Chapter 4 - Four

Chapter 4

King Bobby vs Warbler

Everyone got up and got ready and headed downstairs. Fighters were talking.

" Warbler, your potential is great and you will get to show it " said King Bobby.

" I have gotten a lot stronger " said Warbler.

" I am glad to see you fight " said Blackburnian.

" Fighting the king is going to be brutal "

" His ability is insanely strong "

" He has done so much for your love life just like me "

" Yes, he has done a lot "

" I will give it everything I have " said Warbler.

" To Bird's Isle, your love life is important " said King Bobby.

" We know how you love Allie "

" King Bobby is right " said Queen Starling.

" I am proud of Warbler "

" He has loved Allie so well, Bird's Isle wants Warbler to kiss her " said King Bobby.

" Not to mention the advisors "

" Yes, the advisors do want that " said Blackburnian.

" Bird's Isle ? " asked Crayon.

" The dating site that me and Blackburnian created, it has done wonders for Bird's Isle " said King Bobby.

" I have changed so much sexually "

" People feel they can have sex with people who love the king "

" That is the better way "

" It is " said Blackburnian.

" This site is so great "

" Indeed " said Queen Starling.

" Uh, what " said Challenger.

" Challenger, people have been with people who love the king instead of people who do not " said King Bobby.

" That is better for Bird's Isle "

" It most certainly is " said Blackburnian.

" But what does dating and supporting the king have to do with each other, I just do not see it " said Challenger.

" When people are with people that support the king it is better because supporting the king is good for Bird's Isle " said King Bobby.

" That is very true " said Blackburnian.

" My brother and the king fighting will be a fight we can all enjoy "

" That is so true " said Queen Starling.

" Warbler has improved but King Bobby is a true force to be reckoned with " said Colour King.

" King Bobby and me will be the last two standing most likely "

" We are two great leaders "

" King Bobby has been a leader that is great " said Colour Dictator.

" Unlike Challenger "

" Challenger has not put the people of Colourland ahead of countries that Colourlandish people do not care about " said Colour Queen.

" Yes, he has done that " said Colour King.

" Well, we need Colour King leading the country or this will continue and never change " said Colour Dictator.

" Colour King and King Bobby plan to make Colourland and Bird's Isle as good as possible "

" These wars will improve the country, attacking Numeria is not the best idea "

" Numerians can fight, these islanders cannot "

" The leader of Numeria is a man named Vasco " said King Bobby.

" I have heard about him " said Colour King.

" These islands we are invading should not be around Numeria " said Blackburnian.

" We know of his strength "

" Yes, his power is very strong " said Queen Starling.

" How strong ? " asked Colouruke.

" Similar to Challenger, I would say " said Colour King.

" Perhaps stronger "

" What ? " said Easeion.

" That is why we are not invading Numeria " said King Bobby.

" Yeah, that would be a good idea " said Colour Dictator.

" We will split the resources when the war ends " said Colour Queen.

" We will take everything and we will base it on which country has less in the particular resource that we feel is needed "

" Yeah, that would be the best idea, but we have to keep in mind that Challenger must be out of the way first " said Colour Dictator.

" He has went on about these islands not being threats, which is why we are doing this "

" It will be easy resources for us to get " said Colour Queen.

" Challenger just complains about these wars, even though he is not fighting " said Colour King.

" People will die in a war that is not against a threat to Colourland, if King Bobby wants to attack that is his choice but I will not support these wars " said Challenger.

" These wars hurt bakers " said Artby.

" There will be less bread on these islands, therefore bakers will not have work "

" Bakers ? " asked Queen Starling.

" You really think that is what we are concerned about here ? "

" Artby does " said Blackburnian.

" Baking must happen, when there is a lack of baking it is terrible " said Artby.

" Many of these faraway places I do not buy bread from because I am not there to make my great purchases "

" If people are left with nothing, they cannot buy bread "

" If people do not buy bread, that will be awful to bakeries "

" Then there is less bread "

" Well, this war will not be good " said Colourea.

" I do believe that it will not " said Colouruke.

" King Bobby can do what he likes, but none of my friends or myself are fighting for what you all want " said Crayon.

" If warriors die, then it will be on him "

" They will not die, the warriors will live " said King Bobby.

" I have so much confidence in them, they want to fight "

" If they do not fight, they will not feel good about being a warrior "

" I will fight " said Blackburnian.

" I know that with our strongest advisors fighting alongside Colour King's officials we cannot lose "

" Our combined attacks are too strong for these islanders "

" Warriors are fighting with us "

" It will truly be glorious, a great war " said King Bobby.

" The warriors will love this war "

" There is no chance they will not "

" They want war "

Everyone then started to eat their breakfast which they enjoyed.

Time passed, Easeion was talking with Whites.

" This will be a great fight " said Easeion.

" I do believe King Bobby is stronger, he has the same dislike of Crayon that I have "

" Well, that is true " said Whites.

" He does not believe that Crayon has influenced Warbler well "

" I cannot blame the king for that " said Easeion.

" It seems that Crayon has pissed a lot of people off "

" I am glad about this "

" People are showing the dislike for Crayon "

" Well, that appears to be the case " said Whites.

" I think my cousin fights in the second match of the day "

" He will crush it " said Easeion.

" With his power and his love for Blackina combined, he cannot be stopped "

" Blackin knows he loves Blackina so much and nobody will get in his way "

" I will be a great best man to him " said Whites.

" It will be an amazing wedding "

" It will be one and no Bear members will forget " said Easeion.

" True " said Whites.

More time continued passing and it became about seven minutes to the fight between King Bobby and Warbler.

They were talking.

" I want you to truly show me your potential and your ability " said King Bobby.

" There is a lot at stake here "

" I will give it my all " said Warbler.

" My ability has gotten a lot stronger "

" I know how to fight "

" That will come in very useful for what comes next in the future " said King Bobby.

" You do know about the war ? "

" I do know about the islands that could be invaded " said Warbler.

" I have heard things "

" Yes, we will narrow it down to one island " said King Bobby.

" We will get help from Colour King's officials "

" There will be a decision on who will not fight but we expect that you and your brother will fight most likely "

" I see " said Warbler.

" I know you will be prepared for the war, but you see the strongest wind abilities coming right for you " said King Bobby.

" I will give it everything I have " said Warbler.

" Good " said King Bobby.

" We need that to happen "

Fighters were talking.

" My brother and the king are fighting, man this is insane " said Blackburnian.

" It will be tough to see one of them eliminated and I believe that both of them are capable of advancing "

" That is very true " said Queen Starling.

" Yeah, we need to get Crayon out of the way " said Blackburnian.

" My brother cannot be around a man like him "

" Yes " said Easeion.

" When I fight him, I will give no mercy at all "

" I will laugh in his face when he does that and he will do nothing about it hahahahahaha "

" No mercy for Crayon " yelled Blackburnian.

" Yeah, that's the spirit " said Easeion.

" Crayon will go down "

" He is one lucky motherfucker, I want him to be a sad one "

" I will make him break down and I will encourage people to not care, to laugh or to be smiling "

" People will not show sympathy to Crayon when I am around "

" No Bear members will have sympathy for Crayon " said Blackin.

" Yes, my cousin would hate that " said Whites.

" That is true " said Blackina.

" Crayon must be out of the way "

The fight then started.

King Bobby then rushed Warbler with a kick while Warbler rushed the king with a punch, the attacks landed.

Warbler started charging up the Tenfold Bird Strike while King Bobby started charging up the Ultimate Bird Barrage and the attacks hit their opponents directly.

Warbler then started charging up the Ultimate Bird Blast while King Bobby used his own to counter, the blasts hit their targets.

Warbler started charging up the Ultimate Bird Bomb while King Bobby started charging up his own, the bombs then hit each other and they both fell down.

Warbler started rushing King Bobby with his Ultimate Bird Barrage while King Bobby used his own to counter, they both were damaged.

Warbler started charging up the Tenfold Bird Strike while King Bobby used his own, the strikes hit their targets.

Fighters were talking.

" There is a lot of intensity " said Colour Dictator.

" Warbler is really giving the king a fight "

" He really is " said Colour King.

" My brother is highly skilled " said Blackburnian.

" His potential will never end "

" He will help in the war "

" That is for sure, these resources will be no problem to get " said Colour Dictator.

" That will be great for the partnership "

" It sure will " said Blackburnian.

" The partnership will get stronger and stronger " said Colour King.

" That is a guarantee " said Queen Starling.

The fight continued.

King Bobby started charging up the Bird Implosion while Warbler used his own, both implosions then hit their targets down to the ground.

King Bobby started charging up the Ultimate Bird Blast while Warbler started charging up the Ultimate Bird Bomb, the attacks collided and they both took damage.

King Bobby started charging up the Ultimate Bird Bomb while Warbler started charging up the Ultimate Bird Blast, the attacks then hit their respective targets.

King Bobby got up first and he punched Warbler.

Warbler then got up and aimed a punch but King Bobby grabbed his hand and knocked him down to the ground.

King Bobby then started charging bits of energy into his hands and he aimed two punches while Warbler aimed a kick to defend but the punches were too strong.

" Warbler, I admit you have shown skill here " said King Bobby.

" I have gotten a lot stronger " said Warbler.

" My fighting has changed "

" Yes, that is good but my abilities have shown to be extremely good " said King Bobby.

" After this tournament a decision about the wars will be made "

" Crayon and his friends are very opposed to the wars " said Warbler.

" They have made their mind up about them "

" They will head back to Colourland while you and Allie join us to Bird's Isle " said King Bobby.

" It will not matter to us "

" You will never see them again unless another of these tournaments happen "

" They will stay away "

" Well, we should continue this great fight "

" Yes, let's do that " said Warbler.

" Good " said King Bobby.

King Bobby started charging up his Bird Implosion while Warbler started charging up his Ultimate Bird Blast, the attacks then hit each other and they both took damage.

King Bobby started charging up his Ultimate Bird Blast while Warbler started charging up his Bird Implosion, the attacks hit their respective targets.

King Bobby then started to charge the Ultimate Bird Bomb while Warbler did the same, the bombs collided and they both fell to the ground.

King Bobby then started rushing Warbler with the Tenfold Bird Strike while Warbler then started charging up for the Ultimate Bird Blast, the attacks then collided with each other and the two of them fell to the ground.

Fighters were talking.

" The king has looked very strong " said Blackburnian.

" He will be great to have in a partnership with me " said Colour King.

" He sure will " said Queen Starling.

" He has been wonderful for Bird's Isle "

" That is very true " said Colour Dictator.

" These wars are vital to our respective countries "

" The resources are there, we just need to get them "

" No matter what Challenger says, he really does not care about Colourland at all "

" King Bobby has been very disappointed in him " said Queen Starling.

" He has been disastrous "

" The partnership will end all of that "

" That is very true " said Blackburnian.

" My brother and king have a lot of respect for each other "

" My brother deserves the best in his life, not Crayon "

" I will take down Crayon " said Easeion.

" I will get him out of the way "

" Good " said Colour King.

" He is a fake hero "

" Colourlandish people see right through him "

" Yes, they do " said Colour Dictator.

The fight continued.

King Bobby started charging up his Ultimate Bird Bomb while Warbler used his Ultimate Bird Barrage, the attacks hit their targets.

King Bobby then started charging up his Ultimate Bird Blast while Warbler used the Tenfold Bird Strike, the attacks collided and they were both damaged.

Warbler was slightly struggling.

" I will not give up " said Warbler.

I have fought way too hard for that to happen "

" I will give more "

" The potential is there, but I will win this fight " said King Bobby.

" I am glad to see such power, it will do a lot in the war "

" War needs the power "

" I'll keep fighting " said Warbler.

" Good " said King Bobby.

" Your brother is very proud, it is a shame that you will likely not make the quarterfinals since I believe that Colourea and Easeion are weaker than you are "

" Not to mention, I am not sure about Crayon to be honest "

" I don't see him winning this tournament at all "

" I cannot see it "

" I will continue this battle " said Warbler.

" That sounds like a plan to me " said King Bobby.

" Let's go "

King Bobby then started charging up his Tenfold Bird Strike while Warbler used his own, the attacks collided and they both fell to the ground.

King Bobby got up first and he started charging up the Ultimate Bird Bomb while Warbler used his own and the attacks hit each other.

They were both knocked down to the ground, Warbler was getting near the end.

Fighters were talking.

" King Bobby has done it " said Colour King.

" He will have to deal with Challenger " said Crayon.

" He will be able to win " said Colour King.

" That is very true, Crayon " said Easeion.

" I have people to make sad, hahahahahaha "

" Not sure what that has to do with Challenger fighting Colour King ? " asked Crayon.

" That I will be the one to take him down, preventing that from being necessary " said Easeion.

" I have so much talent, when he begs for mercy I will just ignore the begging and pretend he is not there "

" Yeah okay " said Crayon.

" Challenger will tremble before a great fighter such as myself " said Easeion.

" He will see a new fear, a trembling fear shaking through him "

" That is just how talented and skilled I am "

" I am so talented "

" Well, I wish you luck with doing that " said Colour King.

" We need him out of the way because he is terrible for Colourland "

" These wars must happen for our country's progress "

" Well, yes " said Colour Dictator.

" Easeion does not like any of Crayon or his friends "

" He has his reasons " said Whites.

" He knows about the wedding that my cousin is having "

" Yes, every Bear member will be there " said Easeion.

" All of us will enjoy the moment "

" Well, Crayon and his friends do not want their happiness " said Colour Dictator.

" Oh, and you do ? " asked Colouruke.

" Well, we do " said Colour Dictator.

" It is pretty funny that you are asking that, since you were one of the people fighting against the Bear organization "

" They were planning to take over Colourland, the place that you are all so proud to be from " said Crayon.

" I am proud to be Colourlandish but to side with an organization that has attempted to take over and has robbed so many people who are Colourlandish is really something else "

" I just don't see it "

" We had to go against all of you despite your defeat of them " said Colour Dictator.

" You refused to support Colour King, had you supported him none of this would happen "

" The Bear saw an opportunity, they have promised to not steal from Colourland's main areas "

" They will not do that "

" I don't trust that, but it is up to you to decide " said Artby.

" Bakers would never trust that "

" Baking means too much to the customers to trust the Bear "

" This is not about bakers " said Colour King.

" Bakers are not who decides what happens with the Bear or not "

" We know of none of you supporting our wars but you keep trying to stop our wars "

" The Bear are willing to work with us, we do not care about how much you oppose the idea "

" Yes, there is no stopping this " said Blackburnian.

" Bakers want us to do so " said Artby.

" It doesn't matter what they want " said Queen Starling.

" True, it doesn't " said Blackburnian.

Warbler and King Bobby were talking.

" Warbler, your potential has went so high " said King Bobby.

" It makes me sad to see your elimination but this is the only way to move on "

I will use the last of my energy " said Warbler.

" Good to see " said King Bobby.

" Now, you will truly see my true power "

" Let's go "

King Bobby and Warbler then charged their Bird Implosions with lots of power and the attacks collided and hit their opponents and Warbler was defeated.

An announcement then came on.

" King Bobby has won his fight "

" He has now advanced to the quarterfinals "

" The next fight is Easeion against Crayon "

" The fight will be in 2 hours and 30 minutes from now "

" Enjoy the fighting and the rest of the day "