Sam told Sien to stay near his house while he went to the village to get something for the journey ahead. In the meantime Sien trained with a saber, slowly getting a grasp of how he should swing the saber. His cuts becoming faster and more precise.
“Trying to become a knight?” Asked Samuel with a bag full of food for the journey, surprising Sien with his sudden appearance.
“Not really. Just to be strong!” Sien explained as he continued swinging the saber around.
“Just to be strong? With that set of mind, you won’t get far. It’s not enough. You need some kind of goal that will push you past your limits. Something that will make you want to train just by thinking about it. Why do you need that strength?” Sam asked as he placed a finger close to Sien’s heart.
“You mean a goal will help me with training.” Sien, confused, put his saber down.
The man kneeled in front of him with an open hand, trying to make Sien give the saber. Once he did the man took a stand and swung the saber with a fluent movement that was backed up by years of experience. One cut after another he moved forward.
“At first I didn’t have a goal and I was weak because of that. One man showed me why I need a goal and after finding one I grew stronger day by day. Because I had a reason to get stronger.” Sam slowly finished swinging the saber and gave it back to Sien.
“What was your goal?” The boy asked as he grasped the saber, looking up at the mysterious man.
“My goal was simple. Get strong to defend the village.” Sam looked toward the village, his only home.
“Defend from who?” Asked Sien, slightly tilting his head to the side as he didn’t know any dangers this far north.
“Bandits, wild beasts, and monsters. Like I said. Our world is vast and dangerous.” Said Sam emphasizing the last part of his sentence.
“You fight bandits? Wild beasts? And monsters?! Please tell me! Tell me more!” Sien began jumping around Sam, craving for the stories.
The night passed by with Samuel talking about the things he fought against to defend the village. From a small group of bandits to silver wolves. He didn’t fight any real monsters yet but if they dared to attack the village he would stand strong against them.
Sien listened to all his stories with interest and admiration. Before going to sleep he was thinking what his goal could be. What will be the force to push him past his limits?
Sam was first to wake up and wait for Sien to wake up. The boy slept long since he had a peaceful place to sleep compared to the previous eventful night. In the morning Sien was surprised by Sam’s sudden change of clothing. Over his linen clothes, he wore a green coat with brown contours and a belt with a sword. The sword was cracked in a few places, showing that it was used many times.
“Is that your sword?” Sien curiously asked as he observed the sword with a slightly open mouth.
“Yes. The one I used for fifteen years.” Sam checked his sword with a smile as the memories from the past flooded his mind.
“That’s amazing!” Said Sien, his eyes glittering at the sight of the veteran’s sword.
“It is but it can break at any time. If I had more money I would get myself a new one.” Stated Sam as he took a look at the chipped places.
“What a shame…” Sien let out a sigh, knowing that the sword could break at any time.
“It is but all that matters are the memories in here.” Sam taped his finger on his forehead. “Time to go. And since you slept longer than I expected you’ll eat on the way. It will take us around three days to reach the town of Malberg.”
The second attempt to the journey down south began and this time Sien had a companion who had experience in that area. The man gladly told Sien all his stories since he didn’t think much of them but with the boy’s excitement, he began telling them more expressively, enjoying them as well as the boy did.
“I didn’t expect my stories to be this interesting.” Stated Sam, a bit surprised by the boy’s excitement.
“But they are!” The boy ensured Sam with determination.
“What is amazing are the stories of my master.” He answered with a nostalgic scent in his voice.
“Your master?” In the earlier stories, Sam didn’t mention anyone like that even once so when he said that he had a master, Sien had to ask more about him.
“He was a proper knight. Someone of a high ranking. But I don’t know the positions in the army. He was someone almost at the top, that I’m sure of. He once came to aid our village. He saw me struggling against the bandits that played with me but I didn’t stop. Because of my bravery, he decided to teach me how to use a sword and he even gave this one to me.” Sam said as he patted his sword.
“Having a master must be really good.” Said Sien giving an eye to Sam.
