Chapter 1 - One

Chapter 7

Blackin vs Blackburnian

Everyone got up and got ready.

Fighters were talking.

" My love for Blackina is so strong " said Blackin.

" It is a powerhouse love, I will do great in the fight "

" Our love is so powerful "

" Well, we will see " said Blackburnian.

" I have to fight for Warbler "

" He deserves better than Crayon "

" Crayon has let him down "

" Me and you have done so much for him sexually " said King Bobby.

" He has changed sexually "

" I have done that "

" Yes, you have " said Queen Starling.

" Uh, what " said Challenger.

" I have done a lot for Warbler " said Blackburnian.

" I have been there for him "

" He is feeling better sexually according to the king "

" What has happened with Allie is great for him " said King Bobby.

" It sure has been wonderful for him, the king has done so much " said Queen Starling.

" We have helped out Warbler "

" Well, that site has allowed him to be with someone he needs " said Blackburnian.

" The sex that is happening is good for Bird's Isle compared to before " said King Bobby.

" How ? " asked Crayon.

" It helps the country out, people support the king " said King Bobby.

" The king must be supported "

" They also see who I am " said Blackburnian.

" I don't see how that has to do with Bird's Isle " said Crayon.

" Crayon, you simply do not get Bird's Isle " said King Bobby.

" He never will " said Queen Starling.

" I just don't see how what Warbler is doing sexually helps Bird's Isle exactly " said Crayon.

" That is not good " said Blackburnian.

" This shows that you have not cared about Warbler "

" When Warbler is feeling better, Bird's Isle is as well "

" The king has released statements in the past about this "

" He understands what it means "

" It is clear you do not understand the guy "

" Crayon doesn't " said Queen Starling.

" It means that Allie is happy with him " said Colouruke.

" She is " said King Bobby.

" She is so happy with him "

" She feels great thanks to me and Blackburnian "

" We have done so much for that relationship "

" Nobody in Bird's Isle will forget "

" Warbler is such a great guy, he deserves the best "

" I have loved Blackina more than anyone has loved " said Blackin.

" Blackina's beauty shines so bright that people will go blind "

" Blind ? " asked Colourea.

" Yes, her body is that beautiful " said Blackin.

" It is a great body, I must love it "

" Well, that is something now isn't it " said Colour King.

" Anyways Blackburnian is an important part of the partnership so he must fight insanely hard "

" It will be a very good fight "

" That is true " said Colour Queen.

" Blackin is a strong fighter but Blackburnian is fighting for Warbler and Bird's Isle "

" Bird's Isle will be so good after these wars " said Blackburnian.

" Me and Warbler will make these islanders seem like nothing "

" These islanders will go down "

" Yes, they will " said King Bobby.

" These islanders have done nothing to deserve being invaded " said Challenger.

" Warbler must fight, how could you make claims like that " said Blackburnian.

" It is a dream of mine as a brother of his "

" Warbler has to fight " said Queen Starling.

" That dream will come true " said King Bobby.

" Challenger prefers the islanders over making Colourland or Bird's Isle better nations " said Colour King.

" That is not Colourlandish "

" I agree, it is not " said Colour Dictator.

" Invading these islanders is not Colourlandish either " said Challenger.

" It improves Colourland so it is very Colourlandish " said Colour Dictator.

" Challenger, you must see that "

" Colourland is a place that will have even better resources which is what is necessary " said Colour Queen.

" This shows how Colourlandish we are by demanding this "

" These wars are not good " said Challenger.

" They are, they are so Colourlandish like me " said Colour King.

" These wars are extremely Colourlandish "

" Our warriors want to fight so badly, they demand war " said King Bobby.

" Or is it you ? " asked Challenger.

" No, they want to serve Bird's Isle and make it better " said King Bobby.

" The partnership is important to them "

" It sure is " said Blackburnian.

" My brother understands it "

" He is a great guy, I am ready to stop people from taking advantage of him "

" Nobody will do that again "

" Crayon is a person who has done so, I know what is right for Warbler " said King Bobby.

" Crayon has not hurt Warbler " said Artby.

" Bakers like Crayon "

" That is not what this is about " said Blackburnian.

" I have to agree " said Colour King.

" Warbler knows this " said King Bobby.

