Zimowit and Gran continued drinking till the night sky was covered by shining stars. That was the time when almost the whole table was covered with empty bottles and the time when Gran’s wife came to get him as it was getting late. Zimowit left the hall with them but went to a separate wing.
“I might have drunk way too much… It always ends up like that with Gran… This man is something else…” Thought Zimowit as he slowly walked up the stairs, his hand pressed against the wall to keep balance.
Once Zimowit entered his chamber he went straight to bed. Before he could even fall asleep there was a knocking on his door. He thought that it was his drunk brain playing tricks on him but there was another louder knocking making him stand up and approach the doors.
Once he opened the door there were two knights and Lord Donkiel with his few hay color hair on head, his hand on his short goat beard, standing between the knights. Without a word, the knights entered the room and searched for something in the chests and shelves of the room.
“What… are you doing?!” Shouted Zimowit trying to stay on his feet as he turned toward the knights.
“As you suspected, Lord Donkiel.” One of the knights said and both of them stopped going through Zimowit’s stuff. “We’ve found the thief.” The knight showed a metal box with engraved lines and three crystals where one of them was in the color of light blue while the other two were black.
“Zimowit. For stealing an artifact and trying to use it against our nation you’re being arrested and your house is revoked from the royal throne.” Said Lord Donkiel as the knight put handcuffs on the drunk man.
“What? This is a misunderstanding. Stop it! Free me right now! This is an order!” Zimowit tried to resist but he was too drunk to fight back so the knights took him away without much problem.
Donkiel watched the knights take away the suspect and once they left the sly smile slid into his face. The knights left the artifact in his hands, at the snap of his fingers, the third knight appeard in the room wearing a purple banner on his chest plate.
The knight kneeled and opened a chest in which was the exact same box as in Donkiel’s hands. He took it out and placed the real artifact in the box. The knight closed it before anyone could spot it.
“Take the original back to my county. No one will suspect a thing…” He whispered as he took a close look at the artifact’s counterpart.
Right after the duel against Richt, Klain went to take off his armor and join his father at the feast. As he took off his chestplate a knight entered his room without knocking. Klain wanted to joke about knocking before anyone enters but he stopped once he saw the man bleeding from his right hand.
“Lord Klain… I have a message for you…” The man said between heavy breaths, lying against the wall.
“What happened? Why are you bleeding?” Klain stood up from the chair, concerned by the knight’s wound.
“Your family… Mother, brother, and sister were taken hostage…” The knight continued delivering the message, scared to face the nobleman he had his eyes on the ground.
“They were… WHAT?! Did you inform my father?!” Klain stopped taking his armor off and even considered equipping it once again.
“They instructed to only inform you… If anyone else will show up… They… They will…” The knight tried to say that one specific word but he couldn’t bring himself to say that in this situation.
“Is there anything else they told you?” Klain lightly grabbed the man by the shoulder and used his magic to cool him down.
“They want you to meet them alone without a horse and weapon by the forest in the south.” The man explained.
“No ransome?” Asked Kalin, figuring out the intentions of the kidnappers.
“No. They want only you…” The knight answered, looking Klain in the face for the first time, his face scared and concerned.
“Political kidnaping… I guess they want me to disappear for the time of the tournament… Okay. I’m going.” Klain took off the rest of his armor and only took his sword.
Walking through the green forest away from the main road, Klain found his family carriage and ten people standing in front of it. They had some cheap leather armor with a few metal plates on them. Six with swords, two with spears, and two with bows. The archers had their bows drawn the very moment Klain walked out of the bushes.
“I’m here… Now. What do you want?” Klain calmly asked, keeping his hand on the sword’s hilt just in case they attacked him out of the blue, his eyes moving from bandit to bandit. “None of them seem dangerous…” He thought.
“You know exactly what we want.” Said the eleventh man who was hiding behind the carriage. His armor was better than his companions but it was definitely used in battles as it had scratches and dents all around. Massive chest plate and parts of armor to cover his arms and legs. The scar on his mouth was proof that he was experienced in battle. He had more scars hidden under the bandana wrapped on his head.
“You want to keep me out of the duel so Alk won't rule.” Klain said proudly to show that he figured out their plan.
“That’s right. You’re a smart boy. So why don’t you surrender? And spare the bloodshed.” The leader said, looking around at his underlings.
