Chapter 2 - Throne Game pt. 2

The children with the mother left the capital while their father stayed for the feast in the castle. Many nobles and all the royals attended the feast. Most of the invited people were already inside the ceremony hall. Once he entered a guard standing by the doors, announced his entrance.

“Lord Zimowit Von Alk has joined us!” The guard officially announced as he closed the doors behind the lord.

Once they heard his name, Zimowit was surrounded by the nobles. All of them congratulated for passing on the final round of the tournament. It was hard for Zimowit to understand them since they spoke at the same time.

“Thank. Thank you all for your support.” Said Lord Zimowit as he waved his hands up and down so the people wouldn’t try to shout over each other.

Some of them were his real supporters and some faked friendliness as they saw that House Alk has the biggest chance of becoming the next ruler. The people from Royal Houses only looked toward him, for the time of the tournament they each were enemies so there was a lot of hostility in those eyes.

Nobles were separated into three groups. House Alk and supporters, House Peresia and supporters, and lastly the rest of the Royal Houses who were knocked out in the tournament trying to cooperate and talk about their next steps. Except for the head of the Lophia family. He was the only one who came to congratulate House Alk. He wasn’t faking the friendliness like some nobles.

A man wearing green robes with golden edges and a golden boar on his chest ran toward the lord shouting gladly “Lord Zimowit!”

While Lord Zimowit had a well-built figure after years of training in the military, the head of House Lophia had the massive belly of a man living in luxury for years. His brown hair was long, slightly covering his ears and most of his forehead.

“Ah. Lord Gran!” Zimowit smiled and opened his arms for the man.

They both hugged each other and patted on the back as they chuckled.

Zimowit took a step back and grabbed Gran by the shoulders, taking a closer look at his friend. “How’ve you been? I haven’t seen you in four months!”

“I was out of the capital in my county. Had to make sure everything was okay and make some changes. You should also visit your county. Even if everything is fine it makes people happy to see their lord.”

“You mean you were preparing your fields and wine kegs for the upcoming season!” As Zimowit said that, they both laughed and some of the crowd did too. “I was planning to do it. No worries my friend. I care for my land.” Zimowit nodded his head to Gran.

“And how is your family?” Gran grabbed Zimwit’s shoulder and led him further into the room, closer to the table with food.

“My wife left with the children, going back home. They are leaving for the county earlier than me. If not for the changes in the schedule they would stay for the final duel… Speaking of the final duel. Is my son here?” Zimowit asked as he looked around for his son.

“I haven’t seen him… If he were here there would be a massive crowd around him.” Gran laughed as he said that.

Zimowit stopped looking for a man in question. “You’re right… Where might he wander to?”

Peresia’s group began to move toward Alk’s group. That caught everyone’s attention. Standoff between two houses that are fighting in finals. Zimowit watched unfazed the family head with his frail body and his son. The son who was supposed to fight was limping along the way. A slight smile appeared on Zimowit's face once he knew that the strongest fighter in their family was wounded, the rest of the sons were too young to fight and the family head wasn’t in shape.

“Well… Well. Well. If it isn’t Lord Donkiel and his son, Gerad.” Said Lord Zimowit as he leaned a bit to make a welcoming gesture but not too low as he didn’t have a lot of respect for the head of the family.

Gerad answered by leaning too but his father taped him with the shoulder to stop him from doing that. His face didn’t show anything but his eyes were full of hostility.

“Congratulations on making it to finals but I think this is as far as you go-” Said Lord Donkiel but he was stopped by Lord Zimowit.

“I don’t think you can stop us right now… Seeing your best fighter in bad shape…” Zimowit looked down at the boy’s limping leg.

“This is nothing for us to worry about. Our win is secured.” Said Donkiel, his eyes piercing right through Zimowit.

“Hmp. Can’t wait to see the look on your face in two days…” Said Lord Zimowit as he walked away, being disgusted by Peresia’s attitude.

“Yeah. Right…” Whispered Donkiel, letting out a silent grunt that only his son heard. He looked at his father, a bit horrified by what his intentions were.

The House Peresia group left the feast after exchanging words with the rest of the families. It was more of a business meeting for them than an actual feast or celebration. Lord Zimowit and Lord Gran were the ones who stayed the longest. Zimowit wanted to leave at first but after Gran’s suggestion for a drink, his mind changed.

“I’m not going to leave my friend alone with a glass of wine. What would everyone think of you if that would’ve happened?” Said Zimowit, making an excuse even for his peace of mind to stay and drink.

“Right? What would they think? That I have drinking problems? That I’m lonely. That I can’t make bonds?” Gran started counting the possible things people could think about him.

“That side of you never changes. Sober or drunk. You overthink everything.” As he was explaining, a servant poured him more wine.

“Boy. If you could bring us a couple of bottles of wine. We can pour them ourselves. No need for you to stay around drunkards. We’ll spare you that experience.” Gran stopped the servant after he poured him some wine.

“If you insist, Lord Gran.” Said the boy as he bowed and left the room.

“Like I said. Overthinker through and through.” Zimowit said as he watched the servant leave the room.

“This overthinking saved me a few times! Like in the war with the Fadim Empire twelve years ago! There was this suspicious village that wanted to help us. With my ‘overthinking’ mind I was wary of them and found out that they tried to poison us!” Gran said and he quickly stood up, making Zimowit flinch and almost spill some wine.

“If only that overthinking stopped you from drinking this much beer.” Said Zimowit as he pointed out Gran’s beer belly.

“Know I’m not drinking beer… but wine!” Gran picked up the bottle of wine to prove his point.

“Because that’s the only alcohol they have in here…”

“Enough about drinking preferences. How is your second son?” Gran shook his hand to leave that topic aside and sat back down.

“Lance? He is at the front in the war against our good old enemies. Fadim.” Answered Zimowit, looking at the cup of wine he held.

“Kicking Fadim for his father. You must be proud.” Gran laughed.

“Of course I am. But I am worried at the same time.” Zimowit dragged his words as he looked at his image in the wine.

“As every parent would, Zimowit.” Gran said, making Zimowit take his eyes away from the wine.

“Well… I don’t know if every parent. My father was a bit different.” Zimowit looked away from the wine and closed his eyes, he resembled his own father too much.

“Yes… He might be the only exception…” Gran’s smile disappeared for a moment as he was reminded of that person’s existence.