" Yes, Warbler cannot hang out with him " said Blackburnian.

" It is what Warbler needs " said King Bobby.

" He needs Allie "

" Allie means so much "

" They are a great couple "

" When they date it is great "

" Yeah " said Blackburnian.

" Their love is good, I do like what is happening "

" I love Allie " said Warbler.

" Thanks, Warbler " said Allie.

Everyone ate their breakfast which they enjoyed.

After that, Blackina was talking with Blackin and Whites.

" My love for Blackina will guide me to victory here " said Blackin.

" That is for sure, Blackin loves me so much " said Blackina.

" Nobody could ever love me as much as he does "

" I will be a great best man for this amazing wedding " said Whites.

" It will be wonderful seeing all the Bear members "

" The Bear needs this wedding "

" It sure will, I will defeat Blackburnian today " said Blackin.

" We will have some big decisions with the Bear after the wedding "

" There is a lot to decide with the organization "

" We still have our old hideout but our regulars are not with us right now "

" We have a lot of stuff from before that we stole "

" Me and Blackina will talk to Bear members staying at the hideout after the fights "

" Yeah, that sounds like a good idea to me " said Whites.

" We can have all the Bear back again "

" Yeah, we most certainly can " said Blackina.

Crayon and his friends were talking.

" King Bobby claims the warriors want to fight " said Colouruke.

" I think he wants them to do so, I don't think they are given much of a say " said Colourea.

" That sounds about right " said Crayon.

" Yeah, these wars are not good " said Challenger.

" People will die over a war against islanders which are not a threat "

" People will die for no reason "

" It is unfortunate "

" Bakers would hate that " said Artby.

" People must think of bakers "

" Baking will happen less, that is not okay "

" We need more baking for the sake of every customer "

" Customers mean so much and their mouths deserve the best "

" The islanders cannot lose baking "

" Well, these wars are bad for many reasons " said Challenger.

" Yes " said Colourea.

" Well, we should enjoy the fights today " said Crayon.

" Yeah " said Colouruke.

" We will see who me and Challenger are fighting against " said Crayon.

" Not to mention Colourea's fight "

More time continued passing and it was about 14 minutes from the fight.

Blackburnian and Blackin were talking.

" My love for Blackina is so strong, I have fallen in love with her on such a high level " said Blackin.

" My love for her and my power are unbeatable "

" We will see about that " said Blackburnian.

" The partnership with Colour King means so much "

" Crayon has been terrible as a friend to Warbler, I have always been there for him "

" I know that Crayon has not "

" Well, we both want the end for Crayon " said Blackin.

" I will marry Blackina "

" My love for her is a powerhouse love, nobody will ever love as much as me "

" It is simply not possible "

" Warbler deserves the best " said Blackburnian.

" The king wants him to have the meals we are having "

" The king loves the queen a lot, I am not sure that you love Blackina more than anyone could love another person "

" I have fallen in love with Blackina on an extreme level " said Blackin.

" Our love is so strong and powerful "

" Well, yes " said Blackburnian.

" This will be an intense fight, I will make sure Warbler gets to see his brother in the quarterfinals "

" Blackina is insanely beautiful, her beauty shines everywhere " said Blackin.

" That beauty drives me everyday "

" Well, get ready " said Blackburnian.

" I will give it everything "

" Yes, that is good " said Blackin.

Fighters were talking.

" I am glad to watch Blackin fight " said Blackina.

" His feelings for me and his power are so strong "

" I love him "

" He is amazing "

" I will be a great best man for him at the wedding " said Whites.

" I will support you two "

" I know that you will do so " said Blackina.

" It will be a great reunion for every Bear member "

" Hopefully Brett, the father of the Smithsons can be there "

" Yeah, that would be good to see " said Whites.

" Me and him have a lot to talk about, that is for sure "

" My cousin will win "

" He is so amazing, how could he not do so " said Blackina.

" His desire for me is too strong "

" He loves me so much "

The fight then started.

Blackin and Blackburnian aimed punches at each other which landed.

Blackin started charging up the Ultimate Bear Blast while Blackburnian started charging up the Ultimate Bird Blast, the blasts hit their targets.

Blackin started charging up the Ultimate Bear Bomb while Blackburnian started charging the Ultimate Bird Bomb, the bombs collided and they both took damage.