“Spare the bloodshed? You know that’s impossible. Even though I confirmed my suspicions you won’t let me go.” Klain tightened his grip on the sword, making the swordsman reach for their swords.
“What did you confirm by coming here?” Asked the bandits' leader, turning his head toward Klain, narrowing his eyes as he didn’t know what Klain meant.
“My family isn’t in that carriage.” Klain took out his sword and pointed it at the carriage with a proud smirk on his face.
“Did you check inside?” The bandit knocked on the carriage’s door with his fist.
“Didn’t have to. This indeed is our royal carriage but we use it only to travel in the city. We have different ones to travel to our land. You wouldn’t recognize it because it’s not a fancy-looking one. My father is a humble person just so you know…” Klain aimed his sword at the leader, mocking him as he knew he was the strongest out of all the people in front of him.
“Have it your way. Get him!” The leader commanded with his finger pointing at Klain and the archers fired the arrows at him.
The prince jumped to the side to avoid the two arrows. Barely making a step forward the two spearmen were close to him with the tips of their blades inches from Klain.
“Faster than I anticipated. But not enough.” He cut one tip of the spear off and pushed the stick away, he then grabbed the other spear with his armpit. He slightly turned to the side and smashed one spearman against another. Both of them fell to the ground.
Before the swordsmen followed the attack, archers drew their bows for another shot. Klain picked up the spear with a broken tip and threw it at one of the archers. The man didn’t have time to react and was hit in the shoulder with the broken stick. He fell on his bow and broke it.
While the other archer was hesitating he kicked one of the spearmen in the head and the other was hit with a sword in the back of the head. Both of them were knocked unconscious.
He watched his ally fall to the ground, once he landed he drew an arrow but pulled it back as he saw Klain picking up the other spear that had the sharp tip. He ran behind the swordsmen to use them as a shield.
The swordsmen, not knowing how to position, grouped into two groups of three. They tried to attack Klain from both sides. Before they could even overwhelm him with numbers he turned to the group to his left and dashed toward them. With one strike he hit all three of them. They had large wounds but no blood was coming out of them. Klain imbued his sword with magic and froze their blood before it even came out
The second group was already on his black and one of the swordsmen yelled as he swung his sword from the top. In a flash Klain turned around to block the strike with one hand and punch the man straight into stomach, bending the armor that was covering it and leaving a cold layer of ice.
He moved to the side so the man could land unconscious on the ground. The two remaining swordsmen stood in place as they didn’t see what had happened to their allay. Once they saw Klain they both swung their sword. One from the top and one from the side.
He grabbed the wrist of the swordsman who swung from the top and blocked the attack of the man who swung from the side, stopping both attacks at the same time. Both men realized that they weren’t fighting an average man but a monster.
Klain pulled the swordsman to himself and struck him in the chin with his elbow, his eyes rolling back as he fell flat to the ground. He then repealed the sword of the other man and cut his wrist, the blade fell to the ground as he was unable to hold it. Klain then followed with two shallow cuts along his arms.
“I yield!” Shouted the swordsman, lying on the ground, his face away from Klain as he trembled in fear.
Ten men were single-handedly defeated by Klain. A few of them were unconscious on the ground, the others frozen by fear. Even the remaining archer didn’t budge as he was too scared that the same thing would happen to him. Many had wounds on their bodies but no blood was shed.
“And here I thought ten men would be enough. I tried to save some money but I see that was a mistake… You’re stronger than I imagined Prince Klain.” The leader approached the remaining archer. Giving a threatening look at him to which he decided to run away. “Looks like I have to step in.” The man took out a cleaver as long as a sword.
“Interesting choice of weapon. Mind telling me your name?” Klain asked as he closely inspected his opponent. As tall as him but a massive body with outstanding muscles.
“I’m Tarmyr. Some call me The Scard Mercenary.” The man answered and tapped the scar on his mouth to show the point of his nickname.
“Man with a renown. I’m actually honored that you’re the one who’s after me. I’ve heard some things about you. Loyal for the right amount of money. Not a good leader but a great warrior.” Klain dragged his words to mock the man.
“Oh my. I should be the honored one since a prince of a royal family heard things about me.” Tarmyr returned the mockery and bowed while chuckling under the nose.
“Enough talking. I’d like to test your abilities…” Klain prepared his posture for a duel against the leader, his left leg in front and right in the back to support his stand, sword in front prepared for attack and defense if necessary.
