Chapter 2 - Two

Chapter 2

Xax vs Challenger

Bear members were then talking with each other.

" End Challenger " said Easeion.

" He must lose "

" Yeah, I will absolutely embarrass him " said Xax.

" Good, we need his elimination " said Whites.

" My love for Blackina is too strong for me not to win this " said Blackin.

" I need him out of the way "

" Yes, our love is connected in such a strong way " said Blackina.

" We love each other too much for Challenger to win this tournament "

" That's for sure " said Blackin.

" I will not let you down " said Xax.

" If Challenger begs for mercy, just laugh at him " said Easeion.

" Yeah, or just say whatever "

" I will not give him mercy " said Xax.

" Blackin's marriage is counting on me not doing so, Blackin must get his way "

" Yes, I must win this tournament " said Blackin.

" I will marry Blackina as soon as this tournament is over "

" I will love being with you forever " said Blackina.

" I am glad to see that " said Blackin.

" We are going to enjoy seeing Challenger eliminated, I will enjoy hurting him " said Xax.

" I will boo him " said Easeion.

" Good " said Xax.

" We need people knowing our displeasure " said Easeion.

" People must know "

" That is true " said Whites.

" Yes, but it is also to mess with him " said Xax.

" Messing with him is a good idea "

" Challenger has gotten in our way enough times " said Whites.

" My cousin must have a perfect wedding "

" A guy like Challenger just ruins it "

" He most certainly does " said Easeion.

" That is true " said Blackin.

" I will take him down " said Xax.

" Good " said Blackin.

" We need this "

" Xax will do it " said Blackina.

Meanwhile Colour King was with Colour Queen and Colour Dictator.

" Challenger is fighting next " said Colour King.

" I hope he crashes and burns " said Colour Dictator.

" He has been so bad for Colourland "

" He is less Colourlandish than I am " said Colour King.

" We are all more Colourlandish than him, the people love us " said Colour Queen.

" Colourlandish people have felt less Colourlandish with Challenger, that is not acceptable "

" We must be Colourlandish " said Colour King.

" I will enjoy his defeat "

" His defeat is victory to Colourlandish people "

" Yes, everyone in Colourland is watching " said Colour Dictator.

" He has been a jorke to Colourland and treated Colourlandish people like they are not more important than other countries "

" I have gotten very sick of it "

" Same here " said Colour Queen.

" If Xax were to fail, we still have you two and King Bobby to take him down " said Colour King.

" Yes " said King Bobby.

" I do hope that Xax can do this " said Colour Queen.

" I hope so "

" If not I will take him down next round " said Colour King.

" Crayon must be dealt with as well "

" Hopefully me or King Bobby face off against him " said Colour Queen.

" Yes, either of you would beat him " said Colour King.

Meanwhile Crayon and his friends were talking.

" Challenger will take down Xax " said Artby.

" He will, unfortunately I lost to Colour King " said Colouruke.

" It is sad to see but Xax is not winning " said Crayon.

" I wonder who I will fight "

" Maybe Easeion " said Colourea.

" That would be good for Crayon " said Artby.

" Crayon can beat him "

" It could be Colour Dictator also "

" That is true " said Crayon.

" Bakers have done so much for us " said Artby.

" Baking will make our fights victories "

" We will fight hard " said Colourea.

" That is for sure " said Crayon.

" Good to see " said Challenger.

" I have a fight soon "

" We will be there to watch the fight " said Crayon.

" For sure " said Colourea.

" Bakers would love this " said Artby.

" Bakers want us to watch their customers fight "

Time continued passing and it was fifteen minutes away from the fight between Xax and Challenger who were talking with each other.

" There will be no mercy " said Xax.

" Us Bear members will make sure Blackin gets his prize money "

" The wedding means too much "

" I will fight hard regardless of that " said Challenger.

" There is a lot at stake here "

" Yes, that is why I will make you look very foolish " said Xax.

" My ability has gotten so good "

" I have gotten a lot stronger " said Challenger.

" My victory is important to the love life of Blackin " said Xax.

" I know of what Colour King and King Bobby are planning " said Challenger.

" At first, I thought it was a just a fighting tournament but it appears I was wrong "

" Those two have some dangerous plans "

" They want a partnership "

" Yes, they do " said Xax.

" They want you out of the way, they are willing to do what is necessary "

" I will do what I can "

" The thing I don't get is how this will help the Bear " said Challenger.

" I don't see them continuing to support the organization "

" You are our main enemy " said Xax.

" Colour King is not as fond of the Bear as you might think " said Challenger.

" He talks about crime a lot "

" His opinion has changed " said Xax.

" What happened in the past was different but now things are different "

" We will do what is necessary to crush you "

" Our organization knows about the love Blackin has for Blackina and how strong it is "

" Blackin has been such a good lover to Blackina, we cannot have anything go against that "

" Blackin always loves Blackina "

" I am aware of their relationship but I must win my fights to defeat Colour King and King Bobby " said Challenger.

" Then prepare to face destruction " said Xax.

" Hahahahahaha "

Fighters in the stands were talking.

" Xax is the man " said Easeion.

" He will do the same to Challenger as I will do to Crayon "

" Xax is great "

" Yes, he sure will " said Whites.

" My cousin loves Blackina so much, this wedding means too much for our members to lose "

" Their love is so strong "

" Crayon and Challenger cannot get in the way of love so strong "

" Challenger must lose for the good of Colourland " said Colour King.

" Challenger has been a disgrace " said Colour Queen.

" He is less Colourlandish than I am " said Colour King.

" That is for sure " said Colour Dictator.

" Xax winning is good for Colourland "

" It sure is " said Colour Queen.

" Xax will win " said Blackina.

The fight then started, Easeion was booing Challenger while screaming " Go Xax Go "

Xax and Challenger aimed kicks at each other which hit.

They then aimed punches at each other which successfully landed.

Xax then started charging up the Tenfold Bird Strike while Challenger started charging up the Tenfold Heatwave Strike, the strikes hit their targets.

Xax then started charging up the Tenfold Bear Strike while Challenger started charging up the Tenfold Electrocution Strike, the strikes collided and they both took damage.

Xax then started charging up the Ultimate Bird Bomb while Challenger started charging up the Ultimate Electrocution Bomb, the bombs collided with each other and they both fell to the ground.

Xax then started charging up the Ultimate Bird Blast while Challenger started charging up the Ultimate Electrocution Blast, the blasts then hit their targets.

Xax then started charging up the Ultimate Bear Blast while Challenger started charging up the Ultimate Heatwave Blast, the blasts struck their targets and they took damage.

Xax then rushed Challenger with his Ultimate Bear Barrage while Challenger used his Ultimate Electrocution Barrage, the attacks hit their opponents directly.

" You seem stronger " said Xax.

" I must win for the organization "

" Blackin must have the perfect marriage, he has been a great lover to Blackina "

" Regardless if he has or not, I will fight to defeat Colour King " said Challenger.

" You are not dominating me " said Xax.

" You are not going to stop him "

" Hahahahahahaha "

The fight continued.

Xax then started charging up the Bird Implosion while Challenger started charging the Heatwave Implosion, the implosions hit their targets.

Xax then started charging up for the Bear Implosion while Challenger started charging up the Electrocution Implosion, they both took damage from the attacks hitting.

Xax then started rushing Challenger with the Ultimate Bear Barrage while Challenger used the Tenfold Heatwave Strike, the attacks struck each other and they fell down to the ground.

" Hahahaha " said Xax.

" My power is getting to you "

" I have a lot more fight in me " said Challenger.

" I will be the judge of that " said Xax.

" Blackin's marriage means too much, I am winning "

" He has loved Blackina so much, our organization is happy to see that kind of love "

" It is great love "

" Regardless of that, I will fight hard and win " said Challenger.

" We will see " said Xax.

Fighters in the stands were talking.

" Xax has this in the bag " said Easeion.

" Challenger will beg for mercy and Xax will simply not care "

" I wouldn't care either " said Whites.

" Same here " said Blackina.

" That would not help the Bear in any way "

" My love for Blackina is simply too strong " said Blackin.

" Challenger is overwhelmed by it "

" Not to mention my power "

" He will lose " said Colour King.

" I will be happy to see that, Colourland needs his loss "

" Colourlandish people will be happy to see him go down " said Colour Queen.

" Not to mention people from Bird's Isle as well " said King Bobby.

" Yes, they are rooting for Xax " said Blackburnian.

The fight continued.

Xax then started charging up the Bird Implosion while Challenger then started charging up the Electrocution Implosion, the implosions hit their targets directly.

Xax then started charging up the Bear Implosion while Challenger then started charging up the Heatwave Implosion, they were both hit hard by the implosions.

Xax then started charging up the Ultimate Bear Bomb while Challenger started charging up the Ultimate Heatwave Bomb, the bombs then collided and they both were damaged.

Xax then started charging up the Ultimate Bear Blast while Challenger started charging up the Ultimate Heatwave Blast, the blasts hit their respective targets.

Fighters were talking again.

" My love for Blackina is so important " said Blackin.

" People will see a love that is so strong at the wedding "

" They sure will, Xax will get people out of the way " said Easeion.

" I expect Crayon and Challenger to face a terrible fate "

" They will be miserable as it gets when this happens, hahahaha "

" I will enjoy it "

" I will as well " said Whites.

" Yes, their misery will be truly awesome " said Easeion.

" The Bear will truly enjoy it "

" How could we not " said Blackina.

The fight continued.

Xax then started charging up his Ultimate Bear Bomb while Challenger started charging up his Ultimate Heatwave Blast, the attacks hit each other and they both took damage.

Xax then started charging up his Ultimate Bear Blast while Challenger started charging up his Ultimate Heatwave Bomb, the attacks then hit their targets directly.

Xax then got up and he punched Challenger, he was laughing.

" I got you good, Challenger " said Xax.

" It feels so good "

" I still have more " said Challenger.

" Not as much as you think " said Xax.

" I will make sure Blackin gets what he needs "

" He has been a great lover to Blackina "

" He loves Blackina a lot, he knows how to be such a great lover "

" A great lover ? " asked Challenger.

" He has, he has done things for her than others have not done " said Xax.

" He has loved Blackina so much "

" His feelings for Blackina are so strong "

" What things would those be ? " asked Challenger.

" He has understood the body she has " said Xax.

" He has said nice things about the body, he has stolen so much for her "

" Blackina feels so happy around Blackin "

" I will fight for that here "

" I will not allow you to win "

Fighters in the audience were talking.

" Challenger is looking good " said Artby.

" Bread does so much "

" Bakers love the man "

" Well, he has went with us to get bread a lot " said Colouruke.

" Bakers have used baking to understand us better " said Artby.

" By understanding our mouths with their baking, they understand people more "

" Well, they understand what tastes good to people " said Colourea.

" That is true " said Artby.

" They have baked so much, I feel truly happy to see that "

" Challenger is understood by bakers "

" Regardless of that, Challenger will go down " said Easeion.

The fight then continued.

Xax then started charging up his Ultimate Bird Blast while Challenger started charging up his Ultimate Electrocution Blast, the blasts hit their targets down to the ground.

Xax then got up but Challenger then punched him.

Challenger then started charging up his Ultimate Heatwave Blast while Xax started charging up his Ultimare Bird Blast, the blasts then collided with each other and they were both hit to the ground.

Challenger then fired off the Heatwave Implosion while Xax fired off his Bird Implosion, the implosions hit their targets directly and they both fell to the ground.

Challenger then rushed Xax with the Tenfold Electrocution Strike while Xax then used the Tenfold Bear Strike to counter, they were both damaged.

Xax was slightly struggling but he could get up, fighters were talking.

" Challenger is advancing " said Crayon.

" He is getting closer to taking down Colour King "

" I cannot wait for my fight "

" It will be a fun match " said Colourea.

" Bakers want us to root you on, so we will " said Artby.

" Bakers love Crayon "

" Uh, yeah " said Colouruke.

" Baking has done so much for us in the tournament, my purchases must continue for our sake " said Artby.

" Purchasing bread has to happen "

" Fighting is improved "

" Well, we can go after this fight " said Colouruke.

" Yes, Challenger will win and be with us at the bakery " said Artby.

When I dream about bakers, they can bake better "

" Baking does so much, dreaming is something that must happen "

Xax and Challenger were talking.

" I am not done " said Xax.

" Blackin is a man who means too much "

" His love for Blackina is so strong, his wedding will happen and you will be thrown out of the way "

" I don't see that " said Challenger.

" You will see it " said Xax.

" The Bear is a great organization full of amazing members who understand the love Blackin has for Blackina "

" Blackin is too good a lover to Blackina to go down, I know he will not "

" He loves Blackina, you must remember this "

" Well, we should continue the fight " said Challenger.

" Yes, Blackin and Blackina would want us to do so " said Xax.

Challenger started charging up his Tenfold Electrocution Strike while Xax started charging up his Tenfold Bird Strike, the strikes hit their targets.

Challenger started charging up his Heatwave Implosion while Xax started charging up his Bird Implosion, the implosions hit their opponents directly and knocked them down to the ground.

Xax was getting near the end, fighters were talking.

" Xax has too much skill for him to lose like this " said Easeion.

" He will fight and win "

" He cannot end up losing "

" I do hope so " said Whites.

" We cannot have Bear members eliminated in the tournament "

" Challenger must be defeated " said Blackin.

" He is in my way for the wedding, he must fucking fall "

" Blackin has shown amazing love for me, Challenger's destruction is necessary for this super wedding " said Blackina.

" Challenger has been a joke to Colourland " said Colour Dictator.

" He has made people angrier "

" He has " said Colour King.

" He is not what Colourland needs "

" My opinion must return, the people love it "

" They sure do " said Colour Queen.

" They feel more Colourlandish when they see it "

" Challenger is not supporting the partnership, Bird's Isle needs the partnership to be brought back " said King Bobby.

" It is truly necessary " said Blackburnian.

" My brother Warbler deserves the best "

" He is a great guy, Bird's Isle must have the partnership due to this "

" That is the truth " said Queen Starling.

" Warbler cannot be around Crayon, Crayon has failed him "

" Yes, Crayon has let him down " said Blackburnian.

" Yeah, he has " said King Bobby.

" Warbler is such a great guy, everyone sees this and knows that Crayon cannot get in the way of what him and Allie are doing "

Xax and Challenger were talking.

" I have not lost, my buddy Easeion is watching this " said Xax.

" He is a great guy, I will still win "

" I cannot give this fight up "

" Easeion has done so much good "

" What would that be ? " asked Challenger.

" He has been the villain that Alice has needed " said Xax.

" She says lots good about him "

" She cares for him and is happy "

" That's nice, but he tried to kill Crayon and his friends " said Challenger.

" They wronged him " said Xax.

" They refused to let him do what he needed to do "

" Easeion must get his way "

" Getting his way means so much to him "

" Attacking Colourlandish people ? " asked Challenger.

" They had it coming " said Xax.

" They deserved it "

" Easeion knows about the type of villainess Alice is, he truly respects the villainesses of the organization which is awesome "

" He knows what they do for the Bear "

" Crayon has gotten in the way too much, we will never support that "

" Well, I am going to win this fight regardless of what Easeion has done for villainesses or claims to have done " said Challenger.

" He has done so much good " said Xax.

" You will fall down on the ground, let's continue our fight "

Xax started charging up the Bear Implosion while Challenger started charging up the Electrocution Implosion, the implosions hit their targets directly.

Challenger had won the fight but he was slightly struggling and an announcement had came on.

" The fight is over "

" Challenger has joined Colour King in the quarterfinals, that is all the fights for today "

" Warbler faces King Bobby tomorrow for the first fight "

" Enjoy the rest of the day "