Blackin started rushing Blackburnian with the Tenfold Bear Strike while Blackburnian used the Tenfold Bird Strike to counter. They both were hit from the strikes.

" Well, it seems that you have strength " said Blackburnian.

" I am sure you know what Crayon and Challenger want to do ? "

" Does this involve me and Blackina marrying ? " asked Blackin.

" Well, it does in a way " said Blackburnian.

" They do not want you marrying "

" They believe that it will hurt people "

" I could care less about them caring about people being hurt " said Blackin.

" I will guarantee a great wedding for Blackina "

" I have fallen in love with her, not these people that have suffered "

" She has better gifts, gifts for Blackina mean more "

" Well Crayon is someone that none of us like " said Blackburnian.

" Me and King Bobby have found him someone, Crayon would never do that "

" Crayon has not been a good friend for him ever, I fight to make sure he stays the fuck away from Warbler "

" It seems that a lot of people are sick of him " said Blackin.

" We will continue this battle "

" Yes, we will " said Blackburnian.

Blackin started charging up the Ultimate Bear Barrage while Blackburnian started charging up the Ultimate Bird Barrage, the attacks hit their respective targets.

Blackin started charging up the Bear Implosion while Blackburnian started charging up the Bird Implosion, the implosions knocked both of them to the ground.

Blackin got up first and started charging up dark energy into his hands and he grabbed Blackburnian and then he punched him which did more damage than a regular punch.

" I love Blackina too much for this to go wrong " said Blackin.

" Our hearts are always connected "

" Our love is a great connection for us "

" I will continue "

Blackburnian rushed for Blackin but Blackin was able to trip him, while he was falling he was grabbed.

Blackin then kicked him and started charging up the Bear Implosion again.

Blackburnian started charging up the Bird Implosion but Blackin had been charging for longer, so his attack was stronger and Blackburnian took more damage.

Fighters were talking.

" Blackburnian is our last advisor, he must win " said King Bobby.

" He has done so much "

" He has changed Warbler sexually, changed him as a fighter as well "

" The sexual change is important to all of us "

" Yes, that is very true " said Queen Starling.

" He will win, I will win my fight as well "

" Crayon has attempted to change Warbler in a bad way but he failed luckily " said King Bobby.

" I am seeing why Colour King sees him as a fake "

" He is a fake hero " said Colour Dictator.

" Colourlandish people see right through it, not Colourea though "

" There is nothing to see right through " said Colourea.

" There is, you are just making up bullshit " said Colour Queen.

" Colourea is with Crayon " said Colour King.

" She probably knows he is less Colourlandish than me but will not say it for the relationship "

" That is true " said King Bobby.

" It has nothing to with that " said Colouruke.

" Colouruke, you are not understanding my opinion " said Colour King.

" I am very Colourlandish, Crayon is simply not "

" Colourea only says that because of the relationship "

" Yes, the relationship is why " said King Bobby.

" This is very true " said Colour Queen.

" We know what Colourea is doing "

The fight continued.

Blackin started charging up the Ultimate Bear Blast while Blackburnian started charging up the Ultimate Bird Bomb, the attacks hit their opponents directly.

Blackin started charging up the Ultimate Bear Bomb while Blackburnian started charging up the Ultimate Bird Blast, the attacks hit each other and they both took damage.

Blackin started charging up the Tenfold Bear Strike while Blackburnian started charging up the Ultimate Bird Barrage, the attacks hit their respective targets.

Blackin started charging up the Ultimate Bear Barrage while Blackburnian started charging up the Tenfold Bird Strike, the attacks collided and they were both knocked to the ground.

" My desire for Blackina has strengthened me " said Blackin.

" I love her so much "

" I will keep going " said Blackburnian.

" As the last advisor to the king, it means a lot to guarantee the partnership with Colour King "

" Colour King is a brilliant man "

" His power is out of this world " said Blackin.

" I would love to fight against him, my desire for Blackina and my power will guide me "

" Well, we should continue our battle for a spot in the quarterfinals " said Blackburnian.

" Warbler is counting on me to keep his life amazing "

Blackburnian started charging up the Bird Implosion while Blackin started charging up the Bear Implosion, the implosions hit their targets hard to the ground.

