Chapter 8
Whites vs Colour Queen
Fighters were talking.
"I love Blackin so much," said Blackina.
"He will win the tournament and marry me"
"Our hearts are connected forever"
"There is no chance things will end"
"I will be there," said Whites.
"It will be an amazing moment to see that is for sure"
"I will join Blackin in the quarterfinals"
"I can win against Color Queen"
"His desire for me is unstoppable, I will never quit loving him," said Blackina.
"Our love knows no bounds and it never will"
"It will last forever"
"That is a guarantee," said Whites.
"I will be fighting for your marriage to Blackin"
"As a cousin, I could not be more proud of him even if I tried"
"He is amazing"
" He certainly is " said Blackina.
" I love Blackin "
Fighters went outside of the stadium.
Crayon and his friends were talking.
" Well, Crayon you might be fighting Blackin " said Challenger.
" I will be able to do it " said Crayon.
" It will be tough but I can win "
" Yeah, Crayon can " said Colouruke.
" Bakers prefer Crayon by far " said Artby.
" They have understood his mouth and transformed his mouth "
" Baking transforms mouths "
" Uh " said Colouruke.
" I am not sure " said Challenger.
" Colouruke, bakers have loved your mouth as well " said Artby.
" Well, there has been some great bread " said Colouruke.
" Yes " said Colourea.
" We should go, our purchases are needed " said Artby.
" I will continue to be a great customer, great baking needs more of that "
" Well, let's go " said Challenger.
They then headed to the bakery, King Bobby was talking with Warbler, Allie and Queen Starling.
" Now, we have no advisors left in the tournament " said King Bobby.
" Not a single one in the quarterfinals, this infuriates me "
" I know, I will make it " said Queen Starling.
" Warbler and his brother lost but they will continue their training "
" Yeah, I could be stronger " said Warbler.
" I will continue training for sure "
" Me too " said Allie.
" I will train with him "
" Good, the eliminated advisors can train their abilities " said King Bobby.
" Between the fights tomorrow would be a good time to start "
" Ok " said Warbler and Allie.
" Good, we need to train "
" Yeah, that is a good idea " said Queen Starling.
The advisors will be notified, but Blackburnian will start the day after instead since he fought today " said King Bobby.
" Remember these wars will happen and every advisor must be able to use the Bird Implosion "
" We will be killing or injuring a lot of people in the war unless they surrender to us "
" Colour King will likely have his officials train soon "
" Yeah, I can see that " said Queen Starling.
" They will be even stronger "
Crayon and his friends arrived at the bakery where Artby started talking.
" I dream about bakers " said Artby.
" It is a nice dream "
" Um, okay " said a baker.
" I dream about baking and the mouth transformations " said Artby.
" Transformations ? " asked a baker.
" Apparently so " said Challenger.
" Challenger, your mouth has been transformed by baking "
" Uh, what ? " asked Challenger.
" Artby is just Artby " said Colourea.
" I sure am, it allows me to be such a great customer " said Artby.
" My purchases will be good "
" Uh, yeah " said Crayon.
" My purchases mean a lot " said Artby.
They got their bread and left and they headed back.
" This is great " said Artby.
" Bakers are amazing people, they truly get our mouths "
Meanwhile, Colour King was talking with Colour Queen.
" Today will not be a difficult fight for you to win " said Colour King.
" We are so Colourlandish "
" The people of Colourland are counting on us " said Colour Queen.
" I must defeat Whites to make it to Crayon "
" He is a fake hero, a total joke to Colourland " said Colour King.
" Colourlandish people do not understand the praise for him and they never will "
" I never praise him "
" That is not the Colourlandish thing to do "
" Neither do I " said Colour Queen.
" The two of us are so strong "
" Colourland will belong to us again very soon " said Colour King.
" Colourlandish people are fed up with Challenger, he has not created laws as great as mine "
" My laws are so Colourlandish, people cannot get enough of them "
" The people have order when Challenger made sure they had none "
" Yes, Challenger never cared about that at all " said Colour Queen.
Crayon and his friends have arrived back and they enjoyed the bread.
Time continued to pass and Whites was talking with Colour Queen. It was about 15 minutes to the fight.
" My cousin needs my victory " said Whites.
" I have to make sure everyone is out of the way of his victory "
" I will make sure that Colour King gets his win for the partnership with King Bobby " said Colour Queen.
" I am the strongest woman in this tournament "
" Crayon has not been a real hero, he has been a fake one "
" Well, we need Crayon out of the way as well " said Whites.
" I will be a fantastic best man for Blackin and Blackina "
" Their love knows no limits "
" Blackin has loved Blackina more than anyone could "
" Their love is so powerful "
" Well, that could be debatable " said Colour Queen.
" Colour King and King Bobby are very happy with who they are with "
" I am glad that we all have a strong opposition to Crayon "
" Crayon must be taken down "
" Yes, he is in the way " Whites.
" Blackin's marriage must happen "
" His marriage means so much "
" Crayon has annoyed me "
" I do know that his elimination will happen in the quarterfinals "
" Yes, Easeion was not up to it " said Colour Queen.
" He has strong hatred of Crayon but the ability was just not enough "
" It is unfortunate " said Whites.
" I wanted Easeion to win the fight "
Fighters were talking.
" Colour Queen will take this " said Colour King.
" Colourland needs Colour Queen "
" Colourlandish people love Colour Queen a lot, if you talk to them you will see that "
" That is true " said Colour Dictator.
" Whites is great " said Blackina.
" He has been a great cousin, he understands my love for Blackina "
" I love being with you so much "
" Thanks, Blackina " said Blackin.
" My desire for you has grown every day "
" Colour Queen should be able to win this fight " said King Bobby.
" We need her, she is one of the most dangerous fighters "
" Whites is not someone to take too lightly, he is stronger than Xax and Easeion "
" That is true " said Queen Starling.
" Me and Colour Queen will both advance "
Well, we need all the strongest people in the quarterfinals " said Colour Dictator.
" Crayon cannot be allowed to advance any further "
" He is not Colourlandish on the level that we need "
" Maybe he can be changed " said Colour Queen.
" We will have to give him an extra incentive " said Colour Dictator.
" He must be more Colourlandish, Colourlandish people find him fake "
" They are disappointed with him "
" Despite defeating the Bear ? " asked Challenger.
" Bakers like Crayon " said Artby.
" They like your money from the bread being bought " said Colour Dictator.
" They don't particularly like Crayon that much "
" I know the people of Colourland, they see right through him "
" Yes, they do " said Colour King.
The fight then started.
Colour Queen and Whites aimed punches at each other which landed.
Colour Queen started rushing Whites with the Tenfold Colourland Strike while Whites used the Tenfold Bear Strike, the strikes hit their targets directly.
Colour Queen started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Blast while Whites started charging up the Ultimate Bear Blast, the blasts then hit each other and they both took damage.
Colour Queen started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Bomb while Whites started charging up the Ultimate Bear Bomb, the bombs collided and they both were hit.
Colour Queen started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Barrage while Whites started charging up the Ultimate Bear Barrage, the attacks then hit their targets.
" You will now see my true power " said Whites.
" I will make sure my cousin takes this "
" His power was something everyone saw today "
" Yes, but he is not the only one " said Colour Queen.
" Let's continue this fight "
Whites then started charging up the Bear Implosion while Colour Queen used the Colourland Implosion. The implosions knocked both of them to the ground.
Whites got up first and he then used the Ultimate Snowstorm.
The attack then blinded Colour Queen, he then rushed her with the Tenfold Bear Strike which hit directly.
Whites then grabbed her and then knocked her to the ground.
Whites then started charging up the Ultimate Blizzard Blast while Colour Queen started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Blast, the blasts knocked them both to the ground.
Fighters were talking.
" Colourlandish people see what is happening " said Colour King.
" Colour Queen has shown what it means to be Colourlandish "
" Challenger never did that, he has been terrible for the country "
" He is way less Colourlandish than me "
" Colour Queen will win "
" She has been so Colourlandish " said Colour Dictator.
" Yes, she will " said King Bobby.
" Challenger does not understand resources "
" It is unfortunate he does not " said Queen Starling.
" He understands them, baking helps " said Artby.
" Baking ? " asked King Bobby.
" Well, bread is a resource but it is just not bread "
" Not to mention this is about Challenger simply not getting resources "
" He must understand "
" Challenger is not a good leader " said Colour King.
" He is, bakers demand him in charge of Colourland " said Artby.
" You are not making a lot of sense here " said Colour Dictator.
" I have to agree, Artby is not " said Colour King.
" I make sense, baking makes me make sense " said Artby.
" Well, then you are having the wrong baking " said Colour Dictator.
" There is no such thing as the wrong baking " said Artby.
" Baking does so much, bakers are so important "
" I love baking "
The fight continued.
Whites then started charging up the Ultimate Blizzard Blast while Colour Queen started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Bomb, the attacks hit their respective targets.
Whites then started charging up the Ultimate Blizzard Bomb while Colour Queen started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Blast, the attacks collided and they both took damage.
Whites then started charging up the Blizzard Implosion while Colour Queen started charging up the Colourland Implosion. The attacks then hit their targets to the ground.
" I will win for my great cousin " said Whites.
" His marriage and victory are guaranteed "
" I don't think so " said Colour Queen.
" Colour King is too strong "
" He is skilled but Blackin can beat him " said Whites.
" Blackin has a desire for Blackina that cannot be matched "
" His love for her has no boundaries and no limits "
" His abilities are the same "
" He beat Blackburnian but it was not a cakewalk for him " said Colour Queen.
" Colour King got through Colouruke like it was nothing "
" Colouruke is not as skilled as the other 15 fighters in this round " said Whites.
" He was very lucky to advance to this round "
" Well, Colouruke may have not been the best but Colour King dominated him by a lot which not many here could do " said Colour Queen.
" My cousin is winning " said Whites.
" I will be a great best man for Blackin, it will be a stunning wedding "
" Time to continue the fight "
Whites then started charging up the Ultimate Blizzard Barrage while Colour Queen started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Barrage, the attacks collided and they both were hit.
Whites then started charging up the Ultimate Bear Blast while Colour Queen started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Blast, the blasts then knocked both of them to the ground.
Fighters were talking.
" My cousin is looking great " said Blackin.
" He sure is " said Blackina.
" This could go either way " said Crayon.
" Yeah, I could see that " said Colourea.
" Baking will play a role, I believe the tournament champion is someone who eats lots of bread " said Artby.
" Bakers have done so much for this tournament, fighters have loved baking "
" Baking ? " asked Queen Starling.
" Artby believes that baking has something to do with the tournament " said King Bobby.
" I think that Colour Queen will win this fight "
" Whites is just not strong enough "
" Bakers have a lot to do with the tournament " said Artby.
" Maybe some fighters eat bread but the finalists are not getting there because of baking " said King Bobby.
" Warbler deserves the best, I will take this tournament "
The fight continued.
Colour Queen started charging up the Colourland Implosion while Whites started charging up the Bear Implosion, the implosions directly hit their opponents to the ground.
Colour Queen got up first, she then started rushing Whites with the Tenfold Colourland Strike which hit directly.
Whites was slightly struggling but he could get up.
" I have a lot more " said Whites.
" I will not give up this battle "
" Blackin is counting on me too much for me to throw in the towel "
" As the best man I will fight super hard for Blackin "
" Blackin has done a lot for me "
" He is a great cousin "
" Well, let's continue " said Colour Queen.
The fight then continued.
Queen Starling started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Bomb while Whites started charging up the Ultimate Blizzard Bomb, the bombs hit their targets directly. Colour Queen was slightly struggling.
Fighters were talking.
" This really is going to be a great finish " said Warbler.
" This is a great fight "
" It really is " said Allie.
" The queen of Colourland looks like she will take it but who knows "
" Colour Queen will win " said Colour Dictator.
" Yes, that is for sure " said Colour King.
" She is so Colourlandish "
" Crayon is not "
" Yes, Crayon has embarrassed Colourland "
" That is the truth " said Colour Dictator.
" How so ? " asked Challenger.
" By being a fake hero, people fell for it at first and now they feel embarrassed " said Colour King.
" That is not good for Colourland "
" He has not influenced Warbler in a good way " said King Bobby.
" Warbler needs Allie, Bird's Isle needs that as well "
" Warbler means so much to Bird's Isle "
" Crayon is not good for Bird's Isle because of what he has done "
" Warbler did hang out with Crayon " said Challenger.
" He did for a while "
" I was gone " said King Bobby.
" He much preferred the castle, stop using him "
" Warbler deserves the best always "
" I am not using him " said Challenger.
" Well, we feel that you are " said Queen Starling.
" That is outrageous to do so "
" Crayon has influenced Warbler very poorly " said King Bobby.
" Bakers love Warbler " said Artby.
" Bakers know that I have been a good friend to Warbler "
" If you do not believe that Crayon has been a good friend then you can talk to bakers "
" Bakers ? " asked King Bobby.
" Don't be ridiculous "
" They do not make these decisions "
" This is about Warbler and Crayon, baking has nothing to do with this "
" Baking has helped Warbler " said Artby.
" Bakers do like the guy "
" Well, our meals have other food as well " said Queen Starling.
" Warbler doesn't need any of you or the bakers you talk about "
The fight continued.
Colour Queen started charging up the Colourland Implosion while Whites started charging up the Blizzard Implosion, the implosions collided and they both took damage.
Whites was getting near the end.
" I have more " said Whites.
" My last bit of energy must be used to make sure I make the quarterfinals of this tournament "
" I will be a brilliant best man for Blackin "
" He has been a great cousin, a great lover to Blackina and he has done so much for me "
" He has loved Blackina so much, I fight for their love "
" I am fighting for Colourland, Crayon has gotten in the way " said Colour Queen.
" He is a fake hero, not a real one like Colour King "
" Colour King is extremely Colourlandish "
" He will make Colourland the place it used to be "
" Colourlandish people want that from him "
" Well, let's finish this fight " said Whites.
" I will not let Blackin down "
Whites started charging up the Bear Implosion while Colour Queen started charging up the Colourland Implosion, the implosions collided with lots of power and Whites was defeated.
An announcement came on.
" Whites has been eliminated while Colour Queen moves on to the quarterfinals "
" This is all the fights for today "
" Tomorrow, the last two fights of the Round of 16 will happen "
" The first fight is Blackina vs Colour Dictator "
" That fight will happen at noon tomorrow "
" The other fight will start two hours after the fight ends "
" Enjoy the rest of the day "