Chapter 6 - Six

Chapter 12

Celebration for the Quarterfinalists

King Bobby, Colour Queen and Colour King were talking outside the stadium.

" This is no time for celebrating " said King Bobby.

" We three have made it but the queen has not and no advisor or Warbler is here "

" Colourea got very lucky " said Colour King.

" She will be destroyed by any of the seven other quarterfinalists "

" Crayon and Colourea will be taken down " said King Bobby.

" The opposition will become gigantic which is what we want "

" Yes, we need that for Colourland " said Colour Queen.

" Colourland needs that " said Colour King.

" We must stop Crayon " said Colour Queen.

" Crayon has been a joke to Colourland " said Colour King.

" I will demand that everyone refuses to see him as a hero "

" That is not Colourlandish "

Meanwhile Crayon and his friends were talking.

" I wonder how Colourea is doing " said Crayon.

" Well she is alive but not in the best condition " said Colouruke.

" I hope that she is not fighting in two days "

" Well, I hope that to be the case " said Challenger.

" We don't want her fighting in bad condition "

" That is true " said Colouruke.

They then headed to see Colourea.

" Colourea " said Crayon.

" Glad to see you " said Colourea.

" I wonder about the ceremony "

" Same here " said Colouruke.

" To be fair, we will be sitting down mostly " said Challenger.

" Yeah, that is true " said Artby.

More time passed, they all ate supper which they enjoyed.

More time continued passing, Blackin and Blackina were kissing each other.

Then everyone went to bed.

Everyone got up and got ready and headed downstairs.

Fighters were talking.

" This celebration will be great " said Blackin.

They will talk about how much I love Blackina "

" Nobody could love someone as much as I love Blackina "

" Well, that is uncertain " said King Bobby.

" I love the queen a lot "

" The queen is so great "

" I am getting closer to taking this tournament "

" Our partnership needs us doing that for sure " said Colour King.

" Bird's Isle will have the elimination of Crayon and Colourea very soon "

" Yeah, I don't think so " said Crayon.

" Not to mention it is not up to them to decide " said Colourea.

" They have the interests of Colourland " said Colour Queen.

" Yeah, right " said Crayon.

" Crayon, Colourland must be supported here " said Colour King.

" Colourland is already supported " said Challenger.

" Colourlandish people know what is going on " said Colour King.

" We are the best couple ever " said Blackina.

" When we are together there is nothing that is impossible "

" That is so true, that is why my desire for you is so strong " said Blackin.

Everyone ate their breakfast which they enjoyed.

More time passed and it was ten minutes away from the celebration.

" It is time to head to the room for the celebration "

The quarterfinalists then showed up there and then another announcement came on.

" Anyone who did not make the quarterfinals must wait outside "

" Thank you for your understanding "

The quarterfinalists went inside while the others were outside.

Inside the room, a slideshow showing the winning fighters started showing.

After that, fighters were talking.

" I bet they will show something involving me and Blackina " said Blackin.

" They will show you kissing me " said Blackina.

" Yeah, that would be great " said Blackin.

" I love Blackina "

" I love Blackin " said Blackina.

" I have loved Blackina so much it is unbelievable but it really isn't " said Blackin.

" Well, there may be an announcement about the quarterfinal fights " said Colour King.

" Yeah, I could see that " said King Bobby.

" I want to fight Crayon " said Colour King.

" I want to be known for eliminating him "

" I want that as well " said King Bobby.

" I feel he is out of his depth "

" Colourlandish people are tired of him and the fake hero image he has created " said Colour King.

" Colour King is a real hero, not a fake one " said Colour Queen.

" Yeah, I am extremely Colourlandish at all times " said Colour King.

" I am Colourlandish "

" Fake hero image ? " asked Challenger.

" I don't see that " said Colourea.

" He is one, regardless of what you may believe " said Colour King.

" True " said King Bobby.

More time passed and it became time for awards to be given out. Everyone got a medal saying quarterfinalist on it.

" Glad to receive this " said Crayon.

" It truly is amazing " said Colourea.

An announcement came on describing the next four fights.

" The next four fights in order are:

" Colour Queen vs Challenger "

" Colour King vs Colourea "

" King Bobby vs Blackina "

" Blackin vs Crayon "

Fighters were talking about this.

" Crayon, I will crush you " said Blackin.

" My desire for Blackina and my power are so strong "

" It is a powerhouse love "

" We will see " said Crayon.

" You beat Easeion but he is not anywhere near as strong " said Blackin.

" I will marry Blackina after I win this tournament "

" Blackina is fighting King Bobby, she will win that fight "

" I don't think so " said King Bobby.

" Me and Colour King will take this tournament, we are brilliant leaders unlike Challenger "

" Challenger has failed Colourland " said Colour King.

" He sure has " said Colour Queen.

" He has refused these wars " said Colour King.

" They are not wars I can support " said Challenger.

" People will die against an enemy who is not a threat "

" It is not worth it "

" I have confidence in the warriors of Bird's Isle " said King Bobby.

" They will not die, I have always believed in our warriors "

" Challenger can claim what he likes but our warriors will fight "

" They want to fight "

" Why would I go against that ? "

" Good point " said Colour King.

" Colourland has not invaded anywhere for a while "

" I am not sure what our warriors will think about that "

" With the Bear gone, there really is no current huge threat " said Challenger.

" That is true " said Crayon.

Everyone left with their medals.

Time continued to pass, Blackin and King Bobby met with each other.

" Blackin, you must take down Crayon and make him embarrassed " said King Bobby.

" Warbler is counting on me "

" Crayon will not be a problem " said Blackin.

" I will take him down easily, my love for Blackina is so powerful "

" My abilities are too good for Crayon "

" Good, I need him away from Warbler " said King Bobby.

" Warbler is a great guy "

" I know of your plan to marry Blackina "

" That makes sense " said Blackin.

" My love for her is so strong, our hearts are always connected "

" Well, we will see each other again soon " said King Bobby.

King Bobby left, more time continued and then everyone ate their supper.

Crayon and his friends were talking.

" So it looks Colourea is fighting tomorrow " said Colouruke.

" Yeah, she has to face Colour King "

" Colour King is a very dangerous fighter " said Challenger.

" He must be stopped "

" Baking will stop him " said Artby.

" Baking ? " asked Colouruke.

" Bread " said Artby.

" Uh, what " said Colourea.

" Bread will stop him by transforming our mouths " said Artby.

" Well, bread has tasted good " said Challenger.

" Our mouths being transformed makes us have better mouths and that helps so much " said Artby.

" Baking has changed us "

" I love baking "

" Uh, okay " said Colourea.

They went to their rooms which everyone did and everyone went to bed when night came.