Chapter 4 - Four

Chapter 10

Blackina vs Color Dictator

Fighters were talking.

"Colorland needs my leadership," said Color King.

"I am extremely Colourlandish, Challenger has failed to be Colourlandish"

"I don't see that," said Crayon.

"You have been a fake hero, you don't know as much about being Colourlandish as I do," said Color King.

"I will win for Color King" said Color Dictator.

"Crayon's no hero"

"I have to agree, he is not," said King Bobby.

"He stopped the Bear," said Colourea.

"There is more going on," said Color King.

"Yes" said Color Queen.

"How so?" asked Colouruke.

"Crayon has been faked to Colourland"

"Fake?" asked Artby.

"Bakers prove that not to be true"

" Baking proves the type of person Crayon is "

" It proves he eats bread, baking creates more heroes "

" Baking does a lot for heroes, that is truly wonderful "

" Uh, what " said Colour Queen.

" Heroes do exist but Crayon is far from one " said Colour King.

" He is a fake one, true heroes support the laws and wars I want "

" These wars will bring great resources to Colourland "

" Heroes fight "

" Not wars against islanders that are not a threat " said Challenger.

" This is about resources which make Colourland better " said Colour Dictator.

" Unfortunately Challenger is just not getting it " said King Bobby.

" Warbler's life will be improved by them and so will the lives of everyone in Bird's Isle "

" I will do what it takes "

" Warbler is important to me and Bird's Isle "

" Warbler deserves all of that, Crayon has failed him " said Queen Starling.

" Our meals he loves " said King Bobby.

" He sure does " said Queen Starling.

" I have not failed Warbler, he enjoyed his time with me and my friends " said Crayon.

" Crayon is right here " said Colouruke.

" He loves baking " said Artby.

" Baking is good for Warbler "

" Warbler is better off with us " said King Bobby.

" He does not need Crayon "

" With me and the advisors back, Crayon is simply not needed in his life anymore "

" That is true " said Queen Starling.

" Warbler is a great guy, he truly loves Allie a lot "

" Allie is a woman that understands him a lot " said King Bobby.

" To think that I have started such great relationships, I truly am proud of that "

" These relationships are so great "

" I also want to thank Blackburnian, a man who has always been there for him "

Thanks to me and him, Allie has loved Warbler so much "

" Dating has changed in Bird's Isle and I am part of the reason for that which is amazing "

" Well, it seems to be that way " said Colour Queen.

" Dating has changed there ? " asked Colourea.

" It has, there are more couples who support the king " said King Bobby.

" I am proud of that "

" That is good " said Colour King.

" We need the partnership supported by all "

" Yes, this partnership will make our countries so much better " said King Bobby.

" My decisions with dating have done a lot "

" Challenger must go, he has failed to support Bird's Isle "

" I have supported Bird's Isle " said Challenger.

" You have not supported Bird's Isle in any way " said Queen Starling.

" You have refused to support these wars that will bring resources to Bird's Isle and your country unfortunately "

" To not support a war that helps your own country is something else " said Colour Queen.

" How many resources do these islands have ? " asked Colouruke.

" We will check all of them and we will invade the ones with the most " said King Bobby.

" It is a shame that none of you want to support these wars "

" They would help you a lot "

" Hurting innocent people like this is not help I need " said Crayon.

" This is about resources, I don't know how many times we need to tell you this " said Colour King.

" I was right to call you a fake hero, there is no heroism there with Crayon "

" Where is the heroism ? "

" I don't see it " said King Bobby.

" Same here " said Colour Queen.

" Yeah, you are not making much sense here " said Crayon.

" You are no hero to me and you have proven me that " said Colour King.

" Crayon has influenced Warbler poorly, if he is such a hero then why would he do that ? " asked King Bobby.

" Heroes are great for Warbler, not bad for him "

" Well it appears that Crayon is pissing off a lot of people " said Blackina.

" Yes " said Blackin.

" He is pissing people off that support wars that are not good " said Artby.

" These wars are good for us " said King Bobby.

" Warriors want to fight "

" They want this so much "

" Yes " said Queen Starling.

" He sure does, especially with his brother Blackburnian " said Queen Starling.

" Warbler is a great guy " said Allie.

" I love him "

" Allie, Artby is claiming that Warbler doesn't want to fight " said Queen Starling.