“It is…” Sam answered, closing his eyes, remembering the good old times.
“Can you teach me something? Please. Please. Please!” Sien pleaded as he walked in front of Sam, his hands clenched together, begging the man in front of him.
“I won’t be your master. But I can show you a thing or two.” Answered Sam with a warm smile that grew larger as he saw the boy’s excitement.
After hours of walking, they made their first stop by the river. They ate some bread from their rations and began their training. Sam was resting while Sien swung his saber. Sam was giving him hints of how he should stand and swing his body. Just the basics that Sien really needed.
After resting they continued walking toward the town of Malberg. Sam greeted everyone they passed and wished them a pleasant journey and they answered with the same words. At first, Sien didn’t understand why Sam was doing it but he did it like his companion. Greeted everyone on their way.
Sam made another stop to help an old man. The apples fell off his cart and he was picking all of them by himself. The old man had problems with his back and Sam insisted that he should wait and he’ll get all the apples for him.
“Mind lending me a hand?” Sam asked as he picked up the apples but there was no reply. Once he turned around he saw Sien looking at the sky. “Sien. Hey Sien.”
“Eh. What?” Sien snapped back to reality and saw Sam suggesting with his head to help him with picking up the fruits.
Sien joined him and they were able to finish the task within a few minutes. Sam had a smile every time he saw Sien picking up the fruits. No one would say that he is a nobleman while looking at him now. At least not like most of them. Selfish and arrogant. The boy was raised well and the journey with Sam made him even more understanding of others.
“Thank you very much.” The old man thanked them by giving them a few apples.
They both ate them as they continued walking. Sweet and fresh fruits from the apple orchard. Sam was looking around more often which Sien noticed after a while.
“Is something wrong?” A concerned boy asked.
“Get closer to me.” Commanded Samuel as he drew out his sword.
One man stood on their path. He wore a cloak to cover his face and he held a knife in his hand. His intentions were clear. He was a bandit trying to rob them.
“Leave all the coins you have and I’ll let you pass.” Said the bandit.
“And if we won’t?” Asked Sam.
With a snap of a finger, three more men came out of the bushes. All of them held knives and hoods covering their faces. They surrounded Sien and Sam, slowly approaching them.
“Get ready to run.” Whispered Sam.
He slowly sheathed his sword. The bandits lowered their guards for a moment. That’s when Sam threw an apple at the bandit in front of them. At the same time, he grabbed Sien’s hand and ran past the bandit with him.
The bandit whipped the apple off his face and shouted “After them!”
Sam turned around for a moment and saw that only one of them was a fast runner, the rest of them were far behind. He pushed Sien behind the tree and drew his sword once again.
“I can take them out one by one.” He reassured the boy as he saw fear and anxiety on his face.
The bandit swung a knife at Sam, which was easily avoided by a simple step back. Before he could try striking again, Sam slashed the bandit's arm giving him a deep wound and making him drop the knife. The bandit fell to his knees and grabbed his injured arm.
The other two ran up to them and both attacked Sam at the same time. He was able to avoid their blades by stepping from side to side as if he were dancing with them. He was forced to block one attack and that gave the second bandit an opportunity. The knife was about to go into Sam’s ribs but suddenly an apple hit the man’s head and made him miss. Sam kicked the bandit away and swung his sword at the one who missed the attack, leaving a long wound on his back. Two of them were lying on the ground, growling in pain. Sam pointed his sword at the man he kicked and saw the last one standing hesitate.
“Mercy.” The one on the ground begged.
“Give me your knives and I’ll leave you be.” Sam said with a cold voice, saying that it’s the only option those bandits can choose.
They left the knives behind and went back into the forest. Sam picked up all the knives and put them in his bag. He gave a sign to Sien that he could come out from hiding by waving his hand back and forth.
“Nice assist.” Said Sam, recalling the apple that hit the bandit in the head and saved him from a fatal injury.
“I’m glad I could help.” Sien answered with a smile as the man approved his action.