The journey to the town of Malberg was almost at the end as they were reaching their destination. Sien didn’t learn any moves or techniques from Sam but he learned the basics of survival in the wilderness. How to start a fire or find food in the forest.
He also listened to Sam's tons of stories. Just from those stories, he understood how to be kind and that being helpful can bring a smile to his own face, even if there is nothing to gain from it. He got used to the accent that common folk use. Because of his clothing and the saber people would think that he is from the middle class rather than a noble or royalty.
Once they left the forest they saw a small town hidden behind the walls. Sien jumped with excitement as they were about to reach their destination. Sam began to worry once he saw a long line of carriages standing in front of the gates. He didn’t say anything to Sien to not bring his mood down.
Luckily it wasn’t a problem for them since the only people that were being stopped were merchants. All of them were wearing furs, suggesting that they were from the north.
“Excuse me. What’s all the commotion about?” Sam asked the guard by the gates.
“All the merchants are moving from the north and they are cramping up in our town. We’re limiting the entry for them since there isn’t much space.” The guard explained as he watched one of the merchants being searched.
“Do you know the reason?” Asked Sam as he stood beside him and watched the same merchant making a commotion over his supplies.
“Few of them said that soon they won’t profit from a fallen province. Must be connected to that incident with the royal family.” Whispered the guard as he leaned his head closer to Sam’s ear.
“What kind of incident? The news hasn’t reached my village yet.” Asked, a bit surprised Sam as he turned to the man with one brow raised.
“You know how there are five royal houses? Well. Now it is only four because-” Before the guard could explain Sien grabbed Sam and dragged him away.
“Hey! What are you doing?! Sien!” Sam, confused, slowly raised his voice.
“We don’t have time.” Quickly said Sien to not show any of his emotions.
“What do you mean?” Asked Sam getting even more confused by the boy’s answer.
“We just don’t have time…” Sien said but his voice cut off because he didn’t have any explanation for the rush. Sam saw his sad face and didn’t bother to question him for the moment.
Sam decided to just follow Sien “So where are we going first?”
Sien stopped and let go of Sam’s arm. “Do you have some time before meeting with your friend?” He asked awkwardly.
“I have some time to spare.” Sam answered after looking at the position of the sun in the sky which was almost touching the walls of the town.
First, they went to buy a bedroll for Sien so he wouldn’t sleep on the ground on his journey. The whole time Sien rushed to buy the items so they didn’t stay for long in the shop. Even though Sam was interested in buying a new pot. Sien heard whispers about his father and his family in every corner of the town. Even while buying the map, before leaving the shopkeeper noticed the symbol on his back and whispered “House Alk” which Sam overheard.
“Do you have any more places to check?” Asked Sam as he looked around for an interesting shop.
“That's all for today. I don’t think I can afford a horse for the journey so I’ll have to stick to my two legs.” Sien tapped his legs to show that he could handle the long path ahead.
“You know you can try to catch a ride with merchants or even farmers.” Said Sam as they passed a few carriages.
“That didn’t cross my mind!” Shouted Sien as he acknowledged the brilliant idea that Sam suggested.
“You’ve got much to learn. But the journey ahead will teach you everything you need.” Said Sam with an almost melancholic ring to it.
“So where does your friend live? I can walk you there and go my separate way after.” Said Sien, a bit of a sad tone in his voice as he knew the time to go their separate ways was slowly coming.
“I think you might wanna come.” Said Sam as he led the way.
“Why?” The boy asked.
“Just a hunch but I think you’ll find a common ground with him.” Answered Sam without looking at Sien as he walked forward.
The tenement house was located by the wall near the watchtower. It wasn’t a main road and there were no shops around. The only people walking around were the people who lived there. They knocked on the first doors on the ground floor. After a while, the doors opened.
“Samuel?” The old man without one leg, leaning on a cane said with wide eyes as he saw Sam right in front of him, surprised to see him.
“It’s me. Master.” Sam raised one hand and smiled at the old man.
The old man welcomed them and sat them by the table while he prepared the tea. Sam wanted to do that for him but the man refused by saying “I’m capable of doing this on my own. Missing leg won’t stop me.”
The apartment was quite spacious and well-kept. No one would suspect that a crippled man was living here. The walls were covered by many medals and two paintings. One with the knights on the horses, enjoying their ride, and the second painting was a portrait of the old man when he was younger in his armor and blue cape.
“I’ve never expected you to come here to visit me. You don’t care about the village anymore?” Asked the old man as he placed a cup of tea in front of Sam.
“I still care. No one dared to do anything to the village and there were no signs of beasts so I left with peace of mind. I met a boy who’s on a journey down south so I thought I’d tag along to the town.” Sam explained as he sniffed the expensive tea that the man gave him, imagining the fancy taste of the liquid in the cup.
“I presume you must be that boy?” Asked the master as he placed another cup on the table, by Sien.
“Yes. That would be me. Pleasure meeting you sir.” Said Sien, nodding his head toward the old man.
“Your face looks… familiar.” Said the man as he leaned closer to Sien, a bit too close but his sight was not the best.
“It does?” Asked confused Sien as he moved his head away.
“What is your name, boy?” The old man asked as he sat down by the table.
“My name is Sien…” The boy answered awkwardly.
“What’s your full name?” The man’s eyes inspected Sien closely.
“Well… Umm…” Sien tried to think of a way to avoid the question but was unable to find any.
“Judging by your clothes you must be a nobleman. The saber… You’re of the royal house… those colors… And the mark on your face.” The old man pointed out obvious things connecting Sien to his family.
“No point in hiding it… My full name is Sien Alk…” Sien answered with his head down, expecting questions or insults toward his family.