“Just the way I like it.” The man answered, dragging his cleaver along the ground as he approached Klain.
Tarmyr raised his cleaver and struck Klain with it. The prince raised his sword to block the attack but once the blades collided he felt the overwhelming power of the attack.
“Shit… Packs more punch than I imagined… I can’t block attacks like that.” Klain quickly stepped to the side and let the cleaver slide along his sword.
After that he was left wide open for a different attack that he didn’t expect, the mercenary used that chance and kicked him in the stomach. Klein flew a few feet away and hit the ground.
“Now I understand how Richt felt…” He said as he coughed.
“That’s your royal swordsmanship. Finesse, technique, and a bit of magic.” Explained Tarmyr as he shattered the ice on his foot. “What you lack is strength like mine. But I’m not going to lie. I’m jealous of that magic of yours.”
“You’re flattering me after landing a solid hit on me…” Klain grabbed his stomach as it was still hurting. “Good thing I protected myself with a layer of ice… Otherwise, it would’ve hurt much worse. His strength can only be compared to a beast.” Klain thought as he replayed the first encounter in his mind. “Strength and unusual way of fighting. I feel like I’m fighting the version of me that didn’t get magic powers.”
Tarmyr walked toward Klain with his cleaver dragged along the ground. Klain didn’t want to get hit by him so this time he tried to attack first and overwhelm the opponent with his speed. Since the mercereny’s weapon was heavy he went for a stab that would be hard to block. To Klain’s surprise, Tarmyr was prepared and blocked his attacks with cleaver’s side, using it like a shield. What Tarmyr forgot was his opponent's type of magic. After three quick stabs, Klain stopped.
Tarmyr wanted to lift his cleaver but it was covered with ice that stuck to the ground, pinning him down in one place. At that moment Klain had a chance to heavily wound Tarmyr.
He was aiming for his shoulder so Tarmyr would have a hard time swinging his weapon. The mercenary broke the ice but couldn’t defend himself in time. The sudden breaking of ice made Klain flinch and his sword went in a different direction. Tarmyr was hit in the eye with a freezing blade.
Tarmyr let out a loud scream out of pain and instantly punched Klain, he raised his guard to block the punch but the force behind it made him fly away into the tree. He was confused at first because he didn’t feel much pain but he couldn’t see anything with his left eye. He looked at the prince who was trying to recover from the punch.
“You… YOU’LL PAY!” Shouted Tarmyr as he ran toward Klain, he made a wide swing aimed at the prince’s neck.
Klain barely moved in time, he rolled to the side and lowered his head so it wouldn’t get hit. As he looked at his opponent he saw the cleaver cut through the tree.
“You would make a great lumberman…” Joked Klain as he stood up and shook his head, his vision was a bit blurry but he was able to see his opponent and his weapon.
Tarmyr quickly turned toward Klain and screamed as he ran to him with the cleaver mid-swing. Klain stepped back to avoid the attack and then made his attempt but Tarmyr’s unusual strength let him swing a heavy cleaver like it was a light stick.
“I won’t leave unscathed if I don’t use magic. You’re worthy of witnessing more of my power.” Klain tapped the ground with his sword and ice appeared in the place where he hit, as he stepped back the ice grew and covered mercenery’s right foot.
Klain then dashed forward in a flash he stood behind Tarmyr with two swords in his hands. One he previously held and the other he just created out of ice. Behind the path he traveled all that was left was cold mist.
Tarmyr fell to his knees with cuts around his legs and arms, his armor and body covered by a thin layer of ice left just by Klain’s presence. “Looks like I’m no match for you. The instructions were to not kill you… But to capture you.” Tarmyr took out a metal box with engraved lines and three dark crystals.
He tapped one of the crystals and threw it toward Klain. As he looked down he saw a small box land in front of him. The engraved lines began to shine with a blue light. A bright light came out of the box, blinding everyone who was looking. Klain was only able to cover his eyes from the light but once the light disappeared only Tarmyr and the wounded bandits remained on the battlefield. Where Klain stood there was only a box with two dark crystals and one in the light blue color.
“Job done. What a sad fate to be forgotten that way. Whoever you were...” Tarmyr picked up the box and left all the injured men in the forest.
The remaining bandits were confused. They were scared of something. They were injured in a fight with someone. This someone felt like a ghost that they can’t seem to remember.