Fighters were talking.

" Warbler must love this " said King Bobby.

" He sees a man who has done a lot for him fight "

" Crayon and his friends have failed him "

" They have failed Colourland " said Colour King.

" The two of us can do anything, we are unstoppable "

" We will invade tons of islands and take everything "

" No matter how much complaining Challenger does "

" That makes him less Colourlandish than me by far "

" The resources we will gain will be tremendous "

" Yes, it will be a great war " said King Bobby.

" Warriors will be thrilled "

The fight continued.

Blackin started charging up the Ultimate Bear Blast while Blackburnian started charging up the Ultimate Bird Blast, the blasts hit their targets directly.

Blackin started charging up the Ultimate Bear Bomb while Blackburnian started charging up the Ultimate Bird Bomb, the bombs collided and they both were knocked down to the ground.

Blackin started charging up the Tenfold Bear Strike while Blackburnian started charging up the Tenfold Bird Strike, the strikes then hit each other and they both fell.

Blackburnian was slightly struggling, but he could still fight.

Fighters were talking.

" My cousin has this " said Whites.

" He has shown his skill "

" He will win the entire tournament and he will head with all of us to the hideout "

" It will be a wonderful event when the wedding happens "

" It sure will " said Blackina.

" It will be a day that is never forgotten "

" That is for sure " said Whites.

" I will be a great best man "

" You sure will be " said Blackina.

Blackburnian and Blackin were talking.

" I will not quit " said Blackburnian.

" I will never give up for Warbler and Bird's Isle "

" I am the last advisor left, I cannot throw in the towel "

" King Bobby would not want that "

" Well, let's continue " said Blackin.

Blackin started charging up the Ultimate Bear Blast while Blackburnian started charging up the Tenfold Bird Strike, the attacks hit their targets directly.

Fighters were talking.

" It looks like Blackin will advance to the quarterfinals " said Challenger.

" Blackburnian is still fighting, maybe he could make a comeback " said Warbler.

" Knowing him it is very likely " said Queen Starling.

" Warbler, you will witness something truly great in the castle "

" He will get to see the advisors more often " said King Bobby.

" Warbler needs that but Allie has done a lot for him as well "

" He will live a better life and we will be happy for him "

" Crayon did nothing for him, I am better than Crayon because of that "

" Crayon's a fake hero " said Colour King.

" He's no hero to me "

" Same here " said King Bobby.

Blackin and Blackburnian were talking.

" My love for Blackina has driven me so strong " said Blackin.

" Her beauty shines so bright, it is amazing what her body has done "

" Well, I will keep battling " said Blackburnian.

Blackburnian started charging up the Ultimate Bird Blast while Blackin started charging the Ultimate Bear Blast, the blasts hit their opponents with power to the ground. Blackburnian was getting near the end.

Fighters were talking.

" My lover Blackin has almost done it, so amazing " said Blackina.

" Our hearts are so connected, the tournament is ours "

" Nothing will stop us "

" It sure is " said Whites.

" I will enjoy being a brilliant best man "

" Blackburnian has a little left in him, he must get up " said Queen Starling.

" Blackin is stronger than I had thought "

" Perhaps King Bobby will face him next round " said Colour Dictator.

" That would be an insane match " said Colour Queen.

" I still think the king of Bird's Isle would have the edge "

" I would " said King Bobby.

" Only Colour King can defeat me "

" The partnership is happening no matter what "

" These wars cannot be stopped, Bird's Isle will be so good "

" People love the king for this, warriors want to fight "

" They will do great " said Queen Starling.

" There is no chance they would not "

Blackin and Blackburnian were talking.

" Now I will win " said Blackin.

" This is the end of the road, but you fought hard "

" I will use my Bird Implosion with everything left " said Blackburnian.

" Warbler will see it, he will be happy "

Blackin started charging up the Bear Implosion while Blackburnian started charging up the Bird Implosion, the implosions hit with tons of power.

Blackin was slightly struggling while Blackburnian was defeated. An announcement came on.

" Blackburnian has lost and been eliminated while Blackin has advanced to the quarterfinals "

" The next fight is Whites against Colour Queen "

" The match is in 2 hours and 5 minutes from now "

" Enjoy the fighting "