" That is up to him to decide " said Allie.

" Warbler will fight " said King Bobby.

" He has shown tremendous progress and he could have made the quarterfinals had he fought Crayon "

" Crayon will be eliminated " said Colour Queen.

" There is nothing to worry about "

" Yeah, he will crumble " said Blackin.

" I know he will not win "

" True, he is not winning this tournament " said Blackina.

" I'm still here " said Crayon.

" You won't be for long, my desire for Blackina and my power is too much for you " said Blackin.

" Our love is a powerhouse love "

" Yeah, it is " said Blackina.

Everyone then ate breakfast which they enjoyed.

Blackin and Blackina were talking with each other.

" I love you so much " said Blackin.

" Same here, I will win " said Blackina.

" When I fight, I will think of you and the desire for me that you have "

" I will be rooting for you " said Blackin.

" I know you will win "

" Colour Dictator has skill but not enough to win "

" Yes " said Blackina.

Blackin and Blackina were kissing each other intensely.

Time was passing, Warbler and Crayon were talking to each other.

" Crayon, the king has gone so far " said Warbler.

" Yeah, he has lost it " said Crayon.

" I will make sure he is stopped "

" You, Challenger and Colourea must do so " said Warbler.

" He has taken credit for a change in dating "

" The website did allow me to meet Allie, but to say he has changed dating ? "

" Yeah, it is too much " said Crayon.

" I'm not sure who I want to win in the Blackina vs Colour Dictator fight to be honest "

" Same here " said Warbler.

" Due to the partnership, a lot of people want Colour Dictator to win "

" Yeah, that sounds about right " said Crayon.

" Well, I should be going " said Warbler.

" I don't want the king seeing us talk "

" He will not be happy "

" I understand " said Crayon.

Meanwhile Crayon and his friends were all talking.

" This will be an intense fight " said Colouruke.

" It sure will " said Colourea.

" Baking is involved " said Artby.

" Baking ? " asked Challenger.

" Baking is involved in these fights, bakers know what is at stake here " said Artby.

" They do ? " asked Crayon.

" They know that customers must be saved from King Bobby " said Artby.

" Baking will do that "

" Baking ? " asked Colourea stunned.

" Baking will do that, baking is great for the mouth "

" Uh, okay " said Colourea.

More time continued passing, Colour Dictator and Blackina were talking before the fight.

" Colour King is very Colourlandish " said Colour Dictator.

" Well, regardless of that my wedding with Blackin will be great " said Blackina.

" Blackin is such an amazing man "

" What Colour King is doing is so important " said Colour Dictator.

" We know of what you have done to Crayon in the past "

" There was a time we were okay with him "

" Things have changed now, he has turned into a fake hero and a fraud to Colourland "

" He must be taken down "

" Crayon is an enemy of ours as well, he must be stopped " said Blackina.

" I believe that Crayon wants to stop our wedding but I will not allow him to do so "

" Well, Challenger is someone I am more upset with since he has power " said Colour Dictator.

" His leadership for Colourland is nowhere near as Colourlandish as Colour King's "

" Colour King must take control "

" Well, he is an enemy of ours " said Blackina.

" Good, we need him gone " said Colour Dictator.

" He has been terrible for Colourland in every way "

" The people of Colourland feel horrible about him "

" They need order "

" Challenger has not brought order in the way Colour King did "

" Me and Blackin are going to be married, we will take them down " said Blackina.

" I will show you my power "

" I will show my techniques that I have learned, very Colourlandish techniques " said Colour Dictator.

" Colourland is always skeptical of Crayon, they see through him "

" I know that Colourlandish people know the truth "

The fight was about 4 minutes away, fighters were talking.

" Blackina is an amazing woman " said Blackin.

" Her beauty shines brighter than the sun itself "

" Her body is amazing, I have loved it so much "

" There is not a single part of her body that I dislike "

" I know that she will win "

" Colour Dictator must win " said Colour King.

He is a very important part of the partnership which must return "

" He sure is " said King Bobby.

" Warbler will join it with his girlfriend Allie "

" Colour King has done everything for Colourland in the way I have done everything for Bird's Isle "

" I have done so much for dating in Bird's Isle which will be part of the partnership "

" Yes, we will continue to create stunning relationships " said Queen Starling.

" King Bobby has done so much "

" That is true " said King Bobby.

" Colour Dictator knows what is at stake here " said Colour Queen.

" He will fight and get his spot in the quarterfinals "

" He will take down Challenger, Colourlandish people have felt less Colourlandish under Challenger "

The fight started.

Colour Dictator and Blackina aimed punches at each other which landed.

Colour Dictator and Blackina aimed kicks at each other which landed.

Colour Dictator rushed Blackina with the Tenfold Colourland Strike while Blackina used the Tenfold Bear Strike to counter. The attacks hit.

Colour Dictator started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Barrage while Blackina started charging up the Ultimate Bear Barrage. The attacks hit their respective targets.

Colour Dictator started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Blast while Blackina started charging up the Ultimate Bear Blast, the blasts collided with each other. The blasts hit their targets directly and they were both damaged.

Colour Dictator started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Bomb while Blackina started charging up the Ultimate Bear Bomb, the bombs hit each other and they both were knocked down to the ground.

" Not bad " said Colour Dictator.

" My power has not been unleashed yet, so brace yourself "

" I am ready " said Blackina.

" Blackin has a strong desire for me, he has always desired me "

" I'm not sure how that will effect this fight " said Colour Dictator.

" I will bring it regardless "

" His love for me is very strong and it pushes us when we fight to a higher level " said Blackina.

" Well, let's see that higher level then " said Colour Dictator.

" I will win for Colourland "

" Hahahaha "

Colour Dictator started charging up the Colourland Implosion while Blackina started charging up the Bear Implosion, the implosions hit their opponents directly.

Fighters were talking.

" Insane " said Crayon.

" It really is " said Colouruke.

" Colour Dictator has shown his ability very well " said Colour King.

" He is very Colourlandish, something that Challenger needs to be "

" He can win this "

" He already is " said Colourea.

" Yeah, no " said Colour Queen.

" He has not shown the people that he is, the people are pissed "

" The people are always pissed off around Challenger " said Colour King.

" He is no leader "

" I am one "

" Colour King is very respected in Colourland " said King Bobby.

" I encourage people to continue looking up to him "

" Yes, that is a good idea " said Queen Starling.

" Looking up to him ? " asked Challenger.

" People do not need these wars "

" They do, we are planning to not kill civilians " said Colour King.

" We plan to take resources for ourselves "

" Civilians will be spared but fighters will not " said King Bobby.

" Unless they plan on interfering "

" I am not big on killing them but if it has to be done then we will kill them "

" Yes, it is a risk that must be taken if necessary " said Queen Starling.

The fight continued.

Colour Dictator got up first and he punched Blackina.

Blackina got up and kicked Colour Dictator.

Blackina started charging up the Ultimate Bear Blast while Colour Dictator started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Bomb, the attacks hit their respective targets.

Blackina started charging up the Ultimate Bear Bomb while Colour Dictator started charging the Ultimate Colourland Blast, the attacks hit their opponents.

Blackina started using the Ultimate Bear Barrage while Colour Dictator rushed her with the Tenfold Colourland Strike, the attacks knocked their opponents to the ground.

Blackina started charging the Tenfold Bear Strike while Colour Dictator started charging the Ultimate Colourland Barrage.

" My victory is getting closer " said Colour Dictator.

" Colourland needs me "

" While I understand your feelings for Blackin, I will take this "

" Challenger must be stopped, he has failed Colourland "

" I will fight for Blackin " said Blackina.

" His love for me is so strong and powerful "

" Our hearts are connected "

" I will always fight for Blackin, he must stop Crayon "

The fight continued.

Blackina started charging up the Bear Implosion while Colour Dictator started charging up the Colourland Implosion, the implosions collided and they both fell to the ground.

Blackina started charging up the Ultimate Bead Blast while Colour Dictator started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Blast, the blasts hit each other and they were both hit.

Fighters were talking.

" Blackina has this " said Blackin.

" She understands my desire for her so much "

" I have loved Blackina more than anyone has loved somebody "

" Nobody will ever be able to surpass that "

" Her body is so beautiful, there are very few bodies like that "

" Our wedding will be perfect, Bear members will truly get to enjoy us kissing there "

" The Bear truly deserves to have that moment "

" Colourland wants Colour Dictator to win " said Colour King.

" He is Colourlandish, he acts Colourlandish "

" We must continue being Colourlandish "

" Yes, some have failed to be Colourlandish " said Colour Queen.

" Challenger is an example of a man who has failed to be Colourlandish " said Colour King.

" He has not continued the partnership which not a single person in Bird's Isle has liked him for it outside of Grackle and Dove " said King Bobby.

" Challenger's not Colourlandish enough " said Queen Starling.

" He is " said Artby.

Baking proves he lives there, bread has been eaten "

" If he wasn't, he wouldn't eat bread at the bakeries there "

" Bread does not prove that " said Colour King.

" He could travel to eat it "

" Not to mention, this is about the leader that Challenger has failed to be "

" Challenger has failed Colourland, he has failed Warbler " said King Bobby.

" He has not " said Crayon.

" I have done more for Warbler, than anyone could ever dream of outside his family " said King Bobby.

" I have improved his meals, I have improved him sexually "

" None of you did that, I did "

" Warbler has changed for the better, my changes are great "

The fight continued.

Colour Dictator started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Blast while Blackina started charging up the Ultimate Bear Barrage, the attacks collided with each other and they were both hit.

Colour Dictator started rushing Blackina with the Tenfold Colourland Strike while Blackina used the Tenfold Bear Strike to counter, they both took damage.

Colour Dictator started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Blast while Blackina started charging up the Bear Implosion, the attacks hit their opponents directly.

Colour Dictator was slightly struggling but he could still fight.

" I don't believe this " said Colour Dictator.

" I will still fight for Colour King's leadership of Colourland "

" Colourland needs order "

" I have not lost this fight "

" I will fight for Blackin, our hearts are connected in this powerful love " said Blackina.

" He is an amazing guy, he never forgets to show how much he loves me or has fallen for me "

" Our marriage will happen very soon and he will take this tournament "

" It will be a marriage that all Bear members will never forget and will always remember "

" Time to continue " said Colour Dictator.

" I am very Colourlandish, Challenger must be replaced for the sake of Colourland "

Colour Dictator then started charging up the Colourland Implosion while Blackina started charging up the Ultimate Bear Bomb. Blackina was slightly struggling.

Fighters were talking.

" Blackina, my darling " said Blackin.

" When I see such a beautiful woman win a fight like this it is truly special "

" I love Blackina "

" My relationship with Blackina will last forever, it is a guarantee "

" Colour Dictator isn't finished " said Colour Queen.

" He can win and will still do so "

" Colourlandish people hate Challenger " said Colour King.

" They want Colour Dictator to win for Colourland "

" Will this tournament change the leader ? " asked Allie.

" It depends " said Warbler.

" It could, but Challenger could still be in charge "

" Challenger would have to win and with me and Colour King that will not happen " said King Bobby.

" Challenger will be taken down for sure "

" King Bobby will have a leader in Colourland that truly respects Bird's Isle " said Queen Starling.

" Think of the possibilities "

" Bird's Isle respects Colour King, so many people do "

" The queen knows " said King Bobby.

" There is nothing than me and him cannot do for our countries "

" Challenger is not someone who can say that "

" He can " said Crayon.

" He has done good "

" Bakers have done good for his mouth, baking has improved it " said Artby.

" Baking ? " asked Queen Starling.

" You are really making up things again "

" You don't believe in the changes of his mouth ? " asked Artby.

" No " said Queen Starling.

" Why would I do that ? "

" Artby may be trying to distract us " said Colour Queen.

" The queen is tiring of these statements " said King Bobby.

" Bread helps our mouths and changes them " said Artby.

" There has been great bread served at the castle "

" Yeah, but that has nothing to do with Challenger " said King Bobby.

" He is the same guy he always has been "

" Bread does not have relevance here "

The fight continued.

Colour Dictator started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Bomb while Blackina started charging up the Ultimate Bear Bomb, the bombs collided and they both were knocked down to the ground. Colour Dictator was getting near the end.

" I will not give up " said Colour Dictator.

Colour Dictator started charging up the Colourland Implosion while Blackina started charging up the Bear Implosion, the implosions collided and Blackina won.

" Blackina has won the fight, she is in the quarterfinals while Colour Dictator is eliminated "

" The next fight and the last fight before the quarterfinals is Queen Starling vs Colourea "

" The fight starts in 2 hours "

" The quarterfinalists will be honoured "

" That will happen tomorrow since there are no fights that day "

" Enjoy the fighting "