Chapter 3 - Three

Chapter 3

Easeion is Fuming

Fighters were talking.

" Well, that was unfortunate " said Colour King.

" I wanted Challenger gone but Xax was not up to the talent that Challenger showed "

" It is a shame " said Colour Queen.

" Yeah, that was not good " said Colour Dictator.

" Now one of us must take down Challenger "

" We must stay strong and stop him " said Colour Queen.

" He will fall down " said King Bobby.

" My fight will be a great fight "

" I know so "

" Warbler has grown, but for him to face the king is too much " said Blackburnian.

" He could have defeated Colourea "

" Also Colouruke "

" That is for sure " said Queen Starling.

" Warbler deserves the best, the king gets that "

" Unfortunately, Crayon never did " said King Bobby.

" He has failed Warbler, when Warbler is failed then it is bad for Bird's Isle "

" I am a great king, so this will not stand "

" I know of how much a great guy Warbler is "

" Yes, it will not " said Queen Starling.

" We all recognize how great a guy Warbler is "

" Allie does as well " said King Bobby.

Meanwhile Easeion, Whites, Blackin and Blackina were talking.

" My buddy Xax lost " said Easeion.

" I am really pissed that he lost "

" I must make sure that I make things right "

" Crayon will be taken down "

" My siblings need him losing the fight "

" Bill and Tara must have this happen "

" They must see me win "

" You will beat Crayon " said Whites.

" We loved Xax, it is truly unfortunate "

" But Blackin's marriage to Blackina is still happening for sure "

" I have been the lover that Blackina needs " said Blackin.

" I have loved her so much, I will win this tournament for her "

" There is no way I let her down "

" Thanks " said Blackina.

" We have kissed each other so much now "

" That is very true " said Whites.

" I can tell for sure "

" Crayon will crash, I will guarantee it " said Easeion.

" Xax is such a good guy, he has done a lot "

" I know I am fighting for him "

" There is no way I would let him down "

" Yes, that is true " said Blackina.

" I will get my revenge on every friend of Crayon, they will all suffer " said Easeion.

" I will enjoy their suffering, hahahahaha "

" They will suffer like never before "

" Yeah " said Blackin.

" That is true, they will " said Whites.

" Hahahahaha " they all said.

Ten minutes later, Crayon and his friends were talking.

" Glad to have won " said Challenger.

" It truly is great " said Crayon.

" I hope that I can win my fight as well " said Colourea.

" We should head to the bakery " said Artby.

" Our mouths need their baking, just like they need our purchases "

" Our purchases have made bakers so happy which has created even better baking "

" Well, we should go now " said Colouruke.

" Yes, let's go " said Crayon.

" Yeah, I will talk about my dreams " said Artby.

" I have dreamed a lot about bakers "

" It is good for them "

They then headed to the bakery, King Bobby was talking with Queen Starling.\

" I am facing Warbler, this is not good for him " said King Bobby.

" He deserves to make it to the quarterfinals "

" He sure does " said Queen Starling.

" I will get to see what he has learned " said King Bobby.

" His training has gotten very good, his potential is off the charts "

" I am getting closer to making sure he is away from Crayon for good "

" Yeah, Crayon has not been good for him " said Queen Starling.

" I have done so much for him with his training and his meals " said King Bobby.

" I have created a brilliant dating site allowing him to have the love life that he deserves "

" I have changed dating in Bird's Isle "

" Yes, you have changed it for the best " said Queen Starling.

" Dating is so great now " said King Bobby.

" People are with people who support the king "

" I have done so much for dating "

" Bird's Isle needs these changes "

" Yes, these changes are for the best " said Queen Starling.

A few minutes later, Easeion was chatting with Bear members and he was very pissed off.

" I cannot believe this shit " said Easeion.

" Xax's elimination infuriates me so much "

" Xax is great "

" I am stunned " said Bill.

" You must win for him "

" Easeion must " said Tara.

" Xax is such a great guy, he has done so much good for us " said Easeion.

" I will demolish Crayon and Challenger "

" I will take them down "

" Yes, we have faith in you " said Alice.

" I know that I have been there for you "

" I am happy to do so "

" You sure have " said Easeion.

" I know my oldest brother can do this " said Tara.

" For the Smithsons " the three of them said.

" Yeah, I know that will happen " said Easeion.

" My power was too much for Diana "

" Us Smithsons are so strong "

" It sure was " said Tara.

" Has anyone else woken up ? " asked Easeion.

" No " said Alice.

" Flora and Jessica may be close "

" That is what I have heard "

" Good, I am glad you are in my life " said Easeion.

" You have been a great villainess, a one that I have always needed "

" I know what to do now "

" You do for sure " said Alice.

" Crayon must be destroyed " said Bill.

" I am tiring of him " said Easeion.

" I plan to make him sadder than he ever has been before "

" Nobody will be able to say that they can harm him more than me "

" Not a single person, I will guarantee his demise "

" Hahahahahahaha " they all said.

" We will all meet when the tournament is over " said Alice.

" The wedding has more plans that must happen " said Easeion.

" Blackin, Blackina and Whites have a lot to do "

" That makes sense " said Alice.

" All of us will be there "

" That is good " said Easeion.

" I have a fight to win "

" You sure do " said Bill.

" As a Smithson I must win " said Easeion.

" That is true " said Tara.

" You will do it, Easeion " said Bill.

Crayon and his friends arrived at the bakery.

" Glad to see all of you bakers " said Artby.

" I dreamed about bakers "

" About us ? " asked a baker.

" I dreamed about bakers baking, there was a lot of flour in those dreams " said Artby.

" It was great, I truly loved it "

" Well, there is a lot of good bread here " said Colourea.

" There sure is " said Artby.

" Our mouths need it, they need that mouth treatment "

" Uh, okay " said Colourea.

They got their bread and left.

" Man, my love for bakers is so strong " said Artby.

" I have been such a good customer now, it helps bakers "

" Well, they are getting good business " said Challenger.

" They sure are " said Colouruke.

Meanwhile, Warbler was with Allie.

" I am facing the king, that will be brutal " said Warbler.

" It will, good luck " said Allie.

" I love spending this time with you "

" It is great time to be spending " said Warbler.

" I love being around you, Allie "

" Same here " said Allie.

" I am very happy being around you "

" Thanks, Allie " said Warbler.

The two of them embraced and then kissed each other.

Crayon and his friends had arrived in the main area where they saw Colour King.

" Colour King ? " asked Challenger.

" Yes, I am right here " said Colour King.

" We both had fights that were not difficult "

" You will be destroyed for the sake of Colourland "

" I am so Colourlandish, way more than you are "

" We are both Colourlandish, we have both led Colourland " said Challenger.

" Challenger is right, he is just as Colourlandish as you are " said Crayon.

" What a complete lie that is " said Colour King.

" Challenger you have not done enough for the people, I love the people "

" The people love my opinion, they know how right it is "

" When they see an opinion that is so right, they are more Colourlandish "

" I have done that "

" From seeing your opinion ? " asked Colourea.

" Bakers must be involved somehow " said Artby.

" They sell bread, they have nothing to do with what I am talking about " said Colour King.

" Selling bread is one of the bravest things you can do " said Artby.

" It is so brave to sell bread "

" I do not see that " said Colour King.

" I have nothing against baking but I don't see the bravery "

" Baking bread is also extremely brave " said Artby.

" Bakers are true heroes, they truly show what means to be brave "

" My opinion is an opinion that is very important, bakers do make good bread but they are not involved with my opinion " said Colour King.

" Agreeing with me has made people more Colourlandish "

" They know what I believe and what I do for Colourland "

" Yeah, I don't think so " said Crayon.

" Crayon, I am more Colourlandish than you " said Colour King.

" I have done so much for the people "

" They love the laws, I have kept Colourland safer than Challenger "

The people are Colourlandish and we must remember that "

" My law of giving Numerians longer sentences has changed Numerians "

" Changed them ? " asked Artby.

" Numerians love baking "

" Numerians eat bread, they love bread "

" Regardless of that or not, I changed Numerians which Challenger never did " said Colour King.

" That is why I must be the leader of Colourland again, King Bobby and me have perfect unity "

" King Bobby has done good for Bird's Isle, did Challenger ever see that ? "

" Good ? " asked Crayon confused.

" Crayon, you are very mistaken to believe that " said Colour King.

" King Bobby claimed Numerians want Colourea when there was no proof " said Colouruke.

" Well now, we have changed our minds from invading Numeria " said Colour King.

" Things have changed with me and King Bobby, it happens "

" We are great leaders "

" The fact is that none of you are as Colourlandish as me and it looks like it will stay that way "

" I would you all to be more Colourlandish but you have not shown me that will happen "

" I will head back to Colour Queen and I will win this tournament "

" You will be seeing me soon "

Colour King left and headed back to Colour Queen.

Crayon and his friends were talking.

" Well, he really is too much " said Challenger.

" He should go to the bakery " said Artby.

" Bakery ? " asked Colouruke.

" Bakers will make him happier " said Artby.

" Baking makes us so happy, they do so much for the world "

" The problem is that Colour King will force us into wars that are bad wars regardless of bread " said Challenger.

" He must be stopped "

" These wars will hurt baking " said Artby.

" I bet these islands have some great bakeries "

" Bread is always necessary "

" Well, we need to stop these wars " said Challenger.

" Both King Bobby and Colour King will make sure that they happen, they must be stopped "

Time passed, Crayon and his friends enjoyed their supper.

Meanwhile Blackin was talking with Blackina.

" My love for you is so strong " said Blackin.

" I have this powerhouse love going "

" We sure do " said Blackina.

" We need Crayon to be eliminated "

" Easeion will do that " said Blackin.

" Easeion knows how much I love you "

" He sure does, he will fight for our wedding " said Blackina.

" Our love must be protected " said Blackin.

" Yes, it must " said Blackina.

Blackin and Blackina ended up kissing each other and they embraced.

More time continued passing, Crayon and Colourea were talking about enjoying each other's company.

Challenger and Colouruke were talking about the tournament while Warbler and Allie were talking about the fight with the king again.

Everyone went to bed.