Chapter 3 - Three

Chapter 9

The Evening

Fighters were talking.

"Glad to see Color Queen has won" said Color King.

"She is so skilled"

"Colorlandish people love her a lot, they are very thrilled," said Color Dictator.

"Now, I will win tomorrow"

"I know I can"

"Colourlandish people want Color Dictator to win" said Color King.

"Color Dictator will be able to do it," said King Bobby.

"He is a very important part of the partnership"

"He is needed"

"That is for sure," said Queen Starling.

"The four of us can do anything"

"Yes" said King Bobby.

Time passed, Blackin was talking with Blackina.

"Whites losing to Color Queen is a big setback," said Blackin.

"It really is," said Blackina.

" You will defeat Colour Dictator " said Blackin.

" My desire for you is so strong and powerful "

" I love you so much "

" I will think of you when I fight tomorrow " said Blackina.

" I love when you fight in that way " said Blackin.

" I am happy you are thinking of me that way "

" Thanks, my love for you is strong " said Blackina.

" We should talk with the Bear members at the hideout " said Blackin.

" They need to know about what has happened " said Blackina.

" Yeah, we will head to the hotel now and contact them " said Blackin.

" Let's go " said Blackina.

They headed on their way to do that, King Bobby was with Warbler, Allie and Queen Starling.

" Colour Dictator must win " said Queen Starling.

" You do know him, don't you ? " asked King Bobby.

" We fought against him " said Warbler.

" He was quite strong "

" He understands that Crayon has been bad for you " said King Bobby.

" He will not be harmful to either of you despite the fighting "

" He understands that Crayon put you through that "

" He knows of what Crayon did "

" I understand " said Warbler.

" Good " said King Bobby.

" I am glad you do "

" Crayon has put Warbler through a lot, a lot of bad things " said Queen Starling.

" A lot of bad things "

" He has said that Challenger has been a good leader " said Allie.

" That is false " said King Bobby.

" Challenger has not supported these wars "

" These wars are so good "

" When the warriors are not able to fight, they will be very angry "

" Warriors want to fight, I will make sure that happens "

" They have to fight "

" Challenger has been very opposed to these wars " said Allie.

" Yes, we are tired of him " said Queen Starling.

Blackin and Blackina arrived at their room and they contacted the hideout.

Bill, Tara and Brett were there.

" So I finally meet Blackin and Blackina " said Brett.

" That is wonderful "

" So, how are the Bear members doing in the tournament ? "

" Not the best, I am afraid " said Blackin.

" I won but Whites, Xax and Easeion are all eliminated "

" Crayon, Challenger and Colour Queen were the fighters they lost to "

" Crayon should be defeated " said Brett.

" Challenger probably must have faced Whites "

" The others should have won though, I do not understand "

" Brett, I plan to marry Blackina " said Blackin.

" We are so happy together " said Blackina.

" He has a great desire for me "

" I am very happy about that, but you two must win " said Brett.

" I woke up soon after Easeion had contacted Bill and Tara "

" Yeah, he is back " said Tara.

" It is great to see "

" Well, if we could all reunite with each other it would be great " said Brett.

" Win this tournament, then head back to the hideout "

" We have tons of stolen goods " said Bill.

" That is true " said Tara.

" So many amazing gifts " said Blackin.

" Just for Blackina "

" I feel so happy seeing that " said Blackina.

He has a great desire for me "

" I am very happy about that, but you two must win " said Brett.

" I woke up soon after Easeion had contacted Bill and Tara "

" Yeah, he is back " said Tara.

" It is great to see "

" Well, if we could all reunite with each other it would be great " said Brett.

" Win this tournament, then head back to the hideout "

" We have tons of stolen goods " said Bill.

" That is true " said Tara.

" So many amazing gifts " said Blackin.

" Just for Blackina "

" I feel so happy seeing that " said Blackina.

" I will be at the hideout waiting for you all " said Brett.

" It is a shame I was unable to enter this tournament "

" It really is, you would be able to win easily " said Blackin.

" It would be amazing to fight in the finals "

" It would " said Brett.

" Anyways, see you all later "

Crayon and his friends were talking.

" I think Colourea may be fighting Queen Starling " said Crayon.

" It looks that way " said Colouruke.

" Bakers have loved us as customers since they have loved our mouths with their baking " said Artby.

" Baking is their way of affection for our mouths "

" Uh, what " said Colourea.

" Colourea, you have seen the affection that I have received in the mouth from baking " said Artby.

" In the mouth ? " asked Challenger.

" Challenger, you have felt it " said Artby.

" Bakers use bread to show their love for our mouths, they are good people for doing so "

" My mouth is now more appreciated, which is good for the mouth "

" Artby " said Colouruke.

" Yes Colouruke " said Artby.

" Artby, what the fuck " said Colouruke.

" I am so lost right now " said Colourea.

" Bakers love our mouths, they have fallen in love with them " said Artby.

" It is a wonderful feeling for the mouth "

" When our mouths are treated so good by bakers it truly is something "

" Bakers love customers, they have fallen in love with them and use baking to show that "

" Fallen in love ? " asked Crayon.

" I have not gotten that sense at all to be honest "

" They love our purchases and that we find their bread to taste good but I have not seen any falling in love " said Challenger.

" We still have some bread left "

" We will eat it " said Colouruke.

They enjoyed eating bread.

Meanwhile, Colour King was with Colour Queen and Colour Dictator.

" We are going to make Colourland to the way it was " said Colour King.

" My opinion is so Colourlandish and people loved it "

" When people heard my opinion they felt more Colourlandish "

" Yes, Colourland needs that " said Colour Queen.

" We have made Colourlandish people be Colourlandish, Challenger has not done so " said Colour Dictator.

" Challenger has embarrassed Colourland, Colourlandish people have had it "

" I love the people " said Colour King.

" They love my opinion, they truly understand what my opinion has done for Colourland "

" It has done a lot " said Colour Dictator.

" Colourlandish people need that type of thinking "

" They sure do " said Colour Queen.

" Colourlandish people have demanded the rise of Colour King "

" His law is truly Colourlandish law, Colourland needs that "

" People have been less Colourlandish under Challenger "

" Not to mention that fake hero Crayon is tied to Challenger "

" Crayon has been seen as a joke in Colourland " said Colour King.

" Colourlandish people see who he really is "

" Colourlandish people deserve a real hero " said Colour Dictator.

" They do not need fake heroes, Colour King is a real one "

" These wars will bring resources to Colourland " said Colour Queen.

" The partnership with Bird's Isle is amazing "

" King Bobby has been a great king to Bird's Isle "

" Yes, people there do respect him " said Colour King.

" Colourlandish people see me in the same way "

" They respect my opinion and they listen to my opinion "

" My opinion is so respected in Colourland "

" Colourlandish people want to stay Colourlandish, with Challenger that just doesn't happen " said Colour Dictator.

" The people need order, Colourlandish order especially "

" I have brought order to Colourland, Challenger has brought being afraid to Colourland " said Colour King.

" Challenger has promoted being afraid of making Colourland better, what a joke "

Meanwhile it was time for supper which everyone enjoyed.

After that, King Bobby was with Colour King.

" Colour Dictator has a fight tomorrow " said King Bobby.

" He needs to win "

" Yes, he will do just that " said Colour King.

" Blackina has claimed to love Blackin a lot "

" They believe that nobody can love more than they can " said King Bobby.

" I have done so much with Queen Starling, I know that's bullshit "

" I don't believe that "

" They are just making up lies to try to scare people " said Colour King.

" That being said, I want them to beat Crayon and Challenger "

" Crayon is such a fake hero "

" The idea of him as a hero just makes no sense "

" He has influenced Warbler so poorly that it is unacceptable " said King Bobby.

" Me and Blackburnian made sure that everything was great for him "

" Crayon will make sure that Warbler is with his friends instead of us because he does not truly care about Warbler "

" I have cared so much about Warbler, Bird's Isle needs what I am doing to happen "

" Well Crayon will be in the quarterfinals where the competition will overwhelm him "

" Yes, he will be finished off " said Colour King.

" Challenger has not made Colourland the country it needs to be "

" Yes, I could understand the frustration that Colourlandish people have with him " said King Bobby.

" Colour King is a better leader than Challenger "

" I am extremely Colourlandish " said Colour King.

" Well, Colour Dictator has a fight to win "

" He sure does " said King Bobby.

" I know he will win "

" Yes, he can " said Colour King.

Meanwhile Blackin and Blackina had approached Crayon and his friends.

" You will not stop us " said Blackin.

" Our love and power are too much "

" Our wedding will be perfect " said Blackina.

" Whites will be a great best man " said Blackin.

" We do not want to stop any weddings at all " said Crayon.

" We just don't want people to be hurt or robbed "

" Well, we have already taken so many gifts " said Blackin.

" Our members stole so much on my behalf to make Blackina have a lot of gifts "

" Blackin having a lot stolen for me shows how much he loves me " said Blackina.

" It's how he shows the love "

" Well, she does have a lot but having all these people hurt is not good " said Challenger.

" You really think any of our members actually give a shit " said Blackina.

" Not to mention either of us "

" I am marrying Blackin, not them "

" I love Blackin "

" Blackina is so beautiful, her body is so beautiful " said Blackin.

" She is amazing "

" I hope that you understand that we are not going to stop you two from getting married " said Challenger.

" Our organization will be there " said Blackin.

" Tons of members and lots of great food and drinks for them to enjoy " said Blackina.

" Well, if you were to dare to do that, we would have to kill all of you " said Blackin.

" Nobody can love as much as me or Blackina "

" It is not possible and it never will be "

" I look forward to my quarterfinals opponent "

" Colour Dictator is facing Blackina and I am facing Queen Starling " said Colourea.

" Colour Dictator is not strong enough to beat Blackina " said Blackin.

" I will win easily " said Blackina.

" Blackin has such a strong desire for me which is awesome "

" Well enjoy my victory tomorrow, maybe Colourea will win against the queen "

" We have things to do that we must be alone so see you all later " said Blackin.

" What we are doing, we cannot say but that is for us to know "

" Nobody else at all "

" I see " said Challenger.

Blackin and Blackina left.

Crayon and his friends were talking.

" Well, that was something " said Colouruke.

" It really was " said Colourea.

" Baking is necessary " said Artby.

" I love baking "

" Baking ? " asked Crayon.

" Yes, a lack of baking cannot happen since it is not good " said Artby.

" I believe a lack of bread is causing something "

" I really don't understand " said Challenger.

" I believe that it is a serious problem " said Artby.

" Baking can save a lot of people "

" Bakers are heroes, we cannot have a lack of bread "

" What happens when there is one ? " asked Crayon.

" Disastrous things happen, less happiness " said Artby.

" With bakers ? " asked Colouruke.

" No, everyone is sadder " said Artby.

" I cannot let the sadness happen, baking prevents it "

" Bread has ended people being sad before "

" Bread does so much "

" Uh, okay " said Colourea.

" Well, we should head to our respective rooms " said Challenger.

They headed to their respective rooms, Warbler and Allie were talking.

" I am not feeling sure about Colour Dictator " said Warbler.

" Same here " said Allie.

" This partnership could be very dangerous " said Warbler.

" These wars have gone so far, but the king has wanted it "

" Yeah, we would need to sneak away from him " said Allie.

" That is something we would have to do "

" That will be very difficult " said Warbler.

" Yeah " said Allie.

" We will have to figure something out " said Warbler.

" I love you " said Allie.

" Same here " said Warbler.

" I am so happy with you "

" Same here " said Allie.

Warbler and Allie were kissing each other and they headed to bed later on.

Crayon and Colourea were talking.

" I am ready for tomorrow " said Colourea.

" You will join me and Challenger in the quarterfinals " said Crayon.

" The queen will be tough, but I can win " said Colourea.

" That's for sure " said Crayon.

" I love you "

" Me too " said Colourea.

Colourea and Crayon were kissing each other and they went to bed.

Meanwhile King Bobby was talking to Queen Starling.

" You are fighting Colourea, a fight that you will easily win " said King Bobby.

" She is dating Crayon "

" I wish that she would not but it is not up to us to decide that " said Queen Starling.

" I believe that every friend of Crayon is influencing Warbler poorly but Crayon is more responsible " said King Bobby.

" That makes perfect sense " said Queen Starling.

" Yes, Crayon's elimination is necessary for the sake of Warbler " said King Bobby.

" I have done so much for Warbler, this cannot continue "

" Bird's Isle loves Warbler, I will protect his relationship with Allie against anything "

Everyone went to bed.

Morning came, and everyone got ready and headed downstairs.