers like Challenger a lot, he is a customer they like "

" Well, we should head back to see Crayon " said Warbler.

" Yeah, that sounds great to me " said Allie.

" It does " said Warbler.

They made it to Crayon and they saw him.

" Unfortunately I couldn't beat Colour King but I am not dead and I made the final four " said Crayon.

" You beat the Bear boss at least, none of them were semifinalists " said Colouruke.

" Yeah, that is true " said Crayon.

" I am proud of you, Crayon " said Colourea.

" Thanks, you too Colourea " said Crayon.

" I am glad to see " said Colourea.

" We got a lot of bread "

" I see Warbler and Allie are here " said Crayon.

" Yeah, they joined us " said Challenger.

" They will root me on "

" Good, we all will do so " said Warbler.

" King Bobby will not be easy "

" Yes, I will do my best " said Challenger.

" It will be a good fight "

More time continued passing, Colour King had approached Challenger and they were talking alone.

" So, you will face King Bobby " said Colour King.

" Yes, I will defeat him " said Challenger.

" Well, I would love to take you down in a rematch but I also support King Bobby a lot " said Colour King.

" I will take Colourland to where it needs to be "

" Me and King Bobby have been talking about starting a dating site for people who support me in Colourland "

" Well, people will date who they want whether we like it or not " said Challenger.

" It is better to be with someone that supports Colour King " said Colour King.

" I mean for people who also support him "

" It is better and more Colourlandish, we must stay Colourlandish "

" The more Colourlandish we are, the better it is for us "

" We are already Colourlandish " said Challenger.

" I don't see how we are not "

" Less Colourlandish " said Colour King.

" That cannot go on "

" I will make sure that it ends "

" People dating people who don't support you or agree with you ? " asked Challenger.

" We cannot force people to date people who agree with us "

" I just want supporters of mine to be with people who support Colour King " said Colour King.

" I believe it is more Colourlandish that way "

" We are so Colourlandish when we all support a leader like me "

" These dates will be more Colourlandish "

" I could say the same about people who support me " said Challenger.

" King Bobby wants this, I agree with him " said Colour King.

" We are so great for our nations, these wars will bring amazing resources to our nations "

" People will die for this, against countries that are not threats " said Challenger.

" There is no evidence of Colourlandish dying, I believe in Colourland " said Colour King.

" I believe in our warriors, they will live "

" Challenger, these statements make you less Colourlandish than me "

" That is not something that is good "

" How so ? " asked Challenger.

" Simple, you are not supporting our wars that help Colourland or any of these Colourlandish laws that help Colourland " said Colour King.

" Not to mention you are not staying out of this "

" These wars are great for the people, I love the people "

" The people ? " asked Challenger.

" The people want this war to start, it helps them " said Colour King.

" How so ? " asked Challenger.

" The resources that they are getting, it is amazing " said Colour King.

" Are the people getting any of these, not just the leader and their main followers ? " asked Challenger.

" Their lives will be improved by this, think of them " said Colour King.

" They are getting them, I just know it "

" Colourland is getting even better this way "

" This is why these wars are so good, I don't see how anyone in Colourland would not support them "

" Challenger, it disappoints the whole country "

" Colourland cannot be disappointed like this "

" There are people who do not support them because of the lack of a threat to be fair " said Challenger.

" Yeah, that fake hero Crayon who I beat " said Colour King.

" He is no fake " said Challenger.

" That is not true, Colourlandish people are tiring of him " said Colour King.

" They see right through what he is trying to do "

" Colourlandish see Colour King as more of a hero "

" I do not call myself a hero but I do believe myself to be more Colourlandish than anyone in history and I don't see anyone being more Colourlandish "

" I am so Colourlandish, you have no idea "

" I believe that everyone in Colourland is Colourlandish " said Challenger.

" I don't think that anyone is more Colourlandish than everyone else in Colourland "

" Whether that is true, I am more Colourlandish than anyone " said Colour King.

" I will make sure Colourland stays that way "

" I will never let you stop me from doing so "

" Well, I am off on my way "

" I will see your fight with King Bobby "

" Yes, you will get to see our intense fight " said Challenger.

Colour King left, Challenger went back to Crayon and his friends.

" I met with Colour King " said Challenger.

" What did he want ? " asked Crayon.

" He was talking with me about the wars and Colourland " said Challenger.

" He says the wars are good for the people "

" The people ? " asked Colouruke.

" Apparently so " said Colourea.

" Well, you will take him down " said Warbler.

" Yeah, that partnership will lead to a lot that is not good " said Allie.

" These wars will not be good " said Challenger.

" These islanders have done nothing, they are not a threat or critical of Colourland "

" Yeah, these wars cannot happen " said Crayon.

" True, they cannot " said Colourea.

" Yeah, it won't be good " said Artby.

" Well, we should have supper " said Warbler.

" Yeah, that would be great " said Allie.

Everyone had supper which they enjoyed and they went to their respective rooms.

Warbler and Allie were talking.

" I love you a lot " said Warbler.

" Same here " said Allie.

" It is great to be together like this "

" It sure is " said Warbler.

" The king has gone so far "

" He has, Challenger can stop it " said Allie.

" I love you, Allie " said Warbler.

" I love you, Warbler " said Allie.

Warbler and Allie started kissing each other.

Meanwhile Challenger and Colouruke were talking.

" I will stop King Bobby " said Challenger.

" Good, we need the partnership to not happen " said Colouruke.

" Yeah, these wars cannot happen " said Challenger.

" Crayon is eliminated so it is up to you now " said Colouruke.

" I know you can win against those leaders "

" I will do just that " said Challenger.

" Yeah, you will win against King Bobby " said Colouruke.

Meanwhile in the Bear hideout, Bear members were talking about the tournament.

" This cannot be " said Brett.

" Blackin losing to Crayon "

" So we have no Bear members in the semifinals " said Bill.

" This sucks "

" It sure does " said Tara.

" The wedding will still happen " said Flora.

" It will still be amazing " said Jessica.

" I will be happy to see Easeion again " said Alice.

" I do like having him around "

" He is great to have around the hideout "

" Yeah, it will be amazing seeing him again " said Bill.

" We will keep training "

" That is for sure " said Jessica.

" We will have to make a decision about the Bear when they all return " said Brett.

" Yeah, we don't want Crayon getting involved " said Tara.

" Same here " said Flora.

" At least he lost to Colour King " said Bill.

" Colour King will win this now "

" Yeah, I can see that " said Brett.

" He is stronger than King Bobby and Challenger "

" Well, it will great to have everyone back together " said Bill.

" Yeah, the Bear will be great together " said Jessica.

" I know it will be " said Tara.

" Yeah, the Bear is so amazing " said Bill.

" We are so united "

" That is the truth " said Brett.

Crayon and Colourea were talking.

" Challenger will win tomorrow " said Colourea.

" He must do just that " said Crayon.

" I love you, Colourea "

" I love you, Crayon " said Colourea.

Crayon and Colourea kissed each other.

Everyone